Sunday, October 2, 2022

Yesterday Memories: Dateline, SF. 1990. Tadich: Myles Cameron and Stefanie Powers

A walk through time: It was a clear, cool, crisp night. A Thursday evening, circa 1990, at Tadich.

I'm at the counter devouring a really good filet of soul with the obligatory sourdough bread by my side and a bloody mary beckoning, and who walks in? Celebrated SF celebrity radio character, Myles Cameron. Master raconteur and voice of many radio stations, KSFO, KYA, KGO, just to name a few.

But who does Myles walk in with? The beautiful, gorgeous, Ms. Stefanie Powers, sizzling Hollywood actress! And then some.

Myles and Stef, double trouble! I shout out to Cameron: "boy you're doing well tonight. Just be a gentleman." Massive laughter.

Myles has a way with beautiful women. I wondered aloud, as did the dinner patrons at Tadich: what the hell was Stefanie Powers doing with Mr. Cameron?

"Oh, just playing tour guide and making sure she (Powers) has a good time here," said mild-mannered Mr Cameron, a nod to Robert Wagner, Stef's ex and known Hollywood something--still today.

"Just be nice to her, " I offered more advice but by then, Myles and Countess Powers already shot back 3! gin and tonics.

Watch out SF.

Myles is still cooking today and enjoying the good life in the Marina; Stef Powers too in Lollywood.

Ba-Da Bing Indeed!


  1. Stefanie Powers made her name in Hart to Hart because of Robert Wagner....who many think killed Natalie Wood as you well know.

    To this day many consider Robert a murderer. "Oh, she fell overboard". Even Christopher Walken seems to be changing his tune towards Robert. And Christopher was on the boat that night.

    1. There were only 5 people on that boat, counting Natalie. Walken knows.

      Jonas Felch
      SS Minnow

    2. Stefania Zofya Federkiewicz aka "Stefanie Powers".

  2. Stefanie Powers Va-Va-Va-Voom ! Sage advice to Myles, Rich ! I hope he showed her a wonderful evening. She could sell ice to Eskimos - that smile melts a man’s heart in seconds.
    I think she’s living in Aspen. Perhaps one of your readers can verify.

  3. Off the point maybe, but as great as Tadich Grill's filet of Petrale sole is, for a while it wasn't the best in "The City." Joe's Fish Grotto in the outer Mission, now gone was even better-- left on a couple of minutes longer. Also, Tadich's leaves the skin on the bottom of the filet.

    1. 👍👍 For Joe’s, good memory Nick, thanks for mentioning it.

  4. There’s a great film noir from 1962 that was shot in San Francisco called “experiment in terror.“ It starred Lee Remick, Glenn Ford and a great character actor named Ross Martin. Old TV fans might remember Martin who played Robert Conrad’s side kick in a campy and popular TV show from the 1960s, “The the wild wild West.” Scenes were shot all over the the city in places such as North Beach, Fisherman’s wharf and the climactic scene was filmed during a Giants -Dodgers at Candlestick Park! Martin’s character plays an asthmatic psychopath who terrorizes Ms. Remick, forcing her to steal money from the bank where she works. Remick’s character has a younger sister and they live in a nice house up in the Twin Peaks
    Area. Imagine a bank teller being able to afford to live up there today!? Anyway, Remick’s younger sister was about 18 or 19 when the movie was made and was played by Stephanie Powers. She was quite a beauty even then!

    1. 'Experiment In Terror' is a great SF film from the early '60s. I believe they also filmed some at Washington High. in the Richmond.

    2. And rest assured,its a very good bet john rothmann worked on the movie,knew everyone who worked on it and interviewed everyone,because he knows or is it related to everyone

  5. The Artists Wife (2019) has a 76 year old Stefanie doing full frontal.

  6. Love this! I hear he's now having fun with a gorgeous blonde living on TelegraphHill ❤️
