Sunday, September 18, 2022

The Chronicle Bleeds; Ann Killion Lacks Radio Shows; Overrated Mike Silver; Rothmann's Fixation with SF School Board on KGO; KPIX and KTVU: Inmates Running Asylum; Lisa White, Huh?; Carlos Ramirez Factoid; 'Un-Bagged Baggs' on KNBR: Yawn; Taylor Rooks/Amazon NFL Wonderment; Sunday Schmooze

IF WORD ON THE STREET is accurate, the Chronicle is losing a million bucks or so a week.

Even Hearst deep pockets can't absorb that long term.

*Ann Killion, the overrated Chron sports writer, doesn't go on sports-talk radio shows because she wants to get paid. Of course Ann, you know, you know, isn't a very good schmoozer.

*Speaking of overrated, Mike Silver, a certified home-wrecker and eternal jerk who hoodwinked the Hearst people for a gig. Silver makes Damon Bruce look like Peter Pan.

*John Rothmann's idea of local content is talking ad nauseum about the SF School Board --nobody gives a damn about those idiots including most people in SF. Rothmann is hopeless in KGO's woeful PM drive from 4-7 PM.

*KTVU and KPIX: the inmates are running the insane asylum.

*Lisa White, I keep hearing how good you are and how masterful a news person you exude but so far, I've seen nothing. Your troops seem to like you too, but respect? I dunno.

*PIX is significantly mismanaged and run like a clown factory. It's in its dna. The new GM (Scott Warren) is trying his best with changes but I don't know how you can reverse history overnight. It takes years of rearranging the furniture and PIX is a bad Sears store circa 1985.

*Could you imagine what Herb Caen would say about Mayor Breed and the new DA? OMG, indeed.

*Clint Reilly's Examiner, the online wonder, actually has occasional interesting news and is not fixated on purple houses and burrito stories that make up SFGate.

*KCBS's best feature is Phil Matier, yet KCBS puts a time limit on Matier's daily schmooze, which is all you need to know how effed-up KCBS is.

*Of course Carlos Ramirez is a total nothing and shows it every day--he's on NBC Sports Bay Area courtesy the "all boxes-checked" factor which is numero uno in our PC-laden world. You'll never read that in the Chronicle --which is why you come here.

*That high-paid Giants beat-writer for The Athletic, is stealing money from KNBR because he talks a good game and got the Jeopardy gig; scoops? insight? Nada. I got your "baggs" right here.

*The 49ers' press box at Levi's Stadium has the BEST media food in the NFL, I'm told, which is why I'm having 7-11 pizza today and dreaming on.

*Sorry, I missed the Amazon NFL Thursday night game last week, I was sorta viewing the sideline reporter, Taylor Rooks (pictured below) for her ground-breaking news and information.


  1. Killion is terrible on radio and TV. Silver overwrites and over-promotes himself. Self-aggrandizing a-hole.

    1. I'm finding Silver not nearly as bad as others said he was, although yeah, he does like to talk about himself. As for the Chronicle, it's become so far-left that even the liberal Bay Area thinks it's lost its collective mind. Their editorial page editor, who was brought up from LA, has no sense of the Bay Area. I'm a slight lefty and canceled my subscription because I don't want my money helping to spread such drivel.

    2. 4:35 I'm not a big fan of the Chron, either. But I like to read/watch/listen to a broad spectrum of media--and I need its liberalness to balance out the right-wingness of Fox, Daily Mail, and other right-wing media.

    3. I generally use the Chron (when I come across them) to line my birdcage and in extreme emergencies as toilet paper. That's the general worth of the views and commentary that comes from the former trees that were killed to make that pile of dung.

    4. Don't forget that a used Chron makes a wonderful kindling for a camp fire..

    5. There are 10 people that still subscribe to the Chronicle and 8 of them own parrots.

      Killion and Silver both have the same problem: themselves. That's all they ever seem to want to talk about. At least Silver provides occasional insight. But my God, what an ego.

  2. Killion injects too much of her personal politics into her writing. She just can't seem to comprehend the idea that not every Giants fan is a liberal democrat.

  3. My old roommate back in the late ‘80’s was the head chef at Ernie’s. He hated to see Herb Caen and his cronies shuffle in. They’d run up a $1000 bill and expect it to be comped. And by the way it’s OK to call it Frisco.

    1. It's even ok to call it San Fran. Keep in mind the machismo bs you hear from the hosts on KNBR about that is being spewed by guys that dye their ball hair like Gabe Kapler and record songs that no-one ever asked for.

    2. 3:36: uh no, nobody who grew up in San Francisco will accept "San Fran"

    3. It's NEVER okay to refer to San Francisco as "Frisco" you brain dead non-native rube!

    4. Hard to call SF anything more than HOBO HEAVEN with a bad case of alcohol, drugs, and nutcases. Too bad this once thriving City has been taken over by the sick and the inept. I love my hometown but it has been going down the tubes for 50+ years.

    5. Frisco is in Texas, "San Fran" is as bad as "Cali", which is in Columbia, of course. Burn a few calories and pronounce the syllables. Life isn't that short.

    6. Except ofr a few folks who live in SF I don't thnk any one cares and if you don't live in Frisco calling it Frisco should definetly not bother you...

  4. .....mean to tell me Carlos Ramirez from Carlos-a-go-go does not have a time limit. He did on The Flying Nun.

    1. At least and this is the very least, is that Carlos Ramirez is on the unwatchable 49ers pre and postgame shows and off the Giants' shows. This man is horrible personified.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. LOL...I prefer Charissa J Thompson in her yellow mini dress on TNF

  6. Am watching the post-gane show on NBC Sports Bay Area. No Matt Maiocco. Jennifer Lee-Chan? Awful.

  7. John loves the sf school board,susan Dyer some gossip writer who covers sf politics and how proud he is of himself for meeting herbert Hoover in 1961 and having lunch with him and how depressed he is about the republican party. And going five times a day to calmart

    1. Be careful there, susan Dyer thinks the misogyny of a certain blogger is cool.

  8. Did KTVU have a breaking news that Jake Haener got hurt and carted off the field in the Fresno/USC game??

  9. Julie Haener’s son played a road game last night and she’s already back at work today. Before Rich put her on blast a road game was her excuse to miss 3-4 days of work.
    Ever since Rich’s reporting over a month ago, she’s missed only one day of work.
    But yeah, I’m sure it’s all just a coincidence.

  10. Silver is much better columnizing on the Niners than Killion; he actually talks to team members.

  11. When do u think the chronicle will close it’s doors ?

  12. Judging by the amateur clowns and train wrecks on the KPIX morning show, Lisa White has no clue what she is doing. I can't take any of them seriously. It's a joke of a newscast. The evening shows are no better. What a mess.

    1. Ever see KGO's and KNTV's morning shows? Even worse!

      Rich is right: KRON now actually looks fairly good.

  13. Giants lose to Dodgers
    Niners lose a quarterback, Pappa offers “thoughts and prayers”
    Jokeland Traitors lose again
    Chronicle a shell of itself
    Fresno State loses to a professional team
    Talking Heads love the sound of their own voices

    Rinse & Repeat
    Ad nauseum

  14. Lisa White is not a leader. She basically inherited the position when the former ND was fired. Instead of finding new blood, they "promoted" her for a job she's been passed over for multiple times...only to drive the ship into the ground.

  15. At PIX, the new GM Scott Warren is calling all the shots these days. It appears Scott's arrival is tough pill for Lisa White to SWALLOW, as she's trying to assert her "authority" with more bad decisions.

  16. Whats going on with KRON-4 on Sunday night @ 8 pm news
    Tv says "no program"
    Idiots in engineering.

  17. I'm a former photog at kpix and I can tell you from multiple reporter accounts Lisa White is a nasty, miserable, petty witch who holds grudges and treats people with no respect and with outright favoritism and hatred. Lisa projects her own misery and toxicity onto everyone in the newsroom.

    1. that would be hearsay...something you say you heard from someone else. Had you really been a KPIX photog during her reign would have direct experience.

  18. KRON is becoming the best 10PM Newscast in the Bay Area.

  19. I expect the cause of the financial problem for the Chronicle, they've lost the advantage of economy of scale. Subscription numbers drop b/c Bay Area folks decide the home-delivery subscriptions rates are a little too high; common sense to switch to the internet, radio, and tv for news. Not much future for SF Chron until/if that problem is addressed.

  20. Annie Killmeion was either directed or thought it was a great idea to write about the ecological impact USC and UCLA would create when they leave the Pac-12. Seriously? If that's your best shot Annie, go get your laptop and write for the Sierra Club website. Professional sports teams crisscross the country to play games. You don't want to pick on them? Look Annie, if you don't want to properly write about sports, I'm sure your employer can find a place for you to create click bait material on the news side.

  21. Rothmann is President of the Washington High School Alumni Association and knows members of the school board. He doesn’t cover these issues because they are of importance to the greater Bay Area audience. If you’re a Bay Area station, maybe you cover the murals once or twice. Anything beyond an update is just a self-indulgent ego-driven circle jerk.

  22. F off with the “San Fran” or “Frisco” crap. I’m a native San Franciscan (oh, did I use that term correctly?) and this was never a thing until a bunch of transplants showed up to claim the city as their own 30 years ago. Real locals don’t give a damn. But “locals” that arrived here from SoCal or outside of the state sure have an issue with how we refer to “their” city.

    Pompous gasbags.

  23. Give points to John Rothmann for being ‘outraged’ over something other than Trump and the feckless Republican party.

    A decent chance that anyone with kids, worried about their education, would stop and listen to any Rothmann segment on the school board if they were station surfing while driving home from work.

  24. Heard Silver on the radio today with a story about shoplifting. Random stuff and inaccurate statements. What a weird guy. Terrible reporter too.

  25. Taylor Rooks, Nice set! hubba hubba!

  26. I'm old enough to have been to that Sears, Roebuck store at Geary and Masonic. This has nothing to do with your post.

  27. Carlos Ramirez is an annoying know it all with a marble mouth delivery. Yep, he’s Hispanic, so we have to keep him. In a Word, he sucks and I can’t stand listening to him!
