Saturday, September 17, 2022

A Hidden Gem: Big Band Nirvana: 89.1 FM KCEA; KRON Internal Dilemma; Bay Area Weekend Media Was Pretty Cool Yesterday Years; Donchey/PIX Bad Start; Circle7 Lovey-Dovey a Real "Building a Better Bay Area"; Ashley Nears Extension; Saturday Buffet

I RAN into a gem on the FM radio/Bay Area dial: 89.1 FM, KCEA.

If you love big band, like I do, you'll be in heaven. This is a fantastic outlet and I heard it on my car radio near the Oakland hills. The reception was cool until I got to the freeway but you can listen to it on its website streaming icon.

*KRON's insider dilemma: build an anchor duo around Vicki Liviakis --who is nearing her late 60's (and is getting more beautiful by the year), or begin phasing out Pam Moore and start the anchor dream team of Grant Lodes and wife, Justine Waldman.

*In prior years, the Bay Area weekend talent --both radio and TV--did not slack off on the weekend. In fact, some of the greatest anchors and reporters --talk show hosts too--were based on Sat./Sunday. It's a far cry from today where the roster is made up of guys and gals that appear as if they just vacated the Bakersfield Greyhound bus terminal.

*Sara Donchey, I'm told, wasn't ready to officially report for duty on KPIX's 11 PM newscast; why? There was a dry run and Donchey instead opted for reporting from the field. Whatever. But guess what PIX? It's a bad look. You guys are just pathetic.

*Maybe it's iun the water: Both PIX and KCBS preside at 855 Battery.

*The talk inside the ABC7 newsroom: a young hottie producer --new to 900 Front--had dinner with a senior male EP and after dinner out, the two had an informal, unscheduled night click in an alley off Coit Tower. Now that's what I call a real "Building a Better Bay Area."

Ba da bing.

*ADD KGO: Dear Dan Ashley, just sign the damn extension!

What's a couple hundred grand? Split the difference.


  1. What about Justine and Pam or Viki as a duo

  2. I miss tuning into KGO on Saturday morning to hear the brilliant agent Burns on his restaurant show. Then, in the afternoon Len Tillem with his entertaining legal advice to callers from around Bay aarea. Now on the weekends we’ve got to listen to infomercials about vitamins, IRAs and life insurance. KGO has gone to hell. When will it go Spanish language?

    1. Has anybody in the history of mankind signed up for one of doug Andrews snooze fests
      "We're coming to palo alto on the 23rd and walnut creek on the 25th"
      Still hold out hope we get steve Moskowitz debating david hollander on how much each of them hate/love taxes with Rothmann the moderator..
      It will be astounding

    2. Quizas manana (Maybe tomorrow for you gringos)

  3. "*The talk inside the ABC7 newsroom: a young hottie producer --new to 900 Front--had dinner with a senior male EP and after dinner out, the two had an informal, unscheduled night click in an alley off Coit Tower. Now that's what I call a real "Building a Better Bay Area.""

    More like "Coitus Tower," more like "Banging a Better Bay Area."

    Did she get a raise? (Pun intended).

    1. Wait, they had a click in a alley? Oh to be young again.

    2. Lets hope it was a double-click and they both enjoyed it.

  4. "*The talk inside the ABC7 newsroom: a young hottie producer --new to 900 Front--had dinner with a senior male EP and after dinner out, the two had an informal, unscheduled night click in an alley off Coit Tower. Now that's what I call a real "Building a Better Bay Area.""

    That reminds me of a time I gave in to temptation.

    J Peterman

  5. How long has it been since abc7 started "Building a Better Bay Area?" In my opinion they have driven this slogan in the ground. Any ideas for a new slogan?

    1. "KGO...Placing a needle on the news..."

    2. “Moving to another place”?

    3. Also...We know when we are watching Channel 7...Why do you need those stupid pins...jf

  6. Thanks for the note on Donchey. I, and (based on some previous posts, in this forum) others, were curious. And also, for the KCEA tip. My entire family listens to Big Band music, and we'll be checking out that station.

    1. Andrea Nakano and Kenny Choi are excellent at 11:00 pm. They would be great at 5:00 pm. I would gladly have Donchey at 5:00 pm. Please, no more Ryan Yamamoto!

  7. seems ceven krukow is getting into the ''ya ya yeh yeh right'' game.maybe once youre in with the boyz you become a yah yah right guy. no shortage of these kinds on every station.

  8. Is Kenny Choi getting the anchor spot back? He was on this week. Wondering is next week Betty Yu or Andrea Borba??

    1. @8:13. Betty Yu doesn’t want anything to do with the anchor desk. She’s marking too much as a social media influencer and she needs flexibility for all of the late night soirĂ©es.

  9. She's not mentioned above, but I saw Amanda Starrantino's report on a lady that was chased out by Mosquito fire going back to check on her house and it was damn well done...maybe the pushy pessimism towards her work is ill-founded, or at least not warranted in all situations?

  10. On a different subject, someone needs to tell Reed Cowan it’s not called “the 580” up here.

  11. You get triggered by "The" ?
    Why would it even's a freeway. Maybe the freeway uses "The" as it's pronoun.

  12. Dan better sign the new contract or else, I am not watching KGO 7 when Girl Aqui is in.

  13. I cant get radio station in mycar!! So bummed because I would like to hear it in my car!!
