Monday, September 19, 2022

Mass Confusion at KPIX: New Changes Bring No Communications; Staffer at 855 Battery: "We Have No Idea Of What The Hell is Going On"; ND White and GM Warren Center of Storm

AFTER SWEEPING CHANGES --which involved anchors and new time slots--you'd expect the folks at KPIX to have a good feeling; a reawakening; a chance at a new start; a new beginning.

And you'd be wrong.

"We're confused. We have no idea what the hell is going on and nobody in management seems to know either. There's a problem here. Lots, in fact," a senior staffer inside KPIX told me.

The biggest issue at PIX (there's quite a lot) is lack of communication. When they made their decision to reshuffle the anchor desk, (like Juliette Goodrich taking over the weeknight solo gig at 6 and 7) PIX wanted to do a dry run and later on offer a formal announcement. Problem is, hardly anyone at 855 Battery knew.


That's all on News Director, Lisa White and VP/GM, Scott Warren.

Were it not so serious and embarrassing, it would be downright laughable. Who is IN CHARGE, KPIX?!!

Both White and Warren can make amends under the cover of "we haven't formally come out with the new schedule" mindset but that's hardly good news inside the break room at PIX. People, especially senior staffers are ROYALLY PISSED OFF and worse yet, CBS isn't very happy either --if that doesn't change soon, yep, expect HEADS TO ROLL!

*Developing story...


  1. Putting Juliette at 6 and 7 sends a message to Liz, time to work for another station. For a mother of 2, this timeslot is the best way to spend more time with family. Liz is the prime time fame on KPIX, KPIX choose to kick her out, 12:00 news, LOL. 11PM news is a joke, who is the main anchor, I see Brian, Andrea and Kenny Choi. Is Reed Cowen going to take 3 and 11PM??? Totally mess up management, a new make-off is needed.

    Same problem with NBC 11, Audrey at 4:30, what about Janelle Wang and the other woman, forgot her name who speaks spanish.

    1. Reed Cowen needs to go! Anyone at KPIX HR vet this guy and do a background check? He's like Dexter from the TV show. He comes on and I change the channel.

    2. It's confusing for me, a viewer, when I expect or want to see a specific person anchoring the news. Today, I finally got around to seeing Audrey Asistio for the 4:30pm broadcast; then I wanted to see who was on the 5:00pm broadcast, which was, I think, the regular, Jessica Aguirre (9/19/22@1124 I think this is who you're referring to).

      I then remembered this blog and went to KPIX and saw Ryan Yamamoto and Elizabeth Cook, confirming someone else on this blog mentioning when these two were on.

      Also on 5:00pm, I noticed Vicki Liviakis on KRON4.

      Going back to 4pm, there was no Heather Holmes on at KTVU (perhaps just a vacation day unless there was a change) with Claudine Wong on instead of who I expected.

    3. Oh Reed! He made headlines using his News power at another station to scare someone landed him in another station, the station is KPIX. That weather guy should also go, Peck Peck Peck

    4. Reed Cowan is fine to me, he seems to be a good anchor in my opinion. Peck except for his arrogance (sometimes), maybe also sounding angry when saying he’s talking to a city during weather events and demeanor, he really knows his stuff & can do the weather well. Rich did mention he has little man syndrome though.

      He was there the whole week in for Paul Heggen when Heggen had covid last week and thought he did a very good job.

  2. Too close to the Nov book to be telegraphing moves to Lieberman.
    Sure there may be leaks...but head won't roll because there are no heads to replace them.
    The bay area is no longer an attractive market for anything TV.
    Just sit back and watch...
    Amanda has a new FFL hairdo, did ya notice?

  3. Management that TV successful have long since retired. News Directors jobs have become revolving doors because GM come up through and care only about short term results because corporate management are clueless how a tv station operates. Corporate management believes all tv stations and markets are the same but they are not. TV stations are market driven, not all markets are the same. Anyone watched the KRON 10Pm newscast lately? They are becoming the one to beat

  4. Hire the handicapped, they're fun to watch. Especially when the VP and adjunct ND possess the ability to mire themselves worse than a dung beetle and spread vitriol in the newsroom like a poo flinging monkey.

    Way to rally the troops! So much for meritocracy? Since I have no vested interest, nor am I banging the talent at KPIX. I offer my services to right the ship. However, it's gonna cost your Chief!

  5. So where is Liz now? Haven't seen her in weeks.

    1. @12:37. She was on todays 12 noon news with Ryan Y.

    2. Liz is back; But on 12 and 5 only. Last week, I think she was on vacation.

    3. Sounds like she has been sent to the broadcast gulag... 12 noon & 5pm? With Ryan Yamamoto? If I was her, I'd quit and let my dad help me find a new job. = P Hahaha! Oh wait... we aren't supposed to know about that.

  6. Where does KPIX rank in the Bay Area 2,4,5,7,9,11 channels game? I am no TV Wizard, but every now and then a swift yank of the Tablecloth can get folks’ attention. Right or wrong, it attracts eyes.😳

  7. Heads will roll...Yeah, right.

  8. Lisa White is definitely not in charge at PIX. She is grossly unqualified for the role and does not command respect. She has no leadership skills, so she should see herself out the door. The biggest problem isn't the lack of communication, it's that nobody's watching anyway!

    1. I know several prominent name reporters/anchors in the Bay Area who say "I'd never go over to PIX." Why not, I ask. "I hate Lisa White," or "Lisa White hates me." Her very presence seem to deter talent.

    2. Lisa White is a sick monster who barely makes it as a manager. Scott is basically the ND at PIX.

    3. I've heard the same about Lisa White. It's a known thing in the industry that she is a major hater because she's small and petty.

    4. I don't know Lisa White, but if the cringey clown show in the mornings is any indication, she is a sad existence.

  9. If you have questions or need answers ask the ND and GM.

    Your comment writers need to get creative. Not all news directors are clueless or unqualified.

    I think when you bottom line this whole thing, your sources, spies and commenters should a) offer solutions, not snark. Better yet, they shouuld shut up and do THEIR jobs. Or quit and get something more to their liking.

    1. Thanks Lisa White!

    2. Regards,
      KPIX GM Scott Warren

      (Who's the mole Scott? Who is the mole?) LOL Better get Det. Benoit Blanc on the case

    3. "If you have questions or need answers ask the ND and GM..." etc.

      This might literally be THE funniest comment ever on this blog. Are the suits scared? Talk to them? Yeah, their doors are always open and they are always forthcoming. Sure...

  10. Where's silly Ryan "Stumblin' Bumblin' over my words" Yamamoto and his wife been? Is there any chance PIX just quietl fired him? That guy can't read the news ! NOT ANCHOR MATERIAL!

    1. Ryan Y. stuck out his chin farther than usual today. He means business.

    2. To the ktvu (on-air) employee who needs this reminder, making strange jokes about jock straps and well endowed men in speedos to a certain female colleague is the most fail safe way to guarantee your trip to the unemployment line…or Salinas.

      (You know who you are. We know you read this site. We know what you’re really about, despite your phony persona.)

    3. Last week Ryan Yamamoto was doing sports for the Red & Gold Report. He does have some sports experience but I think he still did a terrible job even at that. What do you guys think?

  11. Rich, I saw Liz Cook on a KPIX clip in Rutheford - they identified her as working for another station - she was in Wine Country doing a bit on Napa? so is she still at KPIX? did she leave of her own accord? was she fired? is she still there? if so, is she doing another gig for another station or freelancing? and while she ain't great, KPIX was lucky to have her... and how on earth did they get Juliette Goodrich? she's too talented for KPIX...

    1. I saw this too, but this same piece ran on KPIX itself. I wondered if they were sharing talent.

    2. CBS network evening newscast this past Saturday 9/17 broadcast her story about the Napa grapes and wines and identified her as being with KOVR. And I think Juliette Goodrich is the current best female Bay Area news anchor, a pleasure to watch.

    3. Liz Cook did a story for CBS News on the wine country and she was identified reporting for KOVR.

  12. I don't see a better place to post this, so delete it if needed, but I saw evening news "coverage" of the massive 7.6 quake on the Mexico Pacific coast today. In the Mexican state of Michoacán. On KPIX, Sze pronounced it as MEE-cho-AHK-n. Same thing by Jessica Aguirre on NBCbayArea News.

    Do they never study Mexican place-names, or pronunciation of Spanish names? Do they not study before a newscast? How can this happen?

  13. Andrea Nakano is covering again at 11pm like she did 2 weeks ago for the whole week…I suspect this will continue the whole week at 11pm (meaning Mon-Fri). She is a great news anchor.

  14. Where's Betty Yu?

    1. Betty Yu is field reporting. I believe she was on last night during the 11pm news talking with Nakano.

  15. Sara Donchey did reporter duty and anchored the weekend-evening newscasts and then simply disappeared from KCBS 2 / KCAL 9 in Los Angeles for quite a long time, fall to winter '21, when then she announced her move to KPIX. The absence was never explained. It's always been funny to me that stations go through trouble and expense to promote their anchors, making them like your family, first-name basis, etc, but few connect. And so on the rare occasion when one is off the air and viewers notice and actually contact the station to wonder where he or she is, there is a wall of silence, as if you e-mailed Vladimir Putin to send you his nuclear codes.

  16. Finally I find the reason the anchors have all disappeared. Thank you for the info. Keep Elizabeth but ditch Ryan. I think he is a dweeb and gets flustered to easily. Julliet was great on weekends and I would mind if she worked daily. Andrea Nakano is good. I like Our Weather guys and Brian Hackney and Vern and Charlie. But please ditch Ryan and bring Ken back from retirement.

  17. What I don’t understand is why did they make Julia Goodrich pretend to type on her laptop? So cringe

  18. Really disappointed not seeing Elizabeth Cook on KPIX. Where has she gone? Real talented lady. There loss someone else’s win.

  19. I do NOT like Reed Cowan. I hear his voice and news delivery and want to quit watching the KPIX 11pm news. Sad that Liz isn’t on at 11. Andrea did a good job in that slot. I miss the Juliette and Brian duo on the weekends. And, Darin on weather with them was the best team yet!

  20. Where is Liz at 11 PM? I am a TV news hound, and Liz is among the best that I have seen in my over 60 years. Besides performing the basic job flawlessly, she is warm, funny, has the best laugh, and makes you feel like family. But mainly it is her warmth. My wife and I miss her. Please bring her back. If not, Liz, please switch to another local Bay Area station and we will follow you there, as I am sure many others will.

  21. Liz Cook and Ken Bastida were the 11:00pm gold standard for me. I know Ken is retired and good for him. Ryan is ok but I don’t see him as a good fit at 11pm. I like Sarah Donche but she’s a rookie is better in the field for now. Andrea Nikano and Liz Cook would be great together IMHO. So KPIX, get your act together because right now you really SUCK. I say that as a person whose watched KPIX as far back as when they signed off at midnight with the national anthem and then the test pattern. Respectfully, James Bonanno native San Franciscan

  22. I'm so glad I found this blog, last night after watching the 11pm news again and wondering what happened to Liz and Ryan I decided to do a google search and found this blog. As a Migrant from an English speaking country local news was always a way to connect with the community. Know what was going on in a local suburb - so KPIX5 kind of hit the spot for me. I live in the South Bay and while something might be discussed about SF or Oakland or Fremont I liked that - it connected me to the area and it was folksy. I'm not a CNN or Fox person I don't want 24/7 world news - if I want that I'll watch BBC news which is way better btw. I was upset when Ken retired, and I was open to Ryan's mistakes and quirkiness - maybe not the smoothness of Ken but at least Liz was there. I love Andrea, Vern, Juliette, Brian Hockey, Charlie my day ended listening to them and the sign off on a Friday is the best ... we made it to the weekend. I don't know who made this decision to change this up but YOU NEED TO CHANGE your DIAL Back to how it was. Last night I am sure some of the commentators were back in the living room like the start of the pandemic. I felt we stepped back a century in quality of commentary to story. Whatever your thought process on this is - it's WRONG. And I feel disconnected to a community.

  23. Elizabeth Cook is talented and professional. Who makes these decisions and why? With no notice? Thanks a lot for letting your viewers know. Guess they don’t have much respect for their audience. We’ll I’ve lost respect for them; will take my viewing elsewhere.

  24. Liz cook was great and we miss her at 11. Ryan was a nice guy, but the chemistry was Liz just wasn't there. I have been surprised by Sara - as she actually does a pretty job. Having said that, the program feels more like a JV program now, and I miss Liz. Charlie is fine, but again feels JV. Prefer Vern. On weather, I love Paul Heggan (2nd best to Bill Martin at KTVU). My advice, get Liz a good mature male sidekick for 11, and have them work with Vern and Paul. PAY THEM....because that would be a solid team. I'm also fascinated that they are doing news-weather-sports-weather? Its like they are trying everything. Just go back to basics and focus on good journalism. If Liz and Paul leave, I probably leave with them.

  25. Bring back Elizabeth Cook & keep the rest of the crew!!!

  26. Please bring back Liz to 11pm! Ryan is fine, too, if you want to keep them together.

    Also, why make all these changes without telling your viewers what is happening? At first, I thought that maybe they were both on vacation at the same time, but then they never came back to 11pm.

    Randomly was watching at 5pm a day and saw them, but that’s not usually when I watch the news. It’s just not the same without them. Going to check out other 11pm newscasts in the meantime.

  27. Bring Liz Cook back to 11p newscast. Laura Donchey needs to go away. Juliette Goodrich is terrific and can fit into whichever time slot she is assigned. Vern is the best, Charlie seems a bit out of place and Ryan just doesn't fit.

  28. Bring Liz back and Ryan is fine. He needs to find his groove soon though. Paul is good but his choice of matching shoes to the same pair of pants is old. Love Vern!

  29. What the heck is going on with the 11pm news?! I would like the news not a news magazine. It’s all fluff!

  30. KPIX news anchors need to dress more professionally… their outfits are awful. Need to present news straight forwardly and not act like it’s a talk show. Going to start watching another news channel instead of amateur hour.

  31. Bring back Kenny Choi, KPIX get your act together.
