Tuesday, September 20, 2022

More PIX Stuff --Like, Did CBS HR Check Reed Cowan Out?; Scott Warren/Lisa White Light Getting Dimmer; Where's Goodrich Promo?; Yamamoto/Donchey Disaster Central; Liz Cook Fading; And the "LT" /Starrantino Too; Ineptness at 855 Battery

HEY CBS and KPIX, did your HR SEE THIS?

I'm sure Reed Cowan is a good guy and god knows, it's all just a coincidence.

* This is the edict at PIX: even when we try not to screw things up? We screw things up.

* I hate to break you the news, PIX, but Ryan Yamamoto, is a total waste, a nothing. A guy who has ZERO presence and prominence. Even the people in the building feel the same way. And get this, everyone who continues to talk to me who insist, "oh, he's such a nice guy"--even they feel the same.

* Scott Warren? Another nice guy; great how nice and fuzzy you migt be it'd be even nicer if you knew how to run a TV News station! Yikes!

*Lisa White, there's a few gazillion reasons why you were passed up for the #1 gig and I'm suddenly knowing why.

*New joke at PIX: Sara Donchey the LA Veronica De La Cruz.

*Hey Scott, I don't need an email from you or a private call to boost my ego --ya know, find out why everyone thinks PIX is a joke and, uh, who's your leaker there--I'll say this, you don't know how to play ball, Scott, seriously, someties it's good to leave the bubble there and get a clue as to what's taking place in the real world outside your office? Or are you just residing on your KTVU laurels? I thought so.

*Lisa, when two of your three star (whatever) female news anchors think you're a _itch, well, you have some things to change, right? That's not me, that's from the cat's mouth.

*Liz Cook, another of the "nice person" crowd but Liz is toast --not only with the current bread crumps at PIX but viewership -which is the only thing that counts. Liz is a capable news reader, she'd look just fine in Akron too.

*Juliette Goodrich, your #1 anchor, Scott and current clubhouse leader?, ya know Scotty and Lisa, it would be great to cut a few promos to tell the Bay Area that Jules is on the clock, ya know, spread the word but I guess that's too difficult a task? Hell, I just did!

*Guys, let me break some other hard news: the "Lt" is a serious BUST! You milked her military deal and fine, you tried to get some ammo off of that, meanwhile Jessica Burch is a disaster, she's a fine citizen who served her country but she has NO worth on local TV News. She doesn't come off as real, she talks way too fast and she has NO viewer presence. Got it PIX? Maybe next time try the Phoenix Real estate society.

*And oh shit, Amanda Starrantino, see above.


  1. Yeah Lt. does talk WAY too fast for media... especially on KCBS. Her cadence is that of well... that of a pilot going thru a check off or relaying info to dispatches who can understand that pace of cadence. Not saying it's a bad thing, just a little frustrating trying to follow her on the radio when she has 90 seconds to say what she has to say.

  2. Are you saying Reed Cowan could be next to leave?

    Ryan Yamamoto was also a waste last week doing sports for the Red & Gold Report apart from just being a terrible anchor. Even I wonder what Bastida would think if he is watching him since he is Bastida's replacement. Honestly, still miss Ken Bastida he was a great anchor.

    As far as Starrantino, she was off since Friday but I thought it was because she was on vacation and will be back soon. Anne Makovec is filling in for her and I find her a lot better than Starrantino.

    At this point not sure what to say about Burch. Seeing her anchor too makes me think what is KPIX doing with the weekday morning show? She is terrible at anchoring (forecasting, she is okay but I do agree on KCBS she speaks wayyy too fast). Even when Peck filled in for her (on some occasions), even he did a reasonably better job at anchoring.

  3. While they're not doing promos for Juliette Goodrich, I caught the one for Lieutanant Burch. What could they be thinking? It's great that people serve in the Guard and other branches of the military, but that's a direct conflict in news reporting. It used to be (and I'm showing my age here) that news organizations wanted to tell people that they were objective and independent of outside influences. This is also the wrong market to pull such a stunt. In San Diego, the viewers might be thrilled that part of the anchor team is a part-time soldier, but San Franciscans don't have such warm and cuddly feelings toward the military.

    1. I saw some promos for Goodrich on Sunday evening. Maybe it’s not coming that often?

    2. Not really sure how it's a "conflict of interest."

    3. San Diego had a weatherman named “Captain Mike” (Mike Ambrose) until his passing. He was at KGTV.

    4. Captain Mike never served as a captain in the military...maybe he had a boat?

      Either way, I think LT. Burch does just fine !

    5. San Franciscans don't hate national guard chopper pilots who rescue people from peril. Why would you think they did?

    6. 3:17 Have you lived on the left coast very long? I can remember a time when SF didn't even want fleet week here. Tried to remove ROTC from schools. Had military recruiting centers vandalized and burned. It's not a secret that all branches are despised here.

      My take on the Lt. Deal... cheap publicity makes you talk about it maybe even watch it... lemming

    7. " but San Franciscans don't have such warm and cuddly feelings toward the military." Fleet Week is still pretty strong here in SF.

  4. Lt. Burch can easily slow down her speech..not an issue. You seem to never notice that your favorite local female broadcaster on the radio goes from a normal voice to a screeching hen cackle in two seconds and stays there for hours, perpetually outraged and demanding free stuff for everyone. A few simple, "free" coaching sessions from a voice coach might help or not.

    1. Yes. Pat Thurston is the worst. Terrible, uneducated radio.

  5. I still like Liz Cook more than most of the others you mentioned. Totally agree on Burch. She's useless.

    1. Liz Cook has been there for 10 years and I agree she is also very good; no doubt better than Ryan. I don’t understand why she got demoted to noon unless she asked to be with her kids in the evening and they switched her up.

  6. I’d rather take Reed over Ryan. His delivery and tone is stern and to the point.

    1. I agree, no matter what Reed has gone through or got accused of, I will give credit to the fact he can anchor well and has a great delivery.

  7. I miss Mary Lee. She was perfect for the KPIX am show.

    1. Unfortunately she also did those dopey "I'm tracking..." weather promos they constantly played. So I don't miss her at all!

    2. Speaking of Mary Lee... she's been doing "special segments" on KPIX lately... WITHOUT a ring on? Did something go left and she's trying to get back on the news? She is FINE tho...

    3. Me too, her weather always brightened my day even on a bad day. She is on the field reporting science, weather & tech stories, but the day she left she did say she could sometimes fill in on weather..the last time was March on 2 weekend mornings and no other time.

    4. @1:30 - Heggen is exactly the same with the “I’m tracking…” but not Peck, Burch or even Hackney.

      @2:15 - My thinking too but don’t forget that during some extreme weather events like heat or storms she could still cover them from the field. But at least she does not have to wake up so early in the morning on weekdays.

  8. Why all the negativity on Jessica Burch? I think she is great. Smart, reliable, is beautiful. I talk fast too so maybe she can work on that but it does not bother me at all.

    1. For weather she is good but on YT I saw some complaints that she blocks the screen when the temps and forecast is displayed.

    2. She also buys Instagram followers … lots and lots of them.

  9. FWIW, KPIX has an ad out for morning and noon weather anchor.

    1. Interesting, so then what would happen to Burch? Maybe moved to a different timeslot?

      That will definitely help if Hackney does not want to do weather & Peck not suffering both weekend mornings & nights.

      I have observed other stations like KRON & KNTV where they have at least a weekend morning meteorologist & a weekend evening meteorologist where none of them is stuck all day in the studio.

    2. They can't put Burch on weekends because that's when she's "in the air" flying a helicopter for the National Guard.

    3. Correct thats what the promo said. And they cant put her in evenings as that is covered by a Chief Meteorologist (Heggen or sometimes Peck or Hackney).

      Does that mean she could be eliminated given the posting is there? Unless it is for a fill in since Peck is the only fill in anchor all of the time.

    4. They probably follow the KGO model where Tuma does the early mornings and Nicco takes over at 11AM. They can hide the not ready for prime time LT in the early morning with her bud Starrantino

    5. Maybe but their posting again is meant for a weather anchor to take care of both morning & noon news.

      Even the ad is on google. I’m still trying to think if this means Burch will be out of this job. It’s only been 4 months & will cross 6 in November, so not sure what’s going to happen here on out.

  10. Rich dislikes her because she is white...same with Amanda.
    Maybe we need to add Natasha Zouves back into the mix.

  11. I read about Reed Cowan and very incredible knowing what he have gone to fled his previous job or possibly let go. This is America no one cares about your past. This Mark dude from KRON, before he came to KRON, he was on drugs KRON hired him, glad he is long gone. VDLC, someone hired her and she needed the job to raise her son and in search of love. I do agree Sara is the 2nd VDLC.

    What is the possibility Frank Somersville will get hired by KPIX? Brian Hackney deserve the prime time spot on weekdays. Looks like Andrea Nakako got promoted to 11PM, eyes drop when I thought Kenny Choi will get main airtime back. Guess they don’t want 2 Asian reporters Brian and Kenny on prime time

    1. Something tells me thats true about Andrea. She came in last night at 11, for the second week. I’m thinking Nakano will be a regular at 11pm anchoring. She is a great reporter and if you are saying its a promotion, then no doubt she deserved it.

  12. We get what we get. Some good, some bad, some so-so. Yes some can do better, some are mailing it in, some are resentful, some are gratified to have a job.
    I am an average schlub, gettin’ older every minute, wishin’ my modest pension kept up with inflation. I am not outraged by the failures of those in the news business. Most appear to be trying to improve. I do not want heads to roll - except the boorish, unintelligent, frat rats at KNBR. Thankfully we cannot see them. No doubt their only redeeming qualities are they have faces fit for Radio. 😵‍💫

    1. @2:40. This is the best post I’ve ever read on the blog. Just like everything in life there’s good and bad. One persons “good” is another persons “bad”. If you don’t like it change the channel.

  13. I think Jocelyn Moran is magnificent. Me gusta Latina. Forget those other guys.

    1. Does anyone know if Andria Borba is coming back to KPIX?

    2. Agree on Jocelyn Moran. KPIX is evidently seeing what formula is going to work best on the am show. IMHO Jocelyn or Anne M. would have been great replacements for Michelle Griego. For some reason KPIX doesn’t want to promote internal talent.

  14. I would think that the CNG would object to use of her military rank to be used in commercials. It is wrong, IMHO.

  15. Reed Cowan tried to blackmail a $20 mil payment from a charitable "non-profit" that removed his son's name from a school in Kenya. KPIX HR? Did you even vet this guy and run a background? Here's a link if you want to know the true story and see how much of a scumbag Reed is. Time to give him his walking papers and cut your losses.


  16. The recently retired Allen Martin is light years superior to Yamamoto and Cowan. Dave McElhatton is turning over in his grave.

  17. santangelo thought he was the italian stallion in the bay ,but Jimmy G returned...oh well.

  18. Where’s Katie Nielsen?

    1. Katie Nielsen is a field reporter. Last night she was reporting from the field at 11PM live.

    2. Is there any part of her that isn't fake? From the hair to the skin to the teeth, she looks like a Scandinavian Barbie.

    3. 12:22 the answer to your question is no. You can see her previous work she looks like a different person

    4. Katie nielson is a fake looking barbie

  19. Where are Cook and Yamamoto at 11 PM? This is week 3 and subs are filling in with no explanations as to their absence.

    Pix, and others, go to great lengths to build loyalty in their anchors but are dead silent when there is some issue keeping them off the air for weeks. Maybe they switched to midday? What's up Pix?

    1. I thought Donchey was supposed to anchor at 11:00 pm, but I have seen mainly Andrea Nakano and Kenny Choi. I like Andrea and Kenny although I prefer Andrea.

    2. Cook & Yamamoto are doing 12 & 5 on weekdays. Either of them are also anchoring from 10am itself on the CBSN livestream.

      The 11pm subs are definitely confusing like anything but at least the anchors taking care are pretty good.

  20. Borba is an excellent writer and presenter.

  21. Maybe Goodrich doesn't want to work weekdays, but she's covering them for now to stop the bleeding. Both Goodrich and Cook work better with male co-anchors (although Goodrich is the lead dog while Cook is the sidekick), so maybe that is why Cook has been relegated

  22. Jocelyn Moran is very attractive! & smart. Why not give her a chance to anchor one of the broadcasts? Take a swing PIX!

    1. She is reporting & also partially anchoring in the mornings in place for Gianna. Also she is doing traffic when Gianna is off, previously Makovec has done it

      Jocelyn Moran is no doubt a great anchor & attractive. It would be great if PIX gave her the chance.

      On another note where is Gianna? It’s almost 2 weeks since she has been out yet she is active on Instagram.

    2. I spoke too soon. Gianna is back doing traffic as per usual. Jocelyn Moran is there anchoring with Justin while Amanda is vacationing in Europe.

  23. Whatever happened to “turnerloose”?

    1. Emily Turner is an anchor/reporter in Jacksonville, Fla.

    2. Went to Jacksonville, FL

  24. It might be that the rest of KCBS is getting progressively worse, but Burch has been improving - she's slowed down, she injects a little personality here and there without any cuteness. It still true though, that when she wraps up her report, the last few seconds sound like the sped-up disclaimers that play at the end of real estate ads.

    1. "the last few seconds sound like the sped-up disclaimers that play at the end of real estate ads."

      And pharmaceutical commercials.

      That may not be her fault, though. The director may be whispering in her ear "Wrap it up, we only have 20 seconds" or whatever. They often don't budget much time for different slots, but want to cover everything. I've been there.

    2. Yes. I caught that as well this morning. She was doing great and I was impressed up until the last 20 seconds or so, then it was a race to the finish. Jessica, you're doing great! Keep at it!

    3. Heggen was wooden and awkward at first but we are seeing more personality after a few months.

    4. Yes, you are doing great. Keep at it.

    5. @1:57 - Heggen is not bad in my opinion. Maybe at first since he came from all the way East and was trying to adjust to the West Coast. He is generally a great meteorologist, presents the weather in a straightforward way & generally comes off as kind & humble towards the anchors & viewers and has a great personality. Hopefully KPIX keeps him for a few years or longer.

      There was one issue I had; remember when Mary Lee left and Peck was “temporarily” taking over the weekday morning show? Many Saturday mornings Heggen would do the weather but he did not show any live shots or do much in depth explanation like he does on weekday evenings and didn’t interact much with Devin. Same with Hackney (he only covered Saturday mornings when he was working certain Fridays in place of Heggen). Peck talks down to the viewers but has a good communication with Devin after finishing the weather plus shows live shots & explains the weather from there. I know this detail doesn’t matter but it was a little bothersome until Burch came and Peck went back to weekends.

      Peck is good too but his personality is something I’m not a fan of, can come off as an arrogant jerk. But his explanations on weather are very clear (as well as Heggen).

    6. Heggen has got to go...or at least wear a tie and real shoes. He looks like a drunk. So unprofessional

    7. Now, I will agree about this part. I will give you some context on what I've seen on TV at least. At first, when the 3PM newscast started, at some point or the other, at 3PM he came in and didn't even wear a tie. When the 5PM newscast comes, he wears a tie.

      More recently since August, there have been some extremely odd days where he's just coming in casual in jeans and wearing a shirt but no tie (in all newscasts 3PM-11PM). Now a little more recently, on the days he doesn't wear jeans, he's also stopped wearing a tie on some days. What's up with that?

      If you look at Darren Peck, who fills in for Heggen when he's not filling in for the morning show, he will wear a suit and tie at all times, even at 3PM. The other thing I find off about Heggen that's happened a few times is at 11PM, his weather computer freezes on him and I think he did have a little temper at that time; otherwise he sounds professional, kind and humble enough forecasting the weather.

      I wonder what management is thinking of that as far as Heggen is concerned.

      No other male meteorologist or anchor I've seen on TV has stooped that low as far as dressing appearances.

    8. Wonder where Heggen is…Peck has been filling in for him since Thursday and even on the 3PM newscast which is indicative that Heggen wouldn’t be there today.

      Hopefully he’ll be back this week and everything is okay with him.

    9. Heggen has confirmed he’s been on vacation celebrating a friend’s birthday in Mexico. Today Darren will likely be there in for Paul. Tomorrow, Heggen should be back to his regular schedule giving Peck 2 days off and returning on the weekend as usual.

  25. Here we go again, Julie Haener has missed two days of work in a row and is out again tonight. Can’t teach an old female dog new tricks.

  26. Jocelyn Moran is big improvement over Amanda Starrantino.

    1. Not only Jocelyn Moran, also Gianna Franco and Anne Makovec are pretty good compared to Starrantino.

  27. yamamoto is a very refreshing presence, I don't know why you hate hm so. Cook seems to be able to sit wherever whenever she wants, and did you allude to her daddy's having inside connections? KPIX does have a way of switching people around such that they cast a fickle and uncertain direction.

  28. Cowan is too harsh a presence for me. Ken B was great, and should never have been pastured. Julie W. seems stranded on a lonely island with the latest in modern indoor fixtures. Why alone? This station comes off as fickle. If Dan A on ABC can stay forever, why not the pix assets that are being shown the door? I can't stand the "Red and Gold" sports guy. I once liked him, and then he threw himself in my face as if he was the second coming. Something like the Gonzales woman at 5, now I se crawling a way into KTVU. Mike, by the way, well deserved the desk, I don't get smears. Really? I never saw that, Rich.

    1. @5:22 are you talking about Vern or Charlie?

      Personally I don’t think Charlie is bad at all.

    2. I think Charlie is good, but Andrea is far better in terms of being a sports anchor.

      Not really a huge fan of Vern.

      100% agree on Ken Bastida. He was a fixture since my childhood and I still miss him.

  29. KPIX should bring Allen Martin back from retirement. He’s 100% better by far than Yamamoto or Cowan.

    1. And they should also bring back Ken Bastida.

  30. Bastida is laughing at all the drama. The 11 PM news is a joke with no consistency of anchoring. Andrea Nakano is very competent and may end up being the sole anchor at 11. She has good rapport with the sports anchors since she does sports too.

    1. Pretty much all of us are as well. Now we're wondering who's coming in this week. If it ends up being true that Nakano will take over the 11PM anchor duties completely, I'm definitely all up for that, she's a great anchor.

      Don't know if it'll be Choi again, but let's wait and see once Monday night rolls around.

    2. Andrea is anchoring for what looks to be for a second week in a row. As indicated by lots of folks she is a great anchor. It’s good if she keeps this 11pm weeknight gig. No doubt better than Donchey.

  31. Hey Rich: Have you heard that KQED-TV is now doing wrestling matches in the auditorium of their new building. Proof is on their wrestling website. Your donations at work.

  32. Guys, there's one more thing I want to bring up about Burch. Sometime back on her Instagram story she did say she is going for vacation to the Northeast for Fall.

    I'm not saying she shouldn't take a vacation, in fact I think there were 3 days Peck was anchoring for Burch a few months ago when she went to Greece or something.

    So is this Northeast thing a precursor to KPIX trying to find a new, stable morning/noon weather anchor and really replacing Burch? Remember, she joined in May and when you join a new job, at least for a couple of months, one should be settled and know their responsibilities.
