Sunday, September 4, 2022

Sunday Sports 415 Media; Tim Roye Excites on Stanford Football PBP; Normal Day at KCBS (For a Change); Greg Papa's Excess on 49ers' Broadcasts; Heatwave Special


I listened to Stanford football on Saturday evening to unveil its new football play-by-play team and it was damn straight --impressive to the max and then some.

Tim Roye is just an amazing broadcaster. Good for Stanford to bring over the Warriors voice and describe its football--Roye, along with underrated color guy, John Platz, were a pleasure to listen to. Steady, informative, and considering they had little time on air to gather chemistry, Roye/Platz were fantastic nonetheless.

Roye broadcasts so flawless, he sounded as if he's been doing football for decades. His pbp was spotless and his interaction with Platz was uber-smooth.

*Too bad Roye couldn't do the 49ers.

*Sunday morning on KCBS was relatively peaceful and coordinated for a change. There was virtually no screw-ups and the broadcast team of Jennifer Hodges and Eric Thomas sounded legit.

No real estate woman (Lisa Chan) booking appointments while anchoring, what a pleasure to listen.

Thomas, while I'm no fan, at least is improving. He's now borderline average and Hodges, while a bit robotic, is decent.

*I'VE said a million time but it bears repeating, Greg Papa is a terrible play-by-play broadcaster.

His screaming and ranting is way over the top. It doesn't befit the storied franchise that is the SF 49ers.

Papa doesn't know the moment. His TD call is so out of tune and crazy. He thinks a screaming, extended "touchdownnnnn San Francisco" is supposed to knock us off our senses but all it does is make us shake our heads and cover our ears with disbelief. Papa doesn't get it, like a crazed maniac who opts for over-the-top accounts as opposed to crisp and enthusiastic delivery. Papa knows no other.

It's a shame.

Because Papa does know football. His mechanics are solid. Maybe a little roo much inside-NFL lingo but reliable and informed nonetheless.

His beyond-control descriptions and accounts of the game are too frantic and maniacal for my tastes and I'm not alone. The 49ers Faithfull, a good majority, at least, seem to agree.

*Hey, did you hear? We're having a heatwave.

It seems the whole thing has been repated and repated.

And repeated.


  1. Tim Roye is a broadcaster's broadcaster. No BS, real knowledge, great personality as well.

    1. What happened to Scott Reis the former Stanford PXP announcer?

    2. took a job in Kansas city as a sports anchor

    3. Scott took a job as a sport director for a tv station somewhere in the midwest

    4. @unknown stuntman- I really thought Scott Reiss would be a lifer here because of his Stanford ties. I did notice his role was diminishing and I think he was off KTVU and just had the Stanford football and basketball radio play-by-play job.

  2. The ‘9ers have had a “Tim Roye”. His name was Ted Robinson. So missed.

    1. @9:44- Ted Robinson was ok, and he had a good run most notably during the Harbaugh era, but he wasn't an NFL announcer. Greg Papa has called NFL games for years with the Raiders, and you almost kind of had to think he would eventually make his way to the Niners after the Raiders let him go.

      Greg Papa stated after the Raiders let him go that he wanted to continue to work in the NFL. So if you're the Niners, how do you not try and take advantage of that if the opportunity presented itself?

      Yeah, Greg Papa may have lost his fastball a bit or he may rub some Niner fans the wrong way with his touchdown calls, but the guy is still one of the best NFL play-by-play announcers in the game. You can learn so much about football hearing Greg Papa call a football game on the radio.

    2. The thing is Otis III... no one else listens to the game on the radio. I'll watch & listen to whomever is doing the game on Fox, CBS or NBC. Papa is still a low life when it comes to his extracurriculars.

  3. Yes....KCBS was passable. Except that Jennifer Hodges (one of their better anchors, for sure) was, early on, giving the weather in San Jose in the next few days to be "107"....uh, no. It will be hot - but nothing, anywhere, predicts it to be 107 in that area. She later omitted that prediction...

    1. I'm in San Jose, and it's currently 106 at 1:22 pm. I have no doubt that it will be at LEAST 107 before the end of the day.

  4. I'm waiting for tonight's Walnut Creek by the fountain it's so hot shots.

  5. Papa used to be a great Bill King wannabee. And was for a hot minute. No longer

  6. Regarding the heatwave being repeated ad nauseum, this is what happens stations have way too many newscasts, not enough (competent) reporters thus not nearly enough (quality) content, and unqualified dunces are given ‘news director’ titles yet have no clue how to put together a decent newscast.

  7. Can Someone please explain to Papa, he is not male lecher material. First he is too short, second he is hideous,

  8. The problem with Bay Area media and the local teams is it's an "old boys club". Bob Sargent is the 49ers Director of Broadcast Partnerships. Good friends with Greg Papa, Tim Ryan & even lil' Bobby Fitzgerald. (Talk about terrible play-by-play guy. He still thinks he's going to get inducted into the Broadcast Hall of Fame LOL). Fun Fact- After Mark Davis fired Papa in 2018 he contacted Sargent and begged him to not renew Ted Robinson's contract and hire him instead. The rest is history as they say. All this back stabbing will come back on you Greg & Bob someday. It's called karma. Oh... and Greg, your touchdown call sucks. "PAPAAAAAAAAA! Eee...Go...Maniacal !"

    1. Hate to break it to you, but Ted Robinson is no saint either. He shoved Starkey out of the Niners booth on his way in.

    2. Yup. All true here. That's why Teddy Ballgame is doing tennis and the Pac-12. All because Poophead played dirty politics. It'll all come around. Hopefully, Poophead takes a hike sooner than later. He's annoying to my ears. As for Tim Roye, an understated solid announcer. And finally, KCBS was easy on the ears this AM as Leona Helmsley (aka Lisa Chan) wasn't on the air. Maybe she's taking lessons on how to run an audio board. Maybe she's taking lessons on how to announce the news. Nah, that's too much to ask for.

  9. Perfect example of this on KTVU this morning.... Frank Mallicoat does the handoff to the Fashionista and says something like "Hey Rosemary! Maybe you can do something about turning down this furnace that is called California over the next few days?"

    Rosemary replied back, "Sorry about that Frank. That's Mother Nature's department. She's the one in control on how hot it gets." Laughs all around.

    Idiot Mallicoat will supposedly be out at Franklin Canyon Golf Course today at 1:00 pm. golfing in 100° plus weather. Sounds like a great idea. Hydrate...

  10. Tim Roye is just great. Stanford did an awesome job to put that team together. When Tim and Tom are doing home Warrior games on the radio I love them. Tim is so smooth and professional and we are so lucky to have such great sports broadcasters here. The A's guys are great and I still really like the Giants group. All except Papa and Fitz. Homers with all thoughts on their employers opinions instead of the truth. Oh well.

  11. Tim Roye . . . three-diculous! A little presentation sensation!

  12. A radio play by play guy should paint a picture, but Papa gets so bogged down in trying to show off his knowledge of football terminology, he fails to describe the play. You have to wait until he gives the down and distance to get an idea of what happened. He's terrible.

  13. Regarding our current heat wave here in the Bay Area, as far as the coverage of it, in a way, you kind of have to laugh. I was in Houston for a week a couple of months ago, and it was hot, muggy, and humid the time I was there, and really unbearable like it is in the South in the middle of the summer. It also was a downpour one of the days I was there for a good 45 min to an hour, but for the most part it was hot AF.

    When I was in Houston, there was I think one day where they had a heat advisory out where it was over 100 degrees, but other than that, hot/muggy/very humid days are the norm in Houston during the summer. The people there don't think twice about it and they go on with their lives.

    Here, when we get a heat wave for a few days, it's front page news or it's news at the beginning of a newscast. I even got multiple e-mails at work last week regarding the heat wave. It's like c'mon, really?!?... We really don't know how to act when we have heat for a few days. I'm sorry. Yeah, it can be rough, but not nearly as rough as the heat and humidity of the South in the summertime. My time in Houston really changed my outlook on heat. You don't really experience real heat and unbearable conditions until you're in the South in the summer, or Vegas. At least here in the Bay Area we have a breeze later on in the day, and our heat waves don't last that long.

    1. They have justify the 6 weather hits per hour. Allows less real reporting.

  14. I couldn't have said it any better 11:54. Papa never played a down of football in his life, but is going to explain the nuances of the game and not defer to his analyst who actually had a career in the NFL.

  15. Saw on tonite's LA CBS News local broadcast that ex-KPIX Weatherman Darren Peck has moved to CBS Local Los Angeles. Not surprising. The guy is excellent. Crisp, calm, cool, doesn't waste the viewers' time and has outstanding camera presence. Congratulations Darren.

    1. Not a regular KPIX viewer but caught his forecast a few times. I though he was excellent. Didn't know he left the Bay Area for LA. Good for him.

  16. Houston is an AWFUL place to live. Flat, suburban sprawl stretching out in all directions, unbearably hot and humid and a lousy sports town. They lost the Oilers to Memphis, it took 55 years for the Astros to win a World Series, ( of course it took the Giants 53 years but the A’s, long before cheapskate John Fisher showed up won 3 World Series,) the Warriors have won 5 NBA Titles, the Niners 5 more, and the Raiders won two. while they were in Oakland.) the only team from Houston that won and didn’t cheat to get there were the great Rockets teams of 1994-95 when Michael Jordan took a 2 year haitus from the Chicago Bulls.

    1. @11:23- Even though I enjoyed my time overall the week I visited Houston, I agree that it may not be the best place to live. Hot and humid as you said, and there's not really a lot to do there. I was in downtown Houston near the Convention Center and the Astros ballpark (Minute Maid Park) and the Rockets arena (Toyota Center). I think it's called the Central Business District. They have some good eateries, but you have to walk a far distance to some of those eateries in downtown Houston. They also have kind of a homelessness problem there too, but it's not as bad as ours though.

      I agree with you on their sports. It seems like there's no sports/civic pride there. Granted, I was only there for a week but it seems like the only team people care about there is the Astros. I didn't see anyone rocking any Texans gear or Rockets gear around town. I know the Texans and Rockets suck right now, but still. It was weird not seeing any Texans and Rockets fans around town the week I was there.

  17. Greg Papa’s best sport was the NBA. Like Bill King, that was his number one sport to broadcast. He did a very good job on the radio and then a few years on Warriors’ TV, Bob Fitzgerald has his agent, undercut Paps by saying that Fitz would work for much less than Paoa, who’s contract was up. Futz stabbed Paps in the back to get that and job. That idiot Chris Cohan, abd his doofus assistant Robert Rowell were responsible for that travesty, because they approved of Fitz. Now we all have to turn down the TV sound when the Warriors come on because Fitz is insufferable. Papa was no Bill King when he was doing the Warriors, but he was better than most other NBA announcers.

  18. Did Fitz stab Papa in the back? He probably did but it takes two sides for it to happen. Papa asked for more money than Warriors (Cohan and Rowell) wanted to pay and they told him no. In meantime, it pissed them off and they approached Fitz, told him situation and made him offer for half the money. And he took it.

    1. @9:02- That's an interesting way of looking at it, and it's something that hasn't been considered with the whole Greg Papa-Fitz Warriors thing. As we're seeing now, Greg Papa costs too much. It's costing him gigs. Like you alluded to, maybe his price was too high for the Warriors back in those days?

      Plus as we know, teams want their own voice on radio and TV. Tim Roye is the radio voice of the Warriors, while Fitz is the TV voice of the Warriors. Jon Miller and Dave Flemming are the radio voices of the Giants, while Kruk and Kuip are the TV voices of the Giants. Greg Papa is now the radio voice of the Niners.

      Greg Papa back in those days was calling A's and Raider games. Maybe the Warriors didn't want to share Greg Papa with the A's and the Raiders at the time? Plus logistically travel for him might've been hard when the seasons overlap; April with the A's and Warriors, August and September with the A's and the Raiders.

  19. Actually, 9.02 AM, Fitzie DID stab Paoa to get his job. Yes, Papa was asking for a raise but Chris Cohan and Robbie Rowell were idiots and went cheap with the fawning, slobbering Bobby Fitz because his agent said Fitz would take the job fir less $$ A few years Before that happened, KNBR GM Tony Salvador kept trying to get Fitz into the radio spot when Papa was getting ready to leave radio and go to Warriors TV. But the warriors at that time were owned by Jim Fitzgerald, ( no relation to Fitzie,) and a fellow named Dan Finane, ,l and their broadcast Director did not want to have anything to do with Fitz. But Salvador pushed Fitz because Fitz slobbered all over him and had his daddy invite Salvador to his golf club frequently. Bobby Fitz used daddy’s influence and his own abilities to suck up and use snappy patter with people who do the hiring. He is universally despised by almost all of the local sports media for being disengenius, full of himself and an unabashed homer and backstabber. How he has managed to keep the Warriors’ TV job do long is one of life’s great mysteries.
