Saturday, September 3, 2022

Saturday Heat Wave; The Usual Suspects at Work; Paging Walnut Creek Fountain and Livermore Roofer; Pete Giddings was Best; Lloyd Lindsay Young and Old KRON Mark Thompson; Five "Beat-Heat" Tips; Cold Water 415 Media

YES, a heatwave. Today and through most of the week. Not exactly anything new here, more of the same.

And yet everyone's freaking out including our cloudy local media. You would think someone would try something different and kick the can on 7-day forecasts because that's kind of old news now. We've seen it many times. How stupid to hear ad nauseum "weather together" "updates" every ten minutes --I'm not singling out KCBS here because everyone is guilty.

The TV News folks will send the obligatory reporter out to the Walnut Creek fountain for the silly, obligatory live shot of the multi-racial couple licking their ice-cream cones while the kids scream and yell in the background. And wait, let's not forget the end-all shot of the swimming pool and more kids and ...Nothing against kids at a swimming pool on a hot day but you get my drift.

Wait, there's more.

We've become numb to watching the doofus newbie reporter asking the Livermore roofer: "hey, feeling hot today?" And so on and so on...

I'm not asking for a ten-minute package on climate change --that would bore the hell out of us but the usual crap is no answer either.

It's sad when you see the same thing over and over. Maybe ask the weather gurus at the weather center if these frequent heat waves are now part of the new normal; mayve some look at the satellites that show what's up in space; or a direct question: "Is this no longer an event and more of the same coming?" Stuff like that.

Yeah, I know, I'm dreaming...silly me.

*I'm the only one with this idea but damn, I miss Pete Giddings --he would be great during heat waves and he'd get to the point and tell us all we needed to know. Pete made me laugh; of course he was an asshole but that was part of his charm. A Circle7 HOFer.

*Financial Pete dept.: Giddings was the highest-paid weather anchor in Bay Area TV News history pulling down roughly $300K a-year back in the 70's/80's --until Lloyd Lindsay Young took over and shouted, "Hellllllo capitalism!"

*Old KRON circa 1985 when Mark Thompson not only knew his weather and was a funny, poignant anchor, he developed quite a following and paved his way to LA game-show host nirvana. Today, Thompson is out of his element yappin away on albatross KGO Radio.

*WEATHER OR NOT...Rich's five "beat-the-heat" tips.

1. Take a cold shower multiple times and sip lots of water. It sounds mundane but it works.

2. Load up the AC (assuming you have it) and flip on YouTube and watch "The Odd Couple" original movie (Jack Lemon/Walter Matthau)--one of the funniest movies ever.

3. If you want to cool down and get heavy-duty into history, YouTube "All the Presidents Men" and see Robert Redford/Dustin Hoffman/Jason Robards royalty.

4. You could get blasted with a few extra gin tonics and view "The Joker"--Joaquin Phoenix masterpiece. Extra gin for this one.

5. Guys only: observe endless Internet shots of Natalie Wood, the most beautiful woman actress that ever lived. RIP, Madame Wood.


  1. It being Labor Day weekend, Toast your fellow worker Bees with an Ice Cold Beer !! Salud ! Proste ! Or the ceremonious, “Here’s Mud in your Eye!”
    Thanks for your fine work Rich - job well done!
    Stay Cool - Be Cool !!

    1. I looked forward annually on Labor Day weekend to tune into the Jerry Lewis Telethon on KTVU.

  2. HELLO! CONCORD! HELLY CLYDE! The power is already out on parts of Concord and Clyde! (Did I pass the audition, Rich? If so, send my $300k)

  3. I've been watching Kyla Grogan on KRON this week. She is one of the few straightforward weather people in the bay. Never oversells but you get the info and actually know what the hell the weather forecast is when she's done. Some of the others ramble on and try to be cute and I finish going but yeah what's the damn forecast?

    1. Agree with you. I used to watch her on the weather channel.

    2. That's why I love her. Smooth, professional, makes it about the weather but still manages to hold attention, isn't cutsie. That KTVU would let her go and hire the Queen of the Barrio is beyond me.

    3. I think she took off on them from what a friend who works there said. They were too cheap to keep her there apparently. Idiotic move on KTVUs part. But good for her it looks like she's having fun at KRON from the pics she's posted. Realky glad she stayed in the bay.

  4. Didn't Pete Giddings leave KGO because they wanted him to forecast the weather seven to ten days in advance? I may be wrong but I think he said it's not accurate past two days or so.

    1. Three days and yes, I was there when he erupted over that.

  5. "Don't worry! We have this heat wave covered. Stay cool, drink water & use those cooling centers people." - Rosemary the Fashionista & Roberta

    SMH! Good God...

    1. The hottest weekend of the year (a holiday weekend to boot), but yeah let’s mock these two meteorologists for taking 15 seconds to remind us how to keep ourselves and our pets safe. The audacity.

    2. Thumbs up on that. I have decided to stop sitting in front of my space heater eating crackers. Many thanks to the KTVU weather ladies...

    3. What's sad lives you to lead if you can't even use common sense and have to be told by meteorologist to hydrate and stay cool. Especially to you @7:54am... Keep sitting in front of your space heater nibbling on saltines. You'll win a Darwin award!

  6. Little known fact: Natalie Wood was of Russian ethnicity, and was born in San Francisco. From what we have gleaned, she and Pete Giddings were never seen in the same room. Coincidence? The planets say NO

    1. I was a fan of Natalie Driftwood as well.......

  7. I just saw it's 120ยบ in Death Valley and raining.

  8. mentioned the old classics then jumped to a modern film ‘The Joker.’ In that light, the film it was somewhat based on was, ‘The King of Comedy.’ Jerry Lewis in a very different light, based somewhat on Johnny Carson. A Martin Scorsese little jewel from 1982 !

  9. Good enough for me was KRON's Karna Small, who used a grease pen to write in the temperatures on a glass board. So I read, true or not, she had to write backwards for it show up properly on camera. I wonder what Bob Marsden is doing these days?

    1. That is true. Small and Terry Lowry would write the temps backwards behind a plexiglass weather map, thus not turning their backs to the audience.

  10. I read somewhere that Pete Giddings' employment contract made sure that he was the only person on the Ch 7 team allowed to wear a polka-dotted necktie. The B&W photo confirms it.

  11. I was a Joel Bartlett fan when he worked at KPIX with Wayne Walker, Dave McElhatton and a young Wendy Tokuda. They were excellent as a team, IMHO.

  12. Of course Peck opened the weather Saturday night with " ya think it's hot today? Well, it's getting a lot hotter" This guy thrives on these extreme weather events. Who the hell hired him?

  13. Lloyd Lindsay Young was awful. What a clown that guy was.

  14. Sorry, but for anyone with a brain they would realize this is not your run of the mill heatwave. 4+ consecutive days in many areas with highs exceeding 110F. Yesterday 116F in Livermore. Overnight lows in many spots not dropping below 90F. The old record Sept. high in Sacramento since 1887 was 108F, to hit 115F today. This is climate change in action. It is scary to observe and think it is only getting worse by the year. People may be able to isolate themselves from the conditions in air conditioned spaces, the rest of the real natural world, not so much.

  15. These days it is best to get your weather forecast from

  16. Around the SF Press Club Ch7 news was referred to as the "Kickers, Guts and Orgasms Show". Sensationalism and flashy graphics. Tom Van Amburg... dreadful.
