Sunday, September 4, 2022

Thee Signature Voice of KPIX Yesteryear: Mike Hegedus

Mike Hegadus was one of my favorite reporters at KPIX in the 80's and early 90's--a BOOMING voice and some of the greatest "pipes" ever, like...

"Mike Hegedus, KPIX Eyewitness News, Nightcast!'"

Hegedus is very much alive these days doing lots of consulting and teaching video biz. A Santa Rosa trooper.

I'm a little biased here. Hegadus did a primo feature on me back in the late 8o's.


  1. They just don’t make em’ like they used to. Hegs is the real deal, a true professional, and a loyal friend to this day

    1. You should hear him when he’s had a few drinks. “Rrrrr, this is Pat Buchanan…and you’re going to court!!” I about died when he said that.

  2. Replies
    1. Almost forgot about "Hegs"--an awesome and very dedicated reporter.

  3. Maybe he'd let you interview him and you could post it here. A kind of "Where are They Now?" feature from time to time.

    1. I love those Where are They Now segments.

    2. I vote for "Where are They Now?" feature!!!

  4. He was the best. NOBODY said NIGHTCAST like him

  5. It sux to be old & reminded how good BayArea radio USED to be. Actually, I should say, "how good 'RADIO' was". The greedy sales dept's- right or wrong- decided what we heard, like format, talent, hours sometimes, and the quality of our experience. We could be BOMBARDED w dull, effortless commercials, or imaginative, entertaining content that kept you tuned. Now it's the greedy, unconscionable, corporate clowns who've spoiled our party, starting way before the KGO massacre, even tho THAT move showed us ALL who they were & what they've been doing all along, albeit piece by piece, talent by talent, frog in pan slowly boiling away. I'm glad Jeff Bell escaped the asylum. 50 yrs ago when i first worked in radio, the OLD saying was "work 'there' until you don't need them anymore!" but now corporate is incorporating that tune.

  6. Is the reason journalists arent as good as the old days because there are to many media oulets so everyone with a mouth thinks they are Cronkite? Or legacy media stations ( abc,cbs, nbc) led by men who only want young thin,
    and usually white women on their channels so they dont care about brians or ability? Or people over 45 dont matter so no need to talk to us as if we did matter? Rich,any of those the possible reasons?

  7. 4:46 PM you say “…men who only want young thin, and usually white women on their channels so they don’t care about brains or ability”. Wow bro, good thing you are anonymous since you just disparaged all young, thin and especially white women!

  8. Mike Hegudus did a feature story on KPIX on Rich back in 1985: “ Rich Lieberman.. a young, brash
    energetic go getter!”
