Wednesday, September 28, 2022

KTVU and KPIX Rudderless And It Shows; Heather Holmes: Yawn; KGO Radio "Reunion" Draws Universal Cackles; KPIX Peck Man Bloated Ego; Desperate KCBS Wastes Fifteen Minutes on Chronicle Jerk, Hartlaub; KRON's Reyna Harvey gets LA Love; Circle7 Camera Crew Gets Jiggy; KNBR FP Santangelo Not a Ladies Hit; Wednesday Wash


When you have a crisis at the office, your boss is supposed to rally the troops and make headway, install confidence and do what a managers are supposed to do.

Not at KTVU. Not at KPIX, it's apparently a foregone conclusion: there's NO CONFIDENCE by the staff at either place. Certainly at Fox2 and it appears the worker bees have no respect for Lisa White and Scott Warren at 855 Battery.

The Firm's Amber Eikel? Are you kidding me! How AE is allowed to carry on at KTVU is beyond me other than Fox is withdrawn and doesn';t give a damn anymore. Sort of the mindset of one, Julie Haener.

*Look, let's just say I'm in the minority: Heather Holmes is a total lightweight and not ready for prime time. Just so average and vastly overrated.

*Darren Peck, the bloated Napoleon figure at PIX thinks his weather chops is a virtue but the pecker hasn't figured out your EGO can get you into trouble and cause unnecessary turbulence. Hey Peck man: lose your self-importance and grasp your bragging and get a clue, dude.

*That alleged KGO Radio "reunion" over the weekend at the Presideo Club, drew widespread industry cackles over its self-importance. The fraud turnout, held under the auspices of a "charity event", was about as sincere and genuine as a Fresno 7-11.

*More KCBS flutters: a major jerk at the Chronicle; Peter Hartlaub and his schmucky ego, was allowed to blabber on and on and on...plugging a self-absorbed dummy gimmick --an all day transit ride in the city --and KCBS anchors Patti Reising and "wow" guy, Bret Burkhart spent over five minutes with schlub Hartlaub, (who has no heart) talking endlessly about a sweet-nothing event...not to be outdone, AM anchors Melissa Culross and Eric Thomas also allowed another interview (this Wed. morn), with putzy Hartlaub.

KCBS is an ongoing DISASTER. Like the SF Chronicle. Once legacy outlets now embarrassments and unfit to serve unless you like idiocy and parody.

*KRON morning anchor, Reyna Harvey, has been drawing interest from LA TV stations--especially KTLA--and is primed to get a Southland appreciation unless the KRON bosses take care of her.

*Memo to the Circle7 news crew it would be wise to park in an rea where private activities were not as visible and gooey as they were last week near Broadway and the Embarcadero. The local mouse house is abuzz with what took place but I won't say a thing.

*The KNBR cad who freaks out local ladies at bars near the Giants ball yard should know not only are you a terrible talk-show host, the girls arond the park are not impressed with your vital statistics either. FP, get a grip and much bettrer batting stance.


  1. I have seen Peck’s ego get worse at certain points of the day. The one thing I cannot stand is when he says “I digress, let’s get into this forecast”. Meaning no smooth transition talking from one topic to the next. Sometimes he sounds like he’s angry for some odd reason. No other meteorologist I have seen has this much emotion or ego…guys, correct me if I am wrong.

    Not so much in the weekend morning but I think it was a problem during some weekend evenings & also some weekday evenings. I am fine if they keep him but he should lose that ego & attitude.

    Even Heggen is much better, I haven’t seen him ego trip as he comes across as kind and humble to the viewers & anchors. He is more calm & friendly while also presenting the weather clearly.

    1. 12:55PM Could it be that you have forgotten the notorious
      egoist called Lloyd Lindsey Young?? He was one of a kind!

    2. 7:02PM - I’m only in my late 20’s so not too aware of Lloyd Lindsay Young though I have heard a little about him.

  2. The reason you don't like Heather is because like Flint and Jackson, you drink similar water in Oakland.

  3. "*That alleged KGO Radio "reunion" over the weekend at the Presideo Club, drew widespread industry cackles over its self-importance. The fraud turnout, held under the auspices of a "charity event", was about as sincere and genuine as a Fresno 7-11."

    A bunch of self-righteous liberal talkers patting themselves on the back? What could go wrong?

    Charity event? Did Pat Thurston auction off one of her bras? Nikki the broken pots from her front yard? Rothmann a John F. Kennedy half dollar complete with lipstick marks from where him and his wife were kissing it?

    1. Was Brian there auctioning off his first Lawn Jockey outfit?

    2. Rothmann auction off his new Herbert Hoover and Alf Landon biographies..

    3. @2:30 his son is giggling his way all the way to the bank since they let go of Rod. He's the token and he's getting every pre and post game gig imaginable.

      I don't need to hear him before and after 49er games or with Marty. He adds NOTHING.

  4. Given FP, Eric Davis and Howard Bryant's history with the ladies, it's interesting that KNBR has them on their airwaves. Of course, "Do as I say, not as I do" is bigger than ever these days.

  5. The whole thing with local media is a complete mess from top to bottom. Nothing to listen too anywhere. I have been listening to the hurricane weather station in Ft Myers, FLA since noon yesterday. They have been just amazing, especially their chief meterologist. So much better than here. The station is called WINK.

    1. WINK was down when I looked for them.

  6. Edit. So if people were getting frisky in the KGO van it’s a reporter and the cameraman/ driver.

    If this van’s a rocking don’t come knocking.

  7. The MSM is slowly exhaling its death rattle. Won't be long now.

  8. It wouldn't be a proper reunion without Karel.

    1. I liked listening to Karel but he would hardly ever take calls. It would be 3 hours of a Karel soliloquy.

    2. The guy is mentally unstable and was verbally abusive toward staff. Imagine how exhausting working with him was. He never took personal responsibility for his own mistakes and routinely did his show high on marijuana.

    3. 20 years after his alleged “husband” passed, he still talks about it. Get over it.

  9. Again with the Heather bashing. She is a company-first employee taking any time that they want her to work without complaining or throwing a hissy fit. She looks good, speaks well and is quick on her feet. What more do you want? She is Fox material.

  10. Heather Holmes rocks. I think she is a fine babe.

  11. If Harvey goes to KTLA she's an idiot. That station is an even bigger dumpster fire than KPIX or KTVU...

  12. F.P. = Once a Lothario, Always a Lothario.

  13. By now FP must have upwards of two dozen restraining orders against him.

  14. Like it or not, Heather will take 10:00 one day and Mike will be screaming again

  15. "*Look, let's just say I'm in the minority: Heather Holmes is a total lightweight and not ready for prime time. Just so average and vastly overrated."
    Now, I happen to agree, but how is she "lightweight", "not ready for primetime", and Christina Rendon is the next big thing? Uh, no, she's not. And btw, Reyna Harvey is a hidden gem, a great on-screen presence...

  16. Frank-Paul is a creeper. Tried to come up to my lady at Momo's and get her number. I'm 6'3 and practically towered over him. Don't lonely 54 year old guys have something better to do then hit on younger women? Clown! Hey FP! Swing 'n a miss! Grab some pine meat!

  17. Peter Hartlaub is one of the few reasons I pay $.99 for six months ( then cancel) and reup for another 6 months. Suffice to say, I enjoy his columns

    1. He’s a great media historian!

  18. If HH is a lightweight then what are the rest?

  19. Just waiting from our buddy John Rothman to blame Donald Trump for Hurricane Ian. He will make a hole show on the possibles. what do you think about what may/may not happen on the potential out comes. Don Lemon got roatsed by NOAA guy as if this storm was the result of climate change. Its one fucking storm.

    1. Last hurricane trump was involved in he was taking jump shots with paper towels while people he didn't care about were dying, so...his Hurricane track record, not so good.

  20. It looked like the KGO reunion was more like an excuse for “Nurse Heather” from the Dr. Dean Show to allegedly get tanked on free booze. Just an observation. Pathetic.

  21. Reyna Harvey is the only reason I watch KRON. She should be doing the morning show or anchoring their evening news. Get rid of Grant Lodis. My kids could do a better job reading a teleprompter than he does.

  22. Santangelo hasn't gotten any better since he was away. Amateurish bore. Just oozes slime. And wasn't much of a ballplayer, he admits on a daily basis. Ladies man? hahaha I am sure most upstanding women run as he nears.

  23. Agree on HH, and the voice, yikes!! Been saying for months that Peck is a total self absorbed Dick!

    1. Agreed, probably no wonder he did not got the M-F weeknight gig & only works weekend mornings & weekend nights and fills in on other broadcasts (either for Burch on a weekday morning or Heggen on a weekday evening). But I enjoy seeing Peck on the weekends forecasting the weather,

      Glad Heggen has come back. He sounds more knowledgable & more kind with the anchors & viewers. It was great to see him back from vacation. Only thing is today he came in as casual with no tie.

  24. I worked for a local tv station back when FP was with KNBR and CSN Bay Area. We co-sponsored a Giants charity event, so quite a few of us from the station went along with many people affiliated with the Giants, including FP.

    Throughout the entire event, FP obsessively tried to chat up one of our younger, very attractive female reporters. More than once he said they should go out sometime and kept offering up different ideas (grab a drink, he’d give her a tour of the ballpark, visit different food trucks). Each time he found a way to deflect and then eventually politely told him that she’s engaged.

    Rather than take the hint and move on, FP started in with stuff like ‘Wow. Your fiancĂ© doesn’t let you have friends? That’s a red flag’ and ‘I’m not talking about getting married, just two industry people connecting.’ The most pathetic is when he looked at her engagement ring and said ‘he calls that an engagement ring???’

    The most embarrassing part is he had no shame saying all this with other people standing right there. It’s almost like he had blinders on and was so locked in on his target that he didn’t care how creepy and pathetic he looked.

    1. What’s creepy about that? So a guy wants to go out with an attractive woman. Sounds pretty normal to me.

  25. FP can’t help himself. Just a friendly guy.

  26. FP santangelo come on..''hey, i'm F with the emphasis on ''P'' Santangelo!''.

  27. FP Santangelo was one of the guys who when playing w the Giants and Barry Bonds was known as one of the “mighty hydrants.” He, outfielder Marvin Bernard and backup catcher Bobby Estellela were, like Bonds, heavy steroid users. They thought using illegal growth hormones was good for their baseball careers, ( it wasn’t,) They also took the drugs because they were vain, insecure and wanted to impress women by looking like Charles Atlas. I see that FP hasn’t changed a bit in 20 plus years. Another brilliant hire by that Nimrod dimwit Lee Hammer..

  28. Maybe he was just asking for a friend.

  29. Why the hell does KNBR keep giving FP airtime? He’s been run out of town everywhere he’s worked and burned bridges on the way out.
    Apparently a credible sexual assault allegation combined with numerous stories of sexual harassment were music to the ears of KNBR execs when they decided to give him his own show once again.
    What’s most unfortunate is when he wore out his welcome during his prior stint at KNBR back in 2010, Rob Dean and the Burns daughters wanted to take steps to make sure FP would never again get a job even remotely related to the Giants or pro sports in the Bay Area, but they were overruled by the big boss.

  30. The burns daughters are hot.

  31. FP Santangelo, like most of the “talent” on KNBR, is a placeholder until they can find someone with talent, intelligence, humor, and grace. Until KNBR locates these folks, you can hear more insightful commentary by listening to the paint dry. KNBR SPORTS RADIO - THE ORIGINAL “CLICK!” Bait.

  32. I have seen Peck have an ego in late April/early May. There was one week he worked 6-7 days a week, and on the Sunday (5/1) morning forecast (which might have likely have been recorded at midnight), showed he started out acting very cranky with an ego. Started with “OK…” in a very arrogant and short tempered way, and said “that’s the forecast for now…” in a large tempered way.

    This happened because despite him working weekday mornings & then Saturday evening plus Sunday AM before Burch debuted in mid May. Guessing he was really frustrated.

    I can tell you he probably doesn’t like the morning show as it is today; he filled in for Burch this morning. He seems more comfortable filling in for Heggen on weekday evenings & on weekends more comfortable towards Devin (and any fill-in anchors) in the morning & Brian/Juliette/Andrea.
