Thursday, September 29, 2022

Bay Area Media Asleep at the Wheel on Oakland School Shooting; "Where Was Mayor Libby Schaaf?"; MIA; Paging KGO Radio's Nikki Medoro in Particular

In all the bad news regarding the Oakland school shooting on Wednesday--and in reality, the most glaring: where was Mayor Libby Schaaf? And I'm not talking about social media tweets.

As her usual MO, the mayor was MIA. Not on camera, not on radio, not even at the scene of the shooting. It would be standard operation for a city leader to be present after such chaos, first and foremost to show concern and offer up hope and inspiration, clarity, if you will. But termed-out Libby was absent and nowhere near the scene. It's apparent, Schaaf was either too busy or simply doesn't give a damn.

Worse, our lame Bay Area media didn't call her out or even inquire as to why she was not there or even offer any paltry explanation.

Mayor Schaaf is a weekely guest on KGO Radio's Nikki Medoro show and likes doing that program. Mainly because Medoro lobs loads of softballs her way and nothing even remotely critical is discussed, ever. Schaaf regards Medoro as a "bud" and uses her appearences as campaign fodder.

I checked Medoro's opening monologue this (Thursday) morning (minus Schaaf), and she opened with the Oakland shooting and didn't mention the mayor's name. Why, I have no idea but I'm not surprised.

Medoro isn't alone here but the fact she has weekly chats with the mayor and has a cushy relationship with her, speaks volumes.

It's a sad reflection of our lessening media here in the Bay Area and it gets sadder by the day.

Accountability? Reflection? Basic comment by a big city leader in a time of crisis is apparently heavy lifting now.


  1. People are to thin skinned or timid to discuss gun violence, let alone tackle it. As the bodies pile up its always the same response from our leaders and the people of the community eat it up or are just to jaded to care and express outrage. I'm not going to trash the mayor, I didn't vote for her but hopefully someone comes along who can actually do more than express there feelings via a tweet.

  2. It's all about social media likes for posts that assail what's going on. Same old stuff. Wonder if Libby has ventured around town much? Driving up and down 880 you can't tell if you're in Oakland or Mexico City. The graffiti on the walls is out of control. The homeless have their camps all over the place in plain sight. Some parts of Oakland have a stench of piss. Meanwhile, the media just plays dumb. No wonder California is going down the poop hole.

  3. Nikki is a waste of space and should not be on the air. Brings nothing to the airwaves. Not even in the same solar system as Jim Eason or Ronn Owens. Quit now Nikki and go be room mom for your kids. Who are you going to "interview" once ol' Libby is out as mayor.

  4. Why isn't Nikki and her cohorts talking about the 47 Alameda County Sheriff Deputies who failed or as Lt. Ray Kelly said "got a D+" but claim POST said it was ok to hire any warm body with a badge and a gun. If you see an Alameda County Sheriff Deputy, make sure to ask them if they or any colleagues have murdered any married couples in their homes lately? They don't like that. If you fail a psych eval you shouldn't be a cop.

  5. Libby is a disgrace. She should have been impeached years ago. She’s done wonders slimming down the gun violence in Oakland. Shame shame shame on her not reaching out to the community during yesterdays tragedy. A real disgrace. Wrong kind of TV coverage I guess. She’s usually all over social media.

  6. Schaaf and Breed. Two reasons the Bay Area is in the shape it is!

    1. And considering the condition of the rest of the state, you can tell it continues all the way up the political ladder.

    2. Schaaf and Breed are Gavin mouthpieces.

  7. Libby Schaaf is a MILF but not a good politician. I can't wait until the A's leave, then she'll be remembered as the mayor who lost all three teams to other cities during her time in office! LOL

  8. Good points on Wed's unfortunate Oakland incident Rich. But it's quite possible Ms Shaff may simply have been out of town or otherwise unavailable. It's just not possible for her to be available any time, any day, 24/7 365 days a week. As far as Ms Medoro, as the KGO program host it's her responsible to make the guest feel comfortable. In the past -- as recently as KQED's Krasney-hosted Forum --- listeners could still phone in with the embarrassing questions the host prefers not to ask. Unfortunately it's become commonplace for elected politicians to refuse to address listener calls now. You might argue Ms Medoro could require politicians appearing on her show to address listener calls; but if she did, the politicians would very likely refuse to appear. I think Nicki is doing the best job she can, and seems to put forth a lot of effort to make her show interesting and informative.

    1. > Ms Shaff may simply have been out of town or otherwise
      > unavailable

      She was not out of town and had time to post BS PC activities on her FB page. And even if she's out of town, she has a computer, she has access to the internet, she can appear, she can speak, she can send messages. This isn't the 19th century. She's never "unavailable" when a little brown girl needs hugging outside a new school.

  9. > Mayor Schaaf is a weekely guest on KGO Radio's
    > Nikki Medoro show...

    She has a weekly gig on every Bay Area media outlet pretty much, and she does it so that they won't then report bad things about her ir she'll boycott them and lose content. They rely on her and people like her so that they don't have to hire writers and editors and producers--just put a talking head on and let them yammer. And as a result, she knows they're not going to badmouth her. She's a shameless manipulator and she makes me sick. But most people apparently haven't figured this out yet.

  10. What a shit show televised zoom news conference from Oakland today about the school shooting.

  11. I have to give credit where credit is due. I normally watch Ch. 5 from 5 to 6:30- then Lester Holt then back to 5 at 7. At six, I turned to Ch.2 because they usually cover Oakland well. At 6, they had a 10 minute, team coverage package with Greg Lee and crime anchor Henry Lee doing very good dispatches. It reminded me of KTVU on the 80s and 90s where you could count on KTVU for a 360degree report. The only other person who covers Oakland well right now is Dah Lin although I did not see if he reported last night. Your girl Moran did the story from Highland.

    1. That’s why Jocelyn wasn’t on the KPIX am show. Too bad because she’s good on the am show.

  12. Libby, like most local Democrats, is termed out and doesn't see a reason to virtue signal or soapbox in front of the cameras.

    Don't worry, I'm sure the next Democrat will be soapboxing, virtue signaling, woke politicing and giving vacant homes to mothers with 11 kids and 7 fathers.

    1. You got that right. This morning Loren Taylor was already doing it. He has all the answers, you know. But I don't know why Libby is going to do. Her tenure as mayor has been utterly unspectacular and I can't see her parlaying it into a future political career. So she'll probably end up consulting, teaching at Berkeley as a "guest professor," or some other bullshit position.

    2. Libby hasn't done ANYTHING Oakland needs. The main road near me is in such bad shape it's falling apart with every rainfall and soon will be impassable. Libby hasn't paved it, nor has any other mayor, honestly, but on top of that she is digging up that road and installing calming curves and lanes that disappear without warning to prevent hypothetical accidents from cars that drive down the hill too fast. Since doing this, accidents have increased, because the new construction makes it very hard to maneuver and there are few signs that warn this is about to happen. So she doubles down and creates MORE lane barriers and calming curves, chopping down trees and destroying landscaping in the process. The other night a driver didn't see the poorly-lit construction area and drove into a ditch the construction workers had created. Libby (and other dumbass liberal politicians) can't solve real problems like shootings and homelessness and crime, so she invents problems to solve, "solves" them, and then pats herself on the back. All politicians do this to some extent but she really takes the cake. My family is leaving the Bay Area next year when the wife can get clearance to work remotely, and we're never looking back. All our friends have left. Everyone I ever came out here for has left. And no, I'm not going to Texas and saying Texas is so much better than CA. Texas has its own idiot idealogues. But there are still sane places to live, though they are vanishing rapidly. And when they're gone, Europe will be all that's left. I wish I could get citizenship in the EU and move to Germany, where we lived for 10 years, but it's pretty restricted today. They have better healthcare, lower crime, a better work-life balance, nicer people, cleaner streets, and more affordable housing. The American Dream is now elsewhere. Sad that it disappeared so quickly.

  13. Vote her out!!! I dont live in Oakland but given the leadership,glad I dont. She is an embarassment to the city. If people dont get rid of her, then they are complicit in her failure.

  14. Where were all these mouthy Republicants after the massacre in Uvalde TX? How come they were not excoriating Trumphucs Abbott, Cruz, and Cornyn??
    Oops. My bad. Their myopic vision is so slanted they cannot see their own hypocrisy.

  15. I always get a kick out of people who complain about how Democrats are the problem. They the reason Libby Schaaf is a bad mayor is because she’s a Democrat. Well, What the hell has the GOP done besides stacking the Supreme Court so that
    They overturn Roe vs Wade? Trump spent four years Bitching and moaning about ‘Obamacare’ but he or the GOP offer any alternative? By the way, over 20 million Americans including a good friend of mine depend on Obamacare to pay their medical bills. And how about Republican leader Mitch McConnell telling reporters shortly after Obama won his second term that “our number one priority is to block ANY legislation he proposes.” That’s really responsible leadership…NOT! The Dems are far from perfect. Schaff is anything but perfect. Breed is far from perfect. The Bay Area has LOTS if problemes, and gun violence js right up there. How about passing some legislation to keep automatic weapons out of the hands of our citizens? If the GOP continues to block any efforts in that direction. And GOP legislators continue to slavishly fiollow a traitorous criminal serial list who is only interested in self aggrandizement. There too afraid of the autocrat wanna be, even after January 6th that the gutlessly follow on his wake like s bunch of lap dogs. Yeah,Schaaf and the Democrats could and should do better. But the Republicans are a joke. They used to be a respectable conservative party and believed in old school Republican value abd actually working with the Dems for the good of Anerican citizens. Today? They’ve been hijacked by an updated version of the John Birch Society, those conspiracy loonies . of an earlier era who screamed about “ Connies under our beds!” The next time I hear somebody complaining about the Democrats,
    I’ll wager they spend most a lot of time watching discredited “news outlets” such as Newsmax or Fox. Embarrassing carnival barking programs labeled as “entertainment.” Yes for both of the days foxy vote Republican get their news from. News coverage on FOX or Newsmaxx? Seriously?
    More like recycled drivel and tripe.

    1. I agree, but Dems don't work either. BOTH parties are the problem and I do not like either of them. And the country cannot last long the way it's going with either party. If Trump wins in 2024, which I think is HIGHLY probable at this point, he will punish all enemies and perceived enemies, stack the courts and governmental departments with sycophants, and find excuses to suspend (end) liberties, creating a de-facto dictatorship with him as king. The scary thing is, most of his supporters *want* this, they want to overturn the Constitution and destroy the country they claim to love so much. If a Democrat wins, we'll stumble on to more half-baked solutions for crime, poverty, and most of our other social ills. The only redeeming quality Democrats have at this point is they are not militant and do not want to overthrow the country—enough Republicans do that it will happen—guaranteed—if they attain majority status in both houses and the White House. Not a good scenario no matter what happens. America is screwed no matter what happens; it's just a matter of do you want a slow, gradual screwing or wham-bam, thank-you ma'am?

    2. Right on the money 6:14. The only problem the GOP sees is that rich people aren't rich enough.

  16. @6:14 preach! People dont like someone DO SOMETHING about it. Bitch and moaning isnt the answer to solve problems.

    1. It takes more than 1voice to make a difference. We complain but vote the same lazy people back in office. Voters are good at Talking the Talk, but when it comes to putting the right people in office we Walking the Walk.

  17. On Mayor Libby. 1st she was a good city counsel; person when she represented us.. A welcome relief from Quan, she had a good staff and even if you disagreed you know her stance. ( loved that in her) But as a our mayor. I am so saddened. can't get to her for nothing!!!!!! Cant get to anybody but some older than me sounding volunteers. try and get to her Voise mail or office phone BS.. She disgusted me.. I have no idea how and why people Sur come to be such scoundrels... If you read thsi SHAME on YOU!. we bant get a a OPD to respond for months.. You gwt pait balled on your garage doors and the street is closed off and it seems as all of OPD is there... Sad........ I can go on.. so sad because she had hope so i though... Horrible

  18. Libby got COVID about a week ago. This was widely reported. That is probably why she didn't show up to the shooting scene. It also explains why all the Oakland leaders held a Zoom press conference today. There's not really anything the TV stations missed here.

    1. > That is probably why she didn't show up
      > to the shooting scene.

      Wrong because as I said above she showed up at a photo op on the same day to hug a little brown girl, which is what she does best.

  19. Sounds like everyone here can agree on one thing. We all miss (well a lot of us) Jerry Brown as the Mayor of Oakland.

  20. Coverage hours after the shooting:
    SFGate (AKA Clickbait Weekey Reader): Coolio's Dead
    NYTimes: Shooting in Oakland.

  21. LIbby Schaff actually started out pretty moderate- but we know here in the Bay Area, that makes you a, "right wing facist." During her tenure, it appears she had to capitulate to the very vocal far left of Oakland. If you listen closely, most of the folks in Oakland want a more moderate leadership in City Hall and at 700 Broadway Police Headquarters. It seems like anyone right of far left towards the center is afraid to run in Oakland. For all of his issues, including his son, I'd welcome moderate Ignacio de la Fuente as mayor as a relief to those on the far left.

  22. Oakland taxed its last gun store (Siegle's) out of existence 22 years ago, so why are there still shootings in Oakland? Surely the City Council knew what it was doing when it increased the tax on receipts twentyfold.

  23. Libby was at a No Tell-Hotel, getting her Y dined and unwind


    1. Is Libby Schaaf still fooling around with her boy toy(s)? For a while there it was generally understood within the Mayor’s Office that she was having incognito rendezvouses with at least one younger guy but possible another.

  24. Bring back Chip Franklin!

    1. Fk nooooooooo. Wish Nikki hikki would go

  25. All drippy libby cares about is ass kissing for the loser oakland a's. She doesn't care about crime or anything connected to lower avenues in oakland. She is awful. I don't listen to kgo anymore so I'm not sure what that whiney Medora is saying
