Friday, September 30, 2022

The Giants Have Broadcast Issues For 2023; TV/Radio Teams Could Look/Sound Vastly Different; Kruk.Kuip Dilemma; Miller/Flemming Complications

IT'S NOT a foregone conclusion that Jon Miller will be back in 2023 as play-by-play broadcaster for the Giants. Far from it, but that's the least of their problems.

Kruk and Kuip (Mike and Duane) don't want to retire anytime soon and, thus, the Giants' broadcast hierarchy are in a collosial dilemma: they won't/ can't ever rid the booth of the dynamic duo--it would be treasonous and amount to a firestorm. Only thing is, and it's huge: both Kuiper and Krukow can't travel on road trips anymore and it's a tremendous burden on the Giants' TV and radio broadcasts.

And have we mentioned Dave Flemming yet? Let's do so.

Flemming's contract is up in '23. He has specific language in his deal that allows him to do various sports (mostly football and basketball) on ESPN. Flemming is gung-ho on all that because he eventually wants to become a top dog on ESPN (or another sports network) and his Giants' obligations are clearly in the rear-view mirror especially if the team has some down years. What that means for the future is anyone's guess but clearly the Giants (and Larry Baer) don't want to be a second fiddle. And Flemming wants to carry on but as they say, it's complicated.

Which brings us to the present day --the Giants know all well about FP Santangelo's personal baggage. They really don't want to hire him as a radio/cable analyst but FP is actually decent on that platform; as a KNBR sports talk-host he absolutely is terrible.

But KNBR and the Giants brought him back to the Bay Area as insurance because of the current conflicts in the booth, TV and especially radio.

Sean Estes is a pretty good analyst but he can't shut his mouth and talks way too much. Beyond that, Estes apparently is not cool on traveling long distance for long periods of time as a baseballl season requires.

Other candidates like Javier Lopez and Randy Wynn like their present now-and-then schedule and aren't interested in anything more long-term.

For now.

Make no bones, changes are coming in '23. The sponsors pay a lot of money and are ticked off at the Giants lack of cohesiveness on their TV/Radio platform. It needs fixing and an overhaul and there's one coming next season, just in what form and the who's/why's remains to be seen.

Stay tuned.


  1. I'd love to see the Giants hire Doug Greenwald for its broadcasts. He currently does the Fresno Grizzlies Single A. He sounds just like his dad Hank and does a good job. Think he would be a perfect fit. Not a Flemming fan...Way too bland for me...

    1. YES! Doug Greenwald is my choice also! It actually seems odd that he hasn't followed his father to a broadcasting position with the Giants....perhaps it's not his choice....

    2. 10:43, he has followed his father's footsteps. Fresno is not currently affiliated with the Giants. They're the affiliate of the Rockies and there's still bad blood from Hank's book.

    3. That's because Hank & Larry Baer had a falling out. Hate the father, punish the son regardless how good the son is.

    4. Will the Thrill nailed it. Ironically, Baer is the reason FP is back on KNBR. When FP got run out of town over a decade ago Rob Dean and the Burns sisters actively advocated to permanently bar FP from any future employment with the Giants and any affiliates, including KNBR. Baer nixed the idea and essentially said as long as he was in charge the door would remain open to FP.

  2. Phlegm is dreaming if he thinks he can be a top dog at ESPN. That ship sailed long ago.

    1. Fleming isn't much better than Roxy "I have saliva in my mouth " Bernstein. Shows you how desperate ESPN is to hire play by play "talent" because neither of them have any.

    2. @9:58- Dave Fleming could be one day. He's doing bigger college football and college basketball games on ESPN now. It's only a matter of time before he gets an opportunity to be one of the main voices of ESPN college football and/or college basketball, if he doesn't do as much baseball for ESPN.

      What makes you feel the ship has sailed on Flemming being a top dog at ESPN?

    3. @2:42- Not going to lie, sometimes I get their voices confused when one of them calls a college football or college basketball game on ESPN. Sometimes it's like, that's Dave Fleming when it's Roxy Bernstein, or that's Roxy Bernstein when it's Dave Fleming. LOL.

      They're both quality broadcasters. Why do you feel they both don't have talent?

  3. Too bad the A's announcers couldn't come over to San Francisco. Way better to listen to, not as much drama as the prima donnas in San Francisco. It's a shame we can't resurrect Lon Simmons. He wouldn't take days off during the season like Slim Miller does. And he wouldn't be full of himself like Slim and the Thompson Twins on TV.

    1. Rumor has it that Glenn might replace his brother if Duane decides to step down, retire, etc. This makes sense especially if the A's are moving to Vegas.

    2. @2:44- Glen Kuiper is ok, but he doesn't have the same personality as Duane and at times can be kind of boring. With that being said, I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually comes to the Giants though, no matter what happens with the A's situation. I think their brother Jeff Kuiper still produces the Giants games on TV, and Glen Kuiper did the Amy G role for Giants games years ago before he went to the A's to call their games full-time.

      Duane Kuiper is still sharp, but now that he doesn't travel as much, you have to wonder how much longer he wants to call games.

  4. i agree; Doug Greenwald would be a perfect hire for the radio booth; he's crafted his skills as a broadcaster over many years doing it in the Giants farm system ;

  5. Ask Bobby Valentine what he thinks of Estes.

  6. Doug Greenwald is good but he does not have Miller's sense of humor which is great. Flemming is good too but Miller carries him. Flemming is a very capable announcer and would fit in well on ESPN but he has it pretty good with the Giants. Why leave? Krup and Kuip are funny but now pretty boring on TV with the team woes front and center. The Giants and their glory days are over, the team is terrible and you can't sugar-coat that. All in all, the only thing keeping the interest going is the broadcast team. I think of the 4, lose Krup as his physical issues limit him. Ken Korack is awesome and would be a great team-up with Miller, as they are both total professionals.

  7. Get rid of the juvenile lights on Sunday games. Hideous, Additionally, can thet clown Carlos Ramirez. I'm going to miss Kruk, Kuip, Miller and Flemming; the best broadcast team in the MLB.

    1. Most overated is more like it.

  8. The key word is priority. Krukow and Kuiper need to retire. Vin Scully knew it was time when he went from only traveling to teams west of the Rockies to only home games. Jon just doesn't have the same fire and many nights is lackluster, have 25 years with the team maybe it's time to retire. Flemming has to make a decision like previous Giant play-by-play announcer Al Michaels did: stay local or go national. You can't do both under the present circumstances.

    All these men do not have the Giants as their priority. You don't need name announcers, but solid guys will broadcast 162-200 hames a year (inc. Spring Training and Postseason) that can establish a relationship with the audience, That's what Korach had done with the A's. There is little to none now. I mean if the announcers don't care why should we?

    1. Vin Scully was in his 90's when he retired. Had not traveled to all games for over 20 years.

    2. Wrong. Starting in the 90's he would do all home games and road games against Western Division teams (AL & NL). He then scaled back to just California. Moreover, he would do most (if not all) home games. The first three innings were simulcasted, he would then do the rest of the game on TV solo. The Dodgers and Scully had a great relationship fir many years that allowed to do the Dodgers but give him time to work at CBS, NBC and time off.

  9. I'm not a fan of F.P. he had issues in D.C. with the Nationals and his name was in the Mitchell Report. Plus his broadcasting career shows he doesn't stay in one place too often. Estes is a work in progress. He needs to overcome "Sutcliffe Syndrome" and realize you don't have to talk every second of a game.
    Maybe not having an ex-jock color man is whar's needed. I mean, it worked for Russ Hodges, Lon Simmons, and Hank Greenwald and they were all pretty good announcers.

    1. Agree about Hodges, Simmons and Greenwald, but I think our attention span is different than it was back in the day. If there needs to be a color announcer, I like the job Hunter Pence does. He adds information and humor the same way Krukow adds to Kuiper. The other fill-in color guys (like Estes) just talk to hear themselves. While I have your attention, Carlos Ramirez is simply terrible. Lose him during the off-season, even if you have to pay him to go away.

    2. Frank Paul has also been under investigation for multiple sexual harrassment lawsuits. Definitely a Creeper... dare I say boarderline stalkerish behavior. Giants better do a deep dive background check on that guy if they foolishly decide to go that route. KNBR sure didn't... FP, Papa & Lund just ooze perverted creepiness. We can do better...

  10. Don't forget about Hunter Pence. He's done a handful of games and is an absolute natural. I thought he'd be a little too whacky and he is but it works.

    1. Yes, yes, yes!!!

    2. Ehh, not sold on Hunter...if Instagram could talk, it'd sound like him...short snippets of fluff

    3. Like Estes, Hunter is green but has potential. With some guidance and practice he could form the core of a new broadcast team. Right now, he needs work. Maybe doing games in Sacramento or being paired with an experienced, dedicated broadcaster (ex. Ted Robinson, Dick Stockton) would help him develop.

  11. I would hire road announcers. A retiree from the Giants WS teams, and a journeyman play by play guy.

    1. You're asking for mediocrity. This is still a World Class city/

  12. I'll tell you who we DON'T want near a Giants broadcast.... Carmen "I love Bel" Kiew. She is horrible and maybe someone at NBC Sports Bay Area is reading this blog. I haven't seen her on the weekends or post game shows nor is her best buddy Marty Lurie letting her on the KNBR pre-game at the park show. Go away Cartman! No one likes you and your lack of baseball knowledge.

    1. To the best of my knowledge Marty has spent the whole summer in Arizona. Not sure why he has, but Carmen must still have some connection at NBCSBA.

    2. I turn the channel whenever Fartman Cube comes on. I used to just mute the TV but merely seeing her through the corner of my eye became annoying AF.

  13. Think of the fun Larry would have bringing non sport guys like Sudden Steve Moskovitz and Jumbo John Rothmann,two fellas who couldnt tell a baseball from a softball,but the marketing possibilities are endless.
    Every time the Giants score 415 80 80 810 or a combo of it in an inning John will send an autographed copy of his new liz Cheney bio and the 7th inning is the dont confuse people with the facts/888 tax deal grand slam Hawaiian airlines giveaway.
    If a Giants player hits a grand slam Gabe Kapler will come on John's show to offer his analysis of the middle east conflict and the 2024 election

  14. Uhh Rich you completely overlooked former Giant, Bellarmine and SJSU alum and star, former KNBR host, Bay Area kid, and current talker for the Nationals, Kevin Frandsen. I'm pretty sure he's coming for one of those jobs when they open up.

    1. Big yawn on Frandsen.

    2. ....especially in Philly.

    3. He was doing color for the Phillies for awhile and now the Nationals. Coming back here in the offseason. Makes sense that he's waiting for the spot and getting his time in. That and his grandmother and Radnich's mother were best friends lol.

    4. I think he's the all time hits leader at San Jose State.

  15. I'd highly doubt they could pry Vin Scully away from the Dodgers. If they could it would be the coup of the century!!!

    Los Gatos

    1. Especially since Vin died last month

    2. Paul from Los Gatos? Sure you're not Joe from Delaware?

    3. Come on man.

    4. Yeah, I’m sure the Giants would love nothing more than to exhume Vince’s body and give him a job in broadcast booth.

      And while we’re at it let’s also exhume Dennis Richmond’s remains and throw him back on the desk with Julie Haener. Maybe it’ll get her to show up to work again.

  16. John ''Ill have another Miller'' High Life!

  17. Whatever they do, they need to get Shawn Estes to STFU. He blabbers on and on and on. Put his ass on a 15 ‘talk clock!’

  18. I don't know who to bring in, but I do know that Kruk and Kuip are old and so are their stories. Bring in a fresh look at the game from guys who have recently retired from the game.

  19. Time for Mike to “grab some pine, meat”. You can’t travel? It’s time for you to leave the “yard” and head for the pasture. It’s over Kruk. Grab your walking stick and get moving. As for Duane, gotta love that radio voice and commentary. He stays.

    1. Do you remember Kuip's tie off for 'health issues'? I doubt that those (*cough*can er*cough

    2. Have we all forgotten the 'health issues' that resulted in Kuip missing some games earlier this year (or was it last year?) I don't think that's been completely resolved (*cough* cancer *cough*).

  20. A guy named Joe Ritso announces as a fillin and he would be a welcome addition

    1. Voice of the Sacramento River Cats, Giants Triple A affiliate. Kinda sounds like Hank Greenwald in my opinion. I'd like to see Bob Costas do Giants baseball.

  21. Estes I think is ok, some funny stories, Javier Lopez has really become better and better, like his cool style , hunter pence is a lot better then I expected and Johnny from the River Cats is pretty good, that weekend crew after the games suck, cannot figure what the local nbc sports folks are thinking with Rod Brooks on the football post game show

  22. Don't sleep on Vince Cotroneo, arguably the best broadcaster in the area. Knowledgeable, funny, and self-deprecating; not an arrogant know it all.

  23. They need to ditch Rich Aurilia. His personality is way too intense and the show feels much heavier when he’s on. Not to mention he doesn’t work well with others, and it’s gotten to the point where he only does shows when it’s just him and Laura Britt.

    1. @9:02- In what ways is the show heavier when he's on? I think Rich Aurilia is fine. Yeah, he may be too old school at times, but overall, he's good. Gives solid analysis. Plus, you can't help but get late 90's, early 2000's vibes when he's on as he was on the Giants teams in that era that were contenders, and his recollection of those Giants teams. I also like how he sticks up for Barry Bonds when people like Roger Maris Jr diminish Bonds accomplishments because of his link to the steroid era.

      Not work well with others? Yeah, Rich Aurilia and Carlos Ramirez had that one spat, but they've worked together a few times since then. The reason why Aurilia is not there as much is because I think he runs a winery and I think he lives in Arizona, so it might be hard for him to be here in the Bay Area as often.

      Also, Carlos Ramirez hasn't been on the Giants pre and postgame as much recently since he's now spending more time with the Niners shows.

  24. Make the road game broadcast more like the Manning Cast on ESPN. K&K can be in a studio and have drop in guests, hopefully from the other team/city.

    1. @9:44- Not sure if that's Kruk and Kuip's style, even though they could have a broadcast where it's like the KNBR wrap and they tell stories during the game.

      Maybe doing something like that maybe once a month or for games against teams like the D-Backs or the Rockies or another opponent that's not as exciting, could work.

  25. Richie has zero charisma and scant sense of humor. A stiff on the air. He had one great season, which does not entitle him to a broadcasting career.

    1. 10:16am, Bingo. You hit the nail on the head.

  26. Kruk and Kuip and Dave and Jon have really been a pleasure to listen to over the years and through the Giants WS runs. Definitely HOF material as I’ve heard some pretty awful broadcasts in other markets. We’ve been lucky to have them.

    But everything must change. Even Willie Mays had to hang up the cleats at some point. Kruk and Kuip still have a couple good years left as home announcers only. Miller is still entertaining with his stories from his well read and travelled life. And Dave Fleming has the resume to back the fact that he’s an excellent multi sport announcer.

    Of the new generation, I do like Estes and Lopez. And Hunter Pence is actually quite good behind the mic. Hope the Giants incorporate him more in ‘23. Entertaining guy. I do miss Tim Flannery. He also had some spark to him in post game shows And Mike Morse was fun a couple years ago too! (And quite easy on the eyes as well. lol)

    The rest of the crew are serviceable parts of the Giants family albeit somewhat plain sometimes. They have to keep Rich Auriillia though because Aaron Judge said Rich was his favorite player growing up. So when Charles Johnson mortgages the stadium to sign Judge this off season Aurilia will definitely have something to brag about!!! (Hey, one can dream, right? 😂).

    If they want that stadium full again they better get busy with the product on the field first. May new minority owner Posey be their liaison and guiding light through his eye for talent and his his precise use of Buster Hugs.

  27. I can't speak to radio, but I guess Joe Ritzo calls the Giants road games on the radio when Dave Flemming is on TV? Maybe the Giants can continue that for next year, or maybe bring back a guy like Ted Robinson if he's willing to come back to the Giants to call some Giants road games.

    As far as bringing in guys like FP and Kevin Frandsen, at one time it did look like one of them would be Krukow's heir apparent to be the Giants next TV color analyst, but FP has a history which has been stated on here earlier, even though according to a poster earlier, he's back in Larry Baer's good graces. Kevin Frandsen is ok, but I think he just got to the Nationals from the Phillies to be their TV color analyst. Not sure if the Nationals would be willing to let him go, unless the Giants offer him more.

    At the same time, it wouldn't surprise me if FP could be in the mix though for TV color analyst duties on the road. There wouldn't be as much pressure on Estes and Lopez to do as many road games and Kruk and Kuip wouldn't have to do as many road games from the NBC Sports Bay Area studio. We'll see what happens there. There may be a reason why FP was brought back to KNBR. I'm sure they didn't want him to just do the weeknight show on KNBR.

    But yes, with all of this being said, I wouldn't be surprised if the Giants broadcast team situation is year to year for now.

  28. Kuiper and Krukow should've been shown the door a couple seasons ago. Kuiper makes flubs nearly every game because he's just mailing it in at this point. Meanwhile, Krukow is more fragile than mache. Don't get me wrong, they were great in their heyday, but that's long over.

    The Giants should've locked up Flemming long ago. Pence and Lopez have done a great job and only get better. Estes is okay and will be better once he learns "less is more". Either way, it's time for the Giants to move on to the next evolution rather than holding on too long just because they have the feels.

    1. @11:35- Regarding Krukow, I feel bad for him. Wish he could travel with the team more often, but him and Kuiper doing some of the road games from the NBC Sports Bay Area studios wasn't bad, even though you get pandemic memories with that and no one wants to remember the earlier days of the pandemic. Like Kuiper, Krukow is one of the few constants on this team and someone that we're all used to.

      I think I agree on Flemming, but he sounds committed to staying here in the Bay Area and calling Giants games full-time despite going off to ESPN from time to time to call baseball, college football and college basketball games, as well as golf. Flemming has roots here now and has raised/is raising his family here. I think both sides (Flemming and the Giants) are good where they're at currently. I think the Giants are confident they won't lose Flemming, at least not at this point.

      I agree on Hunter Pence and Javier Lopez. They are getting better and could be even more comfortable with more reps calling more Giants road games next season. I think Estes is good. Yeah, Estes may be a lot like Kelenna Azubuike where he talks a lot, but sometimes as a broadcaster, they have to set up the play or break down a play that just happened and the nuances of it.

  29. How about Bob Fitzgerald? He knows everything about everything.
    Really just kidding. So annoying. Even KNBR figured that out

    1. Why not BF or Greg Papa would do a better job then the current announcers.

  30. Some thoughts about the Giants’ broadcast situation: Giants will NEVER hire Doug Greenwald because Larry Baer hated what Hank Greenwald wrote about him, ( all true,) years ago in a book. Plus, even though Doug has his dad’s voice, he has little personality and lacks Hank’s wonderful sense of humor. Baer runs the broadcast operation and is an insincere sleaze who orchestrated the shabby treatment of former Giants CEO Bill Neukom who was booted out the door. Ken Korach should leave that funeral across the bay and come over to SF but he’s 71 and probably wants to retire in a few years. Too bad because very few pay any attention to the A’s anymore since that idiot owner John Fisher has run them into the ground. The minor league announcers the Giants have had occasionally fill in, Joe Ritzo from San Jose and Johnny Dosco from Sacramento are in those cities for a reason. They’re not major league broadcasters. Baer might hire Roxy Bernstein some day. According to Roxy, Baer was going to replace Joe Angel with him years ago but Roxy shot off his mouth about it, Angel heard about it and was furious and so was KNBR so Baer, ever the politician pulled the plug on the idea. Flemming always seems to be “ on assignment” every other week and does a credible job but is pure vanilla. Miller is almost 71 and seems to be behind calling plays much of the time when he’s doing radio. Maybe his eyesight is failing? It happened to the great Bill King the last few years of his career. Kruk and Kuip still do a solid job and are beloved but you can tell that Kuip’s illness is sapping a lot of his energy and he just doesn’t sound very enthusiastic anymore. Can you blame him? Krukow will keep going until he’s past 80. His enthusiasm, knowledge and humor are wonderful and he hasn’t lost his edge. Please do not bring Glen Kuiper over to SF. He does a decent job in Oakland but isn’t close to being as good as his brother. If Greg Papa or Ted Robinson were available, that would be great but Papa is committed to 49ers and I get the feeling Robinson, after doing the Giants on radio for nearly 10 years had his fill of Larry Baer. Can you blame him?

  31. Odd take to say the least
