Thursday, September 22, 2022

Bay Area Media Losing All Sorts of Pros

WE KNOW ABOUT THE EXODUS of people leaving the Bay Area.

It involves all sorts of groups. It includes all industries.

TV/Radio too.

The Bay Area used to have very talented people in mass media and now they're all leaving. And they're leaving in droves. I can't believe how many have departed. Worse, it's not ending anytime soon.

Cost of living, sure, and there's tons more reasons. TV and radio. And the people we have here now, for the most part, don't even know the area.

You can see and listen every day.

What a shame.


  1. The "wokeness" of the ba diluted the "eliteness"...
    Bums, junkies...and the Intolerance of other opinions doomed the place.
    Sorry, but there is more civic pride in places like Bakersfield and Fresno, and more civic unity.
    The only thing left over here is the 415 area code...and that has an overlay.
    We did this to ourselves.

    1. I laugh anytime I read or hear about right-wingers blaming "wokeness" for any problem in their lives. The Bay Area has always been a liberal place. Also, a very expensive place. Those who are conservative...or cannot afford to live here...are free to leave. After all--as conservatives love to preach, but don't actually believe--this is a free country.

      I would rather be "woke" (embracing all cultures, religions, lifestyles...and helping those less fortunate than me)...than "asleep" (White American only, Christian only, turning backs on the poor). I'd rather give my money away to higher taxes, than to religious institutions (which say one thing--preaching God's love of all mankind--but turns around and enforces Christian "Sharia Law" on our country).

      Gimme TRUE freedom every time. It's why I enlisted in the Army (Desert Storm vet here)--to serve my country and defend our Constitution.

  2. Please list the talented news media who have left the Bay Area in the past two years.

    1. Paul Deanno, Christian Ayers from KPIX alone.

    2. Too bad we can't list the talented news people that passed on this market due to the pettiness, crime and high cost of living.
      Up and coming producers will eat macaroni 7 days a week, while reporting on a "living wage". This place is a joke.

      Did I mention the robberies of crews ,and the murder of the security officers who we have to fight over because our station is too cheap to provide security for all the reporters and camera crews?
      I go to Menlo Park for an interview at a tech firm...later I get diverted to Oakland for a killing with NO security, and they can't send a guard to us because we only hire one for the day.

      Sorry for the rant, but I have to go soak my new shoes in acid to get all the pathogens and crap off them.

      415 area code....I'm soooooo special!

    3. We got Yamamoto and the LT. You should be thankful.

  3. Yeah, Reed "I want my plaque back" Cowan kept saying "the 580" and "the 101" when he was anchoring the other night.

  4. Many Silicon Valley tech & engineering professionals, Ph. D.'s and the like, the folks that actually do the inventing, who have lived & worked here for 20-40 years, are now leaving as well. It's a little worrying.

  5. Whats wrong with that? Is there a Traffic Report Rule that offends you? What about CAPS? Have you ever listened to traffic reports in other large cities.
    How does "The" offend you?
    Are you too elite for "The"?

    1. As a traffic reporter. In Northern California we don't say THE 80 or THE 4. It's a so Cal thing that instantly lets older listeners know you aren't from here. The same when you mistakenly mispronounce a name. It's not offensive, it's just an indication that you don't know the market and aren't from here.

  6. Stop with the damn "wokeness" thing! Nobody knows what that means anymore. It's just a buzz word for when people don't like something. If you have a problem with a person or issue, come out and say what you mean. Stop hiding behind a nonsense word like "woke"! You're just afraid you might get canceled.

    1. Being canceled in part of being woke... so you answered yourself.

  7. Let’s be brutally honest - it cost a lot to live in the Bay Area.
    Buy a house around the bay - the taxes alone will be around $25K per year, or a little over $2000/month
    Then there is the lousy traffic. CalTrans installed “the rich-bast… lanes, to the detriment of traffic flow.
    Then there were the “tax the rich” propositions and guess what, they bailed for Florida and Texas. But if you have lived in either, you would WISH you were in CALIF.
    The homeless crisis seems intractable, and jaw all you want, it is EVERYWHERE.
    Calif is the 5th or 6th largest economy in the world, we ARE “the straw that stirs the drink” (Reggie Jackson original). And guess what - we get 75 cents of every tax dollar we send WASH DC. Florida, and Mitch McConnell lands get $1.25 for their buck sent to WASH DC. So we subsidize the failed states in the USA. Failed because they don’t pay their own way. And Texas gets Billion$ in oil subsidies every month. When the oil economy finally ends, there will be only 4 morons left in Texas: Ted Cruz, Abbott, Gohmert, and Cornyn.

    1. @5:15 California has problems but I would live in Texas or Florida right now. I lived in Tampa for 10 years 1978-1988. Hot as hell in the summer and too many rednecks. Yeah we support states like Kentucky and West Virginny with their Senators that hold us hostage.

  8. Putting "The" in front of 101 or 580 says SoCal to me. It's not offensive, it just says you're not from here. Not a good look for KPIX.

    1. But not putting "The" in front say's your from Norcal ?
      That makes NO sense. Is this written in some Traffic reporter style book? Oh wait....KCBS just said "THE Mac Arthur Maze...followed by "On The Bay Bridge"....Approaching THE 280-101 split"...

      Please explain this rule to all of us...and explain why the rest of the country say's "The".

      Signed: Total Traffic Reporter, and former Metro Traffic Reporter. Both LA, and SF.

    2. It's not in a manual, it's just one of the subtle differences between north and south. If you haven't been here very long you may not have picked up on that. Criticizing the people who have lived here awhile is kinda weird.

    3. Get a grip Clown - THE belongs in SoCal where its been used for eons. Not here where its never been used.

  9. Like this area is so precious.

  10. So why is it so expensive to live here? Because people are willing and want to pay for it. And why do people pay? Because for people can afford it, the Bay Area is one of the greatest places on earth to live.

    No one is forcing anyone to live here. But, there are plenty of us who do want to live here...and we are willing to pay for it.

  11. The broadcast exodus is everywhere. People are leaving a medium with no future. All there is to it.
