Thursday, September 22, 2022

Ask Rich Lieberman

ANSWERING YOUR BAY AREA TV/Radio media questions. Please, name and town.


  1. Julie Haener has missed the past few days of work. Has she already resorted back to her old ways?
    Brian in Pinole

    1. Brian, she's got one foot out the door, all I know. If you wanna be investigative-minded, go to the Danville Safeway, she hangs out there.

    2. Her son playing football at Fresno State got injured on Sat game. She is probably standing by her son

    3. There's always an excuse. So unless he's in a coma or on life support (neither of which is even remotely the case, apparently he injured his ankle (didn't even break it), then there is no excuse whatsoever for her to miss work.
      You don't think other people would like to miss work anytime their little Johnny isn't feeling good?

    4. Actually, people do--it's called concern. And it's a bit more than just a little boo-boo, but hey I feel your empathy.

    5. Wrong 1:24pm. Per her social media she’s currently out with her Real Housewives of Danville friends flaunting her wealth at some lavish resort that most of us can’t afford.

  2. Is Andria Borba still with KPIX?

    1. Yes, I have inquired about her status --extended vacation I head but maybe she's looking around to escape the PIX mess.

  3. Is Mary Lee still engaged?
    'Cause I'd slide into her DMs if she isn't...
    I haven't seen her with a ring when she does her special segments.

    Trestle Glen

    1. Gus, I'm not her domestic advocate -- have no idea of her marital status but good for you.

    2. Sounds like ‘Gus’ in ‘Trestle Glen’ will soon be the proud recipient of a restraining order, courtesy of Mary Lee.

    3. ‘Sliding’ into the DM’s of a woman you see on tv is more than a little bit creepy, it’s very creepy. Remember, woman on the news aren’t your friends. They are doing a job. Make friends in real life. You’ll be better off if you do.

    4. I followed her on Twitter and she did DM me asking her to follow on her IG. On both those occasions, as a viewer, I have probably reacted to her stories as "enjoyable" and she did respond or at least viewed my messages. And she usually replies and likes comments if it's relevant enough or positive to the content posted.

  4. Any Changes at KNBR in the future?

  5. Why such a pansy when it comes to censoring comments?

    1. Because it's my blog, you want a democracy, go out and publish your own, "Anne."

    2. “Anne,” go to Twitter if you’re looking for a place to post strange comments and/or troll people.

    3. Anne in Oakland.... Blocked! Blocked! Good riddance

  6. Rich, did you watch Ken Burns 3-part documentary about The Holocaust? Thoughts? I thought it was great.

    KC in WC

    1. I watched it and think it's the best thing he's done in decades. Should be required viewing for everyone, but particularly for a canary-haired guy who recently said he admired Hitler because he had the loyalty of his generals.

    2. 1:52 manages to get four things wrong in a single sentence. Trump's Chief of Staff, General Kelly, did disloyally leak all sorts of tittle-tattle to various writers. But not even he claimed Trump admired Hitler.

    3. Watched episode 1 but will hav to Passport the rest.
      The big takeaway was something I already knew: that Republicans' anti-inmigrant fever, given a boost by eugenics, caused National Origins quotas to be enacted And that shut the door to Jewish refugees as Hitler rose and began annihilation.

  7. Regrets, no, but I hope to watch it soon, and yes, Ken Burns is great.

  8. Rich, I noticed yesterday that every station except KPIX does a 4 pm newscast, they go with ancient Judge Judy reruns instead. Do they really get higher ratings with JJ episodes that have aired a million times than they would with a 4 pm news hour? It makes them look bad in my opinion, like "Um, we're not even gonna try"

    1. "Judge Judy" is a ratings machine, Richard --reruns or not--might help reason why Judy makes upwards of $75M a year. She's big.

    2. It's good if they did a 4PM newscast, even it's on their sister station KBCW. The only time they did a 4PM newscast is on the beginning of a 49ers football game, I don't remember so otherwise. That's probably because at 5PM CBS would be hosting the game instead of doing the newscast.

  9. GuRah in Alameda here, Rich! Thanks to you, Rich, we all knew about the changes coming to KPIX or that have already happened. But what is going on STILL, with the morning news? They seem to have different collaborations of people on there everyday. Your Favorite, Amanda Starrantino is there sometimes and then she isn't. Gianna Franco is there some days and not on others. Jocelyn Moran is there sometimes and not on others. The ONE consistency seems to be the ONE person we could do without, and that is THE LT! she is there everyday! NOW, I don't know if you have noticed this Rich, but as a Veteran myself, of the Navy, I was looking once again, at the name on the bottom of the screen when KPIX weathercaster, Jessica Burch is on, and surprisingly, I had NOT thought about it before, but since she is in the National Guard, which I am pretty sure, is a branch of the Army, I have to say, that to my recollection, there is NO SUCH THING, in the ARMY, as a LIEUTENANT! There is a 2ND LT, or an O-1, and then there is a 1ST LT, or an O-2. After that, it's Captain O-3, except in the Navy, which DOES have a LT O-3! So if KPIX is going to put her military rank on there, which still seems stupid to me because KPIX doesn't have its own army, as far as I know, WHY don't they put her CORRECT RANK on there, be it 2nd LT or 1st LT?

    1. Because like everything else at PIX, they don't give a shit. They milked her "Lt" bullshit and didn't figure in her lack of media skills. It's SOP at the place which is why everyone is leaving and those that stay disappear and go on extended vacations.

      Thanks for your kind words.

    2. Hey GuRah, loved your work in "He-Man and The Masters of the Universe"

    3. 9/22/22@1226, good point regarding the "LT" designation of Burch. One photo I've seen shows her gold-colored 2nd LT stripe on her uniform. For those reading, it'll usually be 2 years in the National Guard to become a silver-color bar of 1st Lieutenant. It's unknown by me how old the photo I saw was, but it'll just be a matter of time before being promoted to 1st LT if she isn't already at that rank at this moment.

      Congratulations on her service as to anyone else serving. Right now, she also chooses to be a news Meteorolist. Maybe she'll be a full-time helo-pilot (vs. part time) in her next career. 'wishing her success in whatever career direction she pursues.

  10. Rich, why do you give Sal Castaneda a break? He is by far the worst anchor (if you can even call him that) in the bay area.

    1. I don't "give anyone a break" including Sal whom I've ripped a lot more than I should. Sal is consistent and managed to remain at The Firm for over 20 years so that's something --plus, he's hardly the worst person at KTVU.

    2. > plus, he's hardly the worst person at KTVU.

      Agreed. And there are so many to choose from.

    3. Sal Castaneda looks like a dork

    4. 7:29 I guarantee you wouldn’t say that to his face. He’d beat the shit out of you. Don’t let his goofy on-air demeanor fool you.

  11. Hi Rich: Ex KPIX ND Mark Neerman certainly knew how to select On-Air Talent---NOT! Under his dubious watch Neerman hired the following disasters: Ryan Yamamoto, Lt. Jessica Burch; Sara Donchey & ethically challenged Reed Cowan. Yikes! Neerman makes ex KRON ND Aaron Pero look somewhat palatable. Rich: Care to Elaborate. Rich Lieberman 415 Media is the Absolute Best TV/Radio Blog in CA! Cary SF

    1. Thanks Cary.

      Neerman left PIX with the disaster it is but he's hardly alone. The place is doomed and will need years of deep cleansing.

  12. Hey Rich. Do the area's radio and tv stations test whether particular advertisements they frequently air might be hindering their ratings numbers? George , San Jose

    1. Every station wants money so whatever ads might hinder, they still like the cash, George.

    2. The stations better take a second look at the Boom! Brothers or whatever those loser ambulance-chasing lawyer brothers are called. Easily the worst commercial on local TV and the station loses me as soon as I see their idiotic commercial.

    3. Spot.

      And those asses --really semi-predatory "loan" guys who want to buy your house for pennies on the buck because your in turmoil and can't pay your mortgage.

      They advertise on radio.

    4. And then you have hosts like Pat Thurston reading spots and regurgitating Balance of Nature's lies in their attempt to rip off seniors. Such a stand up woman.

    5. She doesnt plug that anymore,shes moved on to "Sherod" her best friend in the world and someone she trusts to sell her home and yours..just like john rothmans buddy kevin at anchor funding he trusts implitictly..all of the hosts at kgo make sure they buy bagels and coffee for their boss steve moskowitz every day too..

  13. Rich,

    Within the time frame of your many years of working in and observing Bay Area media, would you be able or care to narrow down a short list of the best and worst television reporters in your opinion? Say the top and bottom 3 local news anchors, field reporters, sports reporters, and weathercasters? And, also perhaps throwing in team sports announcers (like Bill King, Lon Simmons, etc.).

    1. Best: Rita Williams, Lloyd LaCuesta and Vic Lee.
      Worst: Tom Vacar, Luz Pena and Wilson Walker.

      Best News Anchors:

      Pete Wilson, Dan Ashley, Dennis Richmond.
      Worst: Ken Bastida, Larry Beil, Kristen Sze.

      Sports broadcasters: Best: Bill King, Lon Simmons, Hank Greenwald, Randy Hahn and Ken Korach, Ted Robinson.

    2. I know he's radio but I would also add Dan Rusanowsky to that list. Anyone that can describe a hockey game on the radio as well as he does deserves a spot. Plus he has been the Sharks only radio announcer since they formed in 1991.

    3. No, Wilson Walker is NOT among the worst. He's solid. There are far worse among the reporters out there. Walker began as a writer/producer and I think he transitioned nicely into reporting. He does his research and his on-camera presence is certainly better than dozens and dozens of other so-called "seasoned" reporters. I won't list examples, as I'm leaving my real name on this reply and do not want to hurt any feelings of nice people that I've worked with who, nonetheless, are not very good in front of the camera.

  14. Hey Rich,

    Why all the hate towards Kristen Sze? I’ve seen a few of your past posts proclaiming her great talent then you come down on her like a hammer.

    She’s not going anywhere so you can throw raw meat to all of Negative Ned’s here to get them riled up, but Kristen Sze is going to be with KGO for at least the next 10 years or longer.

    Very strange in my opinion.

    1. You're right, I did love her early work at KGO until she became a control freak and her ego got the best of her. It translated to the screen.

      Furthermore, she forced the GM there to start a petition about me and nearly killed my biz so I may be a little jaded.

      The next 10 years? Really? Thanks Ming.

  15. So with PIX island of misfit anchors they have collected. what do they do just ride out the contracts and then try to hire some real anchors down the road or just accept we are worse then Kron and go cheap?

    1. They've (CBS) already gone the KRON route --but guess what? KRON is a significantly better product. KPIX, minus Goodrich, is a tough watch. Not just anchor-wise but reporter too; I do like Paul Heggen though on weather.

  16. Anything new with Aaron Pero, or is he still sitting home watching "Twenty-Five Words or Less"?

    1. Funny line, 'm guessing Aaron is still looking around and laying low.

    2. Isn't laying how he got in trouble in the first place?

  17. Rich, MSMBC or CNN?

    1. CNN, but lately that's just a complete bore.

    2. Which one should be banished from existence? MSNBC. CNN at least is showing potential for change.

  18. Any thoughts Veronica de le Cruz 'National News Anchor, Newsy?
    She still living in Bay Area? Only a matter of time she'll be MIA at Newsy citing 'injury excuse' and HIPPA confidentiality

  19. Can we expect any changes @95.7 in upcoming days.

    1. Considering their owner (Audacy/Entercom) is having najor financial issues, yes, expect cuts, just a matter of when.

    2. Rather than have two co-hosts team up after 6PM, 95.7 has been playing repeat interviews from earlier in the day.

  20. Rich how many hours of the day do you watch and listen to bay area media?

  21. Good afternoon, Rich. Let’s not forget that Jessica Burch buys fake Instagram followers. She’s not even trying to hide it. I noticed she gained about 20,000 followers over the past week. Look at the list of accounts following her and 95% are bot accounts, Pakistan-based accounts, Arabic accounts with all Arabic writing and photos, or other accounts that are clearly spam.
    It’s embarrassing but also really sad that her self-esteem is so low that she needs a high follower count just to feel some degree of self-worth.

    1. Am I surprised? No. KPIX went out of its way to hire her, now they're stuck with her. You get what you pay for.

  22. Are the writers at KTVU intentionally trying to make Alex Savidge look bad? He is horribly clueless when he interviews anyone. He makes Heather Holmes look like Barbara Walters.

    1. I like him as an anchor but you're right, his interviews are sucko. He needs to bring it up a notch.

    2. I like Heather's interviews. In fact, she is the best interviewer in the Bay Area and no, I am NOT Heather.

    3. Heather is NOT the best interviewer, not even close.

    4. Heather? As in Heather Holmes? LOL

      I'm pretty sure the only ones worse than Heather are the three stooges: Dave Cluck, Andrea Seniorita and Frank Mallipoop.

    5. HH isn't a bad interviewer. I think if she did some on-the-streets she would be ok. Someone here said that she used to do that on another station, in another state.

  23. Hey Rich, two questions here:

    1) Any updates on Leslie Griffith since your last entry a few days ago? Seems kinda mysterious.

    2) Any reason in particular KNBR doesn't take callers anymore?


    Las Vegas (by way of the bay)

    1. Hi Chris, before we get your questions answered, can you pay my tab at the Luxor...(just kidding)

      1. No update on Leslie --still no cause of death although family is saying complications from Lyme disease.

      2. KNBR doesn't take calls because most of the hosts are incapable of having a real conversation.

      Thanks for the kind words.

    2. KNBR has been taking callers calls when I listen. Yesterday Tolbert took a bunch, tonight FP was all callers.

  24. Thanks for your reportage Rich, I read your blog every day! Mike in Corte Madera.

    I have a few questions:
    Can the local stations give tryouts to college students of broadcasting? Like internships that will give them real world experience, but with actual “live fire”…Maybe Tuesday Mornings or Saturday Afternoon?
    There has got to be some talent out there that is as good as what is currently being shown.
    Also are there any local morning radio shows that are comedic, enlightening, and smooth?

    1. Interns at broadcasting outlets get a lot more real world experience in newsrooms than they did decades ago. Interships pretty much require that you give the students something to work on, not just get the coffee. At a local TV stations I'd often give the interns the job of looking up some numbers on a story and having them do the spreadsheet. There research ended up in a story. At my current little nonprofit newsroom we pay the interns a stipend and they do actual recording and field work. Several have gone on to jobs at bigger outlets. There is less of the farm team system there used to be. You used to have to go and work in a very small market and move up. The sad truth is those smaller markets really don't exist and apprenticeships in smaller and mid sized markets aren't that common any more. It's the way old timers like me came up in the biz and no question being able to make your mistakes in a lower stakes gig was a good way to learn and build confidence.

  25. Mike, your first question would be tongue-in-cheek, (I hope) but nowadays, the college students couldn't be any worse than the current crop and sometimes, an improvement.

    Second question, locally? No. I listen to NY and Philly sports and non-sports shows --the night guys on WIP (Philly) are funny and informative --like Jodie Mac and Rob Charry ...and Sal Likata on WFAN who is funny and interesting on the overnight.

    The morning shows here are unlistenable. That includes news, sports and politics.

  26. Covid, covid, covid from 5 AM till noon on KCBS and KGO.

    1. Makes one wonder if they get big checks from big pharma.

  27. Please add Belva Davis and Spencer Michaels to your Pantheon of Bay Area greats !!

  28. The talk on KNBR lately has been “Aaron Judge could be a Giant in 2023”...Do you think the Giants are serious about trying to sign Aaron Judge? Do they even have the money to sign him?

    1. There is no way in Heaven or Hell that Judge is coming to the Giants. Don't even get your hopes up.

    2. I think if Judge were further along in his career he’d definitely consider ‘coming home’ but not a chance in hell he’ll make the move at this point, and especially after the season he’s had.

  29. 5:51…you are why we can’t have a nice democracy. You and people like you who think everything is a damn conspiracy. Pull your head out of your ass. Big pharm is not paying news outlets to do stories on Covid. If you weren’t such an idiot, you would have noticed we’ve been in a pandemic, the likes of which we have not seen in one hundred years. You stupid conspiracy theorists need to get a life. You make our country look like a bunch of morons.

    1. Q: What happened to the "Flu" that usually shows up like clockwork every year. Magically disappeared or renamed?

    2. Pharma Cos. are major network sponsors, 6:40, and sponsors DO have influence. The bombardment of their slickly-conceived/produced commercials on network programming is highly obnoxious.

      Given that industry's heavy focus on "sales projections" and profits (those aren't conspiracy theories; this has been discussed in mainstream investment-related media, in the past. Plus, said profits are downright obscene), cynicism is warranted.

      I watched a news magazine segment once, and they interviewed an executive from a Pharma Company. He said that "we're in business to make profits; ...Social Service is for Governments." That may be why that industry has encouraged doctors to aggressively prescribe (i.e. "push") highly profitable "medications" such as opioids and antibiotics, to the point where the practice has created major problems (widespread antibiotic resistance/"superbugs"; an opioid epidemic, etc.). And, having worked in Health Care and befriended doctors, I've know practitioners who have gloated about the handsome "incentives" that they have received from Pharma Companies.

      Pharma is a highly-leveraged, highly-lucrative, highly corrupt industry, that has an extremely powerful lobby and a shockingly effective marketing/propaganda machine. I view many of their motives, and operations, with skepticism.

  30. Yes, smart thought 5:51

  31. @ 5:51 thats funny! I was thinking an adult dating site that is for blondes since the 2 there look like they are out of central casting!
    Hi Rich, Lisa in SF. Where are Amanda and Gianna? Gianna is decent at traffic. The current Keystone cops is more painful than usual.

    Are ad sales down at PIX? If so, why dont they clean house? $$$ is only thing thst matters so if not enough bring made, then why not?Are there that many skeletons in the closet there?

    1. Starrantino is over in europe and Gianna was back today

    2. Ad sales are down in all traditional media. The only spending these days is on the internet, where everyone blocks ads anyway, and even that is starting to struggle.

  32. Why is KPIX 5 calling Jessica Burch, Lt Jessica Burch like her position at KPIX and military is very high?

    1. Not to mention, her status as a national guard reservist isn’t even remotely relevant to her job of standing in front of a green screen pointing at temps.

    2. She isn't "just in the National Guard". She's a chopper pilot. Guess what? That's a super skill and one in which the pilots deal with weather and weather fronts and clouds, and fog, and storms and danger, all the time. Does that help?

    3. You’re funny! Almost as funny as Sarah Palin saying she’s qualified to be president because she can see Russia from her house on a clear day.
      Have a good weekend!

    4. 1:22pm, following your logic I’ll be sure to let my local Safeway cashiers know they’re qualified to be CFO being they collect and count cash on a daily basis.

  33. Who is Dan Dibley's new lady friend?

    he was all excited about the boys in college and now he's starting over at diapers.

  34. Hey Rich, what's up with the random liners on KGO's morning show including someone named Sherry Yee? A few times I've heard "The KGO morning show with Nikki Medoro and Sherry Yee." It sounds like maybe she's a producer? But why is her name in the liners? Sounds super clunky. I mean, the whole show is clunky and I honestly hate-listen because it's a good chuckle, but this is just super random and odd in my opinion. Thanks.
