Thursday, August 11, 2022

Thursday PM Headlines; Haener Calls in Sick at KTVU; Staff Feels Bewildered; "We're Jinxed"; Frank Somerville Bizarro Instagram Postings; Says Nothing about Leslie Griffith Death; Heather Holmes Ready To Pounce Just In Case; Griffith Didn't Give a Crap about Kissing Ass, Just Did Her Gig

WHETHER COINCIDENTAL OR NOT, a majority of the staff at KTVU --especially those behind the scene--found it ODD and CURIOUS, Julie Haener, called in sick today --(1: 55 AM Friday) (she now decided to show up) --Haener's been having a tough time at the office lately.

The sad news regarding fallen colleague, Leslie Griffith, was not the reason Haener gave the boss she was OUT. Whatever the case, her status and overall demeanor at KTVU has taken a huge hit. And even more worrisome, both for Haener and management at The Firm: an inherent creepiness has set in the newsroom at Jack London Square's Fox2 outpost.

"We all feel sort of jinxed here," a spy told me and the situation remains just as complex, confused and bizarre as ever.

*SPEAKING of BIZARRE: the chaotic life of ex-anchor, Frank Somerville, whose Instagram postings have taken on (again) a more disturbing development.

Somerville has a relatively innocuous posting about his daughter's upcoming college plans but detours off the grid with goofy sweet nothings (since deleted).

Curiously, for a man who likes to make a whole lot of personal observations, Somerville has said nothing about Griffith's passing.

*PREDICTION: Heather Holmes has been positioning herself as the would-be co-anchor at 10 PM for over a decade now; with Haener's ongoing personal/professional crisis, Holmes is ready and eager to take over --at any moment she could be Haener's replacement.

That's not necessarily great news for the Foxies because Holmes herself has issues--not as pithy as Haener's but issues nonetheless. Which might explain why she's been passed over multiple times for the 10PM gig.

*Mark Ibanez has also NOT said a word about Griffith's death and although I'm not surprised, I'm also bewildered by the lack of professional courtesy by the KTVU sports anchor who's retirement was accelerated by The Firm.

One day the whole sordid mess (Griffith-Ibanez), will be pubbed for you all to reflect and make your own observations.

*Griffith knew she was not especially liked at KTVU but she also knew she possessed massive respect. She didn't care about kissing ass and making friends to curry favor with the boss like almost everyone else. She was, to borrow a phrase, a tough broad who didn't take any shit and garnered newsroom admiration for her take-no-prisoners approach.

To anyone.

Sure, she was scary and eccentric and embraced a sort of fear and loathing--"she was our 'Jessica Savitch, "said a veteran KTVU staffer.


  1. How the hell can Heather Holmes be passed over multiple times for the 10pm when Haener has been the only one there during Holmes' tenure? She was never going to get Frank's gig because KTVU would never pair two women together (even though there's nothing wrong with it).

  2. How many times can she call in sick before she gets fired? And what excuse is she giving each day? This has to be the only job where you can call in sick 60-75% of the time and experience no repercussions. It’s absolutely mind-blowing.

  3. Holmes has no gravitas, none. Worse, she has no aura of professionalism. Neither does Haener, for that matter, but she's been around so long no one seems to notice anymore...

  4. Looks like she’s over on ktvu plus with Alex.

  5. Where’s Kristen Sze?? MIA for almost a month now.

  6. Where’s Roz Abrams when we need her?

  7. She's paralyzed that creepy old man IbaƱez left and she's pining for sneaking-copy-in, drunk-drivin' Frank? Did it ever occur to anyone that maybe Julie has daddy issues?

    1. Your question is a valid one. Any grown adult whose life is in a tailspin because Mark Ibanez doesn’t read sports anymore is about as mentally unstable as they come. BUT, it’s become common knowledge and widely-accepted that Mark and Julie have had a romantic relationship, despite Julie being married. There’s good reason to believe it’s still ongoing. This could explain both her odd reaction to Mark’s departure and also her erratic, hit-or-miss schedule.

  8. Heather Holmes has stepped up to the plate. She can see how Julie Haener is rapidly deteriorating as her role as an evening anchor. I applaud Heather for her professionalism. She reads the news better than Haener, dresses better than Haener and is always showing up for work when scheduled and I also noticed she fills in for Haener when needed. Heather Holmes is dependable, how can her bosses dispute that? We should question why her bosses are continuing to l allow Haener to drag the newscast down.

    1. I completely agree with 7:45pm.
      Heather has paid her dues and she’s also ‘grown up’ a bit. The reputation she had 5 years ago or so seems to have morphed into a more humble, professional one.
      To me it’s a no brainer: Julie clearly doesn’t want to be there anymore while Heather dutifully performs the job and does it well and does it professionally.

      I doubt ktvu will do the right thing and fire Haener. If they need to keep her, maybe they can find a way to keep her on the books but off the anchor desk, and let Heather take over.

    2. Neither one of them know how to dress for a TV news set.

    3. I totally agree about Heather. Dependable, polished, stable and smart. Men love her too.

    4. S@1110p You mean like Norah O'Donnell, Margaret Brennan, or Kate Snow?

  9. And still no mention of Leslie Griffith’s passing on Julie’s social media. Julie doesn’t have to gush over Leslie’s passing but to say nothing of your predecessor’s death is classless. Shows how self-absorbed she is, as though the endless photos of her wannabe luxury lifestyle wasn’t evidence enough.

  10. Julie informed ktvu she wouldn't be at work today but then later decided to come in after all. Any word on why the sudden change? I'm wondering if ktvu cancelled her day off and ordered her into work.

  11. KTVU is more dysfunctional than the Jackson family. It's amazing to see all of these "media professionals" caught up in their own narcissism. Is this kindergarten? People can't show up for work, do the job they are paid for and leave it at the office? Guess not. These overpaid mouth-breathers need a come to Jesus. Fire them and go work in retail. They can and should be replaced.

    Anyone can do this job. I mean anyone.

  12. Maybe Julie is afraid that there's a tick in the building that would eventually kill her.

    1. Either that or one of these wimps who is still afraid of Covid lol

  13. Can someone please direct me to Julie Haener’s post about Leslie Griffith? All I see on her Facebook on Instagram pages are endless photos of herself in expensive clothes, eating expensive food, vacationing in expensive places.
    Also, will Julie be issuing a statement about her recent string of strange behavior and her career with ktvu which seems to be teetering on the brink of collapse?

  14. Let’s face it, 90% of the TV anchors on local news are nothing but cheap celebrities. Most aren’t real broadcasters journalists and are hired mainly because they look good and can read the Teleprompter. I worked on TV for a number of years and can testify to that. One station I worked for years ago had an anchor who used to complain constantly about the length important investigative pieces because they took away from his air time. He had no use for real broadcast journalism, Why people actually give these mostly vapid readers much attention is perplexing. If you wanna really find out what’s happening, you’ll actually read online or look at the newspapers or watch PBS where you get nuance, detail and a better overview. Local Television news mainly exists to fill time between the commercials and give the station a little respectability. Public sevice? Not really. True broadcast journalism is in short supply day these days, given how media companies have contracted and downsized and hired mostly rank amateurs to fill important roles.

  15. Who is the redhead in the photo?

    1. Jessica Savitch was an NBC anchor and reporter in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s.

  16. kpix and ktvu should make a blockbuster trade: Juliette Goodrich for Julie Haener. Then kpix could hire Ibanez and Julie and mark could reunite. For Goodrich, it’s an easier commute.

  17. Please, let Ibanez stay retired. His act wore really thin and like Radnich, there wasn’t much substance there. Their presentations simply featured just a lot of lame, happy chatter, smart-ass jokes and fake smiles.
