Saturday, July 23, 2022

Warriors Kept Bob Fitzgerald Over Greg Papa Because of Two Key People; Sniff -Sniff at Circle7; Terry McSweeney Stayed Put at NBC San Jose over CNN; Comcast Sunday Sports Crap Show Befits Its MO; KRON's Grogan OutFoxes KTVU; Makovec Not Ready for Prime Time at PIX; KCSM Saturday Magic

THE WARRIORS seriously considered bringing back Greg Papa--not that long ago--but instead ended up staying with Bob Fitzgerald, the veteran pbp-broadcaster on TV. Even though Fitz is still a major irritant among fans and critics like myself, the Dubs decided, out of sheer loyalty to retain Fitzgerald.

But there were other factors that never were explained until now.

Papa, the pbp-voice of the 49ers and who's tight with Warriors' owner, Joe Lacob, was very close to making a deal but Papa's 49ers' committment nexed that. But a deal could have still worked out only another key ingrediant emerged and was probably the main reason why Fitzgerald kept his job.

Lacob was sympathetic to Fitz, who lost his wife to cancer. It was Lacob, who despite the overwhelming negatives that still plague Fitz, decided to keep him, (Fitzgerald)--another key person in the organization that liked Fitz and was instrumental in his keeping his gig: some guy by the name of Steph Curry.

Both Lacob and Curry were at Fitzgerald's wife's funeral.

*There's a certain person at Circle7 who has a substance-abuse problem that the bosses are aware of--they haven't told him to get his act together (yet) but they probably should. If he tried to go to Disneyland, they'd sure say something.

*Terry McSweeney has turned down several network offers to remain at NBC Bay Area. He's, sure, maybe on the wrong side of 65, but both CNN and CNN International didn't care. Seems, yeah, McSweeney has a soft spot for the Bay Area.

*Comcast hires CHEAP people because they're cheap.I'm not at all surprised that that shit Sunday show that airs is a total EMBARRASSMENT. But Comcast (NBC Sports Bay Area) doesn't care. They put on a woman (Carmen Q) who has a social media following and whose family has lots of money. Comcast figures it's cool; they don't have to pay her much and she'll promote the show. Hired.

*And yes, the Carmen woman is terrible but whatever...

*Frankly, I was never a fan of Kyla Grogan, but she grew on me because she obviously knows weather; she has enormous viewer appeal not to just men but women alike. And she projects well; a real, emerging presence on local TV News--the fact KTVU let her get away to semi-Neanderthal KRON is a major blunder, yeah, the bigger picture--The Firm getting outfoxed by the KRONvicts.

*If KRON can beat KTVU pre-Kyla at 10 PM, then KTVU has bigger issues then I thought.

*KCBS is running promos nonstop about its new "wow" guy, Bret Burkhart, yet in the spot, it never says when Bret is on. That's dumb enough but even more telling is how KCBS is highlighting a "story-teller" anhor who is nothing more than a former KGO retread. KCBS is another former legacy station that has gone to pot. It's brutal and pathetic how KCBS has morphed into a total joke but when you have idiots who run the asylum, I'm not surprised.

*The KPIX retrofit begins in earnest in the fall when new torsos from within and out of the Bay Area (market) become the new kids on the block. Given PIX's penchant to screw up a wet dream, I hope the new hires rent first.

*A terse take, by the way, from a PIX mole to me on Anne Makovec: "she's good, but she's simply not ready for prime time, otherwise she'd have been on the 6 O'Clock News by now."

Agree and that new (alternate) 10 PM cast (on the CW net) she anchors doesn't count.

How the hell is Ryan Yamamoto on? I'd put Annie on his slot in a SF second.

*REPEAT worth repeating: KCSM (91.1 FM) is a great, therapeutic listen on Saturday morn with morning jazz and big band--a blend of Buddy Rich, Cal Tjader, Duke Ellington and Count Basie uninterupted by a thousand commercials and wonderfully aided by the lucid tones of Sonny Buxton.

The coffee tastes better too.


  1. Comcast certainly isn't cheap when it comes to gaffing customers with their outrageous cable bill.

    1. Better than AT&T, still high prices, crap internet and no negotiation deals

  2. You're starting to sound like Blindgossip now. Or is that intentional?

  3. We have Anne Makovec on the KSTW Now News at 11 Now News on CW11 Now - Sorry the title of the newscast is just ridiculous. She is not ready for prime time in Seattle. The newscast seen on the CBS owned Seattle station is a very sad production from KPIX. I feel your pain San Francisco. This is not major market quality.

  4. It's been said and implied many times, but Kyla Grogan is one of the VERY few weather personalities that is welcoming, competent, engaging without being cloying, and attractive to boot. And KTVU kicked her to the curb for.......Roberta Gonzales. Great big WOW!

    1. You just described Mary Lee.

      And Darren Pevk
      Is a good weather reporter.

  5. Do you think they will get rid of Ryan and Sara or seperate them and put each in at different times?

  6. Big fan of Mcsweeney. Professional delivery and handsome. Him and Ashley are the big two.

    Peter Felch

  7. Rich you are right on the money on KCSM Saturdays,
    Sundays and everyday.
    They are an amazing,relaxing station.
    You are right about the coffee!

    1. Z from Emeryville -
      Today, Saturday July 23, KCSM broadcast a live jazz festival, Jazz on the Hill, from the College of San Mateo. Admission was free and included performers Lady Bianca, John Santos and Marcus Shelby.

    2. How can you be a Grinch when you love KCSM?

  8. Good to see McSweeney is going to stick around and stay put. And I said this before and I will say it again- If I were Tim Roy I'd be worried about Fitz filling in for him during the NBA championship series. I don't trust that guy as far as I could throw him, losing a family member to cancer notwithstanding. I could easily see Fitz lobbying for Roy's PBP job by kissing Lacob's arse....,more than he already has.

    1. Why would he want a radio job that has less of audience and less prestiege than TV.

  9. Fitz is simply irritating - his act was tiresome years back. I doubt he will go anywhere, which is fine by me, I don’t own a TV !! Even if I did own a TV, I would simply silence Fitz and listen to Tim Roy, who is leaps and bounds better than Fitz at play by play. Go Dubs !

  10. I thought I read that KPIX's GM is also the GM of Seattle's CW station and to save the costs of setting up a news organization in Seattle, the newscast would be produced at KPIX. (Cox Media owns the CBS station in Seattle, KIRO.)
    I recently read on Next that the 10 PM newscasts on KCBW and the other CBS owned CW stations will be based at an innovation lab at CBS' Dallas O&O and will use the same anchor and meteorologist for all the newscasts while using hyperlocal content in each market.
    Could we see KCBS-TV in Los Angeles producing KPIX's local newscasts in the future?

  11. I’ll say it: the suits don’t want to see thicc women anchoring the evening broadcasts. They can’t say it out loud because of HR things but that’s the reality.

    Also: we have to accept the reality the Bay Area is not top shelf in media, sports or anything else. Trying to compete with NY or LA will just disappoint you. Lower the expectations and maybe we’ll see/hear quality stuff.

    Oh wait. I guess we’ve hit rock bottom if Carmen Kiew is on the air.

  12. Listening to the morning shows on KNBR makes wish that Gary Radnich was back” that’s good knowledge “ vs the two clowns in the Am. I am so tired of Pauli Mac talking about his pot smoking, listen hear Pauli Mac there are some of us in this world that deal with you dumb dope smoking folks that get behind a while and other peoples lives. And then there is Lund him and Carlos Ramirez should have a show together and call it Dumb One and Dumb Two and they can drink Lunds liquor that he loves to talk about like a juvenile and run around the studio in there Star Wars underwear and wonder why their ratings are like crap.

    1. They’re playing to their demographics. It’s like Damon Bruce playing to every knuckle dragger on the HW 4 redneck ally demographic.

    2. Damon is pretty left-wing. He would cozy up to Steve Kerr with his woke-ism.

  13. Amen! Carmen Q is horrible. With so many people cancelling their, Comcast cable subscriptions and the Giants being mediocre, she'll be irrelevant soon enough. Hope the Giants trade Brandon Belt or DFA, then she'll blow a gasket and throw her lip sticks at anyone who mocks her "favorite player". Should change the name to Sunday Bleep Show!

  14. Those of us who know McSweeney know just how much he loves being in his hometown/home area (he grew up in SF). And someone on here a few weeks back mentioned how hard it would've been for him to live and work in LA--the land of the arch-enemy of his beloved Giants. I had to laugh, because while the comment may have been in jest, those who know him know the pain would've been REAL! LOL!

  15. I'm just stunned to see some people actually watch Giants pre/post. Why watch something just complain about it? How about just not watching it? If all these things suck, why are you wasting your time paying attention to it? Yeah, they're horrible, and could use big lessons from Brodie Brazil, but since they suck, I just don't watch it.

    1. Nope, I don’t watch anymore. Diehard fan who now refuses to subject myself to Carlos Ramirez and that SummerSuck Day crud, with Carmen Kiew being the worst of that lot. Good thing, they only have a few more Sundays to ruin.
      Too bad, I like Estes, Kontos, Winn and Aurilia but Ramirez is a grandstanding doofus.

  16. The Sunday show is unwatchable, so don’t waste your time. Rank amateurs.

  17. Bob Fitzgerald is actually not that bad a broadcaster having done basketball in the Olympics and better than most on radio football.

    1. Also better talk show host than anybody currently on KNBR too bad he was paired with Rod Brooks.Why was he let go from KNBR?

    2. Agree, technically Fitzgerald is a very good play-by-play broadcaster . The problem is the commentary he layers in makes it a tough listen. His homerism, where he makes excuses for everything that goes wrong for the Warriors, is tiresome and speaks down to an educated Bay Area audience.

    3. He came across as an arrogant know-it-all. If a caller said he had three points to make, Bob would always hang up after the first point.

    4. Fitzgerald is not a bad TV play by play announcer. He does talk too much about other subjects during the game but not enough to hurt his performance. For some reason he is one of those who constantly gets a bad rap on this site.

    5. @3:26pm Bob! C'mon... Why are you on here commenting that you're "good doing play-by-play basketball & the Olympics." Who cares? No one likes you and people talk massive amounts of bleep about you. Sad!

    6. @ 1:54


      Bob actually does great play-by-play and his voice--which is as distinct as Mike Breen's--is often used nationally in NBA highlight reels.

      While Jim Barnett is still missed, it's a good thing Steph insisted on keeping Bob cause stale Azibuke is simply unbearable.

  18. The two key people don't have to watch the Warrior games on TV and many fans keep the sound off because Fitz sucks, thankfully during Playoff time we can put the sound back on. World class team with a buffoon announcer and demoting Jim Barnett was as dumb as it gets.

  19. KCBS this morning had Victor the traffic guy doing sports. I like Victor on traffic he's great but when you switch all these spots like Jason doing anchor instead of business (which he's back on business) things get a little confusing.

    1. Victor Zaragoza used to be one of "The Three Amigos" on 95.7 The Game on weekends, so he has broadcast on sports before.

  20. I’m a fan of Fitz and Buki. Good combo. Would much rather listen to them than some of the national teams during the playoffs.

  21. “ Bob Fitzgerald is actually not a bad broadcaster.” Seriously? What have you been smoking?

  22. Seriously? Fitz and ‘Buki?’ Fitz js truly unlistenable. A pompous, glad handing back stabber who is HATED by everyone in the local sports media. How he’s kept his job this long is one of life’s great mysteries. Growing up,?Fitz was a rich, entitled prick like Roxy Bernstein, the classic ‘vanilla’ play by play announcer who is boring. Both relied on their daddies to get them in the door. ‘Buki’ is tolerable, although he’s not nearly as good as Jim Barnett.

  23. "Fitzgerald's wife's" name was Carol. Wow. She was a real person with a real name.
