Sunday, July 24, 2022

Begrudging Love from Seattle --415 Media "Grinch" Gets Notice from Jason Remington and Puget Sound Media

Jason Remington of Puget Sound Media gets it right (mostly) in a story about yours truly and 415 Media.

Begrudging love, as I read it and although a bit harsh, well stated and a thoroughly precise review from the coffee kingpin of media savvy Seattle.

As I've always told people, this site is about Bay Area media but it's also aimed at calling out people that need to be called out. Including the companies they work for and represent. If I had more manpower, I'd be even more critical than I already am but that's another story.

Remington refers to me as a "grinch" --a bit mean--but OK, if that's his view, so be it. I'd like to say I'm more of a cynical observer that tries to keep these posers in check. They and their enablers have pretty much destroyed some great Bay Area media giants. I call 'em legacy stations--like KTVU, KCBS, KPIX and KGO Radio (to name a few); more than mere media outlets; former journalistic heavyweights where outside-market admiration existed and people around the country would do anything to come here to work at and live.....

So yeah, now? Most have gone to mush and down a road of dreck and shreck, a sliver of their once-greatness and now living on borrowed time. I see it, hear it every day, you all too.

It's nice to get some recognition and respect even if it comes from outside the Bay Area but in reality, it's a recognition of YOU ALL, those of you that come here and read me regularly.

The Chronicle and The Mercury News will never give me the time of day because then they'd have to acknowledge that some media "blogger" repeatedly beats them on story after story and that's not in their playbook, never has been. And that's cool --they lift and lift devoid of attribution--but again, I get it. Why bother crediting a blogger when you can just outright steal?

The grinch will always pay homage to media outlets that try to get it right and work hard to better their product and produce but will always go after those that show little care and contempt for the folks who indirectly pay their salaries: YOU.

NOTE: 415 Media relies solely on READER DONATIONS. 415 Media is 100% reader-$UPPORTED and NOT BEHOLDEN to corporate/advertiser interest and influence.

If you love reading this site and even if you're a hater but still appreciate independent thought and critical analysis, then please make a contribution to the blog--you can donate any amount of money by clicking on the "donate" icon --it's on the right side of the blog. It takes less than a minute and it's 100% SAFE and SECURE. If you want to remain anonymous, that's cool --I will personally THANK YOU via e-mail or phone and you will support the Bay Area's #1-read media blog.


  1. Hey Rich. I saw that post and I went to the site and commented on the guys post, basically telling him that you got it right just about all of the time. You write what is going to happen in local media, and it happens. Sometimes the timing may be off, but you pretty much get it right. You write when people are leaving, and they end up leaving. You write when people are coming in, and they come in. As you point out on more than one occasion, even local media outlets sometimes actually use your blog as source material and report it on their own sites, without acknowledging where it came from, which annoys me, and I am sure it annoys you too! Anyway, I did not like the tone of his article, even though as you point out he actually agrees with you a several issues. Keep doing what you are doing, Rich! And hey, THANK YOU!

  2. Well deserved Big Vinny!

  3. Just wondering, is the PSM writer able to post a link to blog better than Rich's? One that is as informative & forthcoming about SF Bay Area Media, both talent, and suits? I don't think so; but I'm willing to take a look. Waiting for the link ... Rich, I expect most of your readers are fully behind you, perhaps admitting your rhetorical style can be a little hyperbolic & over the top. Suggest to the blog's detractors, keep your wits about you, stay calm, after all this blog is just Rich stating his opinion in an entertaining way .

  4. "Legacy" Kgo radio with John Rothmann really calling the shots,"program director" steve moskovitz, "real estate experts and besties "sherod" and pat Thurston, "financial advice" with mark thompson and his partner greg o Donnell and being lectured by joe starkey and chip franklin about being unsure if you can tell the difference between bed bugs and termites infesting your kitchen

    1. Why the Rothman hate constantly? Don’t like something don’t listen to it. I haven’t listened to those two tools in KNBR for 8 years and don’t really care. Obsessed much Stuntman?

    2. I like John Rothman. But Rich has a point. He’s a horrible prime time host. Last Friday he was babbling on about the war in Ukraine at five pm… ON A FRIDAY!!! He must want listeners to make a left turn into on the bridge. Totally depressing while stuck in bumper to bumper traffic.

      The whole KGO radio vibe has indeed turned for the worst. Pat Thurston is about the only one worth listening to. Nikki Medoro in the am switches topics so much I get whiplash. Stick to one topic for more than a minute!!! The rest of the hosts are just piped In from other markets and are about as interesting as a tool shed.

      KGO am has gone cheap and non-local. And are a great advertisement fro satellite radio at this point Ray Talifero is definitely rolling over in.his grave right now.

  5. all kgo hosts during the day are unbelievable lying, lefty ,say anything winds bags, gas lighters, pushing there creepy as hell agenda ,there's absolutely no discourse ..the only reason I listen is I cant believe how bad and how far kgo has tanked

  6. I want to know what you think. Astounding! I’m astounded. With all due respect, do you even listen to the John Rothmann “progrum?” He was once a high-level advisor to President Nixon and wrote a richly detailed book about the fascinating career of political influencer Harold Stassen, but you probably don’t know that. Don’t confuse people with the facts! John’s coterie of trusted callers, including Rob from Richmond, Rama from Fairfax and Eed (sp?) from Berkeley always provide keen insights. You understand that? I’m astounded!

  7. Funny that you censor comments that aren’t half as critical of you as this article, Rich

    1. The Grinch ego has grown three sizes with one post!

  8. Outstanding, Lieberman! People around here will now collapse into the fetal position because they're hurt every time you take a shot at them -- even though it's probably true. Cry me a river.

  9. While you always provide an entertaining and informative read, your cynicism and sometimes cruel and inappropriate comments about women in the media are sometimes very disturbing. Why don’t you lighten up a bit and write something really interesting for a change instead of the daily gossip that is too repetitive.

    1. Bitch loves to beat a subject down repeateatly thats his mo.

  10. How the hell can anyone say they hate her...when she hasn't even been on-air here yet?
