Friday, July 22, 2022

Rich Aurilia Tells Carlos Ramirez "Never Fucking Do That Again!"--NBC Sports Bay Area Giants Post-Game Video Act Not Beloved

Rich Aurilia was so TICKED OFF at Carlos Ramirez' antics during a recent post-game Giants' win that he confronted the studio analyst and told him to "never fucking do that again--you embarrassed me!"

The confrontation, which was confirmed to me by an NBC Sports Bay Area source, was after Ramirez literally ran around the studio (after a Giants win) and screamed --on camera--to a shocked Aurilia and studio host, Laura Britt, were caught off guard--and Aurilia, a former Giants player, clearly was flustered.

It was not a good look and Aurilia was obviously taken aback by Ramirez' histrionics. Behind the scenes, staff at NBC Sports Bay Area--management included--were ANGRY that Ramirez showboated (at their expense) and acted crazy. It resulted in the backstage escaade with Aurilia and it even could have cost Ramirez his job. He (Ramirez) was reprimanded by Comcast local suits but not as much suspended. The verbal altercation with Aurilia --which Comcast is aware of and tried to hush up, may shed new light on the whole affair.

Here's the video.


  1. Carlos is a know-nothing fool, but Rich has to lighten up too. He is dreadfully dull and uncomfortable on camera.

    1. No he's not. Carlos was out if line. And Rich put him back into line.

  2. There's something off about this Ramirez guy, btw, who the hell is he?

  3. Carlos' actions for the entire 2022 season have been so over-the-top, I'm hoping this is finally the incident that gets him removed. He's simply unwatchable.

  4. I liked it. Show a little excitement. Rich is a bore.

  5. Carlos is a joke but no worse that the wretched Summer Sunday show. I’m sure NBCBA isn’t paying much for the on air talent and they’re getting what they’ve paid for.

  6. I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees Ramirez as a tremendous douche. He must have something on someone at NBCBA to have this job. In addition to this clown, did somebody at NBCBA think it was a good idea to thrust upon us the obnoxious adolescents subject us to their Sunday game wrap ups? That's when I change channels.

  7. He’s an embarrassment, but that’s no surprise. They import most of their ‘talent’ from places such as Redding and Modesto. Most of the people on NBC sports Bay Area are a bunch of rank amateurs who act as if they just graduated from some low-level broadcasting school. Has anyone watched those absurd shows with the idiots from the ballpark after games? Or the lame post game Warriors’ shows with that preening little fool Grant Lifflin, or whatever his name is?

    1. Graduated from some low-level broadcasting school?

      More like kicked out.

  8. Maybe NBC sports Bay Area should hire Ryan Leong. At least he goes to the games and knows what the heck is going on. Britt, Ramirez, Lifflin and the rest of those idiots need to go. Hire Ryan!

    1. Ryan Leong is an absolute clown that has no business being on air. Rude, condescending, and there ain't a chance in hell he played sports.

    2. DO NOT! Ryan posted this message didn't he? 🤪 Idiot!

    3. Agree! Ryan is one of the few capable reporters who knows what’s going on. The only reason he hasn’t been promoted is not rooted in skills.

    4. Compared to the morons gracing the airwaves these days, I'll take Leong any day. He doesn't win by default. He's just better than the losers and posers out there.

    5. 5:51 PM, you can have Ryan Leong.

  9. Carlos is an obnoxious moron. How is he even on the air?

  10. Man, some of these millennials need to dial their sh[t down, big time.

  11. Ramirez needs to go, and take the Summer Sunday crew with him.

    1. Agreed! The Summer Sunday Funday Crew....or whatever the hell they call themselves... Need to go! Don't let the door hit ya on the way out! Embarrassing an MLB Team has a cable access show for a pre- & post game show. Good God!

  12. Is it just me, or does Rich Aurilia look a little like Steve Mariucci??
    And yes, Carlos Ramierz' antics turns that show into a Grammar School Production!!!


  13. It’s hard to say it but the personalities and content on the A’s pre and post game shows on NBCSCA are better. And they’re in the same building. Who’d thunk?

  14. Ramirez checks the boxes they think they need checked?

  15. With the glasses and odd face, Carlos seems a bit odd. He does have a lot of stats, however.

  16. Carlos , he responded to me on twitter when I told him , you bring nothing to the show, have Estes and Richie have a conversation

    1. @5:58- Uh oh, what did he say?... He really is the weak link though on Giants TV pre and postgame. He's like the awkward 3rd wheel, or the guy who tries too hard to be cool at a party. It's like Carlos, chill bro!

  17. Carlos is a try-hard with a face made for radio…. Speaking of which, when he filled in for Lund on Papa & Lund he somehow made that show worst. Didn’t think that was possible.

  18. Carlos run out of the studio

  19. I don't do political correctness. Call him what he is. A diversity hire.

  20. Rich "Poobah" Aurilia.

  21. Good for Richie to saying something.

    1. @7:44- Actually yeah. When Estes is on with him, you can tell Estes is clearly annoyed with Carlos Ramirez at times.... I think someone had to address the elephant in the room which is Carlos Ramirez. We'll see if he tones it down from now on on Giants TV pre and postgame.

  22. Get that idiot Ramirez off the show! He has no business being on there as an analyst - no credibility, is anything but professional and just there for "balance".

  23. Carlos Ramirez, even though it looks like he was having fun here, is clearly not a fit on the Giants TV pre and postgame show. Sometimes Shawn Estes, Randy Winn, and I guess now Rich Aurilia, look annoyed when he interrupts them.

    NBC Sports Bay Area is trying too hard having Carlos Ramirez do everything. He's doing Giants TV pre and postgame, he had that Warriors drip show during the Finals. Carlos Ramirez is supposed to be fun and kind of funny, but at times he comes off as awkward and he's doing too much.

  24. Carmen Kiew... Pretending to be a sports broadcaster/journalist... Never bleepin' do that again! You're an embarrassment! NBC Sports Bay Area needs to can you immediately! Go Giants!

  25. Uber nerd alert. Send him packing. We used to have a guy like that where I worked. We called him 007. Zero work ethic. Zero projects completed and 7 shits a day!

  26. I believe the masses have now spoken on Carloser Ramirez and the SummerSuck Day crew. The good news is that summer is going to wind down. Now, it is an automatic channel change when Ramirez is on, it’s just that bad.

  27. I saw that live and was like WTF are the Giants doing on TV and who was this idiot?! My finger couldn’t hit the off button fast enough.

  28. Baer must be behind Carlos and the Sunday show, just like he pushed Amy G. Marketing drivel to divert from a boring, lifeless product on the field and a dumpster-diving roster.

  29. get all of these PC a-holes off the air. hire the very best. if they are white and have a penis that's fine. can the PC bullshit

  30. Carlos = Erkle ("Did I do that?")

  31. Amy G is what she is, she is not a hard hitting reporter, she is the girl next door, the players seem to like her, her stories are light hearted, or you can have the cameras zoom in on some flat slob with nacho cheese dripping down his face.

    1. AMY G SUCKS and should be happy her best buddy Mr. "Push His Wife to the Ground" Larry Baer found her a job in the organization. Talk about irrelevany. Hey Amy! NO ONE LIKES YOU!

  32. How about just listening to Kruk and Kuip and watching the game instead of listening to Amy G ask some 10 year old girl while the game is in progress how it felt to meet Buster Posey.

  33. As the kids would say ...CRINGE!!

  34. While I enjoy the Warriors and 49ers pre- and post-game shows, the Giants shows are overblown and don't seem to be necessary. The guests aren't going to be straight about the Giants. The games come too often.

  35. Why all the name calling. We are adults here supposedly trying to set an example! While I don't particularly care for him, that was an exciting win! Let him have his fun! I actually laughed! People do get caught up in the moment. Everyone lighten up!

  36. For the life of me, I can’t figure out why NBC sports Bay Area doesn’t hire Ryan Leong. He checks off all the boxes: he’s a native San Franciscan who actually knows the history of Bay Area sports, he’s Asian, and there haven’t been any Asian TV sportscaster since Rick Quan, he is aggressive and will get a good story without pissing off the athletes, and he’s energetic and has a terrific sense of humor. Plus, most significantly, he’d come cheap like the rest of the ‘talent’ at NBC sports Bay Area. Plus Ryan would be a heck of a lot more entertaining than some of the dweebs who are work there.

  37. This is Ryan Leong and I heartily approve of the last message!

  38. Who the hell is Ryan Leong?

    1. He’s a totally unqualified yet pompous bozo who’s so desperate for attention that he posts ‘anonymous’ posts on this blog just to puff out his own chest.

  39. unprofessional, rude, and wears fan gear at Warriors games members of the media can't believe he gets away with that and he I'd give him less than a year at NBC and out the door with him because his colleagues will be fed up with his act

  40. When's Ryan going into the broadcast wing of the NBA, NFL or MLB Hall of Fame you'd think he's a next ballot Hall of Famer just by talking to him

  41. LOL! Laura Britt deserves better. There's truth that Rich Aurelia is dull, but he knows the game. I get that they were probably trying to spice things up and some diversity to the crew, but he's a weird choice. And Randy Winn is the whitest black dude ever.

  42. Why does he have this position?

  43. Carlos seems uneducated in the world of sports, complete asshat, ghtfo!

  44. Carlos insults veterans in postgame interviews while referencing dumb statistical minutiae. loser

  45. That guy Carlos Ramirez is unwatchable. Had to turn the channel when he was on the Niner post game show. I did not think there would be a whole thread dedicated to him being unlikeable and unwatchable, but here we are..

  46. Carlos Ramirez is trash. The most annoying person on NBC Sports ever. And this is coming from a fellow latino. Thanks for the diversity but no thanks for Carlos Ramirez. Get him outta here!
