Thursday, July 21, 2022

Siege Mentality at KTVU (Again)


With an ongoing crisis --the ratings continue to TANK--the idea of a functioning TV News station is quite admirable. Yet it's getting more difficult by the day.

The latest HR disaster: the news that much-respected and beloved weather anchor, Kyla Grogan, was passed up and is now headed to KRON and its streaming site (KRONOn)--she begins Aug. 1.(p> Grogan had actually been absent from KTVU for quite some time--the idea she was picked up by KRON (hardly a rival) was deemed an insult by many at Fox2, the latest and most infuriating issue to hit The Firm's Bay Area O and O.

The fact KTVU behind-the-scenes personnel are able to put out a newscast is amazing."It's rough around here," said a KTVU station source--"the worst ever."


  1. KTVU derangement syndrome! LOL

    1. Senior just got the morning gig and he’s taking time off already? That’s pretty uppity of him. KTVU should put him in his place.

      Terry in Cotati

  2. There's only one Poo! It's time to clean house and start over. Here's a list of people who need to be gone.... Rosemary Orozco, Gasia, Dave Clarke, Pam Cook, Julie Haener, Sal "Mr Ego" Castaneda, Mike Mibach, Claudine Wong, Steve Paulson AND Bill Martin. Finally Heather Holmes. Now she can go back to Texas. Anyone else I missed besides the horrible station manager & PD?

    1. Right on: Orozco, Clarke, Haener, Castaneda, Mibach.
      Wrong on: Mikaelian, Cook, Wong, Paulson, and Martin.
      Gasia's found her level; eye candy, only mildly incompetent. Cook does her job without flash, and has a milf vibe for the gents. Wong, inoffensive, almost severely competent (though she's working on that) and not hard on the eyes. Paulson and Martin are highly competent in their field, Paulson's folksy manner fits well in the morning, as does Martin's chatty, intimate approach in the evening.

    2. Pennywise the Weather Person?

  3. If KTVU wants to improve their ratings they’d tell Gasia to flaunt her cleavage, either by wearing sheer tops with a sexy bra or low cut tops.

    1. Viewers will be upset. It’s too FOXified. It was already a riot when Tori Campbell and Sal Castaneda was dancing on the closing shot when they had a DJ from KMEL playing music for commercial breaks a few months when FOX took over. The video is still floating around on YouTube.

      KTVU likes to be serious. That couch set didn’t last long. It was too “laid back” 🤣

    2. To see her that cow in anything low cut... excuse me i just threw up in my mouth... low cut? she would have to shave her chest hair and her 5 o'clock shadow

  4. The only reason I tune in is to see the reporting of Elisa Harrington who does a very good job and whom I find visually appealing. Once she appears I’m done unless I see Roberta Gonzalez wearing an exuberant outfit like the one yesterday. At that point I stay longer…

  5. "The Firm".I am quite capable of making very poor decisions and would take less compensation than Eikel? Of course, I would have to start drinking again. Nah, forget about it!

  6. Amber Eikel needs to go. But then KTVU management also needs to take a hike. They have ruined a once-great station as Cumulus has ruined KGO and as Audacy, ( Entercom,) is downgrading KCBS..I wonder how former channel 2 chief Kevin O’Brien feels about what has happened. He’s probably glad he got out of there before the collapse.

  7. Off Subject:

    KCBS Bret Burkhart promos don't give a time he's on the air. I guess just another musical chair.

  8. Well, as Ross McGowan once said, “I wouldn’t go in the bathroom if I were you.”

    Yoda Felch
    Star Wars

  9. I wonder if KTVU's main problem is their FOX association? The on-air talent seems educated, professional and overall pretty good. But I rarely watch them. The reason: Cable TV's "FOX NEWS" is anathema in the Bay Area. Maybe if KTVU switched allegiance to a different less-biased network they'd do better here, ratings-wise.

    1. Definitely why I don't watch.

  10. The current GM is way out of her depth. No one respects her.

  11. BRooks Jarosz is the man!!

  12. KTVU could hit one out of the ball park if they only brought Lloyd Lindsay Young out of retirement. HELLO MILPITAS!!!

  13. KTVU deserves everything that's happening there. You can't coast on laurels from the past forever and there has been no investment in their people and newsroom in years. Only cuts and missteps. It wouldn't surprise me if they were dead last in the ratings within 5 years. Grogan was smart to get out. There's no future for anyone at KTVU. Just lateral moves and salary caps and unfortunate management.

  14. I'd bet money that KRON moves up soon. Simply because they're actually trying to improve their product while others, certainly KTVU, are just doing the bare minimum.

  15. In other news: Rich, did you see Sid (Maria) Medina’s most recent tweet where she talks shit about her prior employer, KPIX?

    1. So the reporters have to
      deal with ogres in management and all the snide comments here. No wonder Maria is happy to have a new career.

    2. I rarely read tweets. Is there any reason anybody would want to read her vapid tweets? She has to write down whatever happens to be going through her head at the moment? Just incredible.

  16. The entire management staff at FOX TV Stations knows how inept KTVU management is. Their bottom line driven and will cut expenses to the bone with no regard for the community interests for which they allegedly operate…

  17. Why are the top weather peeps still working from home?? Steve and bill always at home.

  18. I started watching KRON News at 10:00 PM and quit KTVU. It is a decent broadcast. Mike Mibach is a clusterfuck and Julie Haener is off so much that she is now irrelevant. They have a revolving door of sports anchors and Jesse Gary is a joke. Bill Martin’s cat is more interesting than Bill. Roberta is a definite downgrade from Kyla Grogan.

    1. Same here. KRON is pretty good lately.

  19. I’d watch KRON if they EVER fix their crappy app on Roku. I open it and I see a prepackaged infomercial plus outdated links to old news. Nothing LIVE ever comes up for their newscasts and believe me I’ve tried.

    1. That's odd I uuse the KRONOn app and it works really well. I downloaded it on my ROKU tv and there is an ad at the top but as soon as that finishes it plays whatever is live on KRON at the moment. Scrolling down there's also options to watch older broadcasts. Maybe update your app?

  20. What happened to Joe Fonzi hardly see him anymore guess Sports is such a low priority that Jessie Gary doing it.

  21. Rich, any news on the ongoing Julie Haener situation? Like many here have pointed out I notice she rarely works anymore. But her social media shows her traveling all over the world. This has been going on for a couple years now. There’s no way ktvu is giving her this much vacation time. I’m thinking they officially moved her from full time to 5% time since she’s only there about 15-20 days a year.

    1. last year her son played college football and she missed so much work I began to wonder if it was her who was on team.
      but I’m not sure her excuse. maybe she’s sick or ktvu slashed her schedule to reduce costs? other commenters have said she makes half a mil which is absolutely ridiculous.
      whatever the reason her absence has made her a non-factor. you know the old saying: out of sight, out of mind.

  22. There’s only one 2. Need I say more?

  23. Live Laura Britt on the Giants postgame show. She runs the ship pretty efficiently and is always upbeat and creative. Also easy on the eyes.
