Saturday, July 9, 2022

Saturday Schmooze: Marty Lurie's KNBR Baseball Talk with Bruce Jenkins is a Home Run

THIS is the only reason why I listen to KNBR.

Marty Lurie does a weekly baseball show on the weekend --it's primarily Giants-oriented and that's all good, but my interest comes with his talk with Bruce Jenkins of the Chronicle.

Lurie and Jenkins talk baseball but it's more profound than that--it's like a good, schmaltzy radio schmooze. Chicken soup for the masses. You don't have to love sports to enjoy it but if you're a middle-of-the-roader sage like myself, you'll love it.

Jenkins is mostly hit than miss. Most importantly, he's wonderfully grouchy and straight-forward telling. There's no homerville here and it's a delight to hear, especially on KNBR which is state radio in my book.

Jenkins has written for the Chron for over four decades and has seen it all. Sometimes, the cynical Bruce is a terrific listen--at least my tasre buds prefer that version. Which is to say, Jenkins knows his stuff, especially baseball but basketball too and he shows it with Lurie. It's like a therapy session with a couple guys talking shop and you're in on the action.

Jenkins, with his cough and raspy voice is a funny, often spot-on verbal audio sports party that warmes the heart. It's not for everyone but I'm a believer.

Lurie, were he not a former loyah, would be labeled a homer --he is---but get this--it's not just Giants-centric it's also THE TRUTH--and it's refreshing--more than chicken soup but a gallon of borscht on the side.

Lurie is a homer but he's also honest and won't shy away from telling it like it is--and lately, for the Giants, it's becoming irksome.

I will not brag, I have to look at this mess from time to time.

I get periodic crap from folks: "How can you listen to Marty Lurie?" Because it's a sincere show. It's genuine. And Lurie is genuine too.

A loyah that loves baseball and knows how to build a mosaic and keep everyone interested. My inner taste roasts me for this and berates me for my love of the (Marty) game but I'm real. And Lurie's show is real too.

The Jenkins hit is almost appointment radio--a good matzah-fry with coffee in the morning.

Pass the egg cream.


  1. Marty and Bruce! Best sports talk on the air. Always up to the minute, and know what’s happening with all the teams, they are terrific, show is great listening

  2. Marty Lurie has been following baseball since he was growing up as a teenager in south Florida. We were fraternity brothers and friends in college and I still remain in awe of his knowledge of baseball. He also happens to be a good guy and a good friend to many from his era.

  3. Great story! It's wonderful to listen to Marty...great baseball historian.

  4. It's solid radio, and Jenkins fits with Lurie b/c Lurie obviously respects him and his knowledge and knows Jenkins elevates the segments/show. I like Lurie more now that he doesn't take calls and rely on the "Well, that's basebwaall" bromide, Bill Lasky has been taking calls after games and he is very good in that format, much more comfortable with conversational flow and give and take.

  5. was even better when he did the long after ballgame shows on he weekends. Laskey is ok, kinda boring though. I fall asleep.

  6. Aside from Bill Laskey, Lurie and Jenkins are the only personalities at the station who know what the hell they are talking about.

  7. I became a baseball fan a year or two after Marty started doing pre-pregames for the A's. I've been a loyal listener since, even not being a giants fan. Marty taught me so much about the game as a teen and kid, hes still appointment listening for me. His wealth of knowledge and history of the game is unmatched. In a sometimes, cruel and divided world Marty is everything that is good about the game of baseball.

  8. The Giants are hot garbage this year and are going nowhere. Big epiphany right? Reasons to numerous to mention but a feast for talk radio.

  9. How about no hitting, no pitching and lousy defense. Oh, and losers of 14 of their last 18 games. But the Triple A’s across the bay are much worse. They are easily the lousiest team in baseball this season. And unlike the Giants who try to stay, are at least competitive, have solid fan base, play in a beautiful park and are here to stay, the Triple A’s will eventually move to Vegas, like the NFL Raiders, ( Traitors.). Does anyone around the Bay Area except for a few fans who must be bored jut if their goards actually care about the A’s anymore? Their owner, John Fisher is as pathetic as the Orioles Peter Angelos or the former Warriors incredibly inept owner, the forgettable Chris Cohan.

  10. "KNBR which is state radio in my book"

    You just described KGO. In fact, you need to start referring to KGO 810 as state radio regularly. The majority of the day it is in fact state radio. In the evenings it becomes a little better.

  11. I like Marty the first time I heard him talk baseball. I listen a couple of times. He spoke to callers with some sharp and sh*tty things. His bit got old. Took a few months for me to grow to despise his show. I can no longer listen to the guy. Instant change the station radio for me.

  12. The Three Dot Lounge is the highlight of the Chronicle.

  13. Great summary of Marty’s show and the impact inside folks like Bruce Jenkins who is very sharp on all sports. The best pairing on radio. Jenkins also wrote a wonderful book on his father the great music man Gordon Jenkins, who was responsible for a number of Frank Sinatra’s hit albums

  14. Marty Lurie is virtually unlistenable so of course Rich Lieberman loves him. He’s an insignificant nobody so Rich isn’t jealous.

  15. Jenkins is stuck in nostalgia land. He has hardly any appreciation for the present, and everything is a constant comparison to the past. Failure to evolve should be part of his byline.

  16. My friend lives in the same neighborhood as Marty Lurie's and sees him around town. He is as far as I'm told a very nice and expansive guy. Bruce Jenkins was longing for the old school in the 1980s. I like him by and large. His tales of Sinatra coming by his folks' house in Malibu, and that kind of thing, have the benefit of actually being true.

  17. Sorry, I have to disagree. While I appreciate Marty Lurie's focus on baseball, the bland bias he shows is unlistenable.

  18. I have known Marty for over 50 years and could listen to him talk baseball any time day and night because of his love of the sport and vast knowledge of the game. Marty is a credit to the game he loves and I think he has a vast listening audience. On top of everything else he is as really good guy.
