Sunday, July 10, 2022

Ho-Hum: Andre Senior, Officially New KTVU "MO2" Weekday Anchor

IT'S BIG NEWS only at KTVU: Andre Senior is the new "MO2" (Mornings on Two--weekdays) anchor replacing Mike Mibach.

Ho -hum.

What was KTVU to do? Make jerky Frank Mallicoat the new hire? He's currently screwing up on weekend mornings and doing a fine job.

When Senior failed to get 10 PM (which Mibach got), it was only inevitable he would get the MO2 gig. Everyone at KTVU knew it, Senior himself. In fact, when it appeared he was being yanked around and thought to be out of favor with the Fox execs, Senior tossed out resumes here and outside the market. Then KTVU had to make a move and placate Senior. The MO2 job was his and that was always the case, only KTVU would be the one to screw it up.

And yes, now, Senior can settle into the morning, it's official.

Senior has done an aqequate job at 2. He fits The Firm's guidelines. He's reliable. He's safe. And he's the right choice politically too. Something both he and KTVU knew all along.


  1. Replies
    1. He's way better than Frowny Mike on the 10 O'Clock.

    2. Mike should scream like he does in his car once-in-awhile.

  2. Here is one thing about anchors from out of town misusing their power and relations with their bosses, not necessarily “sexual” or “personal” to get power just to kick out another anchor. I am talking about Frank and I don’t need to repeat how Frank lost his job at KPIX. Once Frank is gone, the witch kick out another anchor back to the streets, KPIX think this witch anchor will be loyal to the stay with KPIX forever and guess what, she chose to go back home anchoring over 100 degree weather surrounded by hills, mountains. After Frank, a good anchor left, KPIX is getting their karma with new faces every few years, Lens left, Mary Lee left, the witch left and everyone might leave the station one after another. Even evening news is having same issues and Betty Yu reporting on Sat looks like is getting attention working almost 10 years

  3. The SF Chronicle Sporting Green is a joke. Unless the A’s or Giants play a night game, there is NEVER a story in the paper the next day, nor a list of the standings and rarely any mention of the other games. The same was true if their ‘coverage’ of the Warriors this past season, as they would display a photo along with “ the game finished too late for deadline.” What a joke!

    1. And I still get the actual Sunday Chronicle delivered. Sunday paper with a cup of coffee is a simple pleasure. The least they could do is put the standings in the Sporting Green.

    2. Guess what? NEWSPAPERS ARE DEAD! DONE! FINITO! Check CBS Sports Online for Standings or NBC Sports Bay Area for recaps. Just for the love of God do not purchase a subscription to The Athletic and keep clowns like Tim Kowakami &Andrew Baggerly employed and pulling an undeserved paycheck. Do better weaklings!

  4. Does this mean he will now be able to purchase some suits that fit?

  5. Stunning that he "introduced" Christina Rendon the other night on 10 pm news. Anybody know WTF THAT was all about??

  6. Congratulations to Mr Senior. I firmly believe he was the BEST choice for the 10pm newscast. I’m still in shock that Mr Eternal Constipation Mibach got the gig. If I were insane I’d run to my car and scream to myself.
    Btw what a disgrace the 10pm newscast has become. No sports anchor at the end! Now they have the two anchors ineptly read sports stories. They couldn’t come up with a few shekels to pay Ibanez? Come on MAN!

  7. I agree Andre Senior is a safe choice for MO2. What does that do in the future with Dave Clark? Interesting move but im ok with that move by FOX2...

  8. Will he replace Mark as Julie's "confidant"?

    1. He already has. The two previously formed a ‘special’ bond when Mibach worked various shifts in the evening. Also, Mike is aligned with Heather, and Heather is aligned with Julie. They’ve become a clique.

  9. Wasn't Dave Clark in the Dave Clark Five Band at one time?

  10. Why is everyone so down on Andre Senior? Name me a male anchor currently at KTVU who's better. For that matter, name me a male anchor elsewhere who's unquestionably better Ashley, yeah, but he's taken, but who else? Yamamoto? Mathai? Mallicoat? There's not a lot of talent out there currently, and KTVU could do far worse than Andre.

    1. I have to agree with Rich on this one. Two thumbs down to Andre “Mr. T” SeƱorita.

  11. Andre Senior isn’t too awful except when they assign him anything that has to do with “families” or children focused topics. He seems so unnatural and awkward in this area. It’s painful watching him stumble. Keep him away from those topics and then he will be tolerable.

  12. I thought Andre Senior did a good job. At least I looked forward to listening to what he had to comment on.
