Tuesday, July 19, 2022

KTVU Snub of Kyla Grogan Latest Embarrassment --at Bill Martin's Hands With Assist from Roberta Gonzales; KRON Winner

BLAME Bill Martin --mostly--and KTVU's INEPT managers--as the CORE REASON why Kyla Grogan ultimately found her heart back in SF--at KRON!

As I reported here in April, Martin saw the handwriting on the wall. He knew Grogan was both a viewer and internal favorite at KTVU, but Martin feared his job (because of Kyla) and touted station suits to hire woeful Roberta Gonzales, why? He knew full well that Rogo would not be a threat to his gig and in fact, be insurance against his ousting.

He also knew Grogan was an emerging presence at KTVU; a very capable weather person; a smart, gorgeous woman to boot; a favorite at the station that almost everyone liked and respected. In other words, everything that Roberta Gonzales wasn't.

So now what?

KTVU is EMBARRASSED. As is Fox and The Firm. As they should be.

Grogan will be a featured weather anchor at KRON (don't know the role of Lawrence Karnow yet but I think he'll stay put)--furthermore, Grogan will add a lot of gusto and personality to KRON and the bumbling, mumblin' Martin, who looks like the supreme villain here, will now feel the wrath (of KRON?) --and not just viewers but staff at KTVU.

Furthermore, KTVU has another PR disaster on its hands. It could have hired Grogan full-time and positioned her as Martin's eventual replacement but CHEAP Fox --with Martin's blessing--decided to yank Grogan's chain and opt to go with Gonzales, why so? She would work for cheap and flaunt her excess wares on social media. Yeah, that works well. (Yawn)

Grogan will shine at KRON and do so for a relative bargain, not to mention, provide it with a certified STAR.

KTVU, meanwhile is stuck with mundane, boring Martin and over-exposed, has-been Roberta Gonzales.


  1. Honestly they were insane to let Kyla walk out the door. But good for her that she knows her value and found a better place with better management. I'll be watching KRON Rich.

    1. I'm with you on that. I stopped watching KTVU a while ago. Had enough of the FOX crap.

    2. Good for you 9:50, but no one gives a shit.

    3. 11:44a must be Amber Eikel because no normal, mentally healthy person would be triggered by someone simply stating they don’t watch ktvu.

  2. So happy she is coming back to us. Kyla knows the area and has family here I believe so it's a good fit all around.

    1. They have a pretty good team lately at KRON. Good addition.

  3. Anyone know Kyla age? The inaccurate listing said she is under 40, she looks like she is over 50.

    1. I think you must be high. And it's some good S#*T LOL!

    2. I do but it's none of your business. And she's not anywhere near 50.

    3. Blondes don’t usually age well. Plus, remember, the camera adds 10lbs., which means she must be Ethiopian thin. Too thin= looking aged.

  4. Bill Martin has gotten a bit kooky. How weird that he will likely be the last one standing of that 10pm team. But then what? Who do they have in the bullpen at KTVU? Doesn't seem like they have a succession plan at that place with weather or anything else. Makes it easy to switch channels. I don't know most of the people there anymore.

    1. Fashion designer Rosemary is waiting in the wings... like the Bride of Franenstein! Maybe they'll bring back Creature Features?

    2. > Bill Martin has gotten a bit kooky.

      Yeah....We all know. He's been that way for maybe a decade.

  5. I can tell you this, Kyla is super easy to work with and that is NOT something we say about everyone at KTVU. Producers at KRON, you just got a good one.

  6. Roberta looks like a bloated Pennywise the Clown! "Hey Billy! We all float down here at Jack London Square." Who did Roberta's plastic surgery too? The surgeon should have paid her for how bad a job they did. Yikes!

  7. Kyla is tremendous. The Game’s Willard, on the other hand, is a wind bag who is dull as dishwater.

  8. If Kyla is that great, she will not be working outside the Bay Area, didn't like it and now landed on a news station no body watches. KRON will accept any reporter with crap salary except Frank if he wants it.

  9. I'm enjoying the KTVU weather s-show. I especially enjoy watching that grumpy old bag of gray Steve Paulson working out of his garage again as though we are right back in the thick of 'Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve". Way to go Steve!

    1. Oh my God, Steve Paulson—"Mumble, mumble, mumble. Back to you." [Zzzzzzzz]

    2. Totally agree Paulson is as dry as a popcorn fart

  10. Billy Big Ears needs to go back to KFTY! Those who know what I'm talking about. KTVU is now just a bad joke. Karma for the treatment of Kyla.

  11. I like Bill Martin. He remains my favorite Bay Area meteorologist. I don't know why he gets so much flak on this blog. I don't see him as mumbling or bumbling. I find him personable and easy to understand. I always learn something from his weather reports.

    Kyla Grogan, is admittedly better than Gonzales - but really, that's not saying much. Kyla is like white bread. Unoffensive, not particularly interesting. Same can be said for her 'look'. Unoffensive, but not particularly striking. Definitely don't see the *gorgeous*.

    Gonzales is a monstrosity.

    1. Kyla is more like a hot buttery croissant. With legs. For days. Hello KRON! My new favorite station :)

  12. Lawrence Karnow is excellent. Roberta needs to go back to "the home". Kyla is unwatchable.

    1. This person is clearly blind.

  13. As terrifying as it may be, the grotesque and gruesome Roberta Gonzalez is beginning to morph into the new face of ktvu weather since she’s the only weather person over there who actually wants to work.

    “Mumbles” and Steve Paulson have no desire to go to work so they still hide in their basements with their cats like we’re back in March 2020.
    The only thing Coco Chanel cares about is pretending to be a fashion designer and trying to keep up with Julie Haener for most vacation days used.
    And the last time Mark Tamayo was seen he was on the side of a milk carton.

  14. Grogan is just your run-of-the-mill weatherperson.

    1. Considering the horrible things people write on this blog that's a compliment! I like her. I'd say she's the best in SF easily.

  15. Kyla is the whole package..Smart, great personality and heaven knows very easy on the eyes. I agree with you Rich they just hired a star. Really glad to see that she's back in the bay.

  16. She is a nothing burger. She is pleasant to look at but has no personality. If you put Lt in front of her name you would crap on her.

    1. So disagree. Her personality is stellar.

  17. How does Roberta Gonzalez keep popping up on local TV? That hideous pancake makeup and the embarrassing facelift are bad enough but her annoying personality is getting really old and stale.

    1. 1:24pm, your question is a valid one that most viewers ask themselves, but you need to remember that ktvu has absolutely no hiring standards whatsoever. As long as you have a pulse they’ll put you on the air. It doesn’t matter if you’re drunk, if you mumble, if you make six dozen gaffes per newscast, or if you look like a character out of a horror film.

  18. Roberta Gonzalez= Jan Wahl in training. Just waiting for the hat

    1. Oh. My. God. I just choked laughing. She quit to do her own thing and that didn’t pan out so now she back, looking baaaddd….so so bad…
