Monday, July 18, 2022

Exclusive: On Edge at KPIX--Big Powwow on Tuesday Morning at 855 Battery: Changes Affect Everyone

TOMORROW, Tuesday morning to be exact, KPIX has a mandatory meeting with all staff. Every on-air anchor and reporter is expected to be there.

New GM Scott Warren and ND, Lisa White will preside.

Here's the skinny: system-wide CHANGES are to be announced and everyone is affected. I was TOLD directly by a KPIX source "everyone knows their position will be altered, we just don't know specifically how so and when."

Changes on the docket: almost assuredly, Ryan Yamamoto and Sara Donchey--relatively new anchors, will be shifted to new time slots and away from their current set-ups.

I'm also told Liz Cook is expected to be moved, somewhere else besides 6 PM. Demotions? Yes, although I'm sure PIX will SPIN it differently.

Several changes are to hit the morning.

Everyone is on edge at 855 Battery, not just the meeting on Tuesday but in general.




  1. Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic at this point, eh? Some questionable new hire choices over at PIX. They all just sorta strike me as one big yawn. There IS talent at PIX (Kenny Choi, Makivic, Betty Yu, Goodrich to name a few) but the former boss steered this ship closer to the iceberg with his recent desk hires. Hope they get it together and try and form some sort of chemistry Do it for the memory of McElhatton, Tokuda, Bartlett and Walker. RIP (Except Wendy. She’s still kickin’ unlike CBS who used to be on too many moons ago.) Bring back Nightcast. lol

    1. Don’t forget Anna Chavez and Dana King.

    2. Nightcast was great! I stayed up just to watch it.

    3. Ah that 80s shrill 5 note signature sonic ID with the synth teletype beats afterward for the teases. You knew Nightcast was action packed.

  2. Seems Cook has been taking a lot of time off, in recent months.

    1. Liz needs to be with a quality partner, however, with the group of clowns they have in their stable, who the hell would that be? Liz is fine, she has improved greatly, (I don't care her dad helped get her the gig).

    2. Almost everyone’s Daddy tries to get their kids a good gig.

  3. The staff will be treated to coffee and donuts before a vigorous round of Media Musical Chairs!

  4. Ah, Nightcaaaaaasssstttt!

  5. Their new theme song should be Ball of Confusion by The Temptations.

    1. And here, I was about to play the theme to Days Of Our Lives.

    2. 4:59PM..."Like the sands sifting through an Hourglass, these are the Days Of Our Lives!"
      I love that theme. Used to hear it every weekday coming home after school.
      FUNFACT::Songwriting team Boyce & Hart wrote that theme song. Along with 'I Wonder What She's Doin' Tonight' and many for The MOnkeys.

  6. I hope they keep Darren Peck, I like his weather reporting.

    1. I also like Darren Peck, I don’t know they didn’t put him on the am show.

    2. I don't care for Peck's weather reporting. He's too verbose.

  7. Starting tonight KBCW has a full hour 10pm newscast again. Let’s see how they enter the KTVU and KRON race. Will it even push a needle in the ratings?

  8. Effective immediately, Brian Hackney and Juliette Goodrich are the new lead anchors.

    Oh, sorry, that was just me dreaming.

  9. PLEASE! FOR THE LOVER OF GOD! Fire Ryan "Stick Up My Chin & Grin" Yamamoto. That guys SUCKS as an "anchor". Hey bub... you ain't Lil' Orphan Annie reading the news. Tomorrow... BOOM! Outta there...

  10. Why don't they make Veronica De La Cruz the 10pm anchor?

    1. If they did she would take a 6 month leave of absense.

    2. I cannot believe another station out of state will hire VDLC after her not showing up performance made headlines on KPIX. She is working for Newsy in Georgia

    3. She’s the Kyrie of Broadcasting

  11. Tell KCBS anchor to do KPIX mornings making morning radio and tv together. Sara should be gone, something is wrong with her eyes

  12. KPIX suits have move Ryan Yamamoto to morning & noon broadcasts. He is FUBAR. I would watch paint dry before watching and listening to his horrid use of the teleprompter. They fucked up forcing Allen Martin to retire unless they promote Kenny Choi or Brian Hackney.

    I have gotten use Sara’s delivery, and she is cute. Liz is okay.

    1. KPIX should just dump all their toxic assets into the morning where they are already a solid last place. Rebuild from 11PM back

  13. I will watch if they bring back that Mac and Mutley to the anchor desk.
    That dog could scuba dive!

    1. Love the Mac and Mutley reference!

  14. I still say that Sara Donkey looks like she just stepped off the cover of some porn video box cover!

  15. Quit yer dreamin' about Juliette moving to the M-F schedule. As has been pointed out numerous times on Rich's blog, she loves her current schedule. The whispers here at PIX focus on what if the suits FORCE her to work M-F 3-11:30pm.

    Would she leave us?

  16. Do you ever think it is the marketing of the station as the reason why PIX has few viewers? Same for KRON. Regardless....if you were in charge of the station, what changes would you make? I don't think something like changing anchors would make any difference. I don't think doing longer, or more investigations would do the trick either, although I could be wrong.

  17. Can't wait to hear what Rich has found out about the PIX all hands on deck meeting...and how many hands are still there?...

  18. Tuesday... Bloody Tuesday! Yamamoto has got to go! He'll never learn to read off a teleprompter. Should have to write his own copy

  19. Did this also involve meteorologists too (Darren Peck, Paul, Jessica Burch)? Are they also getting affected too? It’s sometimes good seeing Darren on weekday evenings filling in for Paul as he gives very comprehensive in-depth weather coverage (like the Hawaii one and how it has a local connection to the Bay Area, and ofc many more). Brian Hackney is also good but I did get a little bored when he was still talking about rain chances when they became miniscule in May.

    Paul is also pretty good but Darren has the energy & explains weather in a way you can’t get anywhere else.

  20. Please get rid of the bad wig wearing Donchey and Yamamoto. They also need to get rid of that fool in the morning replacing Len Kiese. He looks ridiculous in those outfits.

  21. Yea I can see Ryan Yamamoto being moved to another time slot @ KPIX. Also keep in mind with Ryans wife Suzanne Phan who will leave Seattles KOMO TV soon to move to be with her husband here in Bay Area, could we be seeing her on Bay Area airwaves here soon?

  22. At 4:53AM, that might be Ryan Yamamoto standing there instead (that early and at noon). Normally, he will just be out on the field reporting stories but I guess Justin Andrews is interim till they move someone to mornings & noon. Bear in mind at noon, Amanda is the only one anchoring after Len Kiese left and tbh, I can't stand her. Again, don't know we'll see as the weeks come on. Honestly, I don't think Yamamoto is as bad but tbh, I still miss Ken Bastida; great guy and anchor since my childhood, pity that he retired in October 2021. Wish he did come back. Only one other great guy I know is Devin Fehely as many pointed out, wish they would use him more than just weekend mornings and him on the field. Has that charisma, energy and very articulate in reporting.

    As far as the meteorologists, I don't know if they will be affected from a timeslot perspective (i.e. Jessica Burch for example, as next month will be her 3rd month). Maybe someone can answer on this regard. Month-end is coming and 8/1 is a Monday, so my guess is typically something changes towards the end of a month as last month we lost Allen Martin & Len Kiese.

  23. At 4:53AM, yeah, my family can't stand Donchey either, especially at the point during weather when she wastes literally at least 30 seconds rambling about something else before letting Paul move on to do his thing. It's good when she is off and someone fills in for her. Last week it was unfortunate all week she filled in even at 7PM and 11PM for Liz Cook. And Liz at least to me is better. The only other time at least to my memory Donchey filled in for Cook at 11PM was back last month and she was the only one when Ryan was also off.
