Monday, July 18, 2022

KRON Adds Kyla Grogan To Its Weather Platform

KTVU's loss is KRON's gain.

Kyla Grogan will be doing prime weather at KRON.

A good, solid move.


  1. Does anyone even care, let alone watch any of the local TV news shows? I haven’t looked at any since the early 2000s because they’re filled by no talent hacks abd air heads who in an earlier era would not even get a sniff at a job in the nation’s sixth largest metropolitan area. If anybody them actually spent a few years learning the basics of small market TV in places such as Redding ir Fresno, perhaps they would have some talent and as Rich prefers to label it: “ news chops.”

    1. You're here taking time out of your day to comment on this blog about local news so obviously you care and you watch.

  2. Something funny about this reporter, she work for KTVU, move back to Las Vegas then come back to KTVU the 2nd time, quits and heads to another state and now on KRON 4. Here work background is unstable. Better than watching Roberta who should be enjoying retirement.

    1. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.

    2. She's not a reporter and she was freelancing at KTVU so she was doing other things. I think maybe you're unstable and confused LOL. But freelancers can do whatever they want. That's the whole concept.

    3. Kyla was passed over at KPU because she was not the correct "skin tone". Good to have her back! Solid delivery, presents her self well and is very articulate. The Lt. could use some help and should watch her segments. RG? Please put her back in her coffin. Will be watching KRON now.

    4. She was a freelancer at KTVU. She went back to Vegas because she got other gigs, since her KTVU one wasn't reliable. (Freelance gigs often aren't.) Nothing odd about that, lots of freelancers do it. Hopefully the KRON gig is permanent.

  3. This is AWESOME news. Grogan is great. I'll be watching. Somebody at KRON is making smart hires. Good anchors at KRON lately.

  4. Good hire love her. Two thumbs up Rich.

  5. As if I needed another reason not to watch KTVU. I'll turn the dial for this lady any day of the week.

  6. Kyla is awesome. I'm glad she is coming back to San Francisco.

  7. Wow. Bottom line: KTVU chose Roberta over Kyla. I'd say that's a major league lose for the Firm...

    1. I work there. Kyla told them to stuff it and left. And many of us here are cheering her on. Our loss. Big time. Thanks Amber Eikel.

  8. This is so great! Welcome back Kyla!

  9. YAY!!! Best news of the day.

  10. KTVU is heading DOWNhill fast and KRON is heading UP.

  11. I heard Rosemary despised Kyla and viewed her as threat. Queue in the clownish Roberta Gonzalez instead. Great call! = P

    1. She probably was a threat to Rosemary.

  12. Nice move by KRON to hire Kyla. Looks like the firm @ KTVU is going to regret this move when they let her go...

    1. Not at all. The list of talented people they've let rot (not just in front of the camera but at the desk, in the editing and writing departments) could fill Noah's Ark, yet they don't care. Since the end of the Fred Zehnder era almost anyone with talent has almost no chance there, while mediocrities are guaranteed lifetime employment.

  13. Awesome news for Kyla. I always did like her and sad that KTVU let her go. Good news.

  14. Kyla Grogan is an outstanding meteorologist. She knows her subject. Her pleasant personality and demeanor add to her skill as an anchor. She reads the teleprompter with ease, interacts easily with her colleagues and relates to the viewer. I adore her! ❤️‍🩹

    Fuck KTVU! 🤬

  15. Kyla spins donuts around Rosemary. Rosemary is vacuous.

  16. She’s a cutie.

  17. This Amber Eikel character sounds typical of the news directors that TV and radio stations hire these days. They’re all spineless weasels who rubber stamp whatever the suits upstairs suggest.

  18. We all know why Kyla Grogan left KTVU. That freakishly ghoully looking Rosemary HoRozco

  19. Actually Grogan left KTVU because Martin was stringing her along with his retirement plans that he kept changing. Simple economics. She was freelancing at KTVU and could easily make more money elsewhere. Eikel is an idiot but the blame for this one is squarely on mumbling bumbling Bill.
