Monday, July 18, 2022

KTVU/Fox Goes Cheap on Video Stringers; Mibach/Haener Craters at 10 PM; The Firm is Nervous; Raj Mathai NBC Bay Area Contract Impacts Dan Ashley at Circle7; Respecting Dion Lim; Master Control People Too; KRONvicts Think Pam Moore is Not Retiring; Andria Borba Weirdness at KPIX; Acknowledging Strong/Special Black Women TV News People; Monday Mash

KTVU and its Fox parent have begun to go for the cheap--it's a policy that directly affects those guys (mostly) that spend wee hours in the morning gathering news. More specifically, video--like a bad accident on a freeway or a crime scene--and that video tape ends up on your TV News screen.

KTVU is now essentially screwiing with these video photographers. They've adopted a system (it's not official but it's defacto) of 86ing the news gatherers and collect video off of social media and other avenues. So those early morning shots of a fire in San Jose or a bad accident on 880 is basically pirate video that KTVU is using and screwing the stringer video camera people.

How classy, Fox.

There's people now that make a living doing the work no one else can or wants to and Fox/KTVU has now shown the middle finger to.

*Speaking of KTVU, their once-vaunted 10 PM News ratings continue to crater--last week, KTVU was neck and neck with KRON and that is profound. But for all the wrong reasons.

Mike Mibach, as we've said here, is, most decidely, NOT a viewer favorite. It's been that way since day one. And worse for KTVU, Julie Haener is getting more negatives on a daily basis. Haener's taken a lot of vacation time of late. Maybe she's on to something--like, "god, I'm still here?!"

Of course The Firm has no backup team in place at its Oakland fortress. It'll continue to support the MIA GM and her unfit-for-duty ND (Amber Eikel) who has LOST the newsroom and is now in charge of The Titanic that is KTVU, circa 2022.

Mibach is a total waste--a guy who relies on smirk and image. He has ZERO chops and Haener's been exposed as the Barbie she's always been.

*Raj Mathai is still under contract at NBC Bay Area. But it's expected Mathai will signa new extension any day now.

That move will have a direct impact on the current (unofficial) on-going negotiations (or lack thereof) of Dan Ashley's new deal at Circle7(KGO/ABC7). Raj is making $400G a year at NBC. He is getting a major raise and while it's not huge, it's enough in the neighborhood of Ashley money (roughly $600K) to warrant a BIG raise for the Ash man.

ABC and Disney (like the industry in general) doesn't pay like it used to but Ashley has considerable leverag.

Something should get done by September. For both he and Raj.

Ashley is known to indutry people as hating to discuss his contract situation but when you've not signed a new deal in more than a few years (like five) it's not only news, it's particularly compelling at a station that leads the Bay Area news ratings and Ashley, its lead news anchor for the past almost three decades.

Sorry Dan, but your status at ABC is worthy of attention--even in its marginalized era at 900 Front.

*I TOO was put off by Dionne Lim's news anchor delivery --early on as she came from Florida to anchor at KGO.

I thought she was low energy and hew voice was phony and contrived. A total letdown. But I've grown on her--she's now convinced me she's bout as sincere as can be. She's genuine. She is who she is.

It's not perfect by any means but Dionne has grown on the job. It's evident if you watch her read the news.

*Someone completely the OPPOSITE: KPIX's woeful Amanda Starrantino. A total vanilla wafer and about as genuine as a Hayward 7-11.

Yes, I'm down on Starrantion who has no realness, no chemistry--she should be in Woodland Hills, not here. Not that the Bay Area is special anymore but seriously now...

*The people behind the scenes: at master control and near the camera, are the lifeblood you see and hear. They make the set and desk look better. They are the engine that drives the car, the oil that makes everything glue. As such, they are underrated and need to get paid. Of course I'm being naive because the suits get their money, always, and master control get peanuts. It's a damn shame and it needs to be taken care of. Yeah, of course I'm dreaming.

*KRON people are working on the assumption that Pam Moore will not retire and stay on, at least for now. Moore may look tired and worn out but her demeanor has changed. She's now suddenly showing new vigor and energy. She's also found out her $300K annual salary is pretty good coin.

I've been ripped by some for commending KRON and their newscasts. I'm sorry but they deserve credit when credit is due.

Moore is a reason but hardly the sole reason.

KRON still has way too many reporters who look like they just graduated college. They are capable but hardly admired but you get what you pay for, right?

I like KRON, lately, because on their most mundane of newscasts, they look decent. They aren't trying to do something they clearrly cannot do. They at least give you the news and yes, news that is too ordinary but done so, for the most part, in a professional manner. That's all I care about.

KRON isn't 1990 anymore. Gone is Jim Paymar, Pete Wilson, Bob Jimenez, Evan White and Sylvia Chase.

But it's 2022. Times have changed. Hell, even Darya Folsom, has (sometimes) read the room.

I'll regret the last sentence --you get my drift. I'm sure I'll have ample opportunities to rip KRON.

*SORRY, but I still can't figure out Andria Borba. God knows I've tried.

She is supposedly news savvy and PIX people tell me she's really cool. Great, but that's not translated on air. Borba comes across as pale and frigid. Her voice is bizarre. She's hardly engaging and she sounds, frankly, weird.

I know this is all superficial but remember, TV is a visual medium. Perhaps Borba should take notice and reinvent her style. Because the present form is a dud.

*BLACK WOMEN TV News journalists like Abby Phillip (on CNN) and Kristen Welker (on NBC News) excite the senses. They (mostly) inform and entertain. That's very cool and together. They do so under the most extraordinary of circumstances. It's a daily ritual and they all need to be acknowledged. I gladly recognize their work.


  1. > Haener's been exposed as the Barbie she's always been.

    I knew that from working with her back in the early 2000s.

    —News photog

    1. Is this Haener on auto pilot? She doesn’t relate to the audience with any real emotion. Barbie is a great description and the practiced deferential gaze at her co-anchor as news pearls are uttered is straight out of 1960. I’m waiting for a wire to melt on this droid and R2ON2 to go up in a blaze. That would be great television!

  2. Rich, could one of the Bay Area stations give Paul Pelosi a spot to give personal-finance advice, focusing on stocks and options? To be bipartisan, they could pair him with that GOP ex-Senator from Georgia who reportedly did well during the pandemic? I’m sure I’m not the only viewer who would appreciate some timely investment tips. Whaddya think - ratings gold?

  3. Hi Rich. Did KRON hire Kyra Grogan? Hope its true...

    1. It is official on the KRON website! Good move by @KRON. Welcome back to the Bay Area, Kyla!

  4. Rich I have been vacationing in Tahoe
    Have you had the opportunity to watch kcra out of Sacramento
    What a breath of fresh air

  5. Man Rich, you are probably the most right on person out there, regarding bay area media! Andria Borba has clearly gone somewhere and had a makeover, because she is made up to the hilt! She is one of those classic examples of "she would be really pretty if she would lose the weight". As you said, tv is a visual medium, and while it may not be PC [I hate PCness!] to say so, the fact is, that Borba, like Ann Mackovic, needs to lose the weight. I think the both of them would see massive improvements in their careers if they did so. Regarding Amanda Starrantino, I am somewhat beginning to see your point there, Rich. I still try to like her though, because she is so bangable, even though she is stick thin, but I have to say that you are right in your assessment of her. Still though, her being bangable does mean a lot!

  6. If Pam is serious about sticking around KRON and KRON is serious about keeping her, KRON needs to inform Pam that she is - shocker of shockers - NOT Johnny Carson and working just M-Th as she has been for months, will not cut it.

  7. Starrantino backed off the bronzer today. she looks like an older sister telling the LT not to make the mistakes she did when they sit at the desk together.

  8. Dion Lin has become better since she first arrived. When she first came to KGO she would have to suck in air after a sentence like she was being water boarded. She’s better but more a morning gingerbread anchor than evening anchor.

    1. I started liking her when it turned out she was the only local reporter going after Chesa.

  9. So Dion is better as the morning anchor, but diva Sze is fine for the afternoons? No way. Dion is hands down one of the top 3 Circle7 anchors. Parings that include Ashley, Dion, Ama for the evening timeslots is a knock out combination.

    1. Kristen Sze was a good am anchor. Let’s face it we’re dealing with local anchors in the days of social media. Look at me , look at me!!!! I think IQ wise Dion Lim isn’t in the same ballpark as Kristen Sze.

  10. I LOVE Lim...she is magnificent.

  11. Rich, you have to check out the Kgo new reporter Lena her Twitter profile is full of her boobs and all about herself. Is this building a better boob area???

  12. Dion Lim does sort of have a dominatrix like tone to her delivery. But I like her. And she has gotten better. I’ve seen Lim and Ming together at the desk every once in awhile. Looks like they actually get along. She hasn’t made Lim run to NBC Bay Area like she did with Janelle. What’s the tea Rich? Do they go to dinner with Ama? lol

    Overall I like ABC 7s pairings the most. Hey, they’re #1 for a reason. Give Ashley his check bosses!

    1. Huh? Janelle Wang and Kristen Sze are friends going way back.

    2. Janelle and Kristen friends? Not in this lifetime and going way back

  13. so women reporters have to look orgasmic for you to hear what they are saying? frigid??? what lunacy

    1. It’s a visual medium. If you want to watch 900lb read the news then go out and find that. The rest of us will continue to live in the real world.

  14. "KRON isn't 1990 anymore. Gone is Jim Paymar, Pete Wilson, Bob Jimenez, Evan White and Sylvia Chase."

    Jim Paymar?? Gone and forgotten.

    1. My favorite KRON news anchor team was Paymar, Abrams, Radnich and Thompson.

  15. Even Rich is a fan of Kristen Sze.

  16. Here’s another of Rich’s praises of Kristen Sze. She’s a tough female and is smart.

  17. Get off of Hayward 7-11’s

  18. I’m not surprised to hear KTVU’s 10pm ratings are in a state of freefall. I watch on occasion and each time it’s noticeably worse than the time before. It’s flat, there’s zero energy, and it’s obvious Mibach and his counterpart are just going through the motions. When I switch to nbc, abc, or KRON you can feel the energy in the newscast. Their stories don’t feel stale like ktvu.
    KTVU runs the same stories for days on end and none of their stories have any depth whatsoever. The majority of their stories are from other fox stations or Fox News. Thanks but no thanks.

    1. Yesterday they ran 7 stories in a row from either Fox Business, Fox News or KCRA in Sacramento. Is there not enough news in the Bay Area that we have to look to Sacramento for news?

  19. If you see Raj out and about, boost his ego by saying "Hey! Don't I know you?" then quickly add... "Don't you work in my IT department at (said Silicon Valley Tech Company). It crushes every time! I did it to him and he was mublinng under his breath like the Triple AAA gopher. "I'm not a gimmick!" Yes Raj... yes, you are."

  20. Julie Haener has the best job ever. Each year she swindles ktvu for more than half a million dollars to take 330 vacation days and travel the world.

    No wonder her colleagues resent her.

    1. Whenever Julie isn’t on an extended period I think maybe she finally retired. But nah, each time it turned out to be just another one of her 2-3 month vacations.

  21. I call her "Julie I really don't want to be here Haener" Gotta give her kudos for getting that much time off and an excellent salary, well done.

    1. Working 15 days a year and getting half a million? Damn. That means she makes $33k for each day she actually works! Why does ktvu tolerate her taking 11.5 months off each year? Why haven't they canned her?

  22. As a Stringer I can tell you all networks are using shaky but Free cell phone video! Joe & Jane Citizen can only bring you the crash in portrait at 45mph while driving the scene. Stringing is not dead but you better have footage no one else can provide!

  23. Sylvia Chase & Larry King have both left the room.
