Wednesday, July 20, 2022

"Cha-Cha Changes" Coming to KPIX Even Though Tuesday Meeting Was Underwhelming

THAT IMPORTANT meeting at PIX was really just a a way.

This much is certain: changes, indeed are coming to Channel 5--some, across the board, many others just here and there but CHANGE is coming. It has to

The Tuesday talk was attended by GM, Scott Warren and news boss, Lisa White. Nothing specific nor anyone in particular were discussed. The gist of the meeting, according to PIX contacts, was a sort of a preamble of what's to come and a general layout of what's in the future plans at 855 Battery.

I asked one particular source--who knows every square inch of the newsroom, then why have a meeting if no specifics were outlined?

"Because they (management) wanted to set the groundwork. Everyone knows their own position is going to change. Everyone. And it will affect morning, midday and night. It's just we don't have the full scope yet."

I do.

I know KPIX is DEAD LAST in the morning. (And pretty much everywhere else)-- I also know the new guy wants a revamped morning show, maybe a big expansion in fact. CBS doesn't have an (still) effective network show in the AM--it's been like that, what, for years? Yes. So if PIX tries to retool its AM package, (and that's the word), good luck. It'll have to get the OK from NY since PIX is an O and O (owned/operated).

More out of Tuesday's powwow: most assuredly, Ryan Yamamoto will be moved off the primetime news. So too, Liz Cook, (which would be big)--Yamamoto is probably headed for another time slot. PIX doesn't want to admit he's (Yamamoto) not a viewer favorite. In any case, he's being moved, most likely.

So too, Sara Donchey, the "way-too-LA" anchor. Where, no one knows yet.

Cook's future at PIX might warrant speculation now because her early goals were to anchor at 5 and then try to get a network position in NY (thanks to her connected father at Disney)--I've noted Cook's ascent at PIX; I commended her for improving her delivery and overall performance but that hasn't tranlated to success with viewers. Moreover, Cook isn't particularly liked nor respected at the PIX studios.

Change not only involves anchors but reporters too. The vast majority of its reporters look stale and boring. PIX needs to throw many of them out into the garbage bin.

KPIX doesn't just need a new, thorough cleansing, it needs a new look, a fresh scent of paint. Its news presentation is stale and uninvighting but worse, its set is vanilla and crummy. All you have to do to confirm is to take a look at their product. Yuck.

Case closed.

Cha-ch changes can be a good thing. It's finally coming to KPIX and it's about time.

For a change.


  1. Don’t tell me Frank is coming to KPIX? If yes, ratings will increase even though his image is ruin with marriage woman alcohol issues.. Just don’t pair him with sexy Sara

  2. The last successful morning show on CBS was “Captain Kangaroo.”

  3. Ryan Yamamoto sings: "Time may change me, but I can't change time!"

  4. Haven’t seen that Reed Cowan guy on the 3pm show in a while. I know he’s behind the scenes and on camera as well. His delivery is very stern, to the point and pretty good compared to Yamamoto. I hope he gets more airtime.

  5. Somerville hits the booze hard! Alcoholic former news man... Don't do it PIX

    1. Even PIX, the king of stupid, can’t be that stupid.

      Can they?

  6. Who is Liz Cooks dad @ Disney title is. How can somebody at a different company have that much influence?

    1. He left Disney but he was the COO under Eisner. he runs a movie studio now but all of these people know each other and are connected in the industry. If daddy asks a long time friend to help his daughter out sure no problem.

    2. Lez is ok in my book. Go Lez!!

  7. CBS should tell Vern Glen to turn off his act and just read the sports.He has got to be the most annoying person on air and mute button when he is on screen.

    1. He's worse than the yenta with the goofy hats.

    2. Vern Glenn is a 100% cluster fuck. I disliked him at KRON and change stations when he is on KPIX. Now, he is worse - full of fresh steaming manure. I can’t stand him. Management must like pissing off viewers.

    3. Vern holds her lantern.

      Rosemary Felch

  8. Does anyone really care or watch local TV news anymore? The stations all hire minor league talent or retreads such as Roberta Gonzalez or Joe Fonzi. Who cares?

  9. “Nothing specific nor anyone in particular were discussed.”

    That sounds like 99.999999% of the meetings of this type I’ve been to.

    1. 1:40 Ha-ha! I left local news 11-years ago for the safety and comfort of a guv job here in Sacramento (I got a pension! weekends/holidays off!!!) But as far as meetings--yup, nothing new: They're all pointless--nothing that an email, phone call, or a good ol' quick in-person conversation/lunch can't accomplish.

  10. @1:17 pm - Yeah, people do. Care.

  11. Ya-ya-ya-ya-ya-yamoto, the stuttering bastard son of Porky Pig . He smirks during serious subject matters and even laughs for no reason! Just get rid of him already

  12. Yamamoto was a disaster from the start, a WTF head-scratching pick who was bland, one-dimensional and completely lost on set. Liz was a cute SC sorority gal with connections who’ll land on her feet on a more prestigious platform. PIX really needs to blow it up and start over…
