Thursday, July 14, 2022

June '22 SF Radio Ratings; KOIT and KQED Hold Serve; KCBS Slight Bump; KNBR Too; 95.7 FM "The Game" Bolts Forward; KGO Gets Killed (Ouch) By KSFO


KOIT and KQED winners.

KCBS, a modest bump.

95.7 FM, The Game --with help from Warriors, makes another jump.

KNBR slightly up.

KGO can't win if it tried--and once again, flatlines and getting embarrassed by KSFO.


Just to remind everyone these are the so-called beauty contest numbers --the ad people don'rt buy time based on these ratings but they also reflect trends and analysis.


  1. I was watching KPIX am newscast. That had a 4 minute segment with Gianna talking to Damon Bruce. I pray this isn’t going to be a new segment. He’s terrible.

  2. Damon Bruce 10th place finish in the book because he’s SOOOOO entertaining right? Why don’t you give the real numbers on Knbr 5th, 3rd , and 4th place for all their a shows. TKB was buried but Tolbert finishes 4th now with koeps and it’s a slight bump. Get a grip and tell real facts like you claim to do

  3. Wonder how KGO ratings could be so low..
    Perhaps they should be running Doug Andrews keen investment advice show M-F 3 hours per day. Local seniors need to know how to get a 61% return on their money with "no-risk"...
    Always trust KGO's well vetted advertisers...
    Seniors will soon be swimming in so much money, they'll be able to afford miracle Fruit and Veggie capsules at only $150 a month.

    1. LOL! Good to see somebody else noticed.

  4. Let Bloomberg buy will BLOW KCBS away, and give Bloomberg giant west coast signal.

  5. Those Fruit and Veggie capsules are fantastic ..incredible

  6. And Michael Bloomberg can afford it. It would be a smart business decision as they could retain their current NY staff and add some more local SV news and stories. I, like you, think that this would be a win/win for the Bay Area. 810 KGO is dead walking.

  7. One of the worst nights on KCBS was when smiley voice Alisa had the evening shift, followed by Peter Finch overnight. The warehouse workers were ready to throw me out the door for suggesting playing KCBS as filler noise while we were packing 420.

  8. KCBS is rapidly becoming a joke. This pathetic company ‘Audacy’ is doing it’s best to tear down what used to be a legacy station. They have a ditzy news director who is way in over her head, and a lot of fresh faced ‘kids’ who sound as if they belong in Modesto radio. The morale there has sunk to an all time low as the veteran talent is leaving on droves, either retiring early or being tossed out the door. The few vets left are truly disgusted by the lack of professionalism being exhibited on all front. How the mighty have fallen!
