Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Dark Days at KTVU; Ratings Dip; Senior-Rendon Duo On A-List But Mibach-Haener Pairing Prevailed; Viewers Reject MM; Roberta Gonzales Continues To Embarrass; Mark Ibanez Blowout Party in Napa Sigh; Pam Cook/Gasia Unholy Alliance in AM; Rosemary Orozco Factoid; KPIX Yamamoto Still Lousy; Betty Yu Better in Field--She Agrees; Fox News' Harris Faulkner at KQED; Hey KRON, Fix Lighting in Newsroom; Yang/Asistio Feud in San Jose at NBC Bay Area; Wednesday Wash

KTVU (and Fox brass) wanted to PAIR Andre Senior and Kristina Rendon in a primetime newscast but instead opted for Mike Mibach and Julie Haener.

Which would have been a solid choice, especially since KTVU's hold on the 10 PM news ratings have suddenly become vulnerable. KTVU's ratings across the board, early evening and 11 have seen a dramatic DIP.

And whether they acknowledge it or not, Mibach has become a problem. Viewers, especially women, can't stand him. His "pretty-boy"/athlete/jock look and demeanor was thought to be a positive--it's 100% the opposite.

Mibach, ironically, had the lead anchor gig at "Mornings on Two"--a show now that is losing viewers and although still leading in overall numbers, has seen a sharp turn. KTVU is stuck and hopes this development is only a temporary situation. Most likely, it's not.

*Speaking of problems at KTVU we give you attention bore, Roberta Gonzales --the excess diva that allegedly forecasts weather, has become an issue in the newsroom. Her over-the-top shtick has turned off the rank and file and is now quietly a source of embarrassment. Pin all that on useless Bill Martin, the lead weather guy who wanted Rogo on the payroll as a backup so he could put off retiring for a few years.

*It's good THE GAAS! --(Gasia Mikaelian) and Pam Cook get along because virtually everyone on the set in the morning can't stand either of the gruesome twosome, especially the fashion designer posing as a weather anchor, Rosemary Orozco.

Orozo has been passed up for primetime gig after gig but that's cool because as long as she can use her job to promote her fashion biz, it's totally awesome, dude.

Of course, Rosey has had other issues at The Firm.

*Mark Inanez, the recently "told-to-retire" sports anchor, is having a HUGE retirement party at a Napa estate on July 23rd--and the guest list includes senior KTVU management--the VERY people who essentially told Ibanez to retire and go away. It's an about face for Marky Mark who was so angry about his forced-leave he told friends he'd do his last sportscast and leave KTVU's studio --without any kind of public sendoff. Yeah, sure, Mark. You always wanted to spend time with the family.

*THIS IS HOW BAD (SAD) IT IS at KTVU: Dennis Richmond has been putting off visits to the station's farewell parties because, say Insiders, he himself is embarrassed by the Channel 2 goings-on of late.

Not that Richmond is a man wonder himself but you get the idea.

*OVER at KPIX, I don't care is Ryan Yamamoto is strutting out his chin and attempting to be taken more seriously, Ryan is a TOTAL FAILURE. KPIX knows it and CBS too. Of course PIX is stuck with him because the new GM doesn't have a choice and Yamamoto knows it.

*AS MUCH a COMPELLING figure on PIX, Betty Yu doesn't do well as a news anchor. She's far better in the field plus Yu herself prefers reporter duties. I agree. She's much more adept as a correspondent (special) where she can show her chops and exude power and savvy on location.

**HEY KRON: take care of your star pupil: FIX the newsroom lighting so Noelle Bellow gets shown better. The current lighting scheme doesn't do her ny justice.

*Why Fox News host, Harris Faulkner, was seen coming ouyt of the KQED news barn the other day is anyone's guess.

*SPORTS-TALK RADIO is DRIVEN by CALLER/HOST interaction. It's the very essence of the craft and it is therefore a total MYSTERY why KNBR doesn't take callers. A local sports-talk figure told me KNBR doesn't take callers because they're afraid of honest discourse and they worry good calls would "embarrass the hosts." Dear lord, how pathetic.

*In San Jose at NBC Bay Area, don't let giddy pictures fool you: Audrey Asistio and Janelle Wang are hardly cool with one another. Wang is on the inside looking out. She knows full well the peacock brass is high on the Asistio eventual move to nightime where Janelle currently lacks.

*What would TV News anchors do without selfies? Depression would set in, I think.


  1. I barely watch any news anymore, local or MSM. Too much garbage.

  2. I had heard of course, from the Legendary Rich Lieberman, that Roberta Gonzalez was at KTVU. But since I never watch KTVU, I had not seen her. A few days ago, because of crazy coverage of national issues that nobody cares about, by KPIX and KGO, I was forced to watch KTVU to see some news. I then saw Roberta Gonzalez and quite frankly, I was shocked, and so was my wife. She had obvious hair extensions in to make her hair REALLY LONG, down to her waist, and she looked pathetic. She had insanely big earrings on, much like those worn by today's teenagers. While they may look ok on them, they looked ridiculous on Roberta. Then finally, she had pancake makeup on, along with an outfit better suited for someone decades younger. What I would say to Roberta is "I am sorry Roberta, but you should have never come back to local media. Your time is passed by long ago, and I am surprised your old friend Juliette Goodrich at KPIX, hasn't basically told you that." And I don't think we need to talk about her way too obvious weight gain, which is all the more obvious, to those of us who remember that she was an avid runner, often participating in marathons, etc. She has clearly not run in a long time.

    1. Funny, I pointed out her weight gain months ago (a few times) and Rich continuously censored my comments. When she turns sideways to do the weather it's not a flattering look for all. It's sad because I did and still do find her attractive.

    2. And by the way ... who instigated the divorce : Roberta or Randy ?

  3. I like Audrey Asistió. She’s professional and confident.

    Just a matter of time before all of the curmudgeons on this site find faults with her. 🤦‍♂️

    1. She took the title of most blatant fake cans from Darya Folsom. I can see why you admire her.

    2. Picture #2.

      While we're on that page, if they want to fix Bay Area media they need to hire Briella Tomassetti away from FOX5 NY.

    3. She has been working Wednesday to Sunday already pushing Wang to the sidelines already. Janelle's days are numbered unless they push Aguirre out first.

      Asistio was a 49ers cheerleader back in the early 2000's. That might be why she has the look.

  4. Asistio is a better fit for LA than here. KRON will never fix the bad lighting in the newsroom though I disagree it negatively impacts Bellow in any significant manner than it does Astasio or Waldman.

  5. KNBR is hardly alone in not taking calls. This is a choice many stations/shows have made, including national shows, thinking that some callers make for very bad radio - which is hard to deny. Many times callers are ill prepared and/or not paying attention, or have absolutely nothing to contribute. I still disagree with the choice not to take callers because I do like the interaction - that, to me, is what any talk radio should be about. For that reason if nothing else am glad they have F.P. Santangelo now at night. He very deliberately has a caller-based show.

    1. If you hire quality call screeners, callers can make for great radio... but all the budgets have been cut.

  6. Here's my feelings/opinion/take-on-the-matters.
    Senior, Rendon, Haener: good; Mibach: just ok.
    Gonzales: don't like, I miss her younger look, too heavy now, perhaps she can lose weight.
    Orozco: don't like her attire or clothing line (a separate subject from new/media).
    Bellow: ok, but don't watch KRON much.
    Faulkner: great; but perhaps she was just in the SFBayArea for a news investigation and just needed some supplies, media transmission/editing, or to use the restroom.
    Wang and Asistio: good and pleasant on-the-eyes; any alleged personal issues are private and their business; just don't let it become a problem.
    Yu: good to great as is; don't see her much as I don't watch KPIX much.
    Yamamoto: just ok, but don't watch KPIX news much.
    Ibanez: don't care for sports at all and he's gone (for now), so again, don't care.
    Estacio: from an earlier comment by a viewer, I also like her looks but she might be either part-time, in the field, in the office editing, or doing whatever is needed in this tv news business.
    Just my opinions and I'm nobody. We're here for RL's opinions/comments anyway.

    1. It's Big Vinny's world and we're just livin' in it !

    2. ROGO the problem is not the weight its the Vodka

    3. Male anchors can be overweight and nobody minds.

    4. Wow L-2, great insight.

  7. Darya is jealous.

    1. Can you paste a link here?

    2. Copy and paste the link above.

  8. There is no news. Doesn't matter who parks their ass behind the various alphabet networks. The propaganda machine reports everything BUT real news. Wouldn't piss on any of them if they were on fire.

    1. Wait, OAN is real news and they have letters of the alphabet. They know the real truth: Trump won, the voting software that the Republicans praised and even insisted on in prior elections where they won is now corrupt, Hillary is running a child sex-slave ring out of a pizza shop basement. The fact that no one can find this basement, like no one can find the voter fraud (unless it's Republican, then someone found some more just today,, is just proof how deeply entrenched it is. The Truth is Out There.

    2. 4:36
      You are full of sh*t. You have no proof.
      The Deep State

  9. Today at noon the Lt. Burch was with Amanda at the table?? Turned it on late but are they so desperate to have 2 women who are least qualified delivering news? The giggling,hair tossing. When we old ppl die, news will look like Tiktok video!! Bring back Cronkite from dead and wherever Rather is!!!

  10. Betty Yu is very good at the anchor job. I’ve seen her before and she did a great job. Maybe she would rather be in the field but I think she reads well, she is smart, she’s very cool, and she is cute.

    1. She’d be a good morning anchor. Doesn’t have the chops for evening news. Then again 95% of Bay Area evening anchors aren’t ready for prime time.

  11. Haven’t watched since Frank left (or was driven out…no pun. lol) Sorry, I just can’t warm up to Mibach..And I’m a guy! I think Andre Senor was the better option. On a side note…KTVU losing Alayna Gomez to Seattle was yet another fumble on Amber Eikel’s She was a minx!! Although she’s probably saw the ship was sinking and booked. Sara Sidner was another good prime time anchor who found a home at CNN.

    1. Eikel seems good at pushing out the good ones and retaining the mediocrities. That's her one talent.

  12. June 2022 radio ratings are out. KGO isn’t in the cellar, it’s in the room underneath that -?the dungeon?

  13. "A local sports-talk figure told me KNBR doesn't take callers because they're afraid of honest discourse and they worry good calls would "embarrass the hosts." Dear lord, how pathetic."

    I've been saying this for over a decade. Nice to see them finally admit it.

    1. That blowhard Damon Bruce made me give up listening to sports radio years ago. Who listens to that guy? He isn’t the least bit knowledgeable on sports. And one of the best baseball announcers was Hank Greenwald.

    2. Is that you AJ?

    3. It's not specific to Damon Bruce. Both local sports stations stopped taking caller nearly a decade ago. But since you bring up Bruce, Damon had stellar interaction with his callers during his last few years on 1050 before the move to 95.7. Hell, Butcher Boy got a gig out of those calls. But Damon had quality screeners back then and Damon was quick to drop the nonsensical callers.

      But this was before podcasts took over, which are dominating the sports landscape. It's all about narrow-casting now. A Sharks fan doesn't want to sit through 2 hours of Warriors talk to hear a 5 minute Sharks segment when they have 7 different Sharks podcasts to listen to that are clearly more educated on the team and far more interactive with their listeners.

    4. No thanks channel change when Andrea from Berkely is on the air.

  14. Both CNN and KTVU should reconsider the terminations of Cuomo and Sommerville. Bring them back. CNN is a joke now. They feel compelled to air tragedies endlessly.

    1. Somerville will read the same prompter copy Miback reads, which is usually the same copy they've been reading all day, as KTVU recycles their news like plastic water bottles. What's the difference? The anchors have little to do with the copy; people in the field and at the desk do the roll-up-your-sleeves work.

    2. CNN has always been a joke.

    3. Cuomo for sure...Frank....maybe Sac.

  15. Yamamoto's enthusiastic, and somewhat detailed, on-air review of his parent's bidet created one of the most cringeworthy moments I've ever seen on a newscast. And it clearly imposed an awkward situation on Heggen and Donchey.

  16. Calling Pam and Gasia the Gruesome Twosome is putting it nicely. They’re more like ‘a ton of fun’ (literally). Both are loudmouth Karens. Both are bitter, grumpy and frumpy. Both gossip like immature schoolgirls. Am I surprised no one likes them? Not. At. All.

  17. Do any reporters make more than or as much as any anchors?

  18. And here I thought I was the only one who notices Yamamoto does that strange thing where he sticks his chin out and up.

    1. I'm sure a consultant told him to do that

  19. Dennis Richmond is a vegetable.

  20. The only KPIX male anchor that has ever really mattered to viewers is Dave McElhatton, the non-anchor, humble, frumpy, caring little for appearances, which is pretty surprising for a station in the country's sixth-largest market that has been on the air since 1948. My folks did like John Weston though.

  21. So KTVU is still number one?

    1. I agree with your sentiment. Not a snowball’s chance in hell they’re #1 at anything, other than maybe gaffes and incompetent morons.

    2. Good ol’ Pam. Once again she proves you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. When I did a stint at ktvu Pam was known around the building as the type to smile in your face and stab you in the back. It never felt genuine when she tried to make chit chat it, seemed more like she was always trying to get gossip in some cunning and underhanded way.
      Sounds like the new cast of foot soldiers are having the same experiences that us OG’s did.

    3. Following up on my last comment. When I left ktvu Gasia was still doing the evening shows with Frank so I never got to see the Pam-Gasia dynamic first hand. Some co-workers I kept in touch with told me Pam was insecure and threatened when Gasia made the move to mornings. So when I first read Pam and Gasia are now a girl gang running the ktvu gossip club, my first thought is Pam’s following old adage of keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

  22. So Rich, why no commentary on the robot Julie Haener with the creepy smile? Like when the Uvalde cop’s 77 minute delay story hit, Haener introduced it with that idiotic smile on her face. Does she even pay attention to what she is reading? Holy smoke she is terrible!

    1. Haener is phoning it in. Anyone with eyes can see that she’s totally disengaged. A huge chunk of the ktvu budget is tied up in her salary and seemingly unlimited vacation time. A normal employer would be counting down the days until her contract is up so they could kick her to the curb. But since ktvu botches everything they’ll probably extend her contract and keep giving her a shit ton of money.

    2. Julie Haener still works there? Wow. She must be like 93 years old by now.

  23. Roberta Gozales just looks pathetic from her trying her hardest to read a prompter to the skimpy clothes she tries to pull off. KTVU is doing worst than the stock market has been in the past few months.

    1. Roberta is a train wreck. She’s such a mess that you almost can’t help but feel bad for her. Between the teeny-bopper outfits, strange makeup, bad plastic surgery and corny jokes, there’s no reason she should be on tv.

  24. Why anyone wastes the time watching or even talking about these rank amateurs on local TV need is beyond me. They’re mostly intellectually challenged, ‘eager-beaver’ types who until recently years would be working in Fresno. They now work in the bay area but are paid wages so low that they have to share apartments because their paychecks are so crappy. They’re like these annoying 20-30 year olds who have invaded the Bay Area over the last 2 decades during the Tech boom. They change jobs regularly while staring at their cellphones with their earbuds in place as they blindly speed along the Embarcadero on their electric scooters and skate boards. Annoying! Look forward to a possible day when the tech boom becomes a tech bust and all of these annoying clowns are sent packing!

  25. I'm in the minority. I like Pam and Gasia. Just get rid of Dave Clark

  26. Audrey Asistio is an excellent reporter and anchor. She could be in line for a promotion if Jessica Aguirre were to leave. Wang is only okay when compared to Asistio.

  27. Who cares about that no-talent hack Mark Ibanez. He stole money for years at channel 2. His tag line: “That’s the sporting life!” behind that perpetually phony smile was pathetic. Good riddance.
