Thursday, July 28, 2022

Exclusive: Giants Broadcast Future Subject of Secret Franchise Meeting Next Week

THE GIANTS boadcast hierarchy know they have several issues to address on their broadcast domain--both radio and TV. It's important and vital enough they've scheduled a MAJOR in-house conference to try to figure out what's ahead for the franchise. The meeting's outcome will have NO bearing on the immediate future but 2023 and beyond is another story.

The issues?

Last week's road trip to LA saw Jon Miller (twice) alone in the booth. Had Miller suddenly felt sick or was unavailable to call the game(s) the Giants would have had to resort to emergency planning and remarkably, they have not planned for that possibility.

Both Mike Krukow and Duane Kuiper's future are clouded with each having various health issues, one serious and one not so serious but nonetheless problematic. The Giants, of course, will not talk publicaly about the entire matter and the team's beat reporters refuse to say anything because, A. they don't know, and B. even if they did, they choose not to report on a sensitive subject. You, the public, have a right to know, but that's another story.

Both Miller and Dave Flemming's status nake the entire affair all the more troublesome because Miller takes more time off and Flemming's non-Giants//ESPN duties have enormous impact on the future of the Giants broadcast team, 2023 and beyond.

Which is why, (secretly) the franchise heads (Larry Baer, Mario Alioto, etc) have an important powwow on the calendar next week. You need to know because The Chronicle, Merc News, and Athletic won't say anything--not in their interests.


  1. With the A's impending move to Vegas, I wonder if Korach would want to move over to the Giants booth? Or, a Ted Robinson return?

    1. It's not a guarantee the A's are leaving, but you do have to wonder if the A's have contingency plans regarding their broadcast team if they do move to Vegas.

      Regarding Ken Korach, not sure he would be willing to come to the Giants since he's been with the A's for so long, but if Greg Papa can leave the Raiders for the Niners, Ken Korach could probably leave the A's for the Giants. LOL.

      Regarding Ted Robinson, I brought this up before in the past. I thought the Giants should look into bringing in Ted Robinson. He called Giants games before, but I'm not sure if maybe how much he would cost would be a factor.

    2. You’re under the impression Korach lives in the Bay Area. He does but only during the season. He makes his off season resdence just outside of Las Vegas and if the A’s move to Vegas, he gets to sleep in his own Nevada bed each Vegas homestand (and sell his Bay Area home for several million in the process and just maintain one home)

    3. The best thing that can happen when the AAA’s move to Las Vegas is crap-canning no-Talent Jessica Kleinschmidt and Chris Townsend. I doubt Fisher and Kavel will pay for their relocation costs. Kleinschmidt will probably set up a gofundme to get cash to move and dumbfk fans will chip in, thinking they can get a date with Miss Snapchat Beauty Filter.

    4. "Impending move"????
      I dont think so...anyway it's more likely Ken would retire or cut back then anything else..hes already been skipping some road trips the last couple of years..

  2. I enjoy listening to Dave Flemming on the broadcasts. He has really grown into a talented baseball broadcaster over the years. He is intelligent, insightful, and compliments any of the other broadcasters he works with in the booth.
    Would the Giants ever entertain the idea of bringing Ted Robinson back in the booth?

    1. I agree on Dave Flemming. He really has grown over the years, and it's amazing to see how he's become one of the top broadcasters in sports now, with his work with the Giants and ESPN. We are fortunate that he has wanted to stay here in the Bay Area and call Giants games.

      Regarding Ted Robinson, as I said in my post earlier, I thought the Giants should've looked into bringing in Ted Robinson. He called Giants games before, but I'm not sure if maybe how much he would cost was a factor.

    2. TedRo does all the major tennis events - so he would miss weeks during each tourney. You hear Rich bitch about announcers being MIA......

    3. I believe the Giants should consider a third broadcaster like Ted Robinson. Please, no Greg Papa. Roxy Bernstein did a good job for the A’s. Doug Greenwald is satisfactory.

      Dave Flemming has grown so he is on ESPN for baseball, football, Little League World Series. If he is not promoted when Miller retires, I see him leaving for full time work on ESPN.

      KSFO had a three man booth with Russ Hodges, Lon Simmons and Bill Thompson.

      Health will determine when Kruk and Kuip retire. They are the most consistent Giant broadcasters. Estes, Lopez and Affeldt are good candidates to replace Kruk.

      Larry Baer is a fool not to bring in fresh voices.

  3. Larry Baer who was on video being physical with his wife, he stepped away for a few weeks or something. Did he ever get a real punishment or are owners of teams above punishment?

    1. Larry Baer lost my respect when he kicked Hank Greenwood to the curb. His assaulting his wife was just more proof he’s a big time knob.

    2. Uh...Hank Greenwald writes a tell all book, going out of the way to bad mouth Larry Baer, his employer, over complete nitpicky non-sense. It's not like Greenwald was not paid well. Baer was correct in blackballing Greenwald. Greenwald had one of the best jobs you could hope to find, yet all did was bitch, complain and trash his boss. Weak.

    3. Larry Baer kissing Teresa Estacio on the lips when he encountered her on the street while she was filming her "KRON behind the scenes" segment a few years back made me go "Hmmmmmm"

  4. Rich, are they going to discuss ways to address the sheer amount of dead air on the TV broadcasts?

  5. Dave Flemming should be announcing ice skating or gymnastics. He has no baseball credibility.

    1. Wrong with a caoital R regarding Flemming. He is very good. You probably think that Harry Caray, who was a drunk and awful, was good.

    2. Yeah - ESPN just plucks the crap off the scrap heap to do National Games. Sure........

  6. We the public really do not have the right to know. We don't pay the announcers. They are employed by the Giants. What we have the right to do is to watch/listen or to turn off the broadcast. That's how we weigh in on these matters. If we don't like the broadcasters, we turn them off, the ratings drop, and revenues fall. That causes the teams to hire new broadcasters. That's our rights.

  7. Regarding the Giants broadcast crew, the Giants do have big decisions to make regarding them. We all love Kruk and Kuip, but they are pretty much only doing home games now for the most part. The road games have a different vibe now that they aren't there, even though Dave Flemming does a good job on the TV broadcast on NBC Sports Bay Area with Javier Lopez or Shawn Estes for Giants road games. Jon Miller also does a good job when he has to switch to TV.

    Not sure if going forward the Giants will continue things as they are currently with the broadcast crew, or if they will have to make a decision or if Krukow and/or Kuiper will retire.

  8. coldhandswarmheartJuly 28, 2022 at 8:07 PM

    Please no more Carlos Ramirez and Amy G!!

  9. Mr Miller has been in the Baseball Hall of Fame for 10 years. He is a superb broadcaster. Fleming has grown to be quite good, but he is in Miller’s shadow. I don’t blame him for expanding his opportunities. I hope The Giants bail on the morons at KNBR, by buying KSFO - like the good ol days. Kruk and Kuip have wonderful insights and a zany repartee. The Giants stink this year, it is hard for A Giants fan to listen to them and watch a $19.5 million dollar player hit the disabled list.

  10. Dave Fleming needs to go! He's boring and brings nothing (baseball history and knowledge) to the broadcast. He's known around the ballpark as John Miller's lackey. Follows Miller around wherever he goes like a mini-me.

    1. Only YOU must think that about Flemming. He is very good and in high demand. He is by far the best "number two" announcer the Giants have had in years.

  11. It's just a matter of time before Kevin Frandsen is in the booth taking over for 1 of them. From San Jose, diehard local sports fan, went to Bellarmine, all time leader in hits at San Jose State, played for the Giants, had the nighttime show at KNBR, fills in at KNBR, and currently biding his time doing television color commentary for the Nationals. Oh grew up with Gare...Radnich's mother and Kevin's grandmother were best friends.

    1. Nooooooooooooo!!!!!

    2. Former Giants first round draft pick as well.

  12. I agree that Fleming is just a tool for Miller. In addition, he whines too much about what he perceives as bad calls against the Giants. It must run in the family, as his brother Will is one of the Red Sox announcers and is no better. It is true that the Red Sox currently have some key injuries, but in yesterday’s broadcast Will Fleming moaned about it at least four times during 1/2 inning.

    1. Great to know that someone else noticed Flemming's whining. Kruk and Kuip do a fair amount of it also. For some reason check swings that go against the Giants are always called incorrectly also. They are still crying over the Flores call.

  13. Giants should be worried whats on the field not in the broadcast booth. Love Kruk and Kuip along with Miller and Fleming but maybe its time to add a 5th guy to fill in...

  14. Rich, do you have any dirt on Paul Gutierrez, Amy’s husband? He seems to be very under the radar… I don’t hear of him often but just, unfortunately, saw a pic of them on Instagram. He appears to be the typical “machismo” latino. The few times I have seen him, cheater, short tempered with Napoleon complex jump out. Just curious what his deal is.

    1. The funny thing is he's a diehard Dodgers fan that's written a book about the Dodgers. He used to post his baseball Hall of Fame ballot every year for everyone to see. I never once saw a vote for Barry Bonds. Yes, it's his right. But for a fanbase that was bemoaning and "talking shit" about the voters that refused to vote for Bonds and for local media hosts on KNBR to hosts shows where they talked about how outlandish and ridiculous it was for voters not to vote for Bonds...and here is the face of the Giants on their television broadcasts for so many years married to someone who was in that camp... Seems outlandish. Not a peep from local media.

    2. Well, at least you aren't a racist or making snap judgements based on looks. So the guy keeps a low profile? I wish more people did. Thanks for your brilliant insights.

    3. Everyone’s a racist. I’m latino, myself.

  15. 8:12pm he may follow around the park, except when he does CFB, NCCAM, and MLB for ESPN.

    5:08 am just curious as to what your deal is? Cheater? Short-tempered? 🤔😡

  16. If Larry Baer assaulted his wife like that in public God only knows what he’s like in private.

    Of course his wife said it was all a big misunderstanding out of fear.

  17. Between Baer and Charles Johnson, you have two utter creeps in charge.

  18. The Dallas Stars simulcast their tv/radio broadcasts and have been doing so for years. Maybe the Giants could do something like that if they are just trying to save a buck. The public does NOT need to know at this very moment what is going to happen.

  19. If people knew all of the dirty dealings, the grudges, the backstabbing plus the sexual harassment Larry Baer has been involved with, they would wonder how he continues to work w the Giants. I’d wager the reason he yanked away his phone from his wife and knocked her down was that she was checking out texts from women he was trying to sleep with.

  20. Those of you who are complaining about the Giants’ broadcasters ought to go to other MLB cities and listen to some of the schlubs doing the broadcasts.. Houston’s radio team absolutely sucks. Their lead announcer Robert Woods I’d a studio host at best. He does all nine innings and works with a former fringe player who is an embarrassment. The guy consistently yells “ Wooo-hoo, yeah
    Jose!” Whenever Altuve gets a hit, sometimes obscuring Wood’s okay by play. The guy is probably married to the owner’s daughter.,. The Yanks’ broadcasters are the worst. John Sterling is like a carnival barker with his inane nicknames for players and his annoying home run call. Every HR is described: “It is high, it is deep if is gone!” Suzan Waldman who does color and thankfully no play by play got into radio in her late 30s with no experience and she sounds the same as she did years ago; annoying and amateurish. Tom Hamilton, the Cleveland lead announcer is your classic homer. And the guy in Boston sounds as if they pulled him off the street. Back in the day when he was working for the Cubs, Harry Caray sounded drunk half the time, which he probably was. St Louis’ Mike Shannon had a terrible voice and sounded as if he never learned the English language. A typical forger player who migrated to the booth, He was was one of the most boring announcers ever. And then of course, there was the HOF Milo Hamilton, who made certain everyone knew he was inducted into Cooperstown. Milo worked for about 6 clubs before finally landing in Houston where he spent the last 20 or so years of his career. Milo kept changing jobs because his fellow announcers hated him for his huge ego and overbearing matter. So stop complaining about our Bay Area announcers. They compare pretty favorably.
