Friday, July 29, 2022

Ask Rich Lieberman



  1. How come Kron4 always show the SAME temperature for the 3-cities: Concord, Pittsburg & Walnut Creek? If you look on the Weather App on the IPhone, the temperatures are all DIFFERENT! Must be the laziness at Kron4???

  2. What's up with this trend where the anchors deliver the news standing in front of a big ass 200 inch TV? Are the local stations trying to flex their so called state of the art studio?

    1. Just trying to be different if standing is some radical new look. I agree with you it looks dumb and stupid.

    2. Focus groups and trying to appeal to younger audiences.

  3. Any word on Somerville?

    1. Living life day by day and posting weird shit on Instagram as far as I know. Frank seems in a different world now.

    2. Well his recent Instagram post was that he did apologize and did sound very remorseful of what happened on 12/30. He simply just had a lot of emotions up in him so it was only 6 months later he could release those.

      I wish he was back on the air; it need not be at KTVU, wonder how he and lets say Brian Hackney do together. Not trying to jump but curious if this happened.

  4. Hey Rich, GuRah Kang in Alameda here. I mean, regarding that Yamamoto dude at KPIX, doesn't he read or know anything at all, about what the whole bay area is saying about him and the lousy job he is doing as anchor? And yet, according to you, he is bringing in his wife, to also join him at KPIX! I mean, the old saying never put all your eggs in one basket, is really good advice. So why would they both work together at a place that his time is severely limited at?

  5. Of course he's aware of his standing--all of KPIX for that matter and to borrow a cliche, he is (It is) what he is It is) --he has no presence and his voice is terrible --the voice part is not his fault and you can't manufacture presence or motion. You either have it or you don't... as far as his wife, he didn't directly "hire:: her but PIX is so desperate for bodies, they picked her up from Seattle. It's a reach, both literally and figuratively but when your desperate you act desperately, like PIX now.

  6. I am tired of hearing the typical ads on the radio. Just wanted to know how much they are wasting as I change the station. What is the typical price of a non--sponsor commercial on the local radio stations?

    1. Depends on the station --radio seems a dead ad zone these days but it's still a go-to for some, especially lawyers and erectile dysfunction doctors.

  7. Lisa from Alameda, why did channel 5 stop doing news breaks at top and bottom of hour when Len left? No one is capable of news updates twice an hour while CBS tbis morning is on?? I miss Len becsuse he tried his best. The morning clown show that is kpix early am is sad.

    1. Lisa, I stopped watching because it's a tough watch --simply KPIX at its worst and bad enough so much so Kiese bailed. Not to so much be with his family but to escape a hell house.

  8. I asked you this about a week ago ... no response. What happened to Ann Rubin on KTVU ? Haven't seen her in a while.

    1. Apparently left the market and I don't know her current whereabouts or status, Peter.

  9. Hi Rich,

    Any updates on Rebecca Corral and her family? I sure miss her voice on the radio.

    Chillin in the East Bay

    1. She's taking care of her elderly parents and dealing with a health issues that I've been told is not serious --essentially, she's on an extended family leave.

  10. ABC7 has a beefy blonde reporter, Lena Howland. Your thoughts.

    1. I haven't seen her yet which might be a good thing.

    2. Because you are so slender and strong and ripped and after all, she isn't of cocoa hue, you're glad?

  11. Hey Rich, how do we explain the Willard-Dibbs show? They are utterly awful.

    1. Beats me. It's a filler show and bodies are needed. Nobody listens so it's days are narrowing, I'm sure.

  12. Who is losing air time when Audrey Asistio moves to M-Fri?

    1. Probably Janelle Wang is my best guess.

    2. Can Circle7 finally put Dion Lim Mon-Fri and move Ming Sze out!

    3. Hell, I hope so but don't hold your breath.

    4. If Trixie leaves the market, Ming is in a lot of trouble

  13. Hi Rich: Has Awful Downtrodden Last Place KPIX officially announced who their full-time sports tonsil will be since Dennis O'Donnell is no longer there. I know the Gary Radnich Clone Vern Glenn is their # 2 sports anchor but every time I see Little Vern with his Horrible, Over Exaggerated Trademark Radnich Mannerisms it is a Instant Turn Off! for Me & Many other Viewers Do you see KPIX eventually just giving the full time sports anchor job to Tiny Vern Glenn for obvious PC Reasons or do think Channel 5 to boost their ever sagging ratings might persuade Mark Ibanez to come out of retirement. Mark is far superior to 5' 4" inch Vern. Rich: You Absolutely Have the Best Blog in the Bay Area!! Cary, SF

    1. Cary, I see you're a fan of Vern Glenn (wink) well it's his job (M-F and Sunday) to lose --He's paid his dues --that's all I can say.

    2. Vern Glenn is insufferable, a complete clusterfuck. I cannot stand him. Ergo, KPIX is clusterfuck.

  14. What's the deal with all the dead air during Giants TV broadcasts? I'm a longtime A's fan but my girlfriend is a Giants fan, so I've been watching more of them lately. I just find it odd that they sometimes go whole minutes without saying a peep. It would be one thing if the crowds were electric and you could get an idea of what the atmosphere at the ballpark is like, but the crowds have not had much to cheer as of late.

    1. I have the same reaction as you do--Kuiper seems bored and tired and often says nothing, thus the dead air and yeah, it's embarrassing and frankly, weird.

    2. Maybe they are eating or went to take a P.

    3. Kuiper has these long pauses in the middle of sentences. "And it's [long pause] 1 and 2 to Pederson". It's annoying.

  15. Audrey was reporting in the field the other night on the lottery. I’m thinking she’ll be like Dion Lim at KGO. Field reporter and fill in anchor. Just a hunch.

  16. Where did Carlos Ramirez come from? NBC sports Bay Area could fire him if they bring another minority to replace him. My suggestion would be Ryan Leong, the “ super radio stringer” who covers virtually every Bay Area sports event. He certainly wouldn’t be any worse. Your thoughts?
    Meanwhile, Someone wanted to know earlier about Amy G. The Giants hired her when NBC sports Bay Area area eliminated her in in-game ‘reporter’s’ position, ( more like a free advertising spokesperson for the Giants,) because of Covid. She’s very resentful but doesn’t seem to realize how lucky a less-than-mediocre talent was able to be a part of the TV broadcast crew for 12 years. Now she runs the Giants website and does occasional commercials for the team. She was pretty much a mouthpiece for Larry Baer who wanted to promote insignificant community efforts on the broadcasts during the games. It was annoying and Krukow and Kuiper tolerated it because they didn’t wants to rock the boat but they both were really tired of being interrupted during games with Amy G’s annoying, vapid blather. Her husband, the sportswriter Paul Gutierrez is always aggressively defending her as a good husband should, but he should also recognize the fact that the only people who really liked Amy G. were casual women baseball fans who liked her ‘den-mother’ persona.

    1. Ryan Leong is not ready for prime time.

      Carlos Ramirez was a Telemundo person and he landed on NBC Sports Bay Area for reasons unknown but put two and two together.

    2. So you promote any female on air type who is black, solely because she is black and you have a jones for black women, but when an hispanic male is hired in a viewing area that is very hispanic, it's called "putting two and two together"?

    3. I don't "promote", I highlight and I'm good on that--your freind, Ramirez? If he's tan, white, purple, I don't care, he's lousy and it's evident everyday --NBC Sports BA, yeah, you know as well as I do he checked a few boxes. I know the truth hurts.

    4. The funny thing is her husband is a diehard Dodgers fan that's written a book about the Dodgers. He used to post his baseball Hall of Fame ballot every year for everyone to see. I never once saw a vote for Barry Bonds. Yes, it's his right. But for a fanbase that was bemoaning and "talking shit" about the voters that refused to vote for Bonds and for local media hosts on KNBR to hosts shows where they talked about how outlandish and ridiculous it was for voters not to vote for Bonds...and here is the face of the Giants on their television broadcasts for so many years married to someone who was in that camp... Seems outlandish. Not a peep from local media.

  17. I thought Larry Kruger was Going to join 95.7....what happened to that?

    1. They've been using him on lots of shows and yes, trying to find a spot for him.

  18. Yo Vinny,

    How long did it take you to film this commercial back in the day? I cracked up when I saw your facial expressions at the end. Love it.

    San Jose

    1. More time than you think, those were the days --2000 in fact.

    2. Rich,

      Did they let you keep the Vinnie knockers with your face on them? Are they currently on your front door?

    3. I have both yes and I have the door knocker on my front table, "what a KA-boosh!"

    4. Hahahaha. Love it Vinnie!

  19. Damon Bruce said on air last week that the 49ers stadium was located in "Tijuana". Krueger said something much less ridiculous and was tossed with lots of hoopla back and media noise back in the day at KNBR. Any chance Damon finally disappears over this?

    1. He's an ass and has no tact, I'm not surprised and he's a fool too with ZERO ratings and that's not the only stupid thing he's said.

    2. Damon Bruce is a d nozzle. I guess he can say whatever he wants since nobody is listening to his show.

    3. #FIREDBAGDAMONBRUCE Racist! It got Ralph Barbieri fired. Now it's Damon's turn. By Bruce.... egomaniacal lizard

  20. Round Table used to use "the last honest pizza". I think you should lift it. "the last honest blogger".

  21. Yeah,not to repeat myself, but Bruce is resentful he has to drive 50 miles down to S.C. in,his opinion is an antiseptic,cold,no vibe facility..He would rather show hes the world's the expert on fatherhood on post cute pictures of his wife and kids at candlestick park where the real "faithfull" used to sit in the cold,fog and rain..and most likely was a 10 mile drive from where he lives..

  22. Hey Rich.... Kevin from San Lorenzo... So we want to know who's had an affair or currently having an affair in Bay Area media? KTVU, KGO, NBC11, KRON & KPIX.

    Also what is up with Malou Nubla? I've seen her on some online dating sites (Hinge & Bumble to be exact). She has not responded to my message. But like Carmen Kiew not a "TV personality"! How is Malou 4 Emmys anyway? Seems like they hand those out like little league participation trophies.

  23. I have no fating gossip but I will check with my agent, Bombastic Mushkin to see if anything is juicy...Malou Nubla does all you described plus infomercials.

  24. Solid Johnny Carson reference thanks!

  25. Rich why do you refuse to cover Julie Haener's outrageous schedule? Surely an anchor making 500k who shows up to work once ever 2-3 weeks is noteworthy.

  26. When is NBC sports Bay Area gonna wise up snd hire Ryan Leong?He’s a terrific talent and is available for cheap.

    1. Time to get off this site, Ryan. Knowledge of a sports team doesn’t translate to on-air prowess. He’s rude, condescending, a know it all, not to mention would show up on the set in a starter jacket. I’d love to see him get a tryout to be an insider- just make sure to post the tape of said tryout. Maybe he would be good on-air. I just don’t see it.

  27. Will Finney's Friday Free Stuff return to ABC 7? Most of the time, they ran out or the items weren't worth having, but it seems like it hasn't been on in a long time and sometimes it was a good deal.
