Thursday, June 23, 2022

Heather Holmes and Mike Mibach: KTVU Major Duds; Why 10 PM is Languishing; Joe Fonzi MIA at Warriors Parade Because Fox is Fed Up With Sports; Roberta Gonzales is Elvira; No Sincerity; Julie Haener Worry by Her Bosses; Anne Makovec Wasted at KPIX; KGO Radio Null at Parade; FP Santangelo BS on KNBR; KCBS Jon Bristow Factoid; More Incompetence at All-News 740 AM; Thursday 415 Media Extravaganza

LET ME SAY what others can't...especially the powers-that-be at KTVU.

The Firm has a collective DUO of DUDS--Heather Holmes and Mike Mibach. ZERO on the it factor.

KTVU is the scene of mass incompetence. They knew this was coming. They sure as heck had to have an idea when then two of their core4 anchors at the "10 o'Clock News" were leaving or being fired (Frank Somerville and Mark Ibanez) that 10 PM would lose its legacy status.

It did.

It has.

But it did further. The ratings have CRATERED. And they continue to plunge. And there's no hope in sight because, like KTVU, the newscast has lost its soul. It's just another news program in a saturated market on an imbecile station with NO leadership and clueless managers.

Let's cut to the chase:

Mike Mibach is a major dud. A nincompoop. A diseased canary has more emotion. Mibach is a pretty boy who got the job out of false merit and not qualifications. He is a non-factor with viewers. He is despised by inner staff at KTVU because of his aloofness and zero news chops. He makes Somerville look like Harry Reasoner.

Heather Holmes is only filling in at 10 but continues to anchor at 5 and 6. I still have NO IDEA what KTVU sees in her. She is a softie supreme and about as lightweight as they come. If Holmes is news savvy, I'm Halle Berry's boo. (But my chances are better).

Holmes, I guess, is regarded as eye candy and that's a FOX specialty because she's a total nothing on the desk. Julie Haener, another overrated blond torso, by comparison, looks like Diane Sawyer.

*That Joe Fonzi was largely a ZERO presence at the Warriors' parade coverage on KTVU underscores the prevailing wisdom: Fox is about to DO AWAY with sports as a segment on its O and O's newscasts--Oakland/Bay Area among them. They've been telling the local suits it's happening any day now. It probably accelerated Mark Ibanez's retirement.

Fonzi is a good guy. A Bay Area veteran sports anchor but his days at KTVU are numbered. Courtesy of The Firm and its view of sports broadcasts.

*Here's the STUPIDITY of KTVU and why it no longer has any depth: Its TWO BEST anchors are Cristina Rendon and Alex Savidge. But since KTVU is led by a bunch of morons, Rendon and Savidge are wasted and have never been utilized as a tangible duo. They are both very good, very up and coming. They have style and anchorship and get this!, they have PERSONALITY and a soul. Something all the others don't have but again, KTVU has no depth of its own and that's fairly obvious only the idiots that run the place don't have any intelligence whatsoever.

I PICK on Roberta Gonzales because she makes it easy.

It's one thing to project you have a personality and a sense of humor, it's another thing to project all that when behind the scenes, you have neither.

Roberta is about as genuine as an ice cube sculpture in the midle of Summer in Arizona. She's largely cold, frigid and outright intimidating to strangers and those folks behind the scenes at KTVU and other stations where she worked in the Bay Area.

*And from a pure looks standpoint, Roberta has become Elvira only Elvira has more polished news accumen.

*A KTVU wonk once told me, not that long ago, privately, that the bosses worried if a major news event broke and Julie Haener was solo behind the desk, "oh god, she'd be lost in space."

*Here's why, among many other reasons, KGO Radio is irrelevant: when the Warriors had their parade Monday, KGO didn't have anyone, not a soul, at the parade. They could have sent a damn intern and had he/she call in and give a live report. They did zero and only had the benign, no-talent news guys who reside in the studio give reports. For a station that still has the "live/local" credo, you know all that is pure BS.

*Anne Makovec has to understand that her willingness to be essenally treated like crap over at KPIX is both a virtue and a downfall because Makovec is lost in space in the morning. Her career path has taken a detour to an island of nowhere and that's a problem (among many) for her and PIX in general.

Makovec never shows up in prime time and has never registered on the meter other than languishing in the AM pea pods. She's not great by any means but she has a lot more style than baseless Sara Donchey--and less make-up to boot.

*Several people have inquired why KCBS fired ex-KGO news anchor, Jon Bristow.

Bristow a year ago made a sexist joke (that nobody can figure out) on air and several women were not amused especially Melissa Culross (pictured with Bristow)--which was bad news for Bristow because everyone at KCBS knows you should never screw with Culross who knows where all the bodies are buried.

*If FP Santangelo would shut his mouth every now and then, he'd be a halfway decent sports-talk host and can actually be funny and poignant. But the KNBR ex-baseball jock who is doing post-game Giants shows has a penchant to talk and talk and talk. His routine has some funny bits but he's consumed by a plethora of cliches and that's not good radio but you get what you pay for. By the way, FP, nobody gives a damn about your moving back to the Bay Area stories, only you do.

*The ineptitude and state of chaos at KCBS continues with AWFUL, misplaced anchors. Eric Thomas is just plain out of his element but at KCBS they don't care. The gross peons like god-awful Alisa Clancy and Lisa Chan still have gigs because the incompetent, alleged ND has told her buds that Audacy will never fire her because that would be PC homicide.

She's right.

*A KCBS staffer told me bluntly: "Audacy is not CBS." Damn straight.


  1. KCBS fired Bristow because the incompetent News Director Jennifer Seibel was looking for a way to get rid of him. She isn’t like him personally, and neither did Culross who is a supreme dullard. KCBS’ stunning fall from a one-time highly respected radio news operation to a pathetic outpost populated mainly by broadcasters who sound as if they were recruited out of Modesto is disturbing. But then, KGO’s demise has been even more stunning. The bottom line is that these soulless mega-media companies who could care less about providing the Bay Area w public service have no idea what they’re doing. Cumulus put a supreme dim-wit named Lee Hammer in charge of its ‘cluster,’ and Audacy remains steadfastly loyal to the clueless Seibel who continues to hire broadcasting neophytes. Is it any wonder then that SF Area radio has become such a joke!

    1. I remember Bristow for sticking a KGO microphone in Colleen O’Halloran’s face, asking for comment about her husband before he was thrown in Federal Prison. Aside from that, he’s like doing a No#2 and forgetting about it. Who??

      Peter Felch

  2. KGO radio hasn't had a working newsroom forever.. A parade is a parade...why would it be a "news event" in the first place? " Here's the parade, there are the players, rah rayh ..the end"

  3. Roberta Gonzales as Elvira? Yeah but some days she looks like Greta the lady Gremlin.

  4. Once again as usual Rich, I agree with you about Makovic being better than Sara Donkey. Of course, just about anyone is better than Sara Donkey! Makovic's problem is that she needs to lose weight. Sorry Anne, but that is just the way it is. And I still say that whenever I see Sara Donkey on tv, she reminds me of one of those blow up dolls that some people see in adult video stores.....

    1. Sara reminds me of a model/reporter on Naked News not local tv

    2. > she reminds me of one of those blow up
      > dolls that some people see in adult video stores.....

      That's probably where KCBS suits look for "talent" these days. Certainly they got Veronica De La Cruz from there.

  5. Harping on and on abour ratings is a moot point. Nobody outside a dying generation of bra burners from the 1960's is watching the local news anymore. 40 somethings and younger get their news from their phones.

  6. Why did you post that picture of Melissa Culross? And why did I have to see it while eating?

    1. Perhaps you are confused...No one on radio is a paragon of physical beauty.. Did you assume radio had pictures?Let's see your picture.

    2. I believe you are the confused one 3:41. Incoherent rambling.

  7. Heather is the only reason I ever turn on KTVU (yes, KTVU not FOX as they're used interchangeably here). As one person has posted her before, "the women are the news". And locally, there really is no-one else worth looking at.

    1. I totally agree about Heather. To me she is smart, smooth and the best female anchor in the Bay Area. And a lot of people agree or disagree with me and that is why she is so polarizing, she is the one who pushes the needle. She should take over from Pam Moore one day.

    2. I found a post from 2019 where Rich seemed smitten with her appearance. I know tastes change but there WAS a time where he appeared to find her appealing.

    3. A new reader of this blog. I really only watch one local news station, KTVU and only when Heather Holmes is on. Just TIVO it and if she is on, I watch, if she is not, I erase it and watch FOX.

    4. I am hard-pressed to think of another local female newsperson who engenders equally high levels of admiration & vitriol as H-square. While I am not totally in the camp of, "the women are the news", or taken aback at her Milpitas Ross wardrobe, she is decent enough for a news market where too much of the on-air talent is in the Calcutta Cammode. It isn't likely she will ever be confused with Diane Sawyer, Ba-ba Wah-wah or Sylvia Chase (is Sylvia old school enough for some of you?), she holds up enough of to the other female newspeople. She's harmless enough.

      Keith from Daly City

  8. Sara Donchey...Your shift at Nordstrom's cosmetic counter starts in an hour...

  9. I tune in to KTVU for Heather. She's getting a little older now but she is still quite the looker.

    1. And she does have a nice voice too.

    2. A 4 who thinks she's a 10...hard pass

  10. Rich, We hope you feel better after unloading all of that onto us.

  11. santangelo has a bit of a pope thing going,but he's the only non ''yuh huh'' guy.everybody is a ''yuh huh yep'' entertainer wannabe.

  12. If KTVU is loosing ratings it’s because they talk about the same thing everyday for days, weeks. But I think Heather Holmes is cool and she is very nice looking.

    1. Rich does not seem to like her but I think she is pretty much mistake-free when I am watching and does good interviews and asks good questions. She is very confident, that is for sure.

  13. Ratto, by comparison, says “ya know” about 100-200 times a show. Good thing it’s not a drinking game!

  14. I was ranting about the vacuous coverage of local news to a friend. He directed me to your site. Keep up the good work.

  15. Sara Donchey is most unprofessional anchor I have ever seen, Makoviv is good, but she comes off pushy and annoying instead of informed. Liz Cook smokes them both.

    1. Donchey is ok but lets face it she is about as bad of a fit for the bay area as could possibly be. She has LA all over her with the makeup and the clothes. I'm sure this is just an internship for Evening Anchoring and the next job opening in LA here resume will be in for it.

      Plus she's stuck with Yamamoto at 5pm. She has to know that is not going to end well.

    2. Sarah Donchey is a bit unnerving. She may be a fine person & a loyal friend doing her professional best, but her looks come off as a woman who kills after mating.

      Keith from Daly City

  16. I love watching Anne Makovec. Its too bad Len Kiese is reportedly leaving KPIX cause they both have nice chemistry on the anchor desk...

  17. Well, KTVU news may indeed be "cratering", but is there another local station growing viewers? I don't know, but I'm guessing viewership is down across the board. The credibility of broadcast journalism has taken many hits recently, and I suspect fewer and fewer people turn there for their news. If you've seen her ad lib situations, you understand the bosses concerns about Haener being caught alone on a breaking story. But frankly, beyond her, there's absolutely no reason to tune into KTVU anymore, if you're looking for personality. There are none...

    1. "If you've seen her ad lib situations, you understand the bosses concerns about Haener being caught alone on a breaking story."

      The height of her powers is to say, "How sad/tragic/funny. Thank you," after each report.

  18. FP needs to shut his mouth? Hahahah he does like 4 hours a night by himself. What’s he supposed to do?

    1. Agreed. Rich, no disrespect, but I think you are wrong on this one. Doing a one man radio sports show (especially when there is really not much to talk about in terms of Bay Area sports right now) is not an easy thing to do. Granted, there are times when FP can be loud, verbose and overbearing....but hell, what talkshow host hasn't been guilty of that from time to time?

    2. It could be worse. Imagine Rod Brooks solo for 4 hours… all those words being sacrificed to say “yes”

    3. FP is lucky the Giant family took him back after his sexual harassment firing in DC

    4. Surpised they did not bring back MR caffine back again Eric Byrnes.

  19. Rich, tell me exactly what the difference is between Savidge and the rest of the male mannequins at KTVU.

  20. I almost drove off the road laughing so hard when john rothmann said let's go to paul Rogers in the kgo "newsroom".. in reality, I'm sure Rogers was sitting right next to him..I believe Rothmann fancies himself the defacto program manager there anyway..

  21. Anne Makovec?

    Are you serious?

    Besides Bay Area TV being allergic to thicc anchor women on prime time, she also needs to ease up on the makeup. She’s the answer to the question: “What does Patton Oswald look like in drag”.

    And she’s got the awful habit of dipping/tilting her head while delivering the segments to give emotion to the words. No need to be a human bobblehead (you too, Laura Garcia)

    1. Laura does that when she's off the meds

  22. I wish Heather and Andre were the 10 PM weekday anchors on KTVU.

    1. Heather and Julie would be best. Two very good anchors.

  23. Alex and Cristina - I see it too now

  24. Anne is definitely being wasted at KPIX. I know because I worked with her a while back before covid. She is probably the most versatile person at the station. Solid reporter, good anchor, and is great ad libbing and covering breaking news. And every body likes her, she's super cool friendly, and down to earth. She should have been made an anchor long ago.

    1. Instead we get the read a teleprompter dlowly Indianapolis wrong hire Amanda Starrantino.

    2. Anne Makovec great at ad libbing and covering breaking news? Total crap! Remember the UPS shootings on 16th
      St.? Unfortunately, Anne was anchoring the noon news that
      day and came across as a deer in headlights. At one point,
      she said, "CNN is reporting....." Really? Why would CNN be
      brought into the report, Anne? This story was happening in
      your city @ a 10-15 minute freeway drive from your station!

  25. I'd like to see Alex Savidge and Anne Makovec together as KPIX' lead team. In a perfect world. I'd seen some of Sara Donchey when she was at KCBS / KCAL in Los Angeles for a few years, and I think she's got an almost Morticia Addams-like darkly serious look about her. Dollars to donuts Allen Martin surfaces in some role or other in his old market, at KION 46 (CBS)or KSBW 8 (NBC) in Salinas-Monterey, his old places of business.
