Friday, June 24, 2022

Bay Area Media Immediately after SCOTUS Decision on Roe V Wade; KRON's Pathetic Darya Folsom; KTVU Tosses to Fox; KCBS Culross Unfit; Network Coverage Takes Over

KRON --how can you have let Darya Folsom be on the desk when such a monumentally important decision--the Supreme Court's overturn of Roe v Wade was formally announced.

You did and Folsom was her usual gruesome self asking formula, ridiculous, banal questions that made no sense.In that breathless glee as if a high-school girl was meeting her date at the prom.

*Cut to CNN and MsNBC where the usual talking points were heard by the usual pundits but at least good analysis by both legal and political commentators.

Of all people, Prof. John Turley, a Washington constitution teacher, had the most salient points and analysis --and on Fox no less.

Turley said this November's midterm elections might be a counter-balance to the SCOTUS abortion rights decision. He's right but I'll stick to media now.

*Equally alone and not qualified to moderate: KCBS's woefully inadequte Melissa Culross who was abysmal interviewing her first guest immediately after the decision was announced, after 7: 10 this morning, KCBS editors inexplicably went to some bizarre woman professor in the Midwest who droned on and on about the religious angle of the court's ruling. It was furher proof that nobody is minding the store at KCBS.

But hey, traffic and weather at the 8's? We got you covered.

*KGO (ABC7), NBC Bay Area, KPIX went to network coverage immediately --which was probably a wise decision.

KTVU at first went to the Fox over-the-air coverage--then broke in later with their own anchors--not so wise. Dave Clark and Frank Mallicoat are like putting pineapple on a pizza. It's just not right. And so they did the right thing and went back to the network even if it was distorted Fox news people.

*On KQED, NPR coverage took over and on KGO Radio, Nikki Medoro--I'll give her credit (for a change)--she stopped an interview with ABC Radio movie guy, Jason Nathanson, to go to the SCOTUS ruling from ABC News.

*Updates today...


  1. Culross on KCBS is woefully inadequate as an anchor. Period. Let alone in the face of a critical breaking story.

  2. Why do you say "distorted FOX people"? Just because they do not agree with you. Roe/Wade has no legal precedents in 1973 and none since. All the S. Court has done is give it back to the states, nothing will change in California. You liberal bias is showing for all to see.

    CNN and MSNBC have "good analysis" huh? Wrong, all based on emotion and not on law.

    1. Couldn't have said it better. And Rich is surprised Jonathan Turley is the only adult in the room and has been for years. For someone that despises KCBS he surely seems to spend all his time there

    2. Good to see YOUR right wing bias for all to see. Fox is based on pure emotion. Not an ounce of legality weight to them. As for the others... I believe they have a long way to go to be unbiased but IMHO they are way closer that Fox.

    3. > nothing will change in California.

      Actually lots will change. Overbooked clinics will now be even busier, as people from other states try to get their abortions here. Lose-lose, unless you're a religious nut.

    4. The law is not right-wing or left-wing, it is the law. But people, liberal and conservative, poison it. 6 justices on the court vote conservative, 3 liberal every time. They made the right ruling this time however as Rowe was an illegal decision in 1973 and this just brings it back to state's rights where it should have been all along.

    5. @9:48
      "All the S. Court has done is give it back to the states..."

      According to Thomas, it's not "all" and extremely distorted of you to downplay it as such.

    6. "They made the right ruling this time however as Rowe was an illegal decision..."

      And yet--in your feeble attempt to enlighten--you remain ignorant to the actual name of the plaintiff.

    7. You are right, I spelled Roe wrong, my mistake.

  3. I didn’t realize Sal Castaneda is no longer the traffic reporter. I haven’t watched KTVU news since Elaine Corrales.

    1. Elaine Corrales?

    2. Ha. Shows you how long it’s been. Elaine Corral.

  4. Bay Area Media is coasting down a hill out of gas! But hey there is no place John Rothman would rather be.

  5. Local media in one word: sucks. Going to network was the best thing the stations did. Going off network was the worst thing the stations did. Then there's KRON with Jiggle Chest playing Norah O'Donnell. Fortunately, I was watching this news break on Bloomberg. Yet another top drawer performance by this underrated gem of a news and information channel.

    1. I love, love, love Bloomberg. Amazing analysis and interviews. Plus, smart reporting. Thanks to Rich, it is my morning until 2 PM listening now. News, weather, traffic, sports with no commercials.

  6. If you have to ask why "distorted Fox people"? - you're might be one of them.

  7. I've come to the conclusion that our local bay area TV & Radio news is just worthless. How about Building A Better Bay Area Radio &
    TV News Stations. Scrap what we have and start from the ground up!

    1. Shouldn't it be "Build Back Better" since Mr. Magoo is doing such a swell job?

  8. Don’t worry, one politician wanting to become President one day and another wanting to be the next governor will propose something to be number one, always want to get attention and be number one. These two folks have the same ego I want to be number one to create something back.

    CA single mom don’t want abortion just to get free money and support claiming poor. Only people want to get famous try to protect and get this result. This is California

  9. Hey Jerk weed- at least Rich speaks his mind l, tells it line it is and exposes you right wing jerks who amazingly still think that lying, criminal narcissist was “robbed.” What joke! Do you or any of your pea brained friends ever actually watch or listen to anything but the ‘entertainment’ Fake news provided by FOX? Radical right wing gets such as you supported an insurrection. You think that carrying sidearms in public is a constitutional right but think a woman’s right to choose what to do with her own body is wrong. What blatant hypocrisy! Why don’t you climb back into your hole under the rock you emerged from with the rest of your semi-literate buddies.

    1. lol, calling others semi-literate with that abomination of a paragraph you posted.

    2. 11:48 needs to go back to remedial English, grammar and sentence structure.

  10. Agree KGO's Nickki Medoro did a pretty good job all in all w/her coverage of the SCOTUS decision; however, she would have served her listeners better by being better prepared to address the anti-women's-rights caller's point by point. For example one caller claimed that since "abortion" isn't mentioned in the Constitution, the court can never grant that right to women. Total silence from Nickki. Instead Nickki could have countered with examples of other rights granted by the court that aren't mentioned in the Constitution. For example the Citizen's United right granted to the wealthiest Americans and Corporations that the use of "money is free speech", etc.

    1. You miss the point and horribly so. Roe was overturned because it was based on the Constitutional right argument. Not the right to abortion. That's why there are two actual votes today. 5-4 and 6-3

    2. 2:15... RBG warned pro-choice America that she would have preferred an abortion rights case based on the equal protection clause, as opposed to the vague "penumbra of privacy rights" shaky foundation of Roe. All those berniebot "feminists" who attacked Hillary as a "whore", because they wanted a free lunch from the socialist, deserve the whirlwind. They never bothered to read the case. BTW, oveturning Roe, also fully endangers such things as the right to use contraception( Griswold v. Connecticut), gay marriage, and the right to intermarry. All those case were based on the same privacy concept which is not, unfortunately, explicitly found in the constitution. There are many ironies here, particularly that Donnie was the one appointing these religious fanatic jurists. Imagine how many abortions he's paid for.

    3. The words Nikki Medoro and did a good job do not belong in the same sentence.

    4. @4:31 For the good of the country and not her ego, RBG should have stepped down under Obama when he had the Senate majority. So no one cares what she would have "preferred."

      BTW, Hillary should have listened to reason and campaigned in the states she blew off. Though she won the popular vote, the fact remains that her lost presidency is due to the failed ground game in battleground states. So clearly it's not Bernie and his supporters who deserve the "whirlwind"; it's those like you who repeatedly refuse to accept that Hillary disregarded sound advice thus costing her the presidency.

  11. Watching FOX network on a day like today world be as appealing as licking arsenic off a bus station floor. Reason #512 why I'll never watch KTVU.

  12. The "religious angle" of the overturning of Roe is not "bizarre". It is critical, fundamental and the perfect perspective from which to observe today's expected action. It is not evil to be a law professor from the midwest, nor does that make what one has to say irrelevant. You just want any reason to insult KCBS's Culross. There is no foundation for your assault.

  13. And, watching Sara Sidner now on CNN doing the 6-7 hour. Excellent as she was on KTVU with Dennis Richmond. A huge improvement over blow hard Laura Coates

    1. Laura Coates is a former US attorney with the knowledge to know what she is talking about. "Blowhard" is one word, not two. Laura would know this.

  14. Interesting to note that recent polls showed 65 percent of Americans support a woman’s right to choose while over 80 percent of US citizens polled want to see greater gun control. Yet the GOP and the right wing thinks they know better. “screw the American public, we know what is best,” is what they’re saying, even though they don’t represent the majority of our citizens. I guess the idea that the majority is supposed to have the final say in our Democracy means nothing to these Bible-belting, gun toting fanatics.

    1. The problem is that the US Senate is not based on the population of the United States, but is allocated 2 senators per state, despite that some states have less than 1 million citizens.
      The Supreme Court is approved by the Senate, so it does represent the view of the population. In its current state, it is a political tool for the smaller Red states.

    2. People lie to pollsters all the time, and polls are often skewed to please the client.
      If you think gun control and the right to an abortion should be "rights", then amend the they did for prohibition. There is an established process to amend USE IT.
      Get the votes 2/3rd in both chambers of the house, and get 3/4 of the states to agree....get the states to agree.
      If 85% of the people want gun control, then it should be a slam-dunk.

  15. Sad to say but the cult followers of Trump who have been brainwashed by his lies and hate are NOT going to go away. And if Trump somehow manages to be allowed to run again, despite his many crimes against our country, he would almost certainly be more destructive than in his first term. The guy is obviously a psychotic and would love to turn our country into a police state where he could lock up or kill with impunity, anyone who disagreed with him. I’ve had to terminate two lifelong friendships the last few years because both of my friends seem to think that Donald Trump has been good for America. This, despite massive evidence to the contrary. The most shameful people in this country, besides the legislators who still support this ‘Thing,’ are his deluded followers and people such as Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity. That trio of absurd carnival barkers make millions by getting the ratings because they say outrageous things on the air that are patently absurd. Then when confronted by those who tell them that are not being balanced in their comments they say: “ hey, we’re not journalists! We’re entertainers!” True dat!

  16. When Allie Rasmus contracts is up for renewal she should leave KTVU and go to KRON where she gets the weekday morning anchor replacing Folsom...

  17. Apparently the Founding Fathers weren't prescient enough to include abortion within the scope of the 14th Amendment but they *were* prescient enough to include AK-47s when they wrote the Second.

  18. You mean to say that Frank Mallicoat and Dave Clark, arguably the two most incompetent buffoons on television, were unable to provide even the slightest bit of coverage of a major news event? I’m shocked.

  19. Right when we thought KTVU finally hit rock bottom after the horrendous performance by Claudine Wong and Roberto Gonzales at the warriors parade, we get the humiliating and frankly sad performance of Dave Clark and Frank Mallicoat trying to provide coverage of Roe v. Wade. Pulling the plug on them and sending viewers back to Fox might’ve been the only right decision they’ve made in months.
    Watching these two dunces struggle to provide even those most basic coverage or information once again proved these aren’t journalists, or true news people. They’re just guys who sit there and read a teleprompter, and do so terribly.

    1. so they don't have uteri?

    2. 9:10am: They might. I'm not sure how they identify and which pronouns they use.

  20. Darya's mouth need to be overturned! Time for her to retire and maybe get a job at a bowling alley!

  21. Dave Clark and Frank Mallicoat were working together? I thought Dave was outside 'checking the weather' while Frank was on a zip trip to Milpitas.

  22. It was not my decision to let Darya do that!! I do not know why you said that!!!
