Monday, June 27, 2022

Frank Somerville's Wasted Opportunity at KPIX; Dan Ashley May Be Simply Flirting With WABC; Deal Still Likely at ABC7; Circle7 Anchor Has NY Roots; 900 Front Producer Innocent Lunch Date with Anchor Talk of KGO But It's All Innocent; Monday Open

HAD IT NOT BEEN FOR HIS LAST, most serious transgression--a disturbing DUI arrest in Downtown Oakland in Dec., 2021--Frank Somerville would have probably been under major consideration for a return to the Bay Area TV News scene. It was a long shot, yes, of course it was, but it was very well considered and Somerville was all on board.

The destination? KPIX.

But fate and life chose otherwise.

*One thing for sure: Both PIX and KTVU are dealing with ratings issues and no one is watching. PIX's few watchers are MIA and KTVU's dominance has eroded to the point where its gold mine, 10 PM is wasting away.

*Dan Ashley was indeed in NY on vacation last week. He may or may not have spoken to WABC about a potential hook-up. I doubt it. Ashley has been a KGO (ABC7) constant for almost 30 years. He has NOT signed a new deal and all this speculation about reaching a contract extension might just be simple negotiations.

Ashley, I'm told, doesn't want to leave the Bay Area--he's got a nice family life in Walnut Creek and is the face of the station at Circle7 --then again, if Disney plays hardball, then I wouldn't be at all shocked if Ashley explored options outside the Bay Area.

Keep in mind, he (Ashley), has east-coast roots and spent his early career anchoring in South Carolina--he's also got several contacts in NY and that includes the ABC News network in Manhattan. Ashley, in fact, has turned down several offers over the years, to work in NY. It wouldn't be the craziest thing in the world were he to work back east--I still believe he gets a new deal here but if the mousies screw it up, then everything is on the table.

Remember, the money they used to pay the top-flight anchors isn't what it ued to be. Ashley knows that but he's also got considerable cachet in a major market--if not here, certainly in NYC.

Ashley makes in the neighborhood of $650K a year. It's pretty good money but in NY, Ashley could be paid more than double that. Chuck Scarborough, the WNBC-TV veteran anchor makes well over $5M and while Ashley isn't Scarborough, in terns of coin, he certainly has east-coast news chops.

*I get grief over the idea of this but the idea of a combo Ama Daetz-Larry Beil-Dion Lim presence at Channel 7 has already been put in place should the scenario (unlikely as it is) of a sudden Ashley departure take place.

Good heavens, 900 Front-Disney, get a deal done.

You don't want another Carolyn Johnson.

*INSIDE the Circle7 newsroom HOT TOPIC last week was of the second-tier producer who asked a certain star anchor (a female) out for a lunch date. It wasn't anything huge mind you, purely an innocent offer only in this case, the woman anchor is married and the guy who asked her to lunch is divorced and is known to love his noontime cabernet every now and then.

They both went to lunch and nothing happened,I'm told.



  1. KPIX should hire frank. People will be tuning in every night to see if he's smashed.

  2. '"Nothing happened" at lunch? You mean they didn't eat any lunch? there are a million reasons why colleagues lunch together. Most have nothing to do with screwing.

  3. No New Yorker is ever going to "Accept" an imported SF anchor team. They will be eaten alive in the local press...and spit out.
    The New York Post would tear this apart with one headline...

    "Left Coast Invaders Land In Gotham...Film at 11".

    1. I saw nothing about a SF anchor "team". Just Ashley. And NYC seemed to accept imported SF anchor Roz Abrams just fine.

    2. Dear anon at 10:18. We haven't used "film" in decades.

    3. @ 3:52I guess you have never seen a New York Post headline.... But thanks for your history lesson on the use of "film".
      Now go play with your blocks.

    4. News flash, 10:18, New York City (and New Jersey, Connecticut, Long Island and Westchester) "accepted" Roger Grimsby (imported from KGO here). And Chuck Scarborough (also an import from another market). And Jim Hartz. And (former KRON weather anchor) Janice Huff. And Heather Holmes once upon a time. Someone coming in specifically from L.A. *might* get some brief grief, but TV news ain't what it used to be, and people in glass houses...

  4. "Fate and life" had nothing to do with Mr. Somerville's collapse. He did all that to himself, willfully.

  5. Why would a trip to NY be flirting with WABC? The 'suits' who run the O&Os are NY based so maybe it's just related to West Coast opportunities.

    Nice coin for Chuck.

    1. Trixie has talents like Liz Kreutz. who needs Ashley

  6. Carolyn was a hottie. She's been back in L.A. where she started anchoring at KNBC since leaving the cesspool that is Bay Area media. Thriving.

    1. Good for her flipping off KGO when they were doing across the board pay cuts. 👋 Mickey Mouse.

    2. Carolyn was the best anchor at ABC7. She flourished when paired with Dan Ashley.

  7. Your Ashley NYC analysis is fundamentally flawed. He is a non-entity in New York. Whatever cachet he has here does not transfer there. More importantly he's on the wrong side of 50 and that works against him as a new hire in an unfamiliar market he has zero name brand recognition in. And if this is all about money and the Disney suits are playing hardball here, the same suits would be playing hardball with him in NYC too if it's WABC.

  8. Frank is gone on TV for good, woman issues, drinking issues, anger management issues, issues issues issues…..unless he takes a half price salary discount, can the station guarantee he won’t be screaming this time on live TV and commercial break due to technical difficulties. As for Dan, I doubt he will leave, he is close to retirement in a few years, please no Reggie on prime time!!

    1. Sounds like he should run for President. Does he also throw plates against walls? 😂😂

    2. As long as he can read a teleprompter and occasionally fall up the stairs or off his bicycle he should in fact run.

  9. Carolyn Johnson, a Stanford alum, still is one of the best!

  10. Brent Cannon is still available!!!

    San Jose

  11. When I saw Carolyn"s photo I got excited thinking she was returning. That was just cruel Rich!!!

  12. Didn't Frank have a thing with his co-anchor (not Julie H) at one time?

  13. Rich, somebody needs to tell Mike Mibach to wear a jock strap when he anchors. He read a story standing up next to the monitor and he seemed a bit too ‘excited’ to be reading a story about inflation, no pun intended.

  14. Mike Mibach needs to do something with that hair. He looks ridiculous.
