Sunday, June 26, 2022

KTVU Dead Air Sunday Morning; Picture But No Sound; More KCBS-Lisa Chan Circus Time; Seelig-Don Bastida Fingerprints Everywhere


Maybe it's a sign from God: KTVU went DEAD AIR just after 9: 15 this (Sunday) morn right smack in the middle of Rosemary Orozo's weather report. It lasted a good twenty minutes and 2's signal is still silent.

A picture, yes, but NO SOUND.

KTVU, the TV equivalent of KCBS with glitches galore and no accountability. Amber Eikel and Jennifer Seelig should get a lunchtime schmooze together and party hardy.

*The KCBS Sunday follies continues dept. On the morning news (allegedly) Real Estate saleswoman, Lisa Chan, had another adventuresome time in the 7 AM hour: weird interviews, dead air, inexplicable sports sounders played that were TAPED on Friday but Chan either didn't know or care --or both. Because Chan is quite frankly, embarrassing, but since Seelig has no other body, I guess, Sundays on KCBS are circus time.

Welcome boys and girls. (again)

The idea that this continued tragedy is allowed to play out without any repercussions is a joke, even by puny Audacy/KCBS standards.

The fact that inside the KCBS newsroom at 855 Battery there exists a ROAR from the veteran staff whose OUTRAGE falls on deaf ears, should tell you something.

KCBS is seeing massive attrition these days and not just the usual amount. People are LEAVING in droves by and large because they're tired and upset over how bad the place is and how mighty AWFUL the once-proud radio station is being torn apart and kicked to the ground.

Yeah, KCBS leads in its class on the ratings chart, but it's a small lead and KCBS is basically a monopoly. It could (and should) have a commanding presence in the market but its image continues to take a hit. Reporters, anchors are RETIRING or just plain can't wait to LEAVE.


Hey, Countess Seelig and Generalissimo Don Bastida: you've managed to DESTROY the radio station and KILL it with no care and incompetent directive. Your staff, at least the majority of them, cannot stand you. And pretty soon, your actions will be the focus of an internal audit from the Audacy clowns.

It's the least they can do.


  1. Very sad to see Kcbs fall apart, but it’s not a surprise. Other stations in the bay area have already fallen by the wayside. Remember how back in the 1960s and 70s KSFO set the gold standard for “middle of the road” stations thst featured popular and dynamic on-air personalities such as Don Sherwood and Carter B. Smith? But when Golden West sold the station in the early 1980s, . It Slowly devolved into a droning right wing refuge for nutcases such as Michael Savage. KGO? Thanks to clueless Cumulus ( was there ever a worse radio company?) and their faithful San Francisco lapdog Lee Hammer, a once highly regarded News staff was entirely wiped out at the whim of some bean counter back at corporate headquarters. Audacy, ( they ‘rebranded’ themselves after being called Entercom,) has a bunch of neophytes and clueless twits who have NO business running a national radio company, let alone KCBS. 3 people I’ve known have left there in disgust. Luckily for them, retirement was right around the corner. A all-news radio station needs a creative, tireless and tough news director and KCBS had one for many years with Ed Cavannero.
    But now they’ve got this ditzy Seibel gal who, from what we’ve been hearing, sounds clueless, overwhelmed and frantic. The fact that she puts dullards such as Melissa Colruss into the anchor chair is proof positive that this once proud station is slowly circling the toilet.

  2. Satellite radio and Bloomberg. There are choices. Simply amazing how the mighty have fallen. Lisa Chan is a loser. Sounds mean, but it's true. KCBS can find eager broadcasting students at SFSU that would do a better job.

    1. Bingo. Sirius XM is awesome.

    2. Love Bloomberg too, getting used to all the business talk but they have great traffic and weather intermixed. Plus, they don't make me mad at all of the commercials.

    3. I saw Lisa working at Dynasty Restaurant in Rohnert Park. I asked for another Pepsi, and she almost threw it at me.

    4. The era of "eager broadcast students' is no longer.

    5. I love Bloomberg. The smartest radio station in the Bay Area because I learn so much.

  3. I rely on KCBS for 24/7 news coverage. Like Rich says, I do hear the more than occasional technical glitch, wrong sound-bite, 10-15 seconds of dead air, etc, but since KCBS still is providing good coverage of the news when I want it, the technical glitches don't bother me much. As the current crop of news hosts gain more experience, I expect the frequency of the glitches will greatly diminish.

    1. > but since KCBS still is providing good
      > coverage of the news when I want it...

      Seriously? What are they covering? Besides traffic and weather to death.

  4. Am I listening to the same KCBS? All I hear are commercials. Dead air would be an improvement.

  5. KCBS should bring back Jon Bristow in spite of past transgressions. His demeanor and knowledge of the Bay Area surpass the current staff, combined.

    1. Jon Bristow’s a lightweight. He may have been fine for KGO, but did you hear any of his interviews when he worked at KCBS. The quality of the questions he asked was poor, to be charitable. Everyone seems to ignore the fact that terrestrial radio isn’t what it was, even as recently as 7 years ago. What young people want to start a career in a dying industry? There’s no longer a pool of young talent to draw from.

  6. It’ll never happen as among as the cluless Jennifer Seibel continues to be KCBS news director. She HATED Bristow and used his harmless one-air remark as a pretext to fire him. Of course, it was one of Seibel’s favorites, Melissa Colruss who made sure it happened.

  7. KCBS
    Kinda Crappy Bull S--t

  8. I’ll take Melissa Culross any day over Lisa Chan. She keeps fading when she talks.

  9. I actually like Culross's voice. But, wow, her pic makes it clear why she is on radio.

    1. Here's a clue:You can't see the people on radio. Most people, male and female on the radio are not known for their telegenic looks. What they look like, or don't look like isn't important. You don't need plastic tits or fuck me shoes or a chiseled chin and hunky chest to do good radio. You don't need a fancy wardrobe.None of those things are important for radio people.. This is old news. Is it then, really necessary to insult the appearance of people who work in radio as some sort of critique? Criticize their voices or their brains, not their looks. It makes no sense.

    2. "Most people, male and female on the radio are not known for their telegenic looks." Yeah, what i just said. But thanks for the lecture, Melissa.

  10. why would you think station executives would be happy about technical problems?

  11. What is the point of bringing up
    Lisa Chan? She wasn’t the best reporter on KPIX and is talking about her helping to boost her realtor business

    1. Because it's incredulous that Useless continues to work at KCBS. But as Richie says, it's because KCBS is having a hard time trying to find bodies. The more people complain, maybe, just maybe, something will give. But I'm also waiting to get THAT lottery ticket, too.

  12. We all have different preferences for anchors. As far as KCBS morning anchors go.....I can't imagine ever "liking" Culross's voice...high-pitched, sounding like she's just ingested a huge amount of helium...talkssofastandfallsalloverherwords. Lisa Chan just needs to find another job....the sooner the better.
