Sunday, June 19, 2022

Father's Day Without Father --Reflections; A Few Sunday Notes; Thanks KCSM

I DON'T NEED a single day to acknowledge my father even if he were alive today--we'd go out to eat in Oakland Chinatown and fress and we'd do so without a day telling us to do so.

That said, Happy Father's Day.

*My mom raised me, my day's involvement was secondary. Moving forward, dad was very funny even if he was lacking in every other category. Rest in peace, dad.

*The difference between Pat Thurston and John Rothmann is sincerity. Pat sincerely preps and is genuine. John, turns out, pretends he's sincere. He's not. He is disingenuous and phony and fawning. Not just on air but off too. Every KGO host knows this. John is also in the wrong time slot, not his fault, but he can't drive the car at drive time because he's incapable.

He spoke at length about discussing Watergate (its legacy) on the 50th anniv. and said essentially nothing. He could have devoted an hour on it and talk to callers about history and the way it tends to repeat itself, even more disturbingly--Trump and Nixon's legacy. He chose to bring up Donald (again) and fawn fake outrage and cringeworthy repetitive junk with callers. Rothmann can't help himself. For a guy who fancies himself about being a worldly historian, he failed miserably on Friday.

It will always be on the record that he ignored the 50th anniv. of one of the most pronounced American political events to talk to a movie buff for an hour --again, shameful.

*But keep the faith, Rothmann, I'm sure will talk about his private meetings with Abe Lincoln, Dwight D Eisenhour and FDR on Monday.

*There's a parade Monday downtown and I'm sure parking will be just plentiful.

*The various yutzes reporting streetside on Market who wouldn't know a Warrior if their life depended on it, oh dear lord, I can only imagine.

*I'll be Debbie downer and skip it all and watch KTVU out takes on YouTube.

*Sunday morning bliss: listening to KCSM (91.1 FM) and New Orleans jazz trombonists. The coffee tasted better and I marvaled at the music.

My dad was a pretty good clarinet player and often took part in jam sessions with the likes of Count Basie, Ernie Hecksher, Del Courtney and Gordon Jenkins. Dad (Mel Lieberman) wasn't famous but he played with famous bands. Like I said, he was good. When I was born in the early 60's, dad supposedly could light up an entire room. Too bad he ended up with the worst of what plague most musicians then and now.

*The first day of Summer beckons and after the 4th of July, the light gets progressively dimmer and another day, another darker moment to reflect what was, would could have been and what is present.

*Am I deep or what? Never mind.

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  1. Hole in your radioJune 19, 2022 at 11:04 AM

    Rich, Sounds like you had a good Dad (with tremendous talent).
    I like Rothman's show well enough but I yell at my radio when he says that Jan Wahl will be on. Make it stop!

  2. re: 11:04

    Will concur that JR's Jan Wahl segment would be better at 30 minutes. A full hour of movie-talk every week, a little tedious.
