Saturday, June 18, 2022

John Rothmann Said Nada about Watergate on KGO Friday Night

For weeks, John Rothmann told his KGO audience that he woulk talk in length about the Watergate-50-year anniversary. It was last night and Rothmann didn't say a word but he did have a good hour with that known political historian, Jan Wahl.


  1. Maybe he realizes that Watergate is boring?

    1. Not as exciting as Jewish space lasers and pedophile pizza parlors I admit.

    2. Teapot Dome is more interesting.

    3. Teapot Dome was bribery. This was attempting to subvert the Constitution of the country he was sworn to protect. Just like January 6th.

  2. It is boring, if you don't do much growup reading.

  3. What’s sad is if Watergate happened now Richard Nixon would call it fake news and a witch hunt. No way would the Senate members of his party vote to impeach him.

    1. Barry Goldwater would have -- he called Nixon a "lying SOB" who can't be trusted. Thanks to him and Ben Bradlee, things didn't have to come to that.

  4. You understand: it's astounding!

  5. CNN did a pretty good four-part documentary on Watergate although I think John Dean was a bit more culpable than he lets on. It never surprises me that Rothman seems to brag that he worked for Nixon. Good God, he was a member of the Young Republicans in the 1960s. Can you imagine what a dork he must have been>

    1. He was a young political aide. Well-heeled families, like his, who give big bucks to campaigns, get their kids into internships, political and otherwise.

    2. he mentioned more then once the same story about how he "called" herbert hoover in 1961 at the mark hopkins hotel (when he was 12) and,just like that got a one on one visit with him..

  6. Rothmann is only where he is because of family money. If you had grown up with the family money and connections he had you too would be on the radio Rich. Or you'd own the Chronicle.

  7. Special edition of Watergate/Nixon VIPs Rothmann claims to known/have known since 1972
    Ben Bradlee,Dustin Hoffman,Donald Segretti, Martin Balsam,Oliver Stone,Robert Redford, Peter Navarro,Tricia Nixons interior decerator,Pat Nixons dance instructor,Donald Trumps bookie, Bob Haldemans Ups driver,Joe Bidens dentures maker,Alexander Butterfield, Spiro Agnews butcher, and Richard Nixons mortician

  8. . As Is said, Watergate was a “3rd rate burglary,’ which today, would have “no bail” consequences…. Watergate was NOTHING like the Constitutional Crisis in which a single man, Clinton, who was vested entirely as the Executive Branch Maliciously SUBVERTED another branch of Government, the Judicial branch. THAT WAS LAST TIME ONE BRANCH BETRAYED ANOTHER!

  9. Guess former now near 2 years President Donald Trump was taking up too much space in Johns head!

  10. On Friday’s show, John only grudgingly mentioned Watergate in passing when a caller said Nixon (and Watergate) should have gotten the same amount of airtime as Trump on the presidential-criminality segment that was underway.

    Replied John: “I’ve talked about Richard Nixon. And today is the 50th anniversary of the Watergate break in. But I’ve talked about Nixon and what he did many times on this station.”

  11. Rothman is SO KGO in every sad, pathetic way- phony, egotistical, unserving and wasteful.

  12. If FOX news and social media didn’t exist today, 40 percent of our country wouldn’t be brainwashed into believing that a lying, scheming narcissist was a ‘good’ president who was cheated out of his ‘rightful’ place to be America’s King. The breathless ignorance and stupidity of these right wing, fundamentalist gun-toting fanatics is a testament to the fact that our Democracy is failing. 30 some odd years ago, when mainstream media news outlets wasn’t driven by ‘entertainment’ ( I.E. FOX ‘news,’) Trump would have been prosecuted to the full extent of the law and would probably now be in jail for attempting a coup. But the spineless GOP and their weasly enablers at FOX refuse to acknowledge the facts. They’d rather believe in fairy takes about a ‘stolen election.’ The fact that Trump came as close as he did to winning a second term shows us once again how semi-literate much of our nation has become.
