Monday, June 20, 2022

Pam Moore Set To Retire at KRON; Noelle Bellow in Mix (But Nothing is Imminent)


If not by the fall, almost certainly by the end of the year.

Anchor's away.

Veteran anchor, Pam Moore, is almost certainly planning on retiring, a well-placed source tells me. While it's not set in stone, Moore's tenure of nearly three decades reading the news at Channel 4 appear to be ending. There's no rancor here, it just is Moore wanting to end her run at the Bay Area independent.

But complicating matters, and making Moore's exit a troublesome venture: KRON management not feeling it has a replacement for Pam. It's been thought a Ken Wayne, Grant Lodes or more specifically, Vicki Liviakis, would be a prime candidate to replace Moore but my source tells me Liviakis is not interested and likes her current schedule. It's also believed KRON isn't fixated on Liviakis longterm.

A potent dark horse candidate: up and coming Noelle Bellow.

In the meantime, KRON has emerged as a major player in the Bay Area TV News scene. They still lack in decent reporters but they have a much better look and they have far more watchable newscasts. Their anchors are more engaged and look and sound a whole lot better than in the past.

I don't think a Moore parting of the ways will necessarily hurt KRON.

Moore, frankly, has looked bored in recent years but she still has a tremendous following and respect and admiration in the newsroom and with viewers. That said, I'm sure KRON can recover a potential hit when Pam leaves the building at 900 Front.


  1. Noelle Bellow = Meh

    1. Agreed, 9:14. Noelle Bellow doesn't yet have the gravitas.
      On the other hand, double Emmy winner Stephanie Lin would be the best fit. Always solid and professional, she adds significant elevation to any KRON presentation.

  2. If Ken Wayne stay at KTVU, do you think KTVU will choose Ken Vs Mike?

  3. Nearly three decades but I'd still hit it.

  4. Pam Moore is a dinosaur
    She should have retired years ago

  5. I first saw Noelle Bellow when I turned on KRON one saturday morning, and she was doing the news with the hispanic guy, [I forget his name]. At first, I was somewhat shocked because she just did not fit the stereotype for a news anchor. But over the various weeks, I have actually gotten to think she does a really good job, and in fact, I also think she is losing weight too. I actually think she would make a good news anchor because she already IS a good news anchor!

  6. Old Juan in DelanoJune 20, 2022 at 11:25 AM

    Justine Waldman gets my vote....unless Suzanne Shaw is available.

    1. Is she related to Saunders Shaw? (lol)

  7. > KRON has emerged as a major player in the
    > Bay Area TV News scene.

    You've clearly been drinking too much, Rich. They're Community College.

  8. Back in the mid-90’s I was waiting to cross the street at Powell and Bush. Pam was standing next to me waiting for the light to change. I struck up a conversation and we talked while walking down the block.

    She was really nice and friendly. Not like the time I said hi to Malou Nubla. She was rude as hell.

    1. Pam has had a noteworthy career. As for the other one: Malou who?

  9. This is Frank's opportunity!

  10. Darya finally gets promoted off mornings!!!!

    (yes that was sarcasm)

    Too bad about Liviakis. She should be the natural choice. KRON's bench is weak. Aside from Waldman, there's really not much there. And that includes Bellow.

    1. I’ll never forget many years ago (15 or so) when KRON was interviewing BART spokesperson, Linton Johnson, and Darya made a remark about how clean he looked. You can tell she’s from alabaster white Connecticut suburbs. 😱

    2. Linton Johnson...the former NBC Bay Area reporter who went to work at BART and was fired from his position but got to stay on at the agency.

  11. Rich, I hope you do a blog post about Warriors parade coverage - especially since all four local stations covered it. I flipped between all four - the clear winner was NBC Bay Area....hands down. The most abysmal of them all: KTVU. Roberta Gonzales and Claudine Wong anchoring the coverage. Enough said. One of their many low points was Roberta saying that she as at the corner of 'Monterey and Market' - she was at Montgomery.

  12. Fact is, there is no longer ANY personality that draws anyone to any particular local news broadcast.

    1. Heather Holmes. One mention of her here and people respond. Unlike anyone else.

  13. What are the reasons Justine didn't make Rich's short list

    Don't have an opinion just curious since seems she is 'in the wings'

  14. Re: South Bay Watcher, I disagree. I think that there is "much there". Especially with Bellow.

    1. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Mine disagrees with yours.

  15. Pam is awesome and deserves a ton of praise for what she has done for so long. That said, one person does not make a station or a newscast. You, Rich, have bagged on KRON countless times with Pam anchoring, so I don't think her departure will make much difference. Gone are the days when a talent change impacted ratings. KTVU wins at 10 because of the time and people's habit. ABC wins in the evening for stability and solid presentation. All the other stations, KRON included, either win certain demos or all so close it is pretty much a flip of the coin. But I digress. Kudos for Pam for having survived so many changes for so many years.

    1. Agreed. Pam Moore has been doing a great job for 30 years.

  16. Susan Blake?? Terrilyn Joe?? Jessica Aguirre?? Tori Campbell??

  17. Love Noelle! Would be a great choice
