Friday, April 8, 2022

The Friday Pulse; Wonderley and Radich Cause Angst at KCBS Over Cushy Schedule; Opening Day at ATM Park; TV Crews/KNBR Giddy Actors; Giants' Meh But Calcutta A's Worse; Waldman Plays Chess at KRON; PIX Needs Juliette Goodrich Weeknight Prime; Mayor Breed Un-Checked; Somerville/Ibanez Void at KTVU Drops 10 PM Market Share; Julie Haener Is Overrated; Heather Holmes Meh Too; Jason Brooks/Joe Hughes Boo at KCBS; NBC Bay Area Mulls SF Move from San Jose, But...Erin Burnett Spotted at Circle7; Play Ball


IF YOU BELIEVE THE TALK and I know you're interested in it, traffic anchor, Kim Wonderley of KCBS is the center of MAJOR scorn --and it involves a second anchor at the station: her husband, the sports anchor at KCBS, Kevin Radich.

Wonderley takes a lot of time off, I mean, quite a bit. She's earned it, having been at KCBS for over a couple decades. And when Kim is off, hubby Kevin is off too. Which rubs some of the rank and file the wrong way.

Both, says the 740 AM spy, have senior and junior staffers fuming at all the free time off while others are struggling with their own schedules. It's not a crisis by any means but it's a development itself inside the newsroom, maybe extreme jealousy? Yes, and even unwaranted petty jealousy can lead to a fractured staff.

Wonderley has been off the entire week and The Rat (as he used to be known) is off too, I'm sure that shot up the pissed-off meter.

This is traffic that's rush-hour at 3 AM on a Sunday.

OPENING DAY at ATM Park, a grand day at the ballpark only the Giants haven't come close to selling out the home opener largely because baseball is a D game and the garlic fries and a hot dog cost around 50 bucks. Throw in a beer and you're looking at a Benjamin. Or enough money for Larry Baer to buy a dress shirt at Macys.

By the way, Larry's gonna throw out the first bitch, eh, pitch.

*The TV crews got to the stadium early morning when no one was there which helped explain why one reporter interviewed a sprinkler. Go Giants!

*I'm not exactly gleeful as my current team, the Calcutta A's are a deep swing and a miss.

*KNBR was out at the game this morning broadcasting live at 6 AM--Brian Murphy was so excited he dressed up in a Johnny LeMaster jersey and that got the approval from Baer, Murphy's defacto boss and emissary.

Murphy extolled this morning, "hey, I'm a huge Giants fan." Thanks Murph, for clearing up the confusion I was thinking you were the consul general of Israel.

*NBC Bay Area suits and execs from 30 Rock have had internal discussions about MOVING the offices and studios in San Jose into Downtown SF only they're worried about exiting Silicon Valley and going to a city infected with dirty streets and filthy tents galore from the Bay Bridge to City Hall to Market Street to the lower Pacific Heights.

So just maybe NBC will stay in the Southbay only because while the terrain might not be as smooth, at least they will avoid poop on the avenues.

How romantic, thanks Mayor Breed.

*Speaking of Countess Breed: NOT one reporter in town at least asked the mayor why it was so necessary for her to go to Europe for ten days. A trip (junket, really) that was, yes, paid for by a private group, but her security staff was funded by city taxpayers at a cost of nearly a hundred grand. Go figure.

*Come to think of it, outside of Dan Noyes, do we even have an investigative reporter in this city?

Never mind.

*The new GM at PIX, Scott Warren, could just make a BOLD move by imploring Juliette Goodrich to save the station and team up with Brian Hackney at 5 and injecting some life into a channel that needs every JOLT it can put out. Goodrich doesn't want the weeknight gig because she has a family and takes care of mom but if Warren threw some MAJOR MOOLAH her way, well, who knows.

*Allen Martin might be a swell guy with good news chops and an ability to read well and possess cred, only one problem: Martin doesn't ooze any personality and his smirky scowl is a major detriment on screen; Martin could try to reinvent himself but he seems to not give a damn which is why PIX's ratings are EL SUCKO and why Hackney, (who is overrated) has the ear of the new boss.

*Sorry, again and again and again: the gruesome twosome, Sara Donchey and Ryan Yamamoto, are a TOTAL DISASTER.

*At KRON, a power play in the works: Justine Waldman thinks she's network material ( I concur) and should be on somewhere after 4 PM. Pam Moore and Vicki Liviakis stand in the way and Waldman is kinda in the dark. Her hubby, Grant Lodes, is stuck in neutral. Moore is once again throwing out stories to buds that she may split soon and that would solve everything. Only Waldman might not be so patient. She's already throwing out resumes to KGO and PIX. She might have gravitas at NBC too. My advice to Jim Rose at KRON, the GM, get Waldman on the desk and quick.

*Since Frank Somerville was booted off the desk, KTVU's 10 PM News has LOST just over 25% market share. That's a lot. And with Mark Ibanez's leaving, the numbers are sure to dive deeper. KTVU is a certified mess, a cachony of DISASTER and INCOMPETENCE galore--it's only gonna get worse because Fox doesn't have the balls of FIRING inept Amber Eikel and her co-addict, Belynda Hartel, the aloof, MIA GM, who takes off shopping every other day.

*Yes, OK, I'll say it: Julie Haener is way OVERRATED. She has all the warmth of a Brisbane Arby's. Haener has coasted for years with blase anchoring and horrid news salvo. She's not only soft, she's mega average at best.

*Heather Holmes too the yenta who couldn't ad-lib her way out of a paper bag.

*Meanwhile, another vastly, severely overrated Mike Mibach, the guy that was designated to replace Somerville at 10 is being jacked around. He could blow up soon one day.

*Here's my deal with Jason Brooks, the morning fraud at KCBS: he's sterile. An artificial, contrived, lightweight who is so vacuous and dim-witted, he has to have sports tosses WRITTEN FOR HIM! The guy is worthless and just average--at business reporting! If Brooks had any chops, he'd be lucky to be working the night shift in El Paso, but he's one of Jennifer Seelig's (ND) pet boys, so you get the drift.

*Joe Hughes, the alleged sports reporter in the morning at Kay Cee Bee Ess sounds like he recruited off the student body at Miramonte High School.

*Kim Mcallister, the capable news woman anchor at KGO Radio is solid but NOT as a co-host to Pat Thurston and John Rothmann. She's busy enough doing news updates where she excells, for the most part. Having her help the talk-show hosts isn't a good listen--not for Mcallister nor the talkers. KGO is so such a bad actor.

*Erin Burnett, the perky, connected CNN anchor, just back from an assignment in Poland, near the Ukraine border, was seen coming out of the KGO (Circle7) offices last Tuesday. I'm sure it's just a coincidence that Burnett (and hubby) have a cottage in Marin--she loves the Bay Area and city and her contract at CNN is up. Humn...

*Between legal fees, no income from his 86ing at KTVU, a nasty divorce and pending life/money issues, no wonder Somerville is trying to change the subject on Instagram. Frank needs therapy and time away from life. It's a path that's only gonna get worse unless he confronts his demons.

*Play ball.


  1. You are high if you think Brian Hackney is going to wake anyone up. Total opposite effect.

    1. Hackney butchers the news and provides lots of awkward moments at attempted banter. And can he please take his hands out of his pockets.

    2. I do wish Hackney would button a 2-button suit properly. Even Peck learned that. If it doesn't fit you well, well go to a tailor!

      I hadn't really noticed his hands in his pockets but I do remember my mother telling me that when I was very young.

      But his presentation of the news is what keeps me going back to channel 5 news -- unfortunately, only on the weekend or some random occasions during the week when he's at the desk.

  2. Donchey is fine. I'll take her any day of the week over Audrey Asistio who still hasn't figured out how to tone down the wardrobe or the booming voice...

    1. I was afraid Donchey would melt in the latest heat wave.

  3. Personnel taking time off is not news. If they're entitled, they're entitled. Especially veteran employees who've worked for decades building up their work credentials. Bravo to Kim and Kevin. Life is too short to spend all your time working for the man. As for younger workers moaning? Just grow up. Grow a pair.

    1. Reminds me of my fav work saying.....
      Q: Why do you take so much vacation?
      A: I take so much vacation because I get so much vacation.

  4. All that KNBR bloviating and they still can't sell out Opening Day? Where else can you watch nine white guys standing around for five hours?

    1. At any Caltrans construction project.

  5. Yamamoto still isn't up to speed, when it comes to learning his coworkers names. He called Andrea Nakano by the wrong name AGAIN, last night.

  6. Finally, the FOX owned affiliate in the most liberal city in America is losing market share. It's about time KTVU got knocked off. Suck it Rupert Murdoch!

    1. How long have you been holding that in your pocket? KTVU's newscast has still been very neutral, more so liberal, post Fox O&O in 2013. You're just going by book and it's cover and not actually reading the material. Blah, blah, blah, sure, you'll say you know they seem more conservative, but I just don't see it looking anything like Fox News Channel. You just can't stand the fact that a station owned by a hard-headed conservative is running around your east bay. What does that mean they lost market share? And where did he get that info? I'm sure they're ratings have dropped slightly but saying a loss of 25% market share is not the same as losing 25% of their ratings. Then they would be dead last.

    2. They run packages from Fox News Channel and Fox News Channel reporters daily. Trust me we all have to listen to it 8 hours a day here. It's utter partisan bullshit. If you don't see that you're not paying attention. The inexpwrienced 20 something producers don't even look at the Fox crap before it goes to air. They just run it because it's easier and fills the show.

  7. I don't know.

    I kind of like Julie Haener and Heather Holmes. Heather came from New York, and won awards for her research, and reporting there before she arrived here.

    To be honest, I have never heard Julie do a news piece or on set interview, maybe she does not do that, but I have watched a couple that Heather has done and they have been pretty good.

    If given the chance, it seems that they both have the abilities to be reporters too, not just teleprompter readers. Right now, Heather could pull it off and increase her street cred.

    Why would anyone want to be just an on-set screen reader? The excitement is going out and making the news. Go and get in Breed's face. That woman is a total fraud and needs to be investigated. That would raise ratings in a hurry.

    1. Right, investigate something.

      There is so much fraud, corruption, crime in the Bay Area but because the liberals run everything and the news media is liberal too no one wants to stick their head out and ask tough questions. I guess it is easier to put on your makeup, get your hair done, and lip sync something that someone else wrote than to get your fingers dirty. Basically everyone is a news puppet around here.

    2. Making the news? You think that's what reporters do?
      Good Lord.
      They report the news
      Making yourself the story is NOT journalism.

    3. See Woodward and Bernstein. See Geraldo Rivera. The list goes on and on...

    4. Heather won awards in New York? Hi Heather. So that's BS. She was a fill in BRIEFLY at the crappiest station there. She was not an anchor. She came here as a fill in reporter. She is from Texas and is a prompter fed reader. Period. She got into this business to look at herself on tv. She cares about no one but Heather every minute of every day. She is campaigning HARD to get the main anchor job.

    5. See this ...

      She won awards for investigating environmental dumping as well as other things. Not saying she is doing this now at Channel 2 but she did some of it back then.

      Why do you knock her like you do? Why be a hater? She seems to be pretty benign and easy-going. Just like Julie.

    6. Your obviously very young because Julie used to be a reporter before she became an anchor at KTVU.

    7. Did not know that. Good for her and I hope someone talks to her about doing more outside of the studio.

    8. BAHAHAHAHAH!!!!
      That person that posted the link of the bot troll website with BS "facts" pulled from random sites. So hold up - you believe that Heather Holmes was born in 1985???? That "site" of "information" is utter garbage. NONE of that is accurate. Which should be patently obvious to anyone. Actually read it before ya post it. You can't be serious.

    9. This is so clearly Heather Holmes on here trying to pimp her fake history. Gotta give the woman credit, she is ruthless. And it's very entertaining.

    10. Why do you say Heather Holmes was not born in 1985? That would make her age to be in the mid-30's which is perfectly possible. And in looking at her facebook page, it says Emmy award winning journalist. So what 10:24 wrote seems to be true. You are sure a negative dude.

  8. *I'm not exactly gleeful as my current team, the Calcutta A's are a deep swing and a miss.

    I too have been an A's fan since 1970. They have really had some great teams over the years but their current owner is the worst owner in all of sports. A billionaire who won't spend a dime. Just build the new ball park on the current site. Close to 880. Close to BART. Tons of space to put offices, restaurants, condos. And the land for free. I am so glad I can listen to them on that business channel but this might be the last year for them cause they are only going to average about 4 or 5 thousand a game. They have killed their buzz for sure.

    1. 2:33,

      I agree with your comments, especially in regard to the current ballpark site. I salute your longtime loyalty, and I sympathize with all of the A's fans who are going to be subjected to their team's depressing future outcomes.

      IMO, Fisher and company want out of Oakland. And that is a very, very sad situation.

    2. Walter Hass, the great A's owner, knew that the Giants were moving to Tampa Bay. The deal was done, they were gone. Hass, seeing that the Giants leaving would be a bad thing for Bay Area baseball, gave the Giants HIS RIGHTS to Silicon Valley that the A's owned to keep them here. He saved the Giants.

      So when the A's were in trouble, they asked the Giants to let them have those rights back. The Giants said, "NO." That is why, no matter what, I will never be a Giants fan. They could have returned the favor, helped the A's build a strong stadium future. They are a total greed team, printing money while the A's slowly die.

    3. Agree wholeheartedly with 10:31. I will never forgive the Giants for their selfishness with respect to the A’s and the South Bay market. I know it’s a business, but the Haas family was able to overlook that fact for the sake of the Bay Area. I would love it if the Giants went 0-162 every year. And while we’re at it, the slimy Larry Baer can suck it.

    4. Go knock your wife down again, Larry.

    5. I don't understand why the A's ended their agreement with Sacramento ... they ceded the marketing of the regional broadcasts with that move. It's allowed the Giants to promote future stars in advance and make a lot of conversation about who's up or down this week.

      I don't remember a significant marketing effort by the A's when they had San Jose in their territorial rights.

      With SJ in their portfolio, the SF Giants invested in the Class-A club. Oakland could have targeted the SJ Bees earlier and done the same. SF wouldn't return their rights to SJ back because they've invested way more in the market than the A's ever did.

    6. Totally agree. Sacramento was a great place for the AAA A's team. But, as usual the Giants did the smart thing while the inept A's screwed themselves again. They should have also kept the A's team in San Jose.

  9. Kim Mcallister could probably be pretty good as a substitute talk show host; she's events-of-the-day knowledgeable, and speaks succinctly & clearly. When given the sub job though for some reason she tends to the timid side, appears to feel she's still on the learning curve. Prefers to have a guest to interview or chat with, rather than going it alone. Like someone learning to walk a tight rope feels they need a net. Mcallister is no longer on the learning curve, & would serve her own interests better if, when presented with the sub opportunity, she went it alone, no guests, no friends, no relatives, just the listeners, callers, and the news of the day. Trust your instincts Kim.

    1. You can do news and you can do opinion, just not at the same time. That's the fundamental problem with making a newsperson a talk host.

  10. Wow, I agree with everything you said here (except in areas like sports reporting, where I know nothing and don't care). I'm SHOCKED to see you saying somewhat nice things about Brian Hackney. And he and Juliette have great chemistry, and I think really like each other too. If only the suits at PIX had brains or even brain STEMS we might see a big improvement in the product. But I'm not holding my breath. They'd rather pair up the insufferable Yamamoto and Donkey.

  11. So so SO glad that pompous smarmy ass Greg Papa is off the Giants pre and postgame shows on NBCSBA.

  12. still lot of ''yuh huh''' talk in pre game papa lund.already at ''yuh huh'' stage.

  13. It's unkind to suggest that Juliette Goodrich would abandon spending more time with her children if she were offered more money.

  14. Cut Mibach some slack, his mom passed this week.

  15. The fact that we are talking about kim mccallister as a possible talk show host on kgo is evidence of how FAR that once great station has fallen off a cliff. Can you imagine back before the mass firings if anyone brought up McAllister as a future host? That person would’ve been ridiculed! As to Erin Burnett it’s interesting she has a place in Marin County. The far left will never forget her nasty remarks about the protests during the “occupy Wall Street” days.

  16. Justine Waldman wants to be on Network, then get the hell off an independent station!!!

  17. KNTV should stay in San Jose. Just the traffic in San Francisco will make it difficult to get to stories. They currently have easy and quick access to and from San Jose.

  18. speaking of miss mccallister,she seems to have this weird effect on john rothmann who goes out of his way to brown nose her every chance he gets.. i dont know if he's trying to just build her up or what, but its bordering on absurdity at this point..kgo will soon have her doing "interviews" with steve moskovitz and doug andrews

  19. a loss is more interesting than this rah rah giants talk. makes more late nite replay 'reality drama''. you know they lost but you listen to the announcers who don't know its going to be a ''loss''.like actors in movie who don't know the outcome. but no will smith to hand out the Oscar.

  20. John ingratiates himself with everyone on and off the air. It’s self-serving, disingenuous, and only for appearances. Everything he does is in service of his ego. He turns down most guests because he’s the self-professed expert of everything. Imagine how old that gets!

  21. Frankly, I wish The Rat would go on permanent vacation.
