Thursday, April 7, 2022

Somerville Legal News

Frank Somerville, the ex-KTVU news anchor had a BAC (blood alcohol content) of .24, three times the legal limit when he was arrested for an alleged DUI on Dec. 30th in Oakland.

The Alameda County DA's office has formally charged Somerville for two DUIs, both, misdemeanors.

Somerville has a court appearence in Oakland on May 6.

*THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE: a source close to Somerville revealed to me that his gameplan (Somerville's) is to "get lost for a year. Hide like hell."

Then hope he could resurface on some platform, (Internet show, YouTube?) and in essence, audition for a gig down the road in a year or two.

Several local sources told me there's NO WAY that will ever happen.


  1. What took so long with the alcohol report

    1. County backlogged on other cases? Maybe test results were retested for confirmation? Especially a high profile case like this? County and Oakland PD wanted to make sure they did everything correctly considering the person involved.

    2. He can’t afford to disappear at all. He’s working at a Gym in Oakland to keep a roof over his head.

  2. Replies
    1. Yeah, amazing, isn't it?

    2. Misdemeanor because it's only property damage. If a person was injured then it gets stepped up to Felony DUI. But nobody was hospitalized or killed.

  3. He needs to "get lost for a year, hide like hell" if doing so means getting (and staying) sober...otherwise it is just happy talk.

  4. > Several local sources told me there's NO WAY
    > that will ever happen.

    Yeah, no shit. He's in denial in so many ways. He had a near-perfect life, and he blew it all away. What a loser.

  5. He belongs in rehab.

    1. They wanted him to go to rehab, but he said "No, no, no."

  6. In this day and age, I'll bet he can pull off a comeback in a year or so, as long as he stays sober.

    1. I don't. He's too much of an insurance liability, for starters.

  7. Maybe it's time for a Bay Area Rehab and Back-roads type TV show...with Frank!
    Each week,
    Frank can visit some of the finer and posh rehab digs in the ba. Maybe he can have a mascot dog-pal for support, who travels with him.

    There must be some pretty nice rehab places in wine country?
    Or a fun road trip to Passages In Malibu....ohhhhh fun!

    So grab your Go-Pro camera Frank...and get into some freebie and SPONSORED (sell-able ad time) rehab.

    See if you can get Watson to produce it. There has to be other bay area media drunks and druggies that will want to be featured in this show.

    Think of it...
    The Weekend Magazine...or local rehab.

    Bottoms Up!

    1. Get a local winery to sponsor the show

    2. @Eatnews

      Eh, a little harsh.

      But he needs to stay off Insta if he's going to "disappear". Some of his videos on there look like he hasn't made much progress.

    3. @12:06. Him? Stay off Insta? LOL. Dude that vain couldn't stay off any social media if his life depended on it.

  8. Tiger Woods got away with it. He's fucked up on something, crosses 2 oncoming lanes and is lucky no auto was coming. Ridiculous! fame gives you privileges.

    1. Tiger Woods actually has talent and is self employed. Although he did lose a lot of commercial deals.

    2. Your point exactly. Tiger has fame. FS is known, but his "fame" is more like Oakland World Famous. Or infamy.

    3. Yeah, just ask Will Smith. Recently, post-Oscar incident, Smith was reportedly hanging out with the Crown Prince of Dubai.

  9. Tiger is nationally recognized. Frank is a nobody outside of the B.A.Being an Alcoholic sucks but you can still have a life.

    Come to Jesus time for Frank. He's only himself.

  10. His instagram videos give the impression that he still thinks he's reading the news and I guess in a way he is but I don't think anyone really cares. I started to watch his "emotional video" but a few seconds in I found it sad and just strange. He comes off like a total phoney and someone in serious denial. I didn't leave negative comments on his page and never would, the man has enough to deal with.

  11. At least Eldrick has been extremely contrite...and has owned what happened...and is actually showing a new appreciation for being alive. Frank is just trying to protect his "brand" and remains as defiant as ever.

  12. Enough of this drunk. Just go away, Frank!

  13. He may "Get lost for a year" in the county jail.

  14. If you get close enough to the screen you can get a whiff of some odor emanating from the Somerville Instagram (god have mercy when Frank discovers Tik Tok!). How old is this man? All the troubles he’s going through with the DUI, the affair, the divorce, the firing, showing us his flabby body as if he’s Adonis reincarnated but man would you please stop with the backwards hat Frank? You look like an ass and the hat doesn’t hide the plugs.

  15. .24 is awful. Almost critical level. He really needs help, I know because a good friend of mine drank herself to death. She pushed her body and one day it just quit on her. She died just like that. Alcohol is a total killer and once you drink too much, your body can't recover. You don't get away with smoking or booze.
