Friday, April 1, 2022

Chronicle Bleeds Red Ink; Ibanez KTVU Factoid; Examiner Needs To Be More Serious About Matier; Heather Holmes: It's All About The Chops; Joe Fonzi Too; Adam Copeland Laugh(s) Factor; Giants' Lack of Buzz; Friday Happy Hour

The PRINT EDITION of the SF Chronicle gets thinner and thinner partly because the Chronicle is losing a MILLION BUCKS a week, or so goes the rumors, which are the reasons wny so many reporters and columnists are leaving the Chron in droves.

*Thus, we're left with digital fish wrap, SFGate, a profitable waste of internet time unless you're into orange ice cream photos and stories about old men eating giant lizards in the Marina.

*Mark Ibanez had a NDA agreement with KTVU (Fox) that prohibited him from discussing intimate aspects of his separation from KTVU, therefore what he said on KNBR should be taken with a grain of salt. With the exception of his statement about his youngest son and his family.

*If The Examiner, really, Clint Reilly, were smart, they'd make a sound investment and hire Phil Matier, just once a week, say, a Friday column. It would draw readers, lots, and give the tabloid EX some traction. Instead, Reilly thought Matier needed the Examiner more than the Ex needed him. Clint needs to add another ZERO to the offer, if you know what I mean and I think you do.

*Another thing: Matier doesn't need the money, Clint.

*Joe Fonzi is supposed to drive the car now only Joe was given keys to a Pinto and the world is driving a Tesla.

*KTVU will take a DEEP DIVE into the abyss, post Ibanez. Its ratings are already tanking and will take a further tank because the product is marginalized. You can see it every day and night. Plus, sooner or later, the fucked-up morale that is plaguing KTVU has to affect the newscasts sooner or later. That's as obvious as ever.

*My negative feelings about Heather Holmes has ZERO to do with her looks and gender and everything to do with her newswoman chops. I have never cared for her. I think she's a lightweight. The female aspect is just that, she's a female. I've never liked Tom Vacar either so I'm an equal opportunity shit disturber.

*Holmes, yes, was visable in the farewell video (Ibanez) because old habits are hard to break, so to speak.

*Don't invite Larry Krueger and Damon bruce to dinner.

*Adam Copeland: if KNBR paid him by the laugh, he'd be having Bill Gates money.

*Tom Tolbert: just plain bored and tired.

*The Giants: great team, but ho-hum players who are mostly quiet and non-interesting and lacking STAR power. Which translates into no identity and average to lousy ratings, both radio and TV. Ask the sales dept. at KNBR and NBC Sports, Bay Area.

*Could be worse: they could be the Oakland A's.


  1. The Chronicle has been a living dead paper for quite a while.

    1. Sad. Even the Merc is getting "paper" thin. I decided to go digital since the Merc couldn't get its paper delivery act together.

  2. I can definitely get behind Heather Holmes with that picture.

  3. Heather Holmes' appeal to me is definitely her looks. News women are all over the place on TV, but many are not that attractive and stay that fit. Heather is a runner and tries to stay fit.

  4. Heather Holmes can spell "visible", unlike thee.

  5. Heather Holmes is 100% a lightweight. One of those people who no one takes seriously because she's so clearly skimming the surface of everything she touches. She also rants regularly off air in the newsroom and studio about her conservative views and is exhausting. What she's good at is clawing and scraping her way into anchor chairs.

    1. HH is a conservative? I didn't know that, but it makes me like her even more. At least she has 2 brain cells, unlike the fascist, regressive left.

    2. And there you have it bay area. This is who watches KTVU now. Tragic.

  6. Photoshop is to Heather Holmes as oxygen is to fire. They need each other to exist. What you think she looks like and what she actually looks like are not the same.

  7. Yes, I really like Heather too and don't see why people criticize her on-air skills. She hardly ever makes a mistake, reads copy well, asks good questions, passes to her co-anchor clearly. So does Julie Haener.

    To me they are both really good and have a lot of experience.

    KTVU is not even close to what it used to be, but they do have the two best female anchors in the Bay Area. Plus, they are both beautiful. One thing that sets them apart is they are both polished veterans. Losing Mark Ibanez is a big blow and KTVU is totally at fault for that terrible screw-up.

  8. It is amazing to me how the ownership of the A's have destroyed this fun and interesting team.

    They have traded so many great players and could build a fantastic new stadium right where the old junker is right now. They have plenty of land there, access to BART and 880. The location is wonderful, but they have killed off all fans now. They will never get that crummy new location built. It is a complete disaster.

    Plus, they are on a 500 watt business channel so no one can listen to them. Been a fan since 1970. It is so sad. But the Bloomberg station that is there when the A's are not playing is pretty good for what they do.

    1. Do you really think the A's are going to stay in Oakland? I don't. Notice every time something positive is announced, something negative follows within a day or two. They're leaving, cutting expenses, and insuring locals won't be able to cling to an on-field success...

    2. No, I agree with you. I really am becoming more convinced that the A's ownership wants out of Oakland. No one has treated a fan base worse that the A's have over the last 5 years. I really like Billy Beane and the employees, they do such a great job. They work with what they have and do it well.

      Listened to the game today on Bloomberg 960. The Giants were not on KSFO. Anyone know why? By the way, we really have great announcers here. Ken Korack is amazing and so is Jon Miller. A plus all around.

  9. Heather Holmes has a school age daughter who lives in another state. That's how desperately HH wants to be on tv. That's all you really need to know about Holmes to understand who she is. Face on tv beats living anywhere near your kid someone else is raising.

    1. Oh wow, I didn't know that about Heather Holmes. I thought she was single and didn't have kids.

      Does her ex have custody of the kids? Crazy stuff

    2. You seem to know alot about Heather. Is she married?

    3. Everyone wants to know about Heather.

    4. Heather is single, has a teenage girl who just got braces, does a lot of charities, and runs daily. She also visits Texas a lot, where her mom lives. Just follow her on Instagram.

    5. Sounds like she has a nice life for herself, taking care of her family and Mom. Good for her.

      Wishing her Mom lots of health and a long, happy life in low-crime, business-friendly Texas. Yee-hah!

    6. Close. She's divorced. Has a boyfriend here, an ex husband and child in Texas.

  10. Tolbert used to be OK on his day show but after Ralph left that lost a lot. He is not cut out to be a top banana but with a solid teammate with him he is more interesting. Too bad for 20 years he has been without one.

    Love him with Roye on the Warriors games because he really knows his basketball. Actually Tom is very smart and used to take listener calls which was nice. Now the show is unlistenable because KNBR is unlistenable.

    1. Totally agree, Tolbert is much better being the comic relief than the guy who drives the show. When he's in charge, the show just sort of meanders and eventually drifts into topics (beer, gambling) that aren't enough to hold your attention.

    2. I miss Ralph and good old Pete Franklin with his Breath Asure ads. He was a funny guy. I used to actually like KNBR in the 90's. But you are right, KNBR is just terrible now.

      Personally, and this is hard to believe, but I don't like one of their on-air people. You would think someone would be listenable but right now, no. And it is worse on 95.7.

  11. You forgot Jim Barnett. The best announcer ever and I really miss him on TV but he is still on the Warriors away games. Tolbert does home, Barnett does away. Both are excellent.

    Get rid of azabuke, don't know how to spell his name, too lazy to look it up. He tries hard though, but he and Fitz are just two huge, biased homers, and it gets sickening. Barnett was not afraid to speak truth and that is why he got taken off TV.

  12. When they've done shows together in the past, I couldn't tell if it was Damon Bruce or Larry Krueger speaking. I can also see them not getting along because they both have that "I know more than you" shtick - although Larry is less obnoxious about it.

  13. if roye and Barnett would say ANYTHING except ''yup'' ''yep'' ever SINGLE time they talk to each other.lazy souls.

    1. Love those two. Love Roye. Love Barnett. YUP!

    2. Barnett teaches basketball like how Krukow teaches pitching.

  14. Ever seen Heather Holmes do a spontaneous interview or ad lib in a breaker? No? There's a reason for that........

    1. I have seen her do interviews and stuff, to me she comes off looking professional and informed. So does Julie.

      Personally, I really like both of them and think they are the best we have on air.

  15. someone pointed it out already, but CLEARLY this photo has been manipulated. Heather is 4" taller than Mark. The scaling is all off. His head is as big as her torso. He must wear size 18 shoes to her boots. Her eyes aren't focused on him. Evidence that she was made smaller so she didn't look like an amazon woman next to the little guy.

  16. Ha! Another photoshop job from 12/31/21.

  17. Will always remember Julie praising Alex Smith cause he “was never political.”
