Thursday, April 14, 2022

Amy G is Angry That She was 86ed from Giants' TV; We Aren't; KGO Radio Sick Patrol; Mark Thompson is Still Not Funny; Ibanez Wants Gig at PIX; Kumasi Aaron Circle7 Image Takes Unnecessary Hit; Liz Cook Scorn at 855 Battery; Thursday Pulse

REAL TORTURE: Amy G. SF Giants telecasts. Her act, anything she says and does.

That's real torture. But relief is in sight.

You haven't seen much of Amy G on telecasts the past few years. Other than a few commercials, she's been AWOL. And, according to my spies, she's FUMING! Yeah, angry and royally pissed off!

A combination of things has put Amy G in the penalty box: Larry Baer's less influence on the Giants'telecasts and NBC Sports Bay Area's realization that Amy G turns more people, (especially women) away from the broadcasts, imagine that.

Baer thought of Amy as his "good-luck charm" and placed her annoying presence on telecasts--almost as a daily pain--it was Baer flexing his muscle, forget taste and simple tact. Baer didn't give a damn. Thus, we give you the dreck that is Amy G.

No more, we hope.

She's still doing her useless crap on the Giants website but gone from the broadcasts on all other platforms including TV. Good riddance.

*Nice of KGO Radio to screw with you all; make sure to tell their hosts (those that aren't home in bed feeling like crap, due to Covid-19 infection) to deliberately be evasive. Only Pat Thurston was up front about John Rothmann's being MIA for over a week due to his testing positive. Yeah, Rothmann himself gave the OK but it's been well known that he was sick. Now, after taking Monday off for a trip to Vegas, Nikki Medoro, has been off her morning drive show and won't be back until Monday at the earliest. Medoro, like Rothmann, has been at home dealing with flu-like symptons. Yeah, as a reader said, "what happens in Vegas doesn't necessarily stay there."

*Mark Thompson (10-Noon) and his yahoo producer, John Daly, thought it would be funny to make jokes about a homeless guy near KGO Radio downtown studios. It is proof positive that Thompson is desperate and doesn't know how to do a radio show when he can't even speak without moronic sound drops thrown into his god-awful proogram and is too afraid to take calls because he simply cannot engage with listeners. So he texts because there, he can control the subject and not be embarrassed by a caller. Making mattrers worse today, Thompson's referring to a Subway sandwich shop across from KGO's studios and making it sound as if he were right here in SF--only Thompson isn't there, he broadcasts from his LA apt. and does so regularly.

Once again, KGO has become a caricature of its former legacy self. You can dismiss the excuse that it's a new era and that it is only tied to the fence by financial hurdles and the internet world. Bullshit! KGO has shit-for-brains management that doesn't know how to hire nominal, average talent and act like human beings as opposed to morons who couldn't carry a conversation if their life depended on it. When you have imbecile program directors like inept and incompetent Lee Hammer, you get inept and talent-less jerks like Thompson and Chris Merrill. KGO has HORRIBLE ratings for a reason.

*Mark Ibanez would, in a Bay Area second, begin a new era of sports anchorship at KPIX. Which would only make certain his "retirement" at KTVU was forced on him by a desire by Fox/KTVU bosses to tell hime to go home. Ibanez still believed he had game and would have loved to work another year or two. Fox thought otherwise. If Ibanez shows up (in a few months) on PIX, the idea of him wanting to be with family will reveal itself as the sham it is. You deserve the truth.

*Kumasi Aaron, the ABC7 News morning anchor/personality has a bright future but her want, lately, to play goofy and bizarre hijinks, for no apparent reason, does her and viewers alike, a disservice. Aaron needs to just be real and inject her genuinely cool sense of humor and wry wit every now and then. She must not be swayed by Mr. MORON, aka: Reggie Aqui, the PC disaster that is KGO in the morning. Aaron is network quality but will be detoured if she's influenced by jerky Aqui.

*GROWING FEELING at PIX: that Liz Cook is losing her status as a capable anchor with the goods to get PIX out of the wilderness. Cook, I think and have said, is vastly improved. But she's pissed off a lot of people at 855 Battery lately with an out of ordinary arrogance and demeanor. Cook has an influential daddy in the biz that got her to where she is so she's not gonna just get lost but as she gets older, she might want to read the room and be a little more humble.


  1. I love Amy G. She is one of the bright spots with the Giants. Always happy. Always smiling with lots of interesting takes on the game. I am really going to miss her. But after Baer assaulted his wife on camera that was the end for his dictatorship. Why not keep Amy G and get rid of the wife beater.

    1. Maybe Larry's wife made Larry distance himself from Amy G because of well, you know.

  2. Thrilled to see less of Amy G -- a legend in her own mind.

  3. My wife is NOT a fan of Amy G., who literally turned her back on my wife who simply said hello to her. Not only was it rude and arrogant, but it illustrated an unprofessional demeanor and contempt for the very fan base she should embrace. Kruk and Kuip never stiff fans. Good riddance to Amy, who is not good nor gracious.

  4. coldhandswarmheartApril 14, 2022 at 1:45 PM

    Noticed Amy G gone during Opening Day broadcast. To be honest, found her annoying and distracting. Not surprised women tuned out when she was on... because I was one of them!

  5. If Mark Ibanez only has one to two years left, why would anyone want to build their Sports Dept around that?????

    1. Agree. Maybe do a sports show like Radnich used to do. Good luck. Nothing on local TV or radio is any good.

  6. Surprised at the negative Amy G posts. Thought she added sunshine and happiness to the team. Love all of the Giants announcers; Miller, Krup, Kuip, Flem, Amy. Much better than the A's TV guy with the wierd hat and beard.

  7. Good by (finally) and good luck to Amy G. Sorry Larry.

  8. Kumasi Aaron is one of the two reasons I've avoided 7 in the mornings for years. Playing Beevus to Aqui's butthead is hardly a recommendation for further employment in the profession. And it's been happening for years, not just recently...

  9. If you are going to wink wink imply that Liz Cook only got her job, one she is very good at, by screwing some guy, give us the name. Otherwise, shut up.

    1. She got her job because of her Father (not someone she slept with I am sure) who is an exec at Disney and used his connection to get his daughter an anchor chair. this is well known.

      Talk about not reading the room and being uninformed

    2. 6:53...So you are "sure" of how she got a job?

    3. Are we all supposed to have known that information? I didn't. Guess we all can't be as in the loop as 6:53. He's super cool!

    4. I'd volunteer!

  10. Best news I've heard yet about the new baseball season. Never for a minute liked Amy G. She's as phony as a Petaluma chicken. Sorry, didn't mean to insult the chickens. I'd like to see the Giants divorce themselves from Baer, Amy, and John Miller. Like Feinstein Miller is long over the hill.

    1. Jon Miller, not John Miller. You are obviously a big Giants fan.

    2. 4:40 is grasping at straws over here.

    3. Kinda funny when someone posting as Anonymous still tries to prove how cool they are. But let's all acknowledge what a major Giants fan 4:40 is. Much more devout than all of us fakers, that's for sure!

  11. I find nothing wrong at all with Amy g as a long time Giants fan.
    My wife finds her to be very talented and informative.
    Why so much anger towards her?
    I really don't get it ..

    1. We like Amy G too. She used to walk up to the third deck to interview fans and stuff. Always thought she was cool. My whole family liked her joy at the ballpark.

      None of us liked the slimy, never met a camera he didn't like, Larry Baer. Should have showed him the door when he knocked his wife down in grabbing her phone. Wonder what was on it? Nothing good I'll bet.

    2. The Giants are all about presenting the Giants as one big happy family, all smiles and candy. Maybe that is not as true as they would want us to believe.

  12. VERN GLENN is the KPIX Sports Director, now and in the future. Get used to it. We love VERN GLENN.

  13. Rising star alert at KGO" Kim Mcallister killed it today. One caller started to rant and she cut her off very skillfully. "I'm going to roll you back a bit because I would like this to be more of a conversation". She does not rant manically like Thurston or lecture like Rothmann (YOU UNDERSTAND...) No way out there topics just what we're all thinking about.

  14. I love Mark, but retire already dude! Maybe he's looking for some new squeeze at KPIX

  15. Liz Cook is the hottest BA TV news anchor by a mile!

  16. Rich, Maybe KGO and ALL of CUMULUS will get better when they sell the company. According to Reuters They received a 1.2 Billion Dollar offer for the whole Company 400+ Radio Stations and Westwood One...Perhaps (YAH THINK) that is why they have been dumping Hi Price personnel at KNBR...I hope it is sold and they come in and CLEAN OUT the whole Building. The New Owners could log it as a public service to RADIO. Please come in and put KGO but mostly CUMULUS to DEATH.

  17. I always wanted the local Giants media to call out Amy G's husband (huge Dodgers fan) for consistently not voting for Barry Bonds to go into the Hall of Fame. They were on air blasting people who didn't vote for Barry while completely ignoring the fact that her husband was one of them. All while the Giants trotted her out every night in front of the cameras.

    1. Always wondered myself why Amy G. would be the face of the franchise on television while having a husband that is an admitted Dodger lover through and through. He even had a part in writing a book, "Tales from the Dodger Dugout". I've heard him speak of his love for the Dodgers on the radio in the past as well. He didn't seem to care much for the Giants. Goes to show you that television is smoke and mirrors.

    2. So you thought there was a law that married men and women are required to think exactly alike?

  18. No way Bonds should be in the Hall of Fame. If you read the book on BALCO you will see that he cheated, lied and bullied everyone from beginning to end. Same with Clemens, Sosa, Rodriquez, McGuire. If you took steroids any time, no HOF.

  19. everyone should be replaced with programmable robotroids because if you have any kind of a personality (stellar, sliding by, o m g....) you will be crucified for something by someone who has no freakin' clue what you, your needs, motivations and traumas truly are....
    I wouldn't 'work' in this 'business' for all the money in the Cayman Islands....because as has been noted Hell is Other People. (and so are jobs). PS I never listen to the radio.....just the voices in my head.

  20. When I get time this long weekend, I shall listen to some of the Kim McCallister segments that she’s subbed for John Rothmann.

    Gotta say the topics look interesting. Better yet, they are half hour segments that let her move on to something else.

    As he recuperates, John might want to reflect on the merits of opting for shorter segments. I’m sure drivers would appreciate the variation of subjects. It was something he did at the very beginning of his switch to drive time, but then abandoned. Pity.

    Get well, John.

    1. It’s called ignoring your Program Director. Not a smart move!

    2. I was very impressed with Kim McAllister this week. I think she's a great drive time host. Wouldn't it be great if they'd move her to the drive time slot, and put John Rothmann on from 7-10 pm? I'm sure it will never happen because Cumulus doesn't care about ratings or listeners. But if they cared, they really should consider this.

    3. Radio audience falls off a cliff at 7pm. There’s just not enough audience or corresponding ad dollars to pay for a local host. Cumulus is cutting budgets, not increasing them. That’s why they’re airing a Cumulus owned national show.

    4. John Rothmann had a LOT of listeners in the 6-9pm time slot. I'm certain that he'd have just as many listeners now in that time slot as he had before. Drive time is now from 4 to 7, so if they plugged John in from 7 to 10, all of his former nighttime listeners would tune in. I miss having him in the evenings. His show is much more suited to evening than drive time.

    5. Budgets have been cut at the corporate level. The 6-9pm total audience is much smaller and has to compete with television. There's not enough budget for live local programming past 7pm. John's relative share of a much smaller total radio audience is irrelevant, especially if it's not translating into dollars. KGO has lost money every year since Cumulus took over. Think about that. A local timeslot wouldn't have been eliminated if was making money. Google "cumulus ratings research". It's not rocket science!

  21. I can’t stand Amy G!! Never have liked her. Good for the station. She’s so irritating and annoying… every time she comes only I change the channel.

  22. I believe things are beginning to look up. KNBR is starting to get rid of some of their over rated talking heads and now were seeing that G is in the box for not being a turn on to women. The truth is.... she SUCKED at her job!!!! Her interviews with the players after the games were weak. I'm sure the powers to be can find another woman with talent who can do a much better job at interviewing. I'm saying this for me Rich, and not for a friend.

  23. Mark has a great screen presence and energy. I'd love to see him at KPIX.

  24. Rich,

    If there is a way to listen to KCBS at the 2:000AM 2:03 switch over from world news for 5 minutes what a mess. I can't seem to find that link on KCBS web page. It was a constant broken tape over and over about the snow in the Sierra Mountains. Then after that couldn't hook up with traffic. Who is responsible for this disaster?

  25. Amy G was awful! I think Mark Thompson is the best thing going in bay area radio. He's not that funny, He just has great guests and an entertaining show

    1. 9:32 AM, --Sounds like you're a big fan of Family Feud as well.
      Who doesn't love Da Feud... all that hilarity. Love the entertainment value.
      Thompson would be a natural host as well. Might bring his large collection of "drops" to spice up the proceedings.
      Gotta love it. After all that is what Talk-Radio is all about. A Bay Area tradition. GOT TALK ???

  26. Amy never really bothered me. To be honest I don't see what it is people dislike about her so much. What I don't like is when people have stupid nicknames like "Amy G". I don't know if that was bestowed upon her or if she chose it herself. If it's the latter, that's really something to dislike.

  27. That whole 'Petaluma Mom who likes baseball' bit was novel at first. But her voice is grating and except for providing the PBP guys a breather now and then, her presence was more annoying than constructive.

  28. What I found annoying about Amy G was her cotton candy interviews with fans in the stands WHILE the game is in progress.

  29. I like Amy G. A lot. She is a loss.

  30. Amy G sure has pushed a lot of buttons here on the blog. That means she has made an impact with the viewers.

  31. With the coming demise of KRTY, I found Q102!!!! Great sound I was hooked!!! I'm so happy to find something I know I'll like for a long long time. I cannot possibly be able to handle any other changes.

  32. I don't know or care who Liz Cook's daddy is, she's a total fox and talented anchor. Kind of seems like they're pushing her out for Sara Donkey though.

  33. I'd be mad too if I was in Liz's boat.

  34. Regarding Amy G, did she think her gig was going to last forever??
    It’s the inflection of her voice that bugs me. She speaks at a slower rate which makes everything she says sound scripted/rehearsed.
    I tried watching a recent interview she did with Gabe Kapler… I couldn’t get past the first few minutes.
