Wednesday, April 13, 2022

"We're All Freaked Out"; KGO Radio Battles With Covid-19 Breakout; Rothmann Still Out; Medoro Mystery After Vegas Trip; Mcallister MIA Over a Week; Update

A KGO RADIO informant:

"We're all sort of freaking out here."

And for good reason... Already told you PM talker, John Rothmann, tested positive for Covid-19 and Rothmann is at home off the microphone and won't return until Monday of next week, at the earliest. Rothmann, I'm told, is still considerably weak and very fatigued.

Rothmann, who is 73, has been off the KGO air a week now.

Other KGO personnel are either quarintinning and/or testing daily.

After taking a day off Monday, Nikki Medoro (6- 10 AM) was OFF this (Wednesday) morning. Sources tell me Medoro, who visited Vegas over the weekend, was not "feeling well" since Monday. Newswoman, Kim Mcallister, has been gone for over a week.

*UPDATE 5: 13 PM

Mcallister filled in (from a home studio) for Rothmann from 4-7 PM

*Pat Thurston (Noon- 4 PM) confirmed on air that Rothmann tested postive for Covid and that she talked to him and that he wished all listeners get vaccinated.

*All KGO personnel are being tested on a daily basis.


  1. Thats Kovid .. With a K.
    1-877 ... for kids.
    On KGO !

  2. Speaking of Nikki, I just saw that her cuck Chimp Franklin had tweeted earlier when looking at something on Twitter. Same old bs talking points. "Fox News blah blah (insert sarcastic remark)" and of course his lemmings (probably some of Rothmann's KGO listeners) were eating it up with tons of graphics and memes. These morons are the reasons why we have the incompetent leadership we now have and "the city" is in the shithole state its been in for decades.

  3. I'm sorry to hear about John. I'm a big fan of his show.

    Biden and the Democrats were elected on a platform of "Help is on the way" when it came to Covid. Two years later, what has changed? Absolutely nothing.

    1. Stay informed. Deaths are dramatically down

    2. Deaths are down, only 500 per day, instead of 2,000. But deaths and hospitalizations are rising again. San Francisco is the most hard-hit county currently in the state. Stay informed, indeed.

    3. These two are saying "deaths are down" yet CNN was running a scroll today that Covid deaths have been "drastically undercounted" and it's going to be reevaluated. Which is it?

      Stay informed you two. Don't believe the hype.

    4. ABC news today was saying that experts are warning the US is 'dramatically undercounting' the current COVID-19 situation.
      Need that Democratic slant before the mid-terms eh.

    5. Dear 7:28... Deaths are an actual, verifiable statistic. The question about possible "undercounts" is a question, not an actual verifiable statistic. Does that help you?

  4. There is nothing to freak out about. Everyone is vaccinated.
    Vaccination prevents you from getting seriously ill. Most vaccinated people will suffer mild symptoms and recover at home.
    The same applies to Rothmann assuming he has no serious pre-existing health conditions.

  5. Apparently, what hapens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vehas.

    1. I wish it was "What happens in Nikki Medoro stays in Nikki Medoro" because it's not only Rich that's tired of hearing about her kids.

  6. No one is freaking out. 3 people have Covid and are staying home.

    1. 3 KGO employees? isn't that the entire staff?

    2. There’s over 20 people in the programming department alone. That doesn’t include traffic/continuity/sales/engineering/promotions etc.

    3. Yea that was a joke Like KGO's ratings

  7. All of the SF snowflakes are freaking out....oh no! Get a grip on your foolishness

  8. Bring back R. Owens for a week or two for emergency fill-in , I have the urgent need the to book a Cruise .

    1. He doesn’t have the stamina. That’s why he stopped doing his show.

  9. You people should be bowing at the alter of lee hammer that he hasn't got desperate enough to bring back ryan scott or maureen could even take a week of steve Moskowitz reading the califorina tax code on the air before that
