Friday, March 25, 2022

Friday Pulse; KCBS Noise with Willie Brown and Phil Matier; Quan Mush; Forced at Best; Circle7 Internal Disgust at "Building Better Bay Area" BS; KRON Fantasy Team: Moore and Liviakis; 86 The Ugly PIX Set; Betty Yu Symmetry; Lee Hammer/KGO Radio Factoid; Cumulus Had the Goods; Darren Peck is Napoleon at 855 Battery; Free Advice; Jason Brooks Yuck


That was quite a lot of artificial noise on KCBS Friday morning...Willie Brown did his usual morning schmooze, only the entire talk --with Insider Phil Matier and horribly out-of-place Holly Quan, sounded awkward and disjointed. I'm being diplomatic.

The Brown bit only works when there's a good mix of participants. Stan Bunger and Matier himself were a good duo, at least listenable, mainly because all were aware of each other and knew their place. Bunger allowed Willie to talk and Matier, having covered the mayor for decades in Sacramento and the city, knows Brown's schtick and can also go toe-to-toe with him, so to speak. There was chemistry.

Quan, on Friday morning, sounded, as usual, out of order. Her lame question, about a Brown appearence in the city later Friday, was forced and ultra insincere. Quan is abysmal and she simply can't help herself. Her sidekick, the over-modulating bore, Jason Brooks, did us all a favor: Brooks didn't say a word. Good thinking, Brooks is a complete waste.

Matier was a bit too jovial and acted as if he was Willie's personal carnival barker.

The entire mess had a sort-of forced, fake veneer. I'm sure KCBS will post it to its website later today, if you want to listen and yawn, be my guest.

*While publicly not showing any irritation, privately, a good amount of staffers at Circle7 (KGO-TV) are FED UP over this BS, Disney-themed, "Building a Better Bay Area" mantra that messes up, royally, what otherwise is a decent news presentation by the ABC7 folks. One prominent anchor, who puts up with the fake crap, continues to defend the bs but that person has a lot on their plate--gotta feed the family. Meanwhile, the BABBayArea simply destroys any momemtum and makes a mockery of each newscast when it's pulled out of the drawer.

*A KRON anchor duo that should be utilized but won't, ironically, because you cannot put two women out there on the news desk. It's against the law. But Vicki Liviakis and Pam Moore, two veteran Bay Area anchors would be a dynamite pairing. Talk about chemistry.

*Add Liviakis: Meanwhile, Liviakis continues to get more glorius and glamorous by the year. I'm not supposed to say that because I'll be labeled a jerk, but go ahead, sue me. Vicki knows me, she's OK with it, ask her,KRONvicts.

*The very first thing the new guy, GM at KPIX should do, is BLOW UP the news set and replace it with something else--something that doesn't resemble a furniture store entrance in Lodi. For gawds sake, you would think CBS would at least buy a halfway decent appearence for its SF O and O, what a terrible look! Of course it's superficial and can't make good ratings but dear lord, as Billy Crystal/Fernando says, "It's better to look good than to feel good."

*KGO Radio is going to a weekly contest next week to give away $25grand to listeners, or about the amount Steve Moskowitz spends to advertise his tax services, coincidence? Perhaps, you be the judge.

*Add KGO and Lee Hammer, the alleged PD: Cumulus not only passed up Hammer to become its SF market boss because they felt he was a lightweight and not capable enough to handle the job, they also talked to the staff at all the SF radio outlets (KNBR, The Bone, KGO, etc) and almost all personnel said Hammer had little people skills. That, combined with real analytical data spelled doom for the Hammer. It's enough to want to refer to Lee as "a joke", words I'm sure he has a knack to use.

*PIX can do this too and probably can't SCREW IT UP: they can do a live-package, in-studio, with Betty Yu and me and 20 thousand others, including the Fremont Fire Dept. ( for example) will WATCH and do so enthusiastically.

*Yeah, this just in: Yu has a beautiful, magical, gleaming presence; she's WASTED by PIX and its non-creative, unimaginative collection of programming misfits. Get Yu on, get her a weekly talk back with the anchors. Hell, use woeful Alan Martin to engage with her on a special report--it'll not only light up the tube, it'll make even Martin shine and that hasn't happened since the beginning of the Abe Lincoln administration.

*Yeah, sure, the Napoleon effect has engulfed Darren Peck, PIX's weather second banana. He's supposed to be tolerable inside 855 Battery but his shortness goes hand-in-hand with his enlarged EGO. The Pecker is far more engaging than the boring, benign, Paul Heggen--of course, that's like saying Liviakis is more alluring than Jan Wahl.

*I'm supposed to be hip on people's privacy in the Internet world when a bunch of morons threaten to do harm to me and call me vulgar, anti-Semitic slurs, yeah, what a wonderful world.

*Peck could do a load of good for himself by getting out there, away from the set, and engage with people and tell folks he's more people-friendly than mere weather dork. It would buy him more of a personality; he seems hellbent on perennial weather gaga and that won't work in this market, longterm, Mr. Peck.

*I'm hard on Brooks, the latest KCBS faux anchor, because he's about as sincere as a tofu burger at McDonalds. Bunger, for all his faults, had a degree of genuine-ness. Al Hart was friendly, chit-chat guy with newsman pedigree. Dave McelHatton was the Cronkite figure with a heart of gold. Brooks has all the authenticity of a Belmont Arbys.

*Kars-4-Kids jingle: hide the children and the adults too. What a travesty. And an ongoing scam too.


  1. LMAO @ The Pecker is far more engaging than the boring, benign, Paul Heggen. ROLMAO. The Pecker? Too funny.

    1. You mean "too juvenile", I hope.

  2. What happened? I thought you and Lee Hammer were good buddies and talked all the time?

  3. Instead of 25 grand,what about either free cruises the rest of your life with ronnnie O,even though he lives in arizona or a 10 course meal with history professor john rothmann lectures on the southern strategy,dixecrats and his boyhood crushes on raymond burr and george Reeves

  4. I love how recently Arnold Schwarzenegger and Gavin Newsom were wishing Willie Brown a happy 88th birthday. They should have been doing it at San Quentin if there were any real justice in the world.

    1. There's no justice until Trump is in jail, correct.

  5. ABC7 used to be my local news station of choice. When they started with that "Build A Better Bay Area" crap, it made me a little queasy every time I heard it. When it started leaking past the intro into the news stories themselves, I had enough. I never watch ABC7 news anymore. If I happen to have that channel on when news begins, and I hear that mantra, I immediately switch stations. So embarrassing. So tacky. So presumptuous (I would argue that not only are they not building anything better - but that they actually tear down the Bay Area just a tiny bit each time they regurgitate that ridiculous, ingenuous chant).

    1. "Building A Better Bay Area" translates as "We're not going to say anything bad about black people. If they committed the crime, we won't say it. If they do horrible things, we'll make excuses for them." Because slavery is the root cause of rapes, murders, smash-and-grabs, carjackings, out-wedlock pregnancies, broken homes, unprotected sex, and sideshows. Or so liberals tell us. I had one just say that at a community meeting with a straight face the other day, while those around her groaned. It's WHITE people's fault. YEAH!

    2. Agreed - Spot on!

    3. You can't say anything any more.

      Everything is racist, or an apology for the poor criminals who had a hard childhood. For the minorities who were oppressed. For the homeless who just need to be understood so we throw more billions at them while they shoot up and poop on the streets.

      It has not worked in 60 years, it will not work 60 years from now.

  6. I have no idea why"build a better bay area" is so annoying. I, frankly, don't even notice it. And, yeah, Peck is just intolerable. The weekend team of Hackney and Goodrich is ruined by the condescending schtik of Peck. And, yeah, where in the hell did they find Heggen??

    1. Peck is a little more condescending on the weekday morning show if he fills in. Less so on the weekends, but sometimes he can be condescending on weekend evenings as Hackney and Goodrich's weather "pet". He never or rarely says Good Morning and starts with his ego anyway. Maybe a few examples I can remember from my memory are "Concord, I'm talking to you" and maybe the time he showed a timelapse almost singing "it's a timelapse just after sunrise..." plus maybe more on "I digress, let's get into this forecast".

      You may think Heggen is boring, but personally I like Heggen's forecast and flow. He's very kind & humble to the viewers and anchors when doing the forecast. Deanno was better but Heggen isn't bad either, but at least he doesn't show any evidence of being condescending or having an ego. Hackney, being the smartest guy in the world, but he at least knows how to forecast the weather without an ego, he's great.

      More than Burch's looks & background, I think she does a great job forecasting and sounds very humble and is engaged when particular topics are spoken about. Just generally has a great and good-natured personality on air, even if she's a weather whisperer; I think I can hear her very well.

  7. Rich, Why is Vicki Liviakis still at KRON? Has she ever been offered a Network anchor position? Talented and stunning.

  8. Rich, I think you’re a bit too hard on Quan. I’m fine with her on mornings. No problems with The Pecker, either. What gets me are the ones who won’t speak up, like Lisa Chan or Dave “Mumbles” Fowkes. It’s hard for me to know what they’re saying. I know you aren’t a fan, but I wish they’d pair up Holly with Jeff Bell mornings. Make Ted Ramey the permanent sports guy and get rid of The Rat. Maybe bring back Hal Ramey.
