Saturday, March 26, 2022

Gimme a Break

I'M SUPPOSED to feel sorry about the plight of KGO, poor KGO, where the talk-show apologists defend their so-called guru, part of the Cumulus gestapo that KILLED one of the greatest legacy stations ever. No way, no way to the 20,000th power. As long as I live, I'll be there to monitor all your incompetence and futile attempts to silence me. You DESTROYED a Bay Area cultural institution and I'm supposed to be nice to you?

GIMME a break.

*The very soul of an independent news operation; its very credibility; its news acumen; has to do with objectivity. Yeah, we all have biases, but the real and genuine outlets find a way to report without any prejudice and agenda. So sorry, KGO-TV --Disney's bullshit "Building a Better Bay Area" distorts your otherwise fine newscasts --I'm including all ABC O and O's. It's Disney trying to place itself in urban America and trying to act as if they were in the hood. BULL. It's so damn patronizing and it smells to high heaven. I'm supposed to buy its message without any pre-conceived notions?

GIMME a break.

*Yeah, right, KCBS is just so dandy--especially weekday mornings and ALL weekend? Oy vay. And I think you should move Alisa Clancy to the Bunger spot--she's a regular Helen Thomas.

*GIMME a break.

*You folks out there who are so concerned about the right to privacy for a local person as you click on TMZ and read about the private life of the Kardashians.

*GIMME a break.

*I don't "double down" on my opinions about Jan Wahl. I don't have any agenda with regards to her personal life. I do, however, DETEST her professional work. She's an A-grade yenta. She spots false and faux, fake drama with her insipid movie "reviews", more like overly-schmaltzy verbal dreck by a woman who claims to know everyone in show business, especially dead actors. I'm supposed to be nice to her?

*GIMME a break!

*Rothmann (John) refused to talk, even mention, the 45th anniv. of the Raid on Entebbe. He supposed to be a world historian, an expert on presidential politics. Yet he IGNORES one of the most profound, historical and significant events in World history and he FAILS to even acknowledge it and I'm supposed to go light on him because I may have hurt his feelings?

*GIMME a break!

*The Bay Area reads me and depends on my non-press release, non-bull, content and opinion and content that relies on reader donations to exist, to survive, to LIVE and to be sustainable. YES, I ask for donations so I can continue to write and blog. FACT: billionaires and millionares routinely ask for money on their websites. Look around. I'm not asking for anything more than they are but yeah, I need cash too to eat, sleep, survive, just like they do, only they have deeper pockets. I don't. Therefore, I'm supposed to feel guilty for asking for donations? Really now.

*GIMME a break.

*I'm supposed to think The Examiner is real and legit? Oy.

*GIMME a break.


  1. KCBS is just awful.

    For 2 years now, it has been 95 percent covid stories, Every day, every day on and on and on. Now it is back to every story being about either climate change, global warming, racism. And I am not over-stating this. Listen for yourselves.

    No matter what the story starts off being, they always end it with those 3 things. I just cannot listen to them any more on my car drive time. Everything on the station is pushing their agenda, it is no longer the great pure-news I grew up listening to.

    I am not a right-wing person, but it is all too much for me now.

  2. Spot on. On point. On the money. Brilliant. Truth hurts. All of those cliches. As Col. Jessup said in A Few Good Men, "You can't handle the truth!"

  3. "Professor" Rothmann didnt mention that, but recently found time to remind everyone for several days about his birthday in addition to the usual over the top brown nosing he does for kim mccallister and the behind the scenes people who work on his program

  4. "the 45th anniv. of the Raid on Entebbe. He supposed to be a world historian, an expert on presedential politics. Yet he IGNORES one of the most profound, historical and significant events in World history and he FAILS to even acknowledge it"

    Mid 40's. Educated. Well read. Successful.

    Never heard of it. No friends have either.

    Maybe a "profound, historical significant events in World history" to a small part of a certain generation with certain religious beliefs?

  5. Then here, get your head out of your ass and read:

  6. No one in the chain of command at Cumulus was at the company when KGO changed formats. The ratings couldn’t support the insanely huge budget. That all went downhill after PPM, when Mickey was still in charge. They never adapted to the new reality.

  7. People of a certain age that follow the news will know about the Raid on Entebbe, l remember it and watched 2 movies about it, and also a documentary, however it is hardly current news. Sounds nitpicking to me, if John had talked about it, you or someone else would have accused him of paying too much attention to it because he is Jewish and it was the Israelites who conducted the raid. Considering what is going on with Ukraine and everything else, it seems reasonable that he did not talk about something that happened more than 4 decades ago.

    1. The "Israelites?" --That tells me all I need to know about you.

      By the way, the 45th anniv. of Entebbe was in July, 2021, months before the Russia invasion of Ukraine.

    2. Is it considered some kind of ethnic slur to say "Israelites"?
      Well, shoot, I sure didn't know! Never heard before that it was a bad thing to say. I should know, so I don't use it.
      I would have thought their descendants would be proud.
      That terms is all over the Old Testament. But, we have to live in sensitivity of the present. Now I know.

    3. I was the one who wrote the post. As I mentioned in the post at 9:33 P.M. I was in a hurry, and as you all know when you start writing something and are not sure of the spelling the computer gives you options, and I chose the first one that came up. I know in speech I would never use the term; I believe the correct term is I Israelis, since Rich took me to task it would have been nice if he had educated me on the correct spelling, and no I'm not being sarcastic.

    4. If you come here regularly, you will know that Rich does not take criticism well. He tends to lash out, I think it would be appropriate if he had just let the readers know the correct term. Entebbe was a big deal; I was very caught up in it. However, Rich complaint was that John Rothmann, a presidential historian, didn't mention it. Entebbe had nothing to do with presidential history, and knowing John and his attachment to Israel, I'm sorry he was aware of the importance of the raid, and I sure he has talked about in the past. It just so happens there is so much going on now, and of course if he had talked about it, I'm sure someone would have complained, he only mentioned it because he is Jewish, and all he talks about is Israel etc. Can't please all the people all the time.

  8. Yeah, Entebbe was a big deal during the years of hijacking and hostage-taking. Kind of hard to miss if you were alive then. Ex-PM Netanyahu's brother was killed in that raid.

  9. Sorry, Rich, I was in a hurry when I wrote the blog. English is my second language and I lived on a kibbutz in the Golan Heights. I'm a big supporter of Israel and often get into arguments with my fellow liberal friends. No I'm not Jewish, I'm Danish and many young Danish people went to live on a kibbutz in the sixties. If you know history you will know many Danes risked being put in concentration camp by smuggling Danish Jews to the neutral Sweden, during the German occupation of Denmark.

  10. Perhaps Rothman was expecting Steve Moskowitz to bring up Entebbe after shilling his IRS “negotiation skills” and singing “one, eight hundred, TAX DEAL” a capella…oy vey!!!

  11. If the anniversary of Entebbe was in July of 2021, why are you just writing about it now? Since it was so important to you, it seems a little late. I do agree it was a big deal, but your complaint comes of as just another way to be critical of Rothmann.
