Thursday, March 24, 2022

Clarity and Transparency: Shedding Light on the Dennis O' Donnell Story--415 Media Exclusive

The latest Dennis O'Donnell posting has caused quite a stir, both pro and con. Many of you have taken issue with me on whether I should have made public a situation that should be private.

So I want to address with you my feelings and try to explain both the O'Donnell situation specifically and other aspects with regard to my reporting in general.

It's important.

The O'Donnell matter is particularly sensitive and deserves furhter explanation and clarity.

I had no intention, now or in the future, of trying to either hurt or exploit Mr. O'Donnell and his very private (in theory) situation. That's not my MO. In fact, I had no knowledge of what was going on. I only became aware of something unusual when I got emails and tips from readers asking me "where was Dennis?" He'd been absent for a few weeks in August from KPIX and I assumed he was on vacation and I told people as much. I myself, reached out to a friend of his (O'Donnell) and the friend told me, yes, Dennis was on vacation (in early August).

Turns out that was either simply incorrect, deliberately misleading, or out and out a lie.

I became alarmed when I noted Dennis's absence from the first 49ers' pre-season game, at home in August. A game that is broadcast by KPIX. Its coverage includes O'Donnell on the sidelines and for which KPIX pays a lot of money to carry exclusively in Bay Area homes. The fact O'Donnell was not present sent out alarms and I immediately began to make calls and wonder aloud. Even at that, I figured, maybe he decided to take an extended vacation before the beginning of football. It made sense. Covering sports in the fall can be demanding. No big deal, I thought.

Then O'Donnell was MIA on the sports anchor desk at PIX. For a week and then, more weeks. And not a word from the station and not even any mention of his name. Weird, I thought.

So I reached out to some of my KPIX sources, some of whom work at the station, some, who are usually privy to what's going on and such. They knew nothing. Swore they had no idea, which triggered immediate red flags. Because some of these people always know, they'd have a direct line to the boss's office. They were always dependable in most prior circumstances, they HAD to know, at least that was what I was thinking.

I became frustrated because clearly, something was going on. I remember receiving emails earlier in the year ('21) from people saying O'Donnell was slurring his words; was he "drunk?"--was he OK? I didn't think anything of it at the time and passed it off as some over-reaction. Then I began to watch O'Donnell and he didn't look right but I put it aside.

Until KPIX hired another sports anchor. And O'Donnell's whereabouts were still unclear and not explained. By both PIX (sources) and my contacts. O'Donnell's invisibility stretched into the holidays and the new year with continued silence and mystery. There is something going on. Something amiss.

CLARITY and backgound.

I began to get info from various sources, mostly sketchy and nothing concrete. I put two and two together and began to realize, indeed, that O'Donnell had some sort of "medical issue"--he'd been gone now several months and he was nowhere to be seen, outside a dinner event in February and at a SF restaurant a few weeks prior. He hadn't said a word to friends at both locations but a source told me that he didn't sound so good and that "he was done at KPIX".

The source even told me that PIX continued to pay O'Donnell's health coverage so he could continue to receive a doctor's care. The source added that CBS (PIX) paid off O'Donnell indicating he would not be back at the station. There was no way of corroborating that part of my info but the source was dependable.

Even with all this information, plus, a detailed account, unsolicited, from a source with knowledge of O'Donnell's current and prior (health) status; an account that said he had some sort of neurological malady; I was hesitant to write anything. Even if I had total confirmation, I passed. I didn't want to write anything because I myself was sensitive to the matter, O'Donnell's and in general.

I understand both sides here. KPIX's responsibility to its employee and Mr. O'Donnell's right to privacy. But I also understand the very legitimate concerns of the Bay Area public who were mystified over Mr. O' Donnell's continued absence; where is he? what is going on? Is he OK? Where's Dennis? It's not something anyone was losing sleep over but there was a want to know what was happening--why are we not being informed? I know firsthand because of the lengthy emails I had received and continue to receive.

Of course, Mr. O'Donnell has a right to privacy. But there's no such thing as "absolute right." Maybe legally, but not in the everyday public domain.

I said if this matter took place in LA, NY, Philly, Chicago, or any other major market; a well-known anchor, sports or news, was GONE for many months, unexplained, no matter the circumstances and no matter what type of rights, medical privacy, etc, there'd be at least a story, some story. But no such thing in the Bay Area, not even an ounce of speculation by the papers or some local Internet news site.

Which is why you come here.

I don't normally post such lengthy articles but I wanted you to know what I did and reported on this matter. There will be those who will still castigate me because that's what they always do no matter what. It's their missive.

I want to, as I always try to, provide clarity on matters such as this, as complicated as they sometimes are.

I also want to say this too: I wish and hope for Mr. O'Donnell's speedy recovery.

*Rich Lieberman 415 Media EXCLUSIVE


  1. Ah, don't worry about it Rich, it's not like anything here is important or meaningful.

  2. Did someone receive a letter from a person in a certain profession?

    1. Seems obvious, doesn't it.? Fact is...this blog spread all sorts of health rumors and conclusions about Mr.O'Donnell, continuously ...and you all know it.

    2. I spread "rumors" and "conclusions?" What rumors? What "conclusions"? There's no conclusion whatsoever that I wrote.

    3. Rich, these anonymous keyboard cowboy trolls literally spend their entire day finding new ways to be a pathetic ass online. They seek out negative attention and thrive on it. I know, it’s weird. Just do what most of us do, ignore them. Eventually they scamper off like sewer rats to another website.
      (Btw I’m a long time follower and big fan of your blog.)

  3. "No, Mr. Mason." Sincerely, The people.

  4. Enough well said. Overall, it is sad news.

  5. It's fair comment about a public figure.

    If O'Donnell doesn't want to make any statement about whatever is going on with him, that's his prerogative, but it would certainly be unrealistic for him, or anyone else, to think that he could just abruptly disappear from the airwaves and no one would ever say anything about it.

  6. Ah, yes! The Paragon of Good Journalism speaks! And that's sarcasm,folks.

    1. Yeah, and you, Mister "Anonymous"? Aren't you clever. #Coward.

  7. Where I disagree with you is that I don't believe just because Mr. O'Donnell happens to have worked on TV that his personal health situation is anyone else's business. Being in a public role means when you are out in public you are being judged, so anything you do in public is fair game. But that's where it stops. They are still entitled for a private life, and certainly privacy around their health situation. I asked you this before but you didn't publish... do you think it would be ok for someone to post information about your health since you publish this blog and are known publicly?

    1. Yeah, it would suck but being that I'm a public person, I'd be susceptible to such news, although I don't think anyone would care or give a shit about my health.

    2. For what it’s worth I give a shit about Mr Lieberman’s health and I hope it’s good. The service of this blog is very valuable.

  8. Rich, you don't need to apologize for anything. As you correctly pointed out, a reporter covering the TV beat in New York, Chicago, LA, etc. would be all over this story. And the station would have exploited his health situation, not kept it secret. Remember when Faith Fancher got cancer? Channel 2 milked that for every ratings point they could get. But things have changed, specifically in the Bay Area. We're dominated by infantile snowflakes, people who are hyper-sensitive and take offense at "microaggressions," whatever the hell those are. I still remember all of those chicks who wanted to boycott you for pointing out their physical appearance on TV -- a medium that sells itself to viewers using their physical appearances. Dennis' health is fair game for journalists. If people don't like it, they don't have to visit your blog. Just because the Chron and Merc are wimpy doesn't mean you should be.

    1. Just because you think stations in some other cities would do it, does that make it right? As for Faith Fancher, she quite obviously participated in making her health public and was willing to do so. That is an entirely different scenario.

    2. 2:16. You're just really stupid. Morality and legality are sometimes related. Pimping a story based on hearsay from secret "spies" at KPIX does reputational harm to the subject of the gossip. It isn't moral in any sense. One could inquire and suggest a question about the health of the person, but to publish rumors about same or claim that your secret sources know everything about someone's health issues is both immoral and actionable.

    3. Faith Fancher was utterly open about her breast cancer..see "consent" .She helped many people and a foundation to help others with expenses of same was her choice.Can you really be so ignorant?

  9. Who the fuck cares... patients' rights? Privacy?... just like my privacy to weather I had a covid shot or not.

    1. You do have the ability to control who you share your vaccination status with, so I have no idea what your point is there. If you're trying to make a point about employers, etc, requiring COVID vaccination, you then have the option to give them your vaccination status - but you are not required to make it public nor can your employer do so. And the word you're looking for is "whether", not "weather".

    2. Yes, dipshit, there are patients right and privacy laws.

    3. Hey Greg... its about privacy said nothing about employment or a job and no you dont have the ability to share your vax status with, just ask all the nurses, police and firemen that had to quit.

    4. Hey Black Death 007... if it's not about employment why are you referencing nurses, police, and firemen? It sounds as though you are referring to them being required to be vaccinated to keep their jobs? The employer does have the right to require that, but as an individual you have the choice not to be vaccinated and not to share your vaccination status with your employer. They then have the right to terminate your employment if you choose not to comply. They do not have the right to share your vaccination status with anyone else. I was required to prove I was vaccinated by my employer though I am not in any of the professions you mention, but no one else is aware of my vaccination status other than my health care providers.

  10. Thank God Rich never mentioned my colonoscopy!

  11. You have my 100% support, Rich. You provide a vital service. Viewers and people like me who once worked with Dennis have a real interest and concern about his well-being. It doesn't make us ghoulish. And it doesn't make you wrong to report whatever information you have on his disappearance. It's unrealistic to believe that ignoring and not commenting on the MISSING SPORTS ANCHOR OF A MAJOR MARKET STATION will allow speculation to fade away. People are naturally curious about a celebrity's health. And so are that celebrity's friends and co-workers. Keep up the great work, Rich. You are providing a source of reporting sadly missing everywhere else.

    1. the problem is that you have no right to know the specifics of his illness, nor does anyone else. What if someone reported on your physical issues, without your permission. Of course it's ghoulish, and wrong. the station certainly wasn't going to give you details...and all the second hand info here suggesting offer no indicia of truth, either. whoever leaked this stuff is also culpable.

    2. If I were a celebrity, then I would expect no guarantee of privacy. Sorry, but it comes with territory. People will want to know.

  12. It's a Dog-Eat-Dog World and we're all wearing Milk Bones underwear!

  13. Since Dennis is a public figure all Dennis and or family had to do was say we are going through some difficult times and would appreciate privacy at this time, end of story.

    Keep Up The Great Work Rich.

    1. That is exactly what I thought.

  14. As usual, it's all about Lieberman! Even when he's ostensibly talking about someone else, the focus is on Lieberman's thoughts and feelings about the purported subject of the diatribe.

  15. Rich: IMO, you've handled the situation appropriately.

  16. If O'Donnell wanted to make his health situation public, he'd do so. Just drop it. It makes you look unseemly to keep pursuing it.

  17. Don't doubt for 1 second that PIX would have exploited the entire situation unless O'Donnels's family had warned them not to.
    Car raisers...5 part "exclusives" on strokes.
    PIX would have milked this to death.

  18. There’s a local sports anchor whose head and hands were shaking GALORE for months. It seems under control now but as a viewer it was tough to ignore as is the fact that Mr Odonell has been MIA for months without explanation. Keep up the good work Rich.

  19. Mr. Lieberman isn't a "journalist" or "reporter", he's a gossip mongering blogger who likes to degrade women whenever he can, while claiming to "love women".. duh

    1. Ok, big shot, who are you? You throw out a lot of insults but don't have the balls (assuming you're a guy) to ID yourself, #coward.

  20. Had he handled it like Kuip did (I need to get chemo for a medical condition) then people wouldn't have needed to speculate. Just say SOMETHING to address the absence and it becomes a non-issue.

    O'Donnell needs better PR people.

    I wish him and his family peace and all the best.

    And Rich, you did nothing wrong here, IMHO.
