Wednesday, March 23, 2022

855 Battery: Scene of Misery and Mayhem; KPIX Staff Carnage; Yamamoto/Donchey Yuck; KCBS Mired in Internal Chaos As Electronic Glitches/Personnel Confusion Persist


At KPIX, they come to work and vent--away from the studio and offices--they do, quite a lot of them. Most of the rank and file in fact. They gather at the Grumpy's across the street near Front and schmooze and vent about how bad it is at their shop on Battery. And they have quite a bit to talk about, the KPIX gang who, according to my dependable spies, have nothing good to say and celebrate.

One of their key gripes--and it's not just this doozy, there's plenty to go around--is the latest high-profile FAILURE of the latest hires (by the previous regime) of new anchors, Sara Donchey and Ryan Yamamoto--she from the CBS LA O and O; he, from Seattle.

Both newbies, particularly Yamamoto, are seen as "double mistakes" (a two-word label uttered by an Insider at PIX)--CBS internals show a remarkable indifference on the duo's performance thus far. Translated, double disasters.

Yamamoto is perceived as a "lightweight" and can't escape his low-level ID. "He's a real nice guy," says a station source, "but he's a 'weak anchor.'"

Which is why PIX has put him on its 5 PM newscast and tried to blend him in and hope for viewer identity only Yamamoto hasn't achieved any following, mostly derision by KPIX staff --viewers have tuned out, as if that's possible by KPIX's dismal ratings.

Donchey hasn't fared much better. She gets rippd by the PIXers (and viewers) as "plastic and artificial." Her LA resume doesn't help matters. The feeling among the PIX staff is Donchey's physical characteristics and facial embellishments is a major "distraction" and takes the emphasis off her anchor work. It would be hard to disagree.

KPIX has a new GM --Scott Warren--he's supposed to be a nice guy with experience and local roots--but we've heard that before. Warren may be a nice guy but can he turn around a station that is befuddled at best and hopelessly incompetent at worst.

Warren should blow everything up and start over. But he won't.

He inherits a shop rife with terrible morale and rudderless. So much so the majority of staff are now reduced to gossiping (like KTVU folks) at an adjacent cafe away from the sinking ship.

*Meanwhile, inside the same building, you have the other disaster known as KCBS Radio, a certifiable wreck with MAJOR internal problems and a veteran staff DISGUSTED with the current status of the news operation and in spite of good ratings, lousy morale and deep discontent.

Several sources both there and away from the all-news outlet, tell me there's tremendous rancor at KCBS. Senior staff, including editors and newsroom personnel know just how much KCBS is "fucked up"--from rotating anchors to the ongoing, daily electronic mayham, glitches that plague the station and seem to occur every day without any action.

KCBS still hasn't replaced the retired Stan Bunger. It's been almost a year.

I've been told Audacy (KCBS' owner) is going on the cheap and doesn't plan on hiring a new replacement as long as the numbers remain good.

Additions to news, KCBS hasn't hired a permanent sports anchor in the morning (replacing the retired Steve Bitker)--instead, continues to use boring and cheao fill-ins, Ted Ramey (yawn) and Joe Hughes (double yawn).

KCBS gets by largely because it's a virtual monopoly. KGO isn't competition and KQED operates as an NPR affiliate and whose listeners aren't a threat to KCBS and its audience and sponsorships. So KCBS can go about its business and operate solo even with glaring electronic malfunctions and on-air mildew.

No wonder everyone under the sun is SPLITING from KCBS and why there's so many new reporters --it's NOT a pretty picture.


  1. KCBS is a total mess. Sad to say that they think they are the Bay Area News Leader since they're the ONLY 24 hour news station around.

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE KCBS get your act together. I'm sure if you had some competition your station would be out of business. Bring back the stellar station you once were.

    1. KCBS is the Bay Area News Leader just like KRON 4 has the most News from 4-10, huh!!! KRON has the most commercials, most pre taped segments.

  2. Haven't all these dead horses started to smell after being beaten for so long?

  3. How long before they convert the KPIX/KCBS building into condominiums?

  4. C'mon's not just PIX and KCBS. Locals across the country are all shells of their former selves. In the major markets, all of the old familiar faces are also gone....or just plain "old-looking." The medium markets all have young kids....or old guys let go from major markets...creating a weird blend of grandpas and college kids. So I wouldn't worry about the Bay Area sucking--because local TV news and talk radio (what's left of it, anyway) just sucks nationwide. But it really doesn't matter anyways: Everyone now just gets their "news" and information from their smartphones. My 16-year old always complains when he sees tracked video packages. He'd rather just watch the video...without "some old dude/wannabe-actress telling me what I'm looking at." My son is a very smart and perceptive "dude." (4.0 in an all-honors class workload)

  5. I like Donchey. She's just starting; give her time.

    1. After watching her for a few weeks, my opinion of her is changing a bit. She is not bad. Not great, but not bad. Sadly, though, Yamamoto is just awful.

  6. I have tried to see something good in Sara Donkey, and that was a few days ago when I saw a full body shot of her in the studio and she looked good in high heels. That's it though. It is painful to look at her face, with those drawn on eyebrows, lips SO FULL and then drenched with lip gloss, the eyes that are overly done. Then there is the hair. I don't know exactly what it is, but it just doesn't look good. Oh, I would still bang her, but I can't stand to watch her do the news.

    1. KCBS has regressed so far its not even funny anymore. It is complete amateur's time when I tune in (which is why I don't anymore). How embarrassing to be called kCBS.

  7. I want to see more of Betty Yu's smile and legs for days.

  8. It's a TMZ World run by bean counters.This is the result.

  9. I've never seen such a non-presence as Sarah Donkey. She just stands there and reads like a robot. --Oh, wait, i have seen another non-presence...Katie Nielsen.

    They should get together...

  10. "I've been told Audacy (KCBS' owner)..."

    I first read that as "Audacity," and it would be appropriate. "Lusitania" would also be an apt moniker.

  11. KPIX gets picked on a lot here. No, PIX will never be McElhatton, Tokuda, Bartlett and Walker... Yeah Yamamoto isn't "exciting" but I can deal with him in the evening. He's adequate. Sara D. looks totally out of place. As I've said before, she looks more at home on Entertainment Tonight or Inside Edition. Doesn't move my needle as a news reader or other wise.

    OAN... I watch PIX at 6 then turn to NBC at 6:30. I prefer Lester Holt and crew over Norah O'Donnel. I usually catch the last 2 minutes of NBC Bay Area and usually am just meh. Last week, the NCAAs were on CBS. I needed a break from hoop and wanted to watch some news. I turn to NBCBA and watched the entire newscast. I don't see what you see in them. It is the MOST boring newscast I have EVER watched. Hell, the MacNeal/Lehrer report was more exciting. Never mind that there is something wrong with NBCBA audio. The mix seems off then it switches to a better sound when NBC national feeds come on (for years). But yeah, NBC local is BORING. Raj Mathai seems to be the only "energy" in the room in the evenings

  12. Misery AND Mayhem? sounds like my first two marraiges

    1. Sound like my current 22-year marriage...

  13. Scott Warren is a nice guy with experience? Not as a GM he isn't. Barely as a news director (1 gig for a B level startup). His 2 gigs before that were as an EP on shows that got canceled due to low ratings. Grab the popcorn. This going to be a shi# show kids! How about hiring someone with actual experience? The former EP who is a GM at KGO has done literally nothing there. I'd expect the same from this hire at KPIX.

  14. love all the comments reducing a woman to how she looks.....why do we never hear this shit about the men?

    1. Why Indeed.
      Not a damn ONE of our local media men would qualify as hot. I mean
      Dan Ashley?
      Bill Martin?
      Ryan Yamamoto?
      Mark Tamayo?
      Darren Peck?
      That goofy NBC guy?

    2. Because men don't usually use Botox to get a frozen looking face, or wear half-inch long Bambi fake eyelashes, or wear huge amounts of rouge, have lip injections and wear huge amounts of eyebrow pencil? No one has said she's fundamentally bad-looking. She just looks like she's trying not to be taken seriously. She looks like she's fit in well at Fox News, though. Many of the female newscasters there have that look.
