Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Ask Rich Lieberman

TV/RADIO/INTERNET Questions --please, name and city always gets to the front of the line.


  1. Pam Moore has been in the Bay Area around 80 years now so why does she sound like she's fresh out of the South? I wanted to see what state's accent she had so I looked up her info and found she was born and grew up in Michigan. Where did her lazy, southern-style drawl come from?

    1. I haven't even noticed that until you brought it up. If she has a slight accent, so be it, it doesn't bother me as much as it seems to bother you.

    2. No accent. Local as sourdough.

  2. James T. in El CerritoMarch 22, 2022 at 11:03 AM

    Why do you feel it is necessary to continually attempt to dig into a local journalist's personal health status .. beyond physical, but also one's mental and social well-being? I would like you to attempt to thoroughly explain yourself? Please, do your Google blog readers this and explain WHY YOU think this is OK? Go ahead. JT

    1. Sure, JT...

      Dennis O'Donnell is a PUBLIC person. In theory, he has a private life but you give all that up when you are a part of the public domain. It's the choice you make.

      Furthermore, when you disappear from the CBS O and O sports anchor desk for almost a year, it becomes a legitimate news story. Mr. O'Donnell's status is of that nature, it's not pleasant, but it's news. Even "private" matters, sorry, but I'm right.

      If this situation were taking place in LA, NY, Chicago, Philly, Houston, it would have been talked about, broached, whatever. And it should, of course it should.

      The fact the O'Donnell status has been ignored by the Bay Area media (with the exception of this blog) is astounding and, irresponsible.

      Thanks for the easy question, James.

    2. +1 James is right, leave it!

    3. Tell you what, nobody forced you to come here, no, YOU leave it.

    4. You're wrong. Even public figures, in or out of the spotlight have HIPAA protections about their health conditions. EMployers have no right to discuss such matters with anyone. Were you in charge of a station and openly discussed HIPAA protected status with the media, you'd be rightfully sued to the max. Have you no sense of decency?

    5. No, you're wrong.
      I know HIPAA laws, moron. I already said KPIX (CBS) can't saay publicly what/how Mr. O'Donnell's condition is unless he consents, Mr Decency", you're a schmuck, READ THE POST!

      If Jim Hill in LA, or Warner Wolf in NY (if he were alive) were missing for almost a year, there'd be article in both The NY Post/LA Times, period end of story.

      I have more decency in my pinkie finger than you have in your quarter brain, go back to watching the Lifetime channel.

    6. Dick, why are you so butt-hurt that someone thinks medical privacy is important? The dude's health status is not news, it's just interesting.

    7. Hey schmuck little "Marvin: Go take a long walk on a short pier.

    8. It is a common misconception that HIPAA (the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) applies to employers. In fact, it generally does not. HIPAA only applies to "covered entities," which are defined as (1) health plans; (2) healthcare clearing houses, and (3) healthcare providers and certain "business associates" of covered entities. California has it's own version of HIPPA called CMIA, but those rules generally apply to securing regarding the storage of information. That said, a lawyer who is expert in HR law would advise CBS to keep the nature of Dennis' illness confidential unless he signs a waiver. That's to protect the company.

    9. 2:39 But your argument was that HIPAA didn't apply to employers. Now you argue that they shouldn't reveal health care information about employees. What would the company need to be protected from?Were you unaware that employers offer employee health care packages? hmmm?

    10. As someone who works in the healthcare industry, I can't help but laugh at those who cite 'HIPAA' with respect to information that Rich shares on his blog. As 2:39pm correctly stated, HIPAA (including the privacy protections described in the HIPAA Privacy Rule) applies to Covered Entities. HIPAA clearly defines what a 'Covered Entity' is, and without going into the regulatory definition, essentially a Covered Entity is a health care provider or health insurer that collects and maintains Protected Health Information (PHI) in the course of providing health care services or insurance. PHI is also very clearly defined as the combination of health information plus one (or more) of the 18 identifiers that HIPAA describes.

      Rich is not a Covered Entity, nor is he a medical provider who has obtained this information in the course of providing health care services to Dennis O'Donnell. As such, the information that he shares is not PHI. For these simple reasons, HIPAA has nothing whatsoever to do with this. If an attorney tried to make this argument in a court of law, he would almost certainly be sanctioned by the court and potentially investigated by the State Bar Association.

      Now if Dennis O'Donnell's doctor shared his medical information with Rich then that would absolutely be an egregious HIPAA violation, one that HHS has the power to investigate. And even if Dennis’ doctor committed a HIPAA violation and shared Dennis’ PHI with Rich, that is where the HIPAA oversight would end. If Rich then shared that information on his blog, HIPAA would not apply as Rich is a private citizen, not a Covered Entity. HIPAA does not apply to private citizens sharing medical or health information that they learn of.

      To be clear, this does not make it excusable for someone at KPIX to leak information about Dennis’ health. That’s actually a pretty shitty thing for a co-worker to do. So while that wouldn’t be a HIPAA violation (since KPIX isn’t a Covered Entity), that would be a blatant violation of employee privacy and employee confidentiality, and would be a Code of Conduct/terminable offense at almost any employer.

      Also, one can argue whether it's appropriate for Rich to disseminate this information from a moral or ethical or basic decency standpoint. That would be a valid argument, but a regulatory framework that applies to health care providers has absolutely nothing to do with this.

    11. Rich -

      It's your blog, your call, but I think talking about Dennis's private health issues should be off the menu here.

      I think there is a distinction that can and should be drawn between the media's attention to what seems to be a tragic medical situation for Dennis, and the cluster of personal responsibility issues facing Frank.

      The latter is fair game (or at least became fair game once he made it public through his on- and off-air public performances).

      On Dennis, though, both the station and his family clearly don't want to talk about it. I would argue strongly that if the reason for his absence didn't affect his performance when he was able to be on the air, didn't affect his credibility when he was on the air (either at the time or retrospectively), or impugn his character in some way, he should have the right to keep it the private matter it is.
      It's not a news story. It's just gossip.

      I don't know Dennis at all. I'm not in the business. I don't care about him or his family personally, but as a general matter, I think this crosses the line.

    12. 10:44 PM: Thanks for your very informative explanation. I always hear people throwing around HIPAA anytime medical information is talked about, and as someone who isn't in the medical field it's helpful to know when it does and doesn't apply.

  3. I am a fan of the local teams and used to enjoy listening to KNBR for sports talk. The Morning Show---I've given it dozens of chances because I want to listen, but today, for example, I turn it on and to my surprise they are talking Giants baseball and the Garoppolo fiasco. Great!! Then within 2 minutes they are playing some music, debating whether it sounds like De La Soul or whatever, then there are soundboard effects and it becomes completely unlistenable; like when one of them plays some lame homemade 'tribute' song that only they find entertaining.
    What's the deal? Are there some demographics somewhere that encourage that crap? Because it is pretty bad.

    Frank in Forestville, CA

    1. Frank, this just in: KNBR doesn't talk sports. You're not alone. They are frauds and do a disservice which is why their ratings suck. They simply ignore their primary function.

      No wonder they don't take calls because they're lost-in-space morons.

    2. Sometimes I tune into KNBR in the mornings and think I tuned into a music station by mistake. KNBR The Sports We Feel Like Talking About When We Aren't Talking About Anything Else Leader.

    3. KNBR has two key target demographics: 1) Contractors from Stockton who played high school baseball and 2) Widows with a complete set of Giants' bobble-heads across the back window of their Buicks and refer them as "my boys".

    4. KNBR's act wouldn't play in most markets, except in San Francisco, where listeners are zombies and follow whatever is thrown at them. I haven't listened to KNBR in years because it's not a "sports" station. There are NONE in this market. I now rely on satellite radio to get the real scoop on the NHL, NFL, NBA and MLB. People need to stop clutching their Panda dolls and get real.

  4. You say that KSFO 560 is for sale. You've been saying that for a couple of years, and I believe you since the Cumulus brain trust sold off WABC New York to a billionaire for $12.5 million all cash. What is the sale price Cumulus wants? If it's for sale, why haven't the A's bought it for their flagship?

    1. WABC has gone nearly all local talk with a few exceptions. Kinda reminds me of the old KGO- only with a conservative bent. Listening to Curtis Sliwa this moment. He's a character. Even live talk all night 7 nights a week.

  5. Any thoughts on the new anchor talent Starrantino, Nova and Asistio?

    Jose in Fremont

    1. All of them don't do a thing for me. Bland, bland, and bland. Sorry, just me Jose.

  6. Because the A's are morons and don't believe having a radio station until the end of spring training and don't do any promos...they finally cut a deal with Bloomberg radio (960 AM) but that's got a weak signal and isn't a sports station...as for KSFO, yeah, I've said for a few years it's for sale b/c it has been on the market for years. I don't have a firm number but I've heard $5M range. Seems high in my mind.

    1. I would never have heard of Bloomberg 960 if it was not for the A's. Turned in early by mistake one day and listened in, it is a pretty good station. Not much Bay Area news, mostly real pros in New York, but their traffic is just like KCBS. Plus, very few commercials.

      You are totally right, actually it is genius Rich, the A's should buy KSFO for 3 to 5 million and play A's stuff with a mix of non-biased sports talk, non-biased non-sports talk, plus general news. I think it would be a win/win.

      Hope someone reads this. We need a non-biased news/sports/talk station that takes calls from listeners. Simple.

  7. Does anybody know who does the (sorry I don't know the Industry lingo) voice over reads for the sponsors between breaks on NBC Sports Bay Area? He does them for the Warriors and A's I believe (might do them for all local teams on NBC Sports Bay Area). For example, Toyota, Taco Bell, Graton Casino...

    Darrin in Rohnert Park

    1. Whoever "he" is when he does the "TOY-YOTA!" VO it drives me nuts, another reason to turn the sound off, Darin.

  8. Rich, I thought the termite (Chip) went away, I still hear him doing commercials on KGO. I guess, his termite company never got rid of all the termites.
    Speaking of commercials, is anybody else tired of listening to the couples doing the Floor Store and the Video Only commercials. Dont be sorry.... and not forgetting Steve Moskowitz and Handlery Hotel - these two guys think they are funny...lame.

    Ken - Fremont

    1. Ken, it's all about the money, whether termites, taxes, hotels, whatever..after a two-year hiatus of retail, they'll pretty much accept any ads, annoying or not.

    2. Kevin Lyons is Chip's friend and insisted on keeping him on to do his spots. The annoying guys are keeping the lights on!

    3. S and G carpet using the same man and woman as a "married" couple for years..doug andrew,steve moskovitz, greg o donnell,kevin lion,david hollander,boring stiffs,every one of them..john hanery who needs voice lessons and hire a professional ad agency,along with the guy with the tiberia restaurant

  9. Hi Rich,

    Do you think anyone from KCBS reads your blog? If they do you would think they would have changed the shit show they have. Top and Bottom hour news and some segments are good but the rest is just craziness.

    Heating Up in the East Bay Today.

    1. Yes, believe me, they read my blog. It's not ego, it's fact.

      They simple are incompetent there. The people there know it, as I do. KCBS is a disgrace, good ratings or not.

  10. When I see reporters in the field, and some news anchors on the local stations, KGO7, KPIX5, KRON4, and KTVU2, why does the hair glisten so much more on KGO, ABC7 than on other stations?
    Does ABC7 spray them down with treatment just before going live?
    Or is it special lighting.
    Reminds me of the lighting in Whole Foods and Safeway where the veggies are exaggerated green.
    Example...of hair glistening...Luz Pena

    1. I think it may be a Disney thing, they are in the glamour business, I guess. Haven't really noticed, but I'll take look.

  11. Hi Rich,

    I just finished listening to the tail end of Rebecca Corral on KCBS. Rebecca could not finish her show because she totally lost her voice. So the two replacements for the musical chair radio station that are in for Jeff Bell and Patti Reising today fumbled through the rest of the show. I hope Rebecca is all right.

    I guess my question is, will KCBS ever get regular anchors again? The station is so hard to listen too without regular anchors.

    East Bay right here right now.

    1. I heard her just like you did and at first, didn't even think it was her, her voice was so bad.

      I give up now on KCBS, it's just a big joke right now.

  12. Thanks Rich for the forum. Terrestrial radio sucks. How hard or easy is it for a few buddies to buy an FM station and just play music? Online services like Twitch are KILLING it with music streaming online with every genre and combo you could imagine instead of the canned "Focus group'd" formulas on FM. Subscribes pay if they like. IIFI radio is losing ,money and ratings, why won't become more imaginative with the format. Let a bunch of Twitchers take over the music programming?

    Gus Savage- Marina Bay

    1. Gus, funny I don't listen to FM for music, I go to YouTube and both listen and watch my fav artists like Sinatra, Sting, Lou Rawls and George Benson, oh and Anita Baker too.

      FM has become a no go-to forum other than KCSM and KQED.

  13. They must get Gavin's Goose Grease for Hair.

  14. Been reading your news media blog for awhile now. Who do you think are the most competent female news anchors in the Bay Area? KTVU seems to get the most attention between Julie Haener and Heather Holmes. I like both of them personally and think that they would make a good team so why force a man on them?

    1. You answered your own question at the end--I agree.

      As for your first question, I like Cecilia Vega--she used to work at KGO--she's now senior WH correspondent for ABC News.

      Bay Area wise, I like Pam Moore and Catherine Heenan.

    2. I agree with you on Pam Moore, she is classy and professional. Terrible news set though, looks like a high school metal shop built it in their spare time.

      Don't know about the others so I will listen/watch for them. Is Cecilia Vega local too?

      What channel is Catherine Heenan on? That name rings a bell.

      Love this site. Getting hooked on it. Glad I found you all.

    3. 3:31 Catherine Heenan is on KRON. She has been there for decades along with Pam Moore. She's the blond. Not sure what timeslots she is on now.

  15. Hi Rich: Now that Mark Ibanez is leaving KTVU at the end of March do you think Floundering KPIX 5 might hire him to be their Number 1 Sportscaster replacing Dennis O'Donnell? Whenever I see the Annoying Radnich Clone Dwarf Vern Glenn on the air with his constant paper shuffling, pregnant pauses & other Radnich-like mannerisms I immediately switch stations. With the possible hiring of Ibanez it would give KPIX 5 instant gravitas on weeknights along with moving tiresome, stale Vern Glenn to weekends. Any chance KPIX might consider this? Rich: You absolutely have the best blog in the Bay Area! Cary SF

    1. Thanks Cary--
      KPIX (CBS) won't hire Ibanez; they only hire weird, lousy anchors that are PC and disasters...plus only KPIX hires managers. Then more managers. The more managers..."talent?" What the hell is that?

  16. "If Jim Hill in LA, or Warner Wolf in NY (if he were alive)" Warner Wolf is alive and well living in florida with an interview every monday morning on WOR in the morning with Len and Michael. Still better radio than any Bay Area radio station. Yeah Lee your station sucks.

    1. Yeah, shame on me, Warner? Bagels and lox, coffee, my treat.

  17. Why should we even watch TV, listen to the radio, or read the news? It's all of poor quality these days!

  18. Hey Rich - so is Mary Lee already gone from KPIX? Do you know what will be her next step?

    1. She's gone and soon to be married and is content to leave the business...and she's not alone. Maria Cid Medina, likewise.

    2. https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/personality/mary-lee/
      Mary Lee's profile page is still up at KPIX, but that could just be one of those to-do things for its I.T. department to get around to deleting. Lee still seems current on her social media accounts if anybody just wants to see or read about her (Instagram, Twitter, et al).

      Rich L. says she's totally leaving the business, so he'll have the latest news, but when the total cut-off occurs remains to be seen.

      So many reporters, whether dedicated to the weather or other are just constantly moving on to other stations or other life endeavors. Remember Samantha Mohr, Elizabeth Wenger, Rhonda Bentley, Shannon O'Donnell, and several others, names I cannot recall at the moment. Roberta Gonzales actually came back, however:)

  19. Does anyone miss KFOG or LIVE 105??? Most importantly, where did those listeners go???


    1. You can listen to Classic Live 105 or Classic KROQ on Audacy as well as Hihhway 1(closest sound to KFOG)

  20. How much of Katie Nielsen is real?


    1. If you look at the pictures from her previous statements the answer to that question is very little.

    2. two upper body parts aren't

    3. Even her Instagram followers are fake. Yes, she actually pays for them. It's sad.

  21. Probably just me because I'm old and judgmental. But, am I the only one that finds Darrin Peck to be a condescending little prick?

    1. You definitely are not the only one. Whenever he comes on it's immediate channel changing time. I have zero desire to listen to someone who talks to his viewers like they're a bunch of ill-educated nincompoops. He would be better suited as a pre-school teacher.

  22. Sorry if you don't like him. He is the only reason I watch the weekend news. But he has been MIA for a couple of weeks. Any idea where he has gone?

    1. He's anchoring the M-F morning weather now that the former meteorologist is no longer on KPIX.

    2. I'd rather watch Mary Lee all day long compared to her replacement DP. Ugh. But she's gone and now we're stuck w/ him.

  23. I've noticed a better sound and tighter music on Country KRTY (the only Bay Area Country Station). I swear whenever a station improves, I get the feeling something is going to change. Have you heard of any changes coming to KRTY???

  24. Mr Lieberman: is Frank Sommerville still posting crazy videos on Instagram? (I haven’t the intestinal fortitude to check). Also do you know whether the Porsche was totaled or is it in the shop?
    Mr Lobo in Upper Rockridge

  25. Big changes coming to KRTY. The station has been sold to the Educational Media Foundation, contemporary Christian music broadcasters. The question is will another Bay Area station pick up the country music format.

    1. Of course!!! Just when I like something, BAM!! It's gone. I should've known

  26. If this station is worth 3 MILLION, what is KSFO worth?

    Sean Ross
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    Bay Area To Lose Country With KRTY Sale
    Lance Venta by Lance Venta
    March 23, 2022

    Country 95.3 KRTY San JoseEducational Media Foundation is acquiring Country 95.3 KRTY Los Gatos/San Jose CA from Empire Broadcasting.

    The sale filing attempts to obscure the purchase price, which appears to be $3,138,000 with some prorations and adjustments to be made. The sale will close on whichever comes later between June 1 or ten business days after FCC approval. The seller will retain the KRTY intellectual property.

    KRTY will join EMF’s South Bay holdings that current includes “K-Love” on 97.7 KJLV Los Altos while “Air 1” is heard on Venture Technologies Group’s 87.7 KBKF-LD San Jose and KJLV-HD2.

    In the February 2022 Nielsen Audio ratings released earlier this week, KRTY set a station record with a 7.5 share in the San Jose market, while rising to a 1.8 share in the adjoining San Francisco market. KRTY is currently the only Country outlet in the Bay Area.

  27. Hey Rich, when are you gonna address the elephant in the room? For four years we heard you vomit vitriol for Trump. Now, who would have thought it could get even worse. A President who doesn't know where he is or what he's doing (when he's not shitting himself). But he's got a Bay Area VP who's even worse and not a mention of it from you. Makes me really wonder how much of the stuff you post is actual BS and how much is legit. We all SEE how bad he is, we hear it. WTF Rich?

  28. Any word as to when JV and Natasha Yi will be back, or if they're even coming back to WiLd 94.9???
