Friday, December 31, 2021

KTVU Puts on Rookies to Anchor News; KPIX Runs Lovey-Dovey Morning Show Ads But Can't Field a News Team; Tim Sika Never Heard of John Madden on KGO Radio; CNBC-KRON Biz Deal; The 31st of December

Brooks Jarosz (pictured) hasn't done much anchoring. He's an Investigative reporter. But that didn't stop him from being placed on the ANCHOR desk at KTVU. Not only was he forced on the desk but no-anchor experience, Amber Lee was also placed on the news desk becaause all were needed at personnel-challenged KTVU wherte the place is so TOXIC, they're having difficulty getting staff to have an actual newscast and place clearly INEXPERIENCED folks to anchor. Grnted, yes, it's holiday time but putting on anyone who has a pulse is flat out DESPERATE. My god, Greg Liggans? Are you kidding? Again, the embarrassment that is ND Amber Eikel continues her awkward, incompetent way at the once-mighty KTVU but now? "Nobody with any news chops wants to work here," laments a Fox2 spy. Yeah, I see.

*The holiday placement at other stations has not been as bad as it has been at KTVU, but that being said, frankly, some of the BOZOS and YAHOOS I've seen and heard on the tube are downright amateur hour. What a disgrace! And KPIX? Who's in charge? What a joke. STOP running GROSS in-house morning team telling the world how much they love each other and HIRE a few decent reporters and anchors who can work a newscast and respect the CBS eye. Right now, PIX? You look and sound a lot like a Bakersfield Public Access station only the access station is far more legit.

*Len Kiese? Really just flat out weird and Amanda Starrantino? Was the Nordstrom cosmetics counter gig too difficult? Guess so. But I'm glad you all love each other and that's just so comfy to everyone. (BARF)

*At KGO Radio on Thursday, an outright laugh riot/embarrassment: Pat Thurston had to tell film critic, Tim Sika, who John Madden was. Seriously, it was Thurston explaining who Madden was and telling Sika Madden's life and impact on American culture. A clearly out of touch Sika was CLUELESS! My god, Nepalese dwarfs know who John Madden is! Cmon Tim.

*At KRON, the GM has to tell his staff they can breathe a little and quit having anxiety attacks. Why the stress? CNBC has told Nextstar it wants to use that small studio for a planned-for SF content show it has in store for 2022 and NOT a place to scare the rank and file. Calm down KRON.


  1. Is Starrantino an escaped Stepford wife?

    1. We dont know if she is a total Psycho like most of the other Bay area morning female anchors, Darya, Garcia, Sze

  2. Why does a film critic have to know about John Madden, exactly?

  3. Amber Lee anchoring?!?

    She can't even do a 30 second standup without messing up.

  4. I love to listen to Amanda Starrantino struggle over fourth-grade vocabulary words in her copy. It's especially humorous when she has to read a science story. Wasn't she a beauty contest winner or something? It shows. And she dresses like she's going to the holiday cocktail party right after the show, and wears more makeup than a Vegas hooker.

    1. Rich, what would you call the shade of orange that Starrantino's skin is? For a Beauty queen I would think she would have some kind of makeup knowledge.

    2. Luminescent Orange. I believe it's so she will glow in the dark.

    3. Orange County Orange, which is similar to Trump Orange.

  5. I can't watch the morning team on channel 5 try and act like they like each other. It is painful to watch. Reminds me of trying to interact with a hated coworker because I'm getting paid to. It's so obvious.

  6. It's the holidays. Every station in American is putting in the JV: Anchors, reporters/freelancer reporters...producers, writers, editors, & photogs. Nobody (eg: the Suits...the Neilsens/Arbitron...and even the ad houses/production companies--who are also "playing the JV squad).

    Unless someone is libelous/ all doesn't matter this time of year. The "Varsity" all come back on Monday, Jan. 3.

  7. When Brian Hackney has been subbing as weather man this week, he hasn't felt the need to explain that he is normally a weekend news anchor, but Amanda Starrantino introduces herself as the morning anchor. Yes, Amanda, you are so, so special.

    1. That intro (when she is subbing at night) is one of the oddest things I've ever heard.

  8. Amber Eikel doesn't give a damn who she puts on air. As long as she doesn't have to come into the building she'd have a squirrel anchor. True Story.

  9. I feel sorry for the reporters who were made to anchor. I'm sure they didn't ask to, they were told to because they can't keep a staff at KTVU anymore. It's all getting very weird over there. I think the place is cursed.

  10. Tim sika,its a throw away hour of nothingness..and that's a riot with pat Thurston,who has her own sketchy history of not knowing who certain political figures are or what office they hold or even what party they are..

  11. Starrantino is drab as hell, in her news gig. A whole lot of "meh." Stick to figure skating, Amanda.

  12. I don't find Len Kiese "weird" at all -- more like dull (though competent). Weird would be fun at 4:30 in the morning.

  13. I don't give a damn who KTVU puts on - I stopped watching. F Fox Corp. They're not getting my eyeballs on their station anymore.

  14. Where is Kenny Choi? He is a decent anchor/reporter who had the anchor chair before Len.

    1. He's a reporter now, usually without his glasses. I liked him as an anchor but he does a good job outside of the studio too.

    2. Kenny got far away from Griego before she stuck the knife in his back.
