Friday, December 31, 2021

ARRESTED!; Update: KTVU Source: "Saw his Life Spiraling Out of Control" Before DUI Arrest; Update 2: KTVU Makes No Mention of Somerville on Noon Newscast; Update : Somerville Was Trying to Locate His Porsche a Week Ago; Update 5: Disturbing Video of Somerville Post Crash Incident

ARRESTED in Oakland on suspicion of DUI.

*Meeting with various lawyers now and career virtually over.

*Seen sobbing outside jail--ponders a life without TV.

*Family friends fear Frank Somerville hurting himself.

*Hits several cars and tries to flee scene outside Downtown Oakland bar.


UPDATE 1: 1:04 PM PT...

A prominent KTVU source --one that knows Somerville well--told me this latest incident may have been Somerville's moment of self -truth: that he's done at KTVU (before the DUI arrest) and that his life "is spiraling out of control" as a result.

*A POLICE source told me the charge of hit-and-run can't be applied here. Somerville technically didn't try to flee as his car (a Porsche) was immobilized.

*UPDATE 2: 1: 20 PT:

Probably out of legal reasons --to both Somerville and themselves--KTVU made no mention of the DUI arrest on its Noon newscast even though there's been OPD confirmation and a few news reports on incident taking place.

*Somerville still in custody at Santa Rita Jail in Dublin, CA.

*Released from Santa Rita.

Update 3: 3: 24 PM PT:

Source to me:" Frank (Somerville) had forgotten which garage he parked his Porsche at. And was calling around to every garage searching for a few days. This was last week or so."

Update 4: 5: 50 PM PT

A KTVU source tells me Somerville's ex-wife, Donna Wright, bailed him out of Santa Rita jail in Dunlin.

*Update 5: 9: 41 PM PT

A video surfaced on social media of Somerville shortly after the crash --warning: disturbing content.


  1. Man this guy did not mess around! If you look up self destruction on Wikipedia this is the crybaby jackass that will show up. Poor bastard!

  2. So sad for Frank. He is in the grips of addiction... praying for him.

    1. prayer won't help

    2. How do you know. Although I'm not particular religious, don't go to church, don't belong to a religion, was brought up Lutheren in Denmark, my understanding of AA is that prayer is very much part of recovery. I read Christopher Kennedy Lawford book about his addiction and recovery, he firmly believed that prayer and believing was part of his recovery. Not saying it is for anyone, don't know that I believe it really works, nor do I necessarily believe it does not work. Kind of like covering all your bases. How to just dismiss out of hand seems very superficial to me.

    3. 1:53, You say you "aren't particular(sic)religious"and that AA uses prayer to coerce alcoholic recovery. It's just exchanging one flawed addiction for another. Prayer doesn't help.

    4. If you think it helps perhaps it does. How do you know. At least if you are addicted to prayer, you won't hurt anyone, including yourself. I'm inclined to agree with you, but I'm not about to speak for those who thinks prayer helps.

    5. Tell that bit about
      "if you are addicted to prayer , you won't hurt anyone" to those who died in wars caused by religion.

    6. That's a different story. I was making a comparison between driving under the influence and praying.

  3. Did anyone NOT see this coming? don

  4. WOW...and sad.
    Everyone makes their own bed in life.... Hard to witness.
    As little as 1 year ago, things were totally different.

    At this point, in the high cost, high stress, bay area, to start thinking about starting over.
    Where does the media folk go for a retreat, you ask?
    Arizona...low cost Arizona
    And you can schmooze with George Watson, Ronnnn Owens, and other media folk.
    And faux 2 is a far away memory.

  5. some of you have no Empathy. This man has had to withstand all kinds of crap online about his problems. He's a public figure. (or was)....he is obviously struggling, and you---the crybaby caller...what are you,5 ? grow up.
    I hope you get as much understanding as you showed when you fuck up. I imagine he is not happy how this is affecting his daughters as well. Here is hoping this whole mess doesn't totally destroy him.

    1. @12:18 I don't need empathy for a person who put himself in a dangerous situation that could have possibly injured or even worse, killed a person. Frank is a grown man that had all the opportunity to turn his life around. Sound don't come at me with that "We want Frank back" crap.

  6. I wrote a song a few months ago called crank somerville but then changed it because theres nothing funny about this, poor guy. I hope he gets some help.

  7. Compare and contrast, the cost of Uber vs the cost of a DUI.
    Even for the average Joe, not to mention a media figure.
    "hits several cars" "tries to flee"
    At $50, $100, $1,000, Uber or taxi would have been a bargain.
    You have to wonder if someone, anyone, was with him.
    Knowing his problem and situation, you'd think anyone could have prevented this.
    I guess that talk of a Sacramento anchor job is out the door.

    Wondering how the 10:00 PM news will begin.
    "Sitting in for Frank"...? Won't be used?
    OH, then again, I think they only used that Sunday thru Thursday.

  8. And he may not be the only one the way The Firm is letting the station go so far down in morale. Sigh. Smh

  9. We all have our demons. At least no-one was hurt. Good luck Frank, pulling for you.

  10. I have never seen a downward spiral like this. Hope the guy finds some help.

    1. About 15 years ago there was a homeless guy who always used to hang out at the corner of 3rd and Folsom. I walked by him every day on my way to and from work. Over the course of a year he went from lucid and clean to dirty and insane.

  11. This is a real test for KTVU's leadership. I noticed they said nothing about his arrest on the noon news. This evening, they should do a factual report about what happened, treating him like any other celebrity who is accused of DUI and hit-and-run. If this had been a Warrior or 49er, how would KTVU cover it? It would also be an opportunity for the station to tell viewers why Frank had been taken off the air in September. Just be honest and let the cards fall where they may. Get the whole story out there on Day 1 and then there won't be days or weeks of followup stories. I haven't checked, but I'm betting everybody will follow KRON's exclusive and have Somerville's arrest this evening. KTVU would look stupid to ignore the story.

    1. Yeah let me save you the suspense. They'll do nothing. They'll say nothing. Eikel has no spine. Fox Corp will stick with their version of news. THERE IS NO LEADERSHIP AT KTVU.Rudderless ship of fools.

  12. Career *virtually* over?!

    That's the most cautious thing you've ever written. He's beyond toast. He's charcoal.

    And hate to say it, but Amber is looking smart in the eyes of Fox execs for not taking him back.

    1. Except she did originally take him back. And she knew for YEARS that he was drunk on the job.

  13. Perhaps he has reached his personal bottom. If so only now can the healing begin. Wishing him well.

  14. Replies
    1. > Nice mug shot!!

      It's a file photo! From about 25 years ago, judging from his plugline and the old-school KTVU background.

    2. no current photo with the sags, bags, puffiness, wrinkles, crow's feet...etc?...the kind of thing you attack women about?

  15. Time to suspend all the snark and supposedly "funny" comments. This man needs all of us to say a prayer for him or wish him good thoughts. Frank kept me informed during my time in NorCal and my wish for the New Year is that he (and others like him in crisis) seek help. Much love and support from SoCal.

  16. OMG, this is so tragic.

  17. > Somerville technically didn't try to flee as
    > his car (a Porsche) was immobilized.

    Not sure I understand that. Was there a boot on it? Did police shoot it with a taser?

    1. His Porsche was probably as FUBAR as he was after hitting 3 cars.

      We had a dude rear end my daughters car parked in front at 3:30 AM on a Sunday morning. He tried to get away but his right front wheel was almost 90º off from going straight.

      I would have bet money he was drunk. It turns out he had insomnia and was driving around to try and get sleepy.

      Well, it worked, he fell asleep at exactly the right moment.

      All 3 cops who responded said they'd never heard of anything like it.

  18. When life imitates art. Frank is the real Ron Burgundy. You stay classy Frank

  19. He's an embarrassment to KTVU why would they mention him ?

  20. That anchor desk seems to be cursed. (Tori, Leslie, Elaine, George). Only Dennis Richmond is smiling in retirement, living the good life. Maybe Andre and Mike should think twice before accepting any offer.

  21. Wanna bet the anchors stop using the contractually-obligatory "in for Frank Somerville" starting tomorrow?

  22. Gawd, Frank was blitzed....Probably well above 1.6...perhaps above 2.0
    Victim who was hit from behind saying
    “And there’s a gentleman in the car who is not looking at me,” “He’s gazing straight ahead, gripping the steering wheel. Then he starts accelerating. He’s burning rubber.”
    At that point, the driver pushed the Audi across the street with such force that its wheels came off the ground. The Porsche’s wheels were moving and screeching rubber the entire time."

    Way more than a 0.8 "buzz"

  23. Somebody needs to phone in this news tip to KTVU's News Dept.

  24. So lets give KTVU management the respect (?) they deserve. Because they didn't act decisively to separate Sommerville (at whatever cost) they now get full credit for having THEIR anchor involved in a DUI. KTVU's best hope now is that Sommerville stays in jail till his KTVU contract expires.

    1. I doubt he has a contract after last night........

  25. Hoping Frank gets the help he needs to get his life back in order.

  26. Hit rock bottom 48 years ago haven't had a drink since, hopefully this is Frank's rock bottom.

  27. This story gets weirder and weirder with every update...........

  28. He'll be on Dr. Phil next month. Or Dr. Oz. Or The View/Talk/Real/Blab.

  29. Never was a fan of Frank, but today that's all changed. I'm rooting for him to make a full recovery. Frank, if you're reading this, the situation you're in today is only a temporary problem. Quit drinking for good -- a lot of us have and we lead great lives. Your friends and family won't give up on you. So don't give up on yourself.

  30. The saga continues. His career is over so it's time to seek professional help to confront his demons.

  31. if you worked for a company for 31 freaking years and all of a sudden were totally ignored and never heard squat from ANYONE at that company how would you feel? and btw
    Mr No Empathy: I never said I wanted him back on the air. He needs HELP. So Mr Holier Than Thou....._____ ___.

  32. When I saw the teaser on Channel 4 that an anchor had gotten arrested for DUI, I knew it was Frank. The video they showed of the crash indicates to me that he must have been really drunk. The porsche was literally pushing the car in front of him. He really needs to get some professional help because he is out of control. Too bad to waste your talent going out like this.

  33. Now with Frank's career at KTVU definitely over this is an early New Years Present for Andre Senior, who along with eternally Constipated Mike Mibach, are the 2 leading candidates to now replace Somerville if KTVU decides to hire inhouse. Right now Andre Senior along with Greg Liggins have been anchoring the 4 & 5 pm newscasts & are also working their 6, 10 & 11 pm newscasts tonight. BTW even in the uber liberal Bay Area it is a rarity to see 2 African-American Men co-anchoring a TV evening newscast. Because of DEI-Diversity, Equity & Inclusion which is currently a paramount importance in regards to hiring decisions Andre Senior is now the leading candidate to replace Frank Sommerville & become Channel 2's prime time news anchor along with Julie Haener. Rich: Wishing You a Healthy & Happy 2022! I absolutely love your blog!! Cary SF

    1. Senior is great; Liggins has the presence of a department store mannequin. And he's been doing it longer.

    2. “Eternally constipated Mike Mibach” 🤣🤣🤣

  34. NOT a word on KTVU News.

  35. Sadly, this has the makings of made-for-TV movie, but only if Frank finds redemption in the end. At this point, how does one find any of that in a haze of booze, lost identity, and self-destructive cries for help?

  36. I guess Frank was done with "Dunlin."

  37. And here I thought it took intelligence to earn that kind of income and respect. Didn't know Sommerville was so stupid.

    1. Having an addiction and alcohol problem and intelligence is not mutual exclusive. Many intlelligent people struggle with addiction problems, and are self destructive, to name a few, Hemingway, Jack Kerouac, Jim Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Seymour Hoffman, Richard Burton.

  38. Donna is apparently a true soul and he never should have done anything to hurt her. Personally I'd have said "Let that KTVU intern bail you out with her settlement money."

    1. Clue on the spouse: California is a community property state...think about it... half of more is more than half of less

  39. First, we lose Madden, then Somerville loses himself, and to cap it all off, we lose another National Treasure like Madden in Betty White. Good Riddance to 2021!

  40. Rich, it's only fitting that you had the scoop of the year on the last day of the year. Once again, the rest of the media is playing catch-up with you. As for Frank, I only hope his New Year's resolution is to get his life back together and maybe forget about career (which he's clearly not ready to deal with right now) and focus on his *life* and the things around him that *really* matter.

    As for Donna, if that story is true, she is an angel. A place in heaven has already been reserved for her.

  41. KTVU tonight: Roberta stumbling through the weather. Her toss back: "Back to you Greg and...who are you over there?"

    "I'm ANDRE."

    "Oh yeah. I really knew."

    I'll bet he was thrilled about that.

  42. why do you run that video of frank? the man clearly has a problem...he needs help and treatment not finger wags and judgment. Frank, I hope you take this chance to ask for some help and become the person you are inside...again.

    1. It's being aired nationally by all the bigs.

  43. This train wreck didn’t happen overnight. I’ve said for years Somerville’s sanctimonious Facebook posts were a warning sign. Mr Krav Maga was always on his high horse pretending to be a goody two shoes unleashing venom on others he deemed less worthy including DRUNK DRIVERS! Ah the irony. But the kicker for me as a former neighbor of his in upper Rockridge (if anyone doubts it I’ll give you the exact address) he would routinely leave his garage door open for all to see him hit the heavy punching bag as if he’s the reincarnation of Rocky Balboa. What kind of dunce behaves this way unless he has deep
    rooted insecurity issues? Without ever speaking to the guy it was obvious he had major issues. Let’s hope he can get it together. Andre Senior looked extremely giddy on the 10pm newscast that’s for sure while Liggins remained as stiff as ever.

  44. Frank, the true professional. First reporter to arrive at the crash scene.

  45. I don't want to pile on Frank like a lot of other people. He did this to himself, but I wish him well and I hope that he finds some kind of inner peace. Best wishes, Frank.

  46. Rich, he is not wearing shoes and jogging sweat pants. That's not the attire of someone having drinks in between newscasts. By the way, don't refer to this as an "incident." It's a crime. Calling it an incident minimizes the severity.
