Thursday, December 30, 2021

Warriors' TV Broadcasters Under Fire over Remarks About Austin Rivers; FItzgerald-Azubuike Center of Storm

Bob Fitzgerald and Kelena Azubuike are in HOT WATER--more Fitzgerald --over disparaging and frankly, DUMB remarks having to do with NBA, Denver Nuggets player, Austin Rivers.

The NY Post details the story here.

The Warriors' announcers are sure to get a BIG TIME HIT off all this crap and they should. In a day and age where you must think before you say something and consider your comments, this is just plain garbage. It's also downright CRUDE and HURTING. Fitzgerald, the class-A CLOWN, could expect him to voice such garbage. Azubuike, who is nothing more than a SHILL, I'm frankly, surprised.

This utter lack of judgement by the duo is a MAJOR EMBARRASSMENT for the Warriors and its cableTV play-by-play announcers. I'm sure this controversy will not go away anytime soon. And it shouldn't.


  1. These clowns are among the WORST NBA announcing teams, if not at the bottom. Fitz's constant hoovering of Lacob keeps him employed. Honestly, he should be working in the Midwest with his homerism.

  2. What an embarrassment! I still recall when a young “Fitz” showed up on the scene at KNBR and everyone was in awe that he knew the intricacies of the salary cap. Guess what? He’s still a major class PUTZ. He’s obviously been a bad influence on Azubuike.

  3. the best homers money can buy. I am lure Lacob luvs them.

  4. Fitz has always suffered from that chronic case of "Open My Mouth Before I Engage My Brain-itis"

  5. But what did they say about Rivers? I watched the game but always have the audio off with them.

    1. Same here, I also watched the game with the sound off. No clue in what they said.

  6. Rudy may have finally aced himself out of a job. Happy New Year (hopefully)!

  7. What happened to the other two lackeys, the old guy and his younger sidekick. I guess when the warriors started winning they ditched those two in favor of these incompetent nincompoops. That said I personally don't think it's anything major, inappropriate sure, unprofessional, no doubt but to report it seems no better than the imbeciles who said it to begin with.

  8. What was blatantly said, was that Austin Rivers rec'd a big contract with the Clippers due to his father coach Doc Rivers at the time.

    Fitzgerald is a brainless stump who is in love with the sound of his own voice. He has short mans disease. Buke is sniffing his bike seat.

    Worthless, both of them.

    1. Yes I found the video, don't think it is enough to get fired.

  9. Much ado about nothing. Best way to avoid criticism of benefitting from nepotism is to go make your own way in the world, instead of signing a contract with the team your dad is running.

    And they weren't making fun of the other guy's accent; they were making fun of his soccer-esque overacting and bogus complaining.

    1. For real.... Not sure why Rivers would get so mad about this when most of the NBA probably knows that what Fitz joked about is true. It's common knowledge at this point and I think Fitz mentioned this before years back. This wasn't the first time he joked about this/pointed this out.

      Regarding Kelenna, yeah, he's been doing that recently, but yes, it's more of a soccer accent he's doing, that's all. Nothing to it really.

      It's sad players sometimes don't hear the whole story to get the context. Fitz and Kelenna are smart enough not to piss off a player from another team. I hope this doesn't put them in hot water with the Warriors, as far as Warrior players possibly not wanting to get interviewed from them for a bit because of this. I think the Warrior players know Fitz and Kelenna are good.

      I wonder if Fitz and Kelenna will have to apologize publicly for this. I guess we'll see on Saturday for the Jazz game. I really hope Fitz and Kelenna don't get fined or suspended for this.

    2. Listen to the tape, they were mimicking him

  10. Just because you or I don't like Fitz and Kelenna doesn't mean they were wrong. They were repeating what countless others were saying when Austin Rivers signed his contract with the Clippers.

    1. Pretty sure Fitz wouldn't say that to Austin Rivers face

    2. Of course not Rivers is what 6 ft 3? Fitz would come up to Rivers' knee caps....
      Bob represents the lollipop guild

  11. One might think it, but who would dare to say it publicly over the airwaves?

  12. Fitz...yuck. Cannot stand that clown with his pomposity and homerish bs. If Lacob told him to drop to his knees, Fitz would be salivating like a Bassett hound sucking on peanut brittle. I am not sure which one I dislike more - Fitz or Papa. It's a coin toss. Both are equally annoying.

  13. Azabuike is more dull than listening to paint dry

  14. Truth is truth. Some people just can't handle it. Austin Rivers is one of the most overrated NBA players in the league.

  15. I remember listening to this live and honestly didn't think it was that big of a deal. Fitz said what people have been saying about Austin Rivers and that contract he got with the Clippers. Austin Rivers is an ok player, but it does help that his Dad was his head coach and GM when he got that contract a few years back. I think Fitz said this before and no one said anything. Why is it a problem now?

    Kelenna has been joking around with his accents in more recent telecasts. It's a new rinkle to the Warriors telecasts, but he means no harm by it. Even though I don't know Kelenna personally, just listening to him over the years, Kelenna is not THAT guy. Kelenna is a good dude and an improving broadcaster.

    As far as Fitz, yeah, he said what he said about Rivers, but I think overall in this, him and Kelenna were joking. No one thought any of it until Austin Rivers barked.

    NBA players, and a lot of athletes today in general, are so sensitive today. You almost have to be careful if you say anything critical of them, since a lot of them can't handle the criticism. This wasn't really that big of a deal. Rivers knows what Fitz said was true and couldn't handle it. Hard to believe a guy like Fitz can get Austin Rivers bothered.

  16. I hate Fitzgerald, I stopped watching games because of him, he's horrible...

  17. Sorry, but I can't agree with you. Having worked for my dad in a high profile industry, comments like this come with the territory. Also, quoting the rag sheet that like the NY Post does not lend credibility to your comments.

  18. Not a fan of Fitz but BFD on his comment!

  19. 25 years with the Warriors - who's Fitzgerald's daddy? Worst NBA play-by-play announcer I've ever heard. Thinks he knows everything and takes up all the air space trying to prove it every game. Azubuike? - fills out a suit and not much else - Next... Roye-Barnett radio team are so much better yet CSNBA sticks the Warrior fan base with this Clown Show - Enough!

  20. Fitz has a history of sucking up to the bosses and making snide comments behind others' backs. He's a weasel who went to Notre Dame -- he's mentioned that a few times, right? -- but he can't touch great announcers like Jon Miller (CSM). Do the Warriors have any idea how reviled he is?

  21. Bill King called the play--Marv Alpert called the play--Fitzgerald never does, he does color commentary throughout the game, and never a bad word about the Dubs. Terrible.

    1. That is a perfect analogy, I have the sound down because of him doing the color commentary as well and he does not add anything that I already know.

  22. Eh. Unlike the rest of commenters, I'm a fan of Fitz and Azubuike. Oh dear, they root for the home team, oh my stars, my heavens, whoever heard such a thing! Sheesh, that's what the local broadcasters are SUPPOSED to do. They're a good pairing. Yes, Azubuike can get a bit too longwinded in his color commentary, and Fitzgerald sometimes fails to rein him in. But they provide snappy commentary in the main, and I'll take the two of them any day over the broadcasters when they're on primetime network broadcasts, most of which are genuine blowhards.
    In this instance, their commentary wasn't stellar, and they should have been less pointed in their criticism. But it's sports commentary, not political analysis. They're there to entertain the listener and provide information on the game. They do a fine job.
    Jim Barnett, his former broadcast partner, was 'put out to pasture' a few years ago in favor of Azubuike. Barnett was fabulous, but rather long in the tooth, and as is very common in the industry, they brought in someone younger to appeal to the already young audience.

  23. I think it's worth pointing out at this juncture that at the beginning of last night's game, they issued apologies for their comments, having apologized directly to the aggrieved parties beforehand. Obviously they were required to issue the public apologies. But their comments during the apology were genuine and heartfelt, because they're genuine people. This little 'cancel them' horseshit flamed out completely, which is quite satisfying. Most of the comments above sound like they're from 37-year-old neckbeards posting from mom's basement. A pox on thee.

  24. @1:03
    "Jim Barnett, his former broadcast partner, was 'put out to pasture' a few years ago in favor of Azubuike."

    Truly a shame as Barnett is far more versed and knowledgeable than the callow naif who's replaced him.
