Thursday, November 25, 2021

Shock and Awe: KTVU's Mallicoat Red-Eye 5 PM; KRON Staffers Still Freaked Out; Happy Thanksgiving

MORE SHOCKED than those staffers at KRON dealing with a reporter scared you-know-what and a security guard being shot in the stomach: the people at KTVU last night who witnessed Frank Mallicoat do the 5 PM news with a RED EYE.

Mallicoat, no matter the excuse, looked horrid. I guess pink eye is acceptable but this was beyond bizarre-looking. If KTVU hasn't reached its low-point yet, I can't imagine what the worst is, just flat out embarrassing.


  1. There is no rock bottom for ktvu, and yet another sign that Mallicoat is NOT fit for live television, let alone prime time live television. He is the King of Gaffes: mis-pronouncing simple and commonly-known words, skipping words in his reads, pausing at strange times and then not pausing at all in between sentences. I'm not talking about one-off gaffes that every on air anchor experiences. No, I'm talking about three to four dozen per newscast. It looks so amateurish and embarrassing. He needs to stick to pre-recorded, feel-good stories. That is his bread and butter, if you will.

    This brings up another problem at the The Firm...
    When employees frequently call out sick, which is common at employers with rampant low morale, the problem becomes exacerbated when they have way more newscasts than they need, and not enough people qualified to anchor those shows.
    They need to realize that the Frank Mallicoat an an anchor experiment was a complete and utter failure. Move on and send him back to the Siberia of news.

    1. I’ve noticed the same with him. Last night it was really bad when he couldn’t even pronounce ‘Apostolic’ when referring to a church that was having a Thanksgiving donation drive for the homeless. Eventually he gave up and moved on to the next location on the donation drive list.
      One of the core responsibilities of an anchor is to read your script before the newscast, catch any errors, ask any clarifying questions, and ensure that you know how to pronounce uncommon words. Often, anchors will update their script to spell out the phonetic pronunciation of a word, so for example “App-us-tall-ic.” This is expected of all of them. I don’t care if you’re Lester Holt or Claudine Wong. And considering ktvu probably ran that same story through the entire day, by 10pm Frank should’ve known how to pronounce it, or if he knew he was going to struggle, give the read to Heather.
      It’s unprofessionalism at its finest.

  2. Malicoat doesn't fit to be the evening anchor, he sounds like a reporter from the South reporting country news. Please put someone else or solo reporter will be fine.

  3. I was waiting for blood to start pouring out of his eyes and then maybe start peeling his skin of his face, it was a disturbing site especially coming from a cheap hack like malicoat.

    1. "I'm Frank Somerville..... filling in for Frank Mallicoat"
      ....yes that can happen.

  4. I agree with everything that's been said in these comment about Frank. I'm sure he's a great guy and a delightful colleague, but he's simply in the wrong role. It happens in workplaces everywhere, people promoted into roles that they aren't qualified for. It's not meant to be a knock on Frank as he's just doing what he's told to do by his management, as most employees would. Rather, this is a failure on the part of KTVU news leadership, and all roads lead to Amber Eikel per usual.
    I'm sure if Frank Mallicoat was being completely honest he would tell you that this prime time thing isn't what he's built for, and that's ok as everyone has different strengths and skillsets that lend themselves to specific roles.

  5. Mallicoat is an absolute mess...always.

    Happy Thanksgiving Rich.

  6. Make him a sports reporter. When he has to ad lib it’s usually painful to watch but I’ve noticed that when the subject turns to sports he’s actually quite knowledgeable, unlike Dave Clark who three times in a newscast referred to Madison Bumgarner as “former Giants quarterback.”

  7. That was absolutely inexcusable.Give him the night off and have a reporter fill-in with Heather.

    1. Not only was that inexcusable but it was incredibly selfish. Pink eye is very contagious, and him going to work with that (if it was pink eye) could've infected others. Wish Frank had gotten a pink SLIP instead of pink eye.

  8. Frank Malicoat always looks constipated when he talks. He needs to go.

  9. That wasn't pink eye, it waz a ruptured blood vessel in his eye. It sometimes happens to older people. It happened to Joe Biden in the middle of a 2020 debate, and he kept going like nothing happened.

  10. Make Pam Cock and Dave Cluck prime time anchors. Julie Haener takes 300 days off annually so she won’t be missed. As far as Mallipoop, either show him the door or give him the 4am to 6am shift until his contract is up.

  11. Frank Mallicoat is awful as a newscaster, that fake voice and his numerous word bumbles make for an unwatchable news cast, put that disgusting red eye on top of it and I was out of there within seconds, that said he's probably a pretty good guy on his own time and I hope he gets that eye checked out.

  12. For a minute I thought the Terminator had taken over the KTVU newscast but no it was Malicoat’s crazy red eye. Why not wear some shades? I’m sure everyone watching was disturbed by that horrendous sight
